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Realm Avenger - Can it be reduced?


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> @"Israel.7056" said:

> > @"Celsith.2753" said:

> > > @"Limodriver.4106" said:

> > > join a fight guild with a uesfull class instead of a ranger?

> >

> > 800k kills with most hours on thief then ranger. It's purely a 'how long do you play' achieve


> I'm inclined to think that it would take most rangers or thieves twice as long as you've played to get even half as many kills though. Most of them are complete trash.


So no different from most WvW players then (and by most I mean nearly all), because blobbing around in a 6 year old MMORPG playing low skilled, uncompetitve trash tier PvP is where all the good gamers are at.

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> @"zinkz.7045" said:

> > @"Israel.7056" said:

> > > @"Celsith.2753" said:

> > > > @"Limodriver.4106" said:

> > > > join a fight guild with a uesfull class instead of a ranger?

> > >

> > > 800k kills with most hours on thief then ranger. It's purely a 'how long do you play' achieve

> >

> > I'm inclined to think that it would take most rangers or thieves twice as long as you've played to get even half as many kills though. Most of them are complete trash.


> So no different from most WvW players then (and by most I mean nearly all), because blobbing around in a 6 year old MMORPG is where all the good gamers are at.


Interesting isn't it? So despite the meta being supposedly super simple at any given point and the game being extremely mechanically easy and full of gimmicks and cheese an overwhelming majority of players just get rolled for years and never get the title much less hit the 500k or 750k mark. If they can't get the kills in a game this easy maybe the problem isn't the game??? Food for thought team.



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75k kills over six years is about 35 kills a day.


Generally if you're playing during NA or EU primetime(whichever region you are), and you're on a fairly active map with zergs fighting and dying, and you're playing something that can tag things, you should be somewhere over 300 kills per day in two hours of zerging.


I'd actually support further ap/titles for 500k and 1 million kills in wvw, now that thousands of players already have 250k.

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> @"OrchusGhole.9846" said:

> Also funny because I've been in the meta game, which is the only reason I know how silly it is. Doesn't have anything to do with having a ranger toon, because meta excludes far more than just that class. But hey keep harassing people because they think this part of the game is lacking some serious polish, and here pretty soon you won't have any PUGs to roll over with your pirate ship meta blob. Then you'll just be 3 pirate ship meta blobs of the same 5 builds running circles around each other, unable to kill anyone unless they lag out of the blob into AoE instadeath, because there's certainly no skill or thought required to do what meta blobs do.


Keeo telling yourself that bud.


People have been saying this for six years now and guess what? Still lots of people to fight.


Will this game completely die eventually? I have no doubt. But there will always be a next game and there will always be a meta and it will always be exclusive and exclusionary at high enough levels of play. The cream always rises to the top so to speak.


You can spend the rest of your gaming years cutting off your nose to spite your face, playing non meta garbage and getting mad when no one wants to play with you or help you when you need help or you can accept that you just gotta do what you gotta do to compete and find a good guild and make some friends and win lots of fights and have lots of fun.


The choice is yours.

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I primarily roam (which I know people have a lot of ideas of what that means, but basically I look for fights without having more than 4 allies with me). Now after playing since launch I am sitting at 116k kills, despite only roaming for the vast majority of it.


I don't support bringing down the total for this achievement. However I would like anet to add in additional titles to each of their WvW achievements. Much like how AP titles work. If someone has 500k kills this should be an additional title. There should be tiers to these achievements, from yak slapper to ultimate dominator.


I think anet should be a bit more creative with their achievements for WvW as well. I personally would like titles based on number of times I've killed a certain class (ie necromancers Bane), similar to how LOTRO did their titles.


Decreasing the title amounts won't help bring people to WvW, but creating titles that extend past those that already exist and creating new ones will help give WvW players who already are committed to the game mode additional reasons to log on and not get burned out.

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> @"Israel.7056" said:

> > @"OrchusGhole.9846" said:

> > Also funny because I've been in the meta game, which is the only reason I know how silly it is. Doesn't have anything to do with having a ranger toon, because meta excludes far more than just that class. But hey keep harassing people because they think this part of the game is lacking some serious polish, and here pretty soon you won't have any PUGs to roll over with your pirate ship meta blob. Then you'll just be 3 pirate ship meta blobs of the same 5 builds running circles around each other, unable to kill anyone unless they lag out of the blob into AoE instadeath, because there's certainly no skill or thought required to do what meta blobs do.


> Keeo telling yourself that bud.


> People have been saying this for six years now and guess what? Still lots of people to fight.


> Will this game completely die eventually? I have no doubt. But there will always be a next game and there will always be a meta and it will always be exclusive and exclusionary at high enough levels of play. The cream always rises to the top so to speak.


> You can spend the rest of your gaming years cutting off your nose to spite your face, playing non meta garbage and getting mad when no one wants to play with you or help you when you need help or you can accept that you just gotta do what you gotta do to compete and find a good guild and make some friends and win lots of fights and have lots of fun.


> The choice is yours.


Yeah man, thanks for the life advice Captain Obvious, that's exactly what I've been saying, which is what you can't seem to grasp for some reason. I never said I was going to continue playing a trash build and be a farming node to the meta for years, in this or any other game, I simply said I don't find rolling with the meta interesting or engaging or fun. Make sense? You act as though everyone is so stupid they don't realize they're getting shafted by playing non-meta, but most people are smarter than that or simply don't care. I quit years ago because rolling with the meta is boring in my opinion, and requires far less skill and cooperation than large scale PvP games from over a decade ago. I don't find anything challenging about it. I prefer to be challenged in games, and don't like gameplay that requires very little thought and effort. I just came back a couple weeks ago, and while I enjoy medium scale fights between PUGs, they get rolled over by meta blobs 90% of the time, so what's the point? Anet acknowledged years ago that WvW wasn't working as they had envisioned, and I'm surprised to find out they haven't corrected the problem with the game engine that caused the meta-blob phenomenon to begin with. After 5 years I guess it's going to stay like it is, so I'll either play meta again for a while, or like most people I know I'll just quit to play something better designed and leave you guys to blobbing around.

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> @"OrchusGhole.9846" said:

> Yeah man, thanks for the life advice Captain Obvious, that's exactly what I've been saying, which is what you can't seem to grasp for some reason. I never said I was going to continue playing a trash build and be a farming node to the meta for years, in this or any other game, I simply said I don't find rolling with the meta interesting or engaging or fun. Make sense? You act as though everyone is so stupid they don't realize they're getting shafted by playing non-meta, but most people are smarter than that or simply don't care. I quit years ago because rolling with the meta is boring in my opinion, and requires far less skill and cooperation than large scale PvP games from over a decade ago. I don't find anything challenging about it. I prefer to be challenged in games, and don't like gameplay that requires very little thought and effort. I just came back a couple weeks ago, and while I enjoy medium scale fights between PUGs, they get rolled over by meta blobs 90% of the time, so what's the point? Anet acknowledged years ago that WvW wasn't working as they had envisioned, and I'm surprised to find out they haven't corrected the problem with the game engine that caused the meta-blob phenomenon to begin with. After 5 years I guess it's going to stay like it is, so I'll either play meta again for a while, or like most people I know I'll just quit to play something better designed and leave you guys to blobbing around.


K good riddance.


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> @"Israel.7056" said:

> > @"OrchusGhole.9846" said:

> > Yeah man, thanks for the life advice Captain Obvious, that's exactly what I've been saying, which is what you can't seem to grasp for some reason. I never said I was going to continue playing a trash build and be a farming node to the meta for years, in this or any other game, I simply said I don't find rolling with the meta interesting or engaging or fun. Make sense? You act as though everyone is so stupid they don't realize they're getting shafted by playing non-meta, but most people are smarter than that or simply don't care. I quit years ago because rolling with the meta is boring in my opinion, and requires far less skill and cooperation than large scale PvP games from over a decade ago. I don't find anything challenging about it. I prefer to be challenged in games, and don't like gameplay that requires very little thought and effort. I just came back a couple weeks ago, and while I enjoy medium scale fights between PUGs, they get rolled over by meta blobs 90% of the time, so what's the point? Anet acknowledged years ago that WvW wasn't working as they had envisioned, and I'm surprised to find out they haven't corrected the problem with the game engine that caused the meta-blob phenomenon to begin with. After 5 years I guess it's going to stay like it is, so I'll either play meta again for a while, or like most people I know I'll just quit to play something better designed and leave you guys to blobbing around.


> K good riddance.



Haha ok sociopath. Take care.

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As an Ele I get about 250-500 kills on an evening, IF there are good zergs of ours around AND enough enemies who don't just leave after the first loss. An evening would be around 3 hours I'd say. That means one whole evening after work spend playing WvW in GW2. That is also "normal WvW" play, as in, not constant zerg vs zerg, because that's how normal _non-Vabbi_ servers work.


On average the daily kills are much lower though, as it depends a lot on the server our server is linked to and even more on the enemy servers. ... and of course on the commanders ... and other players ... and and and.

But even if it was 250 kills per day, it would still take 1000 days to finish this achievement. One thousand days. Almost _three years_. At least 2 hours (probably more), every evening.


Now, do I think this achievement is crazy for someone who does not have all day, who works or has a life, who maybe has a hobby, family, pets, needs to sleep or eat occasionally or shower more than once a month or such _weird_ things - or who at least is not on a server with full activity around the clock? Yeah, kind of.

Does it bother me? Not really. I've probably grown out of the age where achievements matter to me that much anymore. They did back in WoW, 8 years ago, but nowadays...


I still think it's insane though.

But other WvW achievements are also a bit crazy.


And actually what does bother me by far more and to an infinitely greater amount is how ungodly and painfully **slow ranking up** is. When you spend that time in WvW on daily basis and still only just got past Rank 800, because hey, not every server is active when you play, ... it does raise the question whether this is still fun or just a grind.

You complain about achievements, but the ranking is much, much worse, because you actually need those ranks to play on par with others with all the world abilities you have to unlock. :|

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> @"Klipso.8653" said:

> Support guard for 6 years most of which in WvW, you get low kills, low WXP, which means near impossible to reach and forever to rank up.


> If you want this achieve, you can't get it on support classes. Play a necro and tag everything


loool guard, for the most years, was one of the biggest lootmachines in wvw, staff on guard wasnt called lootstick without a reason. how long are you playing this game? haha

im sitting at around 110-120k kills with mainly warrior, go play that and feel how it is to be pure melee with not a single ranged attack (throwing your weapons once or twice doesnt count)

if i played that time with necro or maybe even guard id probably already have the achievement or would be atleast very close to it

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I don't want the title changed at all, leave it where it is. We know the ones that gamed it in OS, and those that used the lootstick (back when guard was the best looter toon). I remember comparing notes with a guard in the same team after we had been going for a couple hours- he'd gained a lot more (and I mean like 3+ times more) loot, wexp, etc than my staff support ele managed.


It's just a measure of how many you tagged- says nothing about your actual skill level or if you're any good at all.


If anything, it measures how much of a no life you have, as it's mainly a function of time and tier and blobbyness.

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> @"HazyDaisy.4107" said:

> 6 years here as well, sitting at 50 something Thousand. I was almost done with the full yak scorter and slapper chieve's when they were lowered and now I only have this chieve and the 2 SMC chieve's left (too bad I dislike ebg), still I know I'll get those 2 SMCS done and likely retire with this one still sitting on the table.


the one based on defense is "farmable", just go to server that likes that smc, and fight roamers around or repair walls, repair wall count to defense of castle.

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Rangers wanting UD's requirement lowered because you can only insta 1 person with soulbeast burst?


I spent my time playing single-target focus guardian, and more recently, roaming rev. If you want to lower the requirement and diminish the achievement that other people have accomplished, you're going to be sorely disappointed.

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> @"Klipso.8653" said:

> Support guard for 6 years most of which in WvW, you get low kills, low WXP, which means near impossible to reach and forever to rank up.


> If you want this achieve, you can't get it on support classes. Play a necro and tag everything


Nobody told you about the lootstick?

How many hours on guardian don't know bout lootstick

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But why would you wanted even easier? 250K is a good number if you need the achievement get an scourge and farm bags like a champion. The E-Spec is based in facetank damage while doing as much dps as possible abusing from the rally mechanic. No hidden secrets or pro tactics there.


Otherwise play what you want and the achievement will come... Eventually. It's just a title with no use for WvW.


Obviously ranger or thief will take much longer because the lack of AoEs to do splash damage or sustain to stay on command but hey, that's your choice because you like a class which has no opportunity to be useful in squads.

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> @"Victory.2879" said:

> I don't want the title changed at all, leave it where it is. We know the ones that gamed it in OS, and those that used the lootstick (back when guard was the best looter toon). I remember comparing notes with a guard in the same team after we had been going for a couple hours- he'd gained a lot more (and I mean like 3+ times more) loot, wexp, etc than my staff support ele managed.


> It's just a measure of how many you tagged- says nothing about your actual skill level or if you're any good at all.


> If anything, it measures how much of a no life you have, as it's mainly a function of time and tier and blobbyness.


I mean the guys who have the most tags had to have also won a lot of fights to get all those tags even if they were on necros or guards. Tw for instance was farming bg na for thousands of kills a night for years so those guys got the title fast. So in my experience it's at the very least an indicator of experience and I'll take experience over mechanically skilled any day in this game. Wvw is about staying calm and working as a team and I've yet to meet someone with ud who couldn't do that pretty well.

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