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Open World Duel option - Yay / Nay / Who cares ?


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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:


> We have so many higher priorities that I can't see us ever actually getting to this in the foreseeable future. Especially as we already have the means for players to create their own 1v1's via custom arenas.


Own 1v1 via custom arenas ? Are there any plans though for trying out unranked/ranked 1v1/2v2 though ? We know that there are two 2v2 maps currently in work, but is there a plan to actualy make them available outside of custom arena ?



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I do ranked, and my adapted my dueling build from there for PvE as well. As such, I personally wouldn't be afraid to accept a duel, but I fear it would change the nature of the game. Say what you will about the game catering to ultra casual carebears, but everything about open world PvE in this game is about "it's never a bad thing to see another player roll up", and that's pretty unique to a game of this scale. I think a dueling option (and the attitudes that come along with it) as antithetical to that unique spirit. There's enough attention-seeking idiocy going on in populated areas anyways, I for one do not look forward to adding yet another avenue for that.

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rightclick name -> duel

other player get's message (works like messaging; if offline/blocked it won't work)

message deny -> nothing happens

message accept - > other player becomes foe until downed / you become other players foe until downed (e.g. heropoints where you have to fight someone or costume brawl where you can only fight participants; it should be easily possible since it already works in costume brawl)


gear rules same as wvw - nothing to do here

rewards... rewards?? srsly? you guys want rewards for everything! i mean, if i want a special feature i care about the feature and not about possible rewards, geez


ad my answer: i don't love dueling but it won't hurt me if it gets implemented and i know many others would love it.


@"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" why making things so complicated and overruled? why not as simple as costume brawl? anywhere anytime. who cares about instances for this feature. would be much more fun if you can have a big audience by just starting to duel anywhere.


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  • 2 weeks later...

I dont understand why the game was named '' guild wars '' ? Where exactly is the war between guilds ? The most ppl that posting in this thread are just farmers that want to farm at peace. Yes the pve of gw2 is the best i have see in any mmo but the pvp of this game rly dont exist. Spvp is just a moba version 5 vs 5 and wvw is just another mode of farming , 2 or 3 zergs that running all around , spamming skills and farming keeps ,towers and points. I undestand that with this content at pve maps cannot add open pvp and if someone ask my opinion for gw2 i will say that is the paradise of farmer/pve player. I am a pvp oriented player and i have enjoy at maximun the pve content of gw2 and rly i believe that the pve part must stay as it is, But i need something more ''unique'' at pvp part (wvw) of this game .... maybe some REAL '' guild wars '' ?

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No No No and No ! I play all of the game types PvE, PvP , WvW , Fractals and to some degree Raids pushing this on to the regular PvE world where there is a Very Large number of players who want Nothing to do with either PvP or WvW would destroy the game for many of the players. I have played open world pvp games and to be honest I can't stand them because they breed a player base that is beyond toxic. I know players that all they play is WvW they barely touch PvE at all and for them PvP is garbage so again your not bringing them in either because when they want to duel they go and duel in particular area in WvW they don't even bother with PvP. This would be beyond a bad idea.

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So that "higher leveled" players can disturb the new players while farming and kill them with a whole group? No thanks, I've experienced this once in a game years ago where literally a group of level 40 players (it was the max level there) "farmed" low level players in usual farming areas where newer players usually farmed for stuff to level up their "mounts" and weapons. It was horrible there since the protection system forced you to pay huge amounts of "fame" newer players usually won't have at this time in order to be protected for one hour. Also one of the main reasons for the "clan" wars in this game.

Maybe some kind of system where you can invite others for a duel (and have the opportunity to block invites if someone should spam/harrass you) but not open PvP. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy WvW but I think it seems a little off if PvE suddenly becomes non PvE. WvW seems fine for such kind of content.

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It would be amazing, engaging, learning experience for new players, loads of fun, etc to be able to duel in open world, such as in Wow.


Leveling with a friend, then you decide to duel it out to test your skills!


And dueling hubs outside cities, allover the world, would be amazing! The entire gw2 world is so beautiful, imagine how cool it would be to start a duel out there and fight, would keep the game so fresh and awesome.


Plus it would be more content for certain players who really enjoy it etc.



Add a dueling system to gw2 please and thank you! Wet dream of mine! So many cool looking characters and amazing combat system fights all over the world... hurgh.

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I mean full on 1v1 duels. With a countdown and small area of dueling. Gw2 is way fresher than wow but we have to 1) go in to wvw and find a spot, 2) make our own count down using /bow emote (lul), and 3) hope a zero doesn't run over you during or somebody doesn't gank you.



The whole WORLD of Gw2 is so beautiful... let us duel in it!!

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This has been debated to death for 6 years;


- many, many, many pve players do not want to see it intrude into the open world. Open world is a coop zone and pvp has no place there at all

- the open world is not coded or set up for pvp. you can't just bung it in. It's a major piece of work to get it to happen for virtually no gain when pvp areas fully exist

- the devs have not ruled it out. one dev recently said it's something they'd personally be interested in, but the two above factors mean it seems pretty unlikely it will ever happen. It certainly isn't on any impending lists and those "to do" lists are pretty extensive so they tell us


For the record, I've played mmo's with open world duelling and with open world pvp in selected areas. It was a truly toxic environment and being able to toggle requests did nothing to alleviate it. Duelling in my opinion does not fit GW2 in the open world arena. There is no reason it can't exist in a corner of pvp or the lobby (although Guild Halls already provide a fully functional duelling Arena), but I will be happy never to see it have light of day in the open world. It just isn't needed.

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> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> This has been debated to death for 6 years;


> - many, many, many pve players do not want to see it intrude into the open world. Open world is a coop zone and pvp has no place there at all

> - the open world is not coded or set up for pvp. you can't just bung it in. It's a major piece of work to get it to happen for virtually no gain when pvp areas fully exist

> - the devs have not ruled it out. one dev recently said it's something they'd personally be interested in, but the two above factors mean it seems pretty unlikely it will ever happen. It certainly isn't on any impending lists and those "to do" lists are pretty extensive so they tell us


> For the record, I've played mmo's with open world duelling and with open world pvp in selected areas. It was a truly toxic environment and being able to toggle requests did nothing to alleviate it. Duelling in my opinion does not fit GW2 in the open world arena. There is no reason it can't exist in a corner of pvp or the lobby (although Guild Halls already provide a fully functional duelling Arena), but I will be happy never to see it have light of day in the open world. It just isn't needed.


This is pretty much everything that needs said, and just about everything here i agree with. and may i suggest to the moderators that this thread get merged with one of the other threads that exists for this topic?


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> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> This has been debated to death for 6 years;


> - many, many, many pve players do not want to see it intrude into the open world. Open world is a coop zone and pvp has no place there at all

> - the open world is not coded or set up for pvp. you can't just bung it in. It's a major piece of work to get it to happen for virtually no gain when pvp areas fully exist

> - the devs have not ruled it out. one dev recently said it's something they'd personally be interested in, but the two above factors mean it seems pretty unlikely it will ever happen. It certainly isn't on any impending lists and those "to do" lists are pretty extensive so they tell us


> For the record, I've played mmo's with open world duelling and with open world pvp in selected areas. It was a truly toxic environment and being able to toggle requests did nothing to alleviate it. Duelling in my opinion does not fit GW2 in the open world arena. There is no reason it can't exist in a corner of pvp or the lobby (although Guild Halls already provide a fully functional duelling Arena), but I will be happy never to see it have light of day in the open world. It just isn't needed.


I haven't tested this out myself yet (because i don't have friends who are up to date on the story so i can't test it out with them), but the suns refuge has an achievement that seemingly provides a pvp enabled arena, with a raid message overlay saying "[Character name] has entered the arena", so seemingly for all intents and purposes, that fills the gap for people who don't have access to guild halls with the arena too (a summonable instance where you can return to the open world where you last were), essentially. There's interesting tech enabled there which allows anyone inside the arena to see anyone else inside as an enemy, whereas anyone outside the arena is viewed as an ally. It's not a perfect solution but it's a very decent inclusion and could scratch the itch of players wanting to duel (assuming the inviting player has completed the achievement which is pretty easy if i recall).


EDIT: I for the record think that the inclusion of this more than makes up for a lack of dueling in open world. I'd personally only use it to duel my friends just for laughs etc. and nothing super serious, so once my friends get up to date with the story we'll have lots of opportunities for dueling each other. With this, there's no need for open world dueling imo.

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> @"castlemanic.3198" said:

> > @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > This has been debated to death for 6 years;

> >

> > - many, many, many pve players do not want to see it intrude into the open world. Open world is a coop zone and pvp has no place there at all

> > - the open world is not coded or set up for pvp. you can't just bung it in. It's a major piece of work to get it to happen for virtually no gain when pvp areas fully exist

> > - the devs have not ruled it out. one dev recently said it's something they'd personally be interested in, but the two above factors mean it seems pretty unlikely it will ever happen. It certainly isn't on any impending lists and those "to do" lists are pretty extensive so they tell us

> >

> > For the record, I've played mmo's with open world duelling and with open world pvp in selected areas. It was a truly toxic environment and being able to toggle requests did nothing to alleviate it. Duelling in my opinion does not fit GW2 in the open world arena. There is no reason it can't exist in a corner of pvp or the lobby (although Guild Halls already provide a fully functional duelling Arena), but I will be happy never to see it have light of day in the open world. It just isn't needed.


> I haven't tested this out myself yet (because i don't have friends who are up to date on the story so i can't test it out with them), but the suns refuge has an achievement that seemingly provides a pvp enabled arena, with a raid message overlay saying "[Character name] has entered the arena", so seemingly for all intents and purposes, that fills the gap for people who don't have access to guild halls with the arena too (a summonable instance where you can return to the open world where you last were), essentially. There's interesting tech enabled there which allows anyone inside the arena to see anyone else inside as an enemy, whereas anyone outside the arena is viewed as an ally. It's not a perfect solution but it's a very decent inclusion and could scratch the itch of players wanting to duel (assuming the inviting player has completed the achievement which is pretty easy if i recall).


> EDIT: I for the record think that the inclusion of this more than makes up for a lack of dueling in open world. I'd personally only use it to duel my friends just for laughs etc. and nothing super serious, so once my friends get up to date with the story we'll have lots of opportunities for dueling each other. With this, there's no need for open world dueling imo.


It would seem an adequate solution if it was possible I agree (I haven't fully finished suns refuge stuff yet)

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