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Deadeye needs to be nerfed.


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I love GW2 and I don't want any classes and their elites to overperform or underperform. I like things to be reasonably balanced as much as possible.

That being said, I noticed a lot of people display hatred toward thief especially its elite spec DE. There are MANY OP CLASSES/BUILDS throughout all game modes out there but some reason people pick up pitchfork against DE.

I do know there is a gimmick DE build that oneshot glass cannon class out of nowhere which is obnoxious to deal with.

But that is how Anet designed the DE. STEALTHY SNIPER!!

Yes that is very bad bad design in PvP and WvW.

I don't know what was Anet thinking at that time. How are you going to balance that without making it either OP or garbage?


Thief is a worst duelist. Can't hold or contest a node. Not much group support. Not wanted in WvW zerg. Don't have much of AoE spam like most others do. Mobility and Stealth are all thief got.

Thief is somewhat forced to play what is considered “annoying” “cancerous” playstyle because otherwise it gets outperformed by other classes.

Also due to its unique initiative resource system, can’t just swap weapons and use skills off CD but rather pick the most damaging skills and spam those skills, making DPS rotation braindead.


Expectation of thief in PvP are things like +1.

Just being a sidekick.

Not sure why people seem to okay with that.


I want all classes/elite specs to be able to pull its own weight. Not just being a side kick. I hate DE run a cancerous gimmick build that has no counter and pick on glass cannon builds in WvW.

To fix this we don't need DE nerf. Anet needs to work the whole thief class as well as DE.


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> @"Kicast.1459" said:

> > @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

> > > @"Kicast.1459" said:

> > > 21k on 1 shot yesterday on my Guardian.

> > > My shield was blocking nothing.

> > > I got consistently kitten in 2 sec max.(like the video above)

> > > Finding Los in 2sec is not always feasible...

> > > As soon as I got the mark I pulled my f3 to reflect...was dead before...this of course from full life bar.

> > > I need to l2p...and anet needs to slaughter this profession.?

> >

> > im sure you have no problem splashing into a group on core and 1 shotting 4-5 folks though..all good and well, nothing to see here


> Did some thief have a secret build doing 24 k one shot with guards or is this just false assumptions of some player wanting their toy kept safe from the inevitable major nerf ? (thieves business as usual)


oh noes, not the DE nerf. No, please gawd noooooo!


Those guards are not just legends, some have told they have yet been seen:








I played some DE last season, but it wasn't for me. They can do whatever they want, though I am sure the sniper lovers will miss it. I am on team thief. Also, I rarely die to them even as core thief in SPvP.


I don't speak for WvW

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> @"Horan.7013" said:

> I love GW2 and I don't want any classes and their elites to overperform or underperform. I like things to be reasonably balanced as much as possible.

> That being said, I noticed a lot of people display hatred toward thief especially its elite spec DE. There are MANY OP CLASSES/BUILDS throughout all game modes out there but some reason people pick up pitchfork against DE.

> I do know there is a gimmick DE build that oneshot glass cannon class out of nowhere which is obnoxious to deal with.

> But that is how Anet designed the DE. STEALTHY SNIPER!!

> Yes that is very bad bad design in PvP and WvW.

> I don't know what was Anet thinking at that time. How are you going to balance that without making it either OP or garbage?


> Thief is a worst duelist. Can't hold or contest a node. Not much group support. Not wanted in WvW zerg. Don't have much of AoE spam like most others do. Mobility and Stealth are all thief got.

> Thief is somewhat forced to play what is considered “annoying” “cancerous” playstyle because otherwise it gets outperformed by other classes.

> Also due to its unique initiative resource system, can’t just swap weapons and use skills off CD but rather pick the most damaging skills and spam those skills, making DPS rotation braindead.


> Expectation of thief in PvP are things like +1.

> Just being a sidekick.

> Not sure why people seem to okay with that.


> I want all classes/elite specs to be able to pull its own weight. Not just being a side kick. I hate DE run a cancerous gimmick build that has no counter and pick on glass cannon builds in WvW.

> To fix this we don't need DE nerf. Anet needs to work the whole thief class as well as DE.



De os all class and builds...and not glass cannon only

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> @"Horan.7013" said:

> I love GW2 and I don't want any classes and their elites to overperform or underperform. I like things to be reasonably balanced as much as possible.

> That being said, I noticed a lot of people display hatred toward thief especially its elite spec DE. There are MANY OP CLASSES/BUILDS throughout all game modes out there but some reason people pick up pitchfork against DE.

> I do know there is a gimmick DE build that oneshot glass cannon class out of nowhere which is obnoxious to deal with.

> But that is how Anet designed the DE. STEALTHY SNIPER!!

> Yes that is very bad bad design in PvP and WvW.

> I don't know what was Anet thinking at that time. How are you going to balance that without making it either OP or garbage?


> Thief is a worst duelist. Can't hold or contest a node. Not much group support. Not wanted in WvW zerg. Don't have much of AoE spam like most others do. Mobility and Stealth are all thief got.

> Thief is somewhat forced to play what is considered “annoying” “cancerous” playstyle because otherwise it gets outperformed by other classes.

> Also due to its unique initiative resource system, can’t just swap weapons and use skills off CD but rather pick the most damaging skills and spam those skills, making DPS rotation braindead.


> Expectation of thief in PvP are things like +1.

> Just being a sidekick.

> Not sure why people seem to okay with that.


> I want all classes/elite specs to be able to pull its own weight. Not just being a side kick. I hate DE run a cancerous gimmick build that has no counter and pick on glass cannon builds in WvW.

> To fix this we don't need DE nerf. Anet needs to work the whole thief class as well as DE.



Majority of players are really not looking for fair competition, they will ask for nerfs on others and buff for their mains....if you lose to them is always L2P issue

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People complaining about necro that it has no tells (shades).

But that didn't do anywhere near the dmg, that thief can do without any true tell.

Necro you could see, and he placed a big red circle on the ground.


This is definetly way to op:


I mean I don't like loosing. And I'm playing maybe the worst 1v1class in the game (necro). And if there's a good thief, that can kite me properly and then kills me, okay.

But onehit from stealth is just ridiculous



Sure this is wvw. And i saw some deadeyes in PvP lately, but they didn't hit anywhere near that, but still. Wtf

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> @"Nimon.7840" said:

> People complaining about necro that it has no tells (shades).

> But that didn't do anywhere near the dmg, that thief can do without any true tell.

> Necro you could see, and he placed a big red circle on the ground.


> This is definetly way to op:



> I mean I don't like loosing. And I'm playing maybe the worst 1v1class in the game (necro). And if there's a good thief, that can kite me properly and then kills me, okay.

> But onehit from stealth is just ridiculous



> Sure this is wvw. And i saw some deadeyes in PvP lately, but they didn't hit anywhere near that, but still. kitten


I took a 21k in pvp on death judgement..with very regular 13 k as well during same match

In pvp..no www

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Oh that was a wvw video...

Ok for wvw its easy to nerf him: take more defence, ofc he oneshott marauder/berserks.... With soldier/ valkure or other combinations (and pls not again 90% only one armor set) most classes should survive.


We got finally a build that forces most players to play bether and ofc it should be nerfed first.


Now to pvp:... You cant backstab most players without stacking malice to oneshott -> he has to *mark you and to hit with his rifle more then ones* bevore get oneshotted by backstab. Oneshotted by rifle? Well take your sounds on an learn the sound of his rifle. Cause 3+2 will only kill you if you just stay there and just eat all dmg(but then all classes could oneshott you too even without Amulett).


How unbalanced something is, depends on the players. So if you don't want to learn how to beat the new situation you missed the goal of a competition.


Get out of your rabbit if you want to be a dragon ;)

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> @"spartan.9421" said:

> > @"Master Ketsu.4569" said:

> > Deadeye is more or less an example of how something doesn't need to be OP to be bad for the game.

> >

> > Is it unbeatable? No. In fact it often sucks against organized teams.

> >

> > But in WvW it's absolute cancer to play against. Perma stealth on a long ranged assassin is just something that doesn't need to exist.

> >

> > It shouldn't be nerfed, but it should be reworked.


> It was reworked. Anet changed the way malice builds because people complained daily about deadeye because deadeye did exactly what it was designed to do. And, instead of learning to play the class and learning how to counter it people just took to the forums and cried for nerfs, just like they are now.


Incorrect reworks don't mean much.


Giving DE permanent stealth was not the absolute #1 stupidest possible thing they could have done to balance the class, but it's definitely a top contender.


IMO DE was actually better designed pre-rework in many ways.

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> @"Nimon.7840" said:

> ...

> I mean I don't like loosing. And I'm playing maybe the worst 1v1class in the game (necro). And if there's a good thief, that can kite me properly and then kills me, okay.

> But onehit from stealth is just ridiculous


Full Berserker's + Scholar runes + infusions(+5 power) + force/night + food and I never got a 1-shot on a necro that's not running full berserker's (my best hit was ~19k on a reaper). And in the video the thief hardly hits for more that 17k which is the average number I also see on BS with 1 Malice.


Edit: With both signets: Assassin's and Shadows...

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> @"syszery.1592" said:

> > @"Nimon.7840" said:

> > ...

> > I mean I don't like loosing. And I'm playing maybe the worst 1v1class in the game (necro). And if there's a good thief, that can kite me properly and then kills me, okay.

> > But onehit from stealth is just ridiculous


> Full Berserker's + Scholar runes + infusions(+5 power) + force/night + food and I never got a 1-shot on a necro that's not running full berserker's (my best hit was ~19k on a reaper). And in the video the thief hardly hits for more that 17k which is the average number I also see on BS with 1 Malice.


> Edit: With both signets: Assassin's and Shadows...


Even then. It's still way too op.

One hit without counterplay available doing on average 19k is ridiculous

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> @"Nimon.7840" said:

> > @"syszery.1592" said:

> > > @"Nimon.7840" said:

> > > ...

> > > I mean I don't like loosing. And I'm playing maybe the worst 1v1class in the game (necro). And if there's a good thief, that can kite me properly and then kills me, okay.

> > > But onehit from stealth is just ridiculous

> >

> > Full Berserker's + Scholar runes + infusions(+5 power) + force/night + food and I never got a 1-shot on a necro that's not running full berserker's (my best hit was ~19k on a reaper). And in the video the thief hardly hits for more that 17k which is the average number I also see on BS with 1 Malice.

> >

> > Edit: With both signets: Assassin's and Shadows...


> Even then. It's still way too op.

> One hit without counterplay available doing on average 19k is ridiculous


considering he is talking WvW its pretty stupid to even open with a backstab in most cases as a majority of players will survive it and if it is just because the awesome rng durability proc applying the protection before damage. but you need to get out of there rather quick after that backstab, therefor you lack followup pressure. so the only moment its actually worth using is when your target is alone on open field and your very sure it will down them. in any other case its better to open with a rifle as you will both be safer and can followup. with multiple targets around (as its mostly the case) a rifle will usually split the groups attention to 2 positions: your position and your target. you need this to secure the kill.

oh and factoring in the playerskill you face there, you can do a very slow combo of mark -> binding shadows -> assassins signet-> skirmishers shot -> DJ and against most all 3 hits will land, against a glassy necro it can be something around 30-35k dmg, thats alot more likely to get you a kill than a 17k backstab and then get out of that soul spiral.


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> @"Master Ketsu.4569" said:

> > @"spartan.9421" said:

> > > @"Master Ketsu.4569" said:

> > > Deadeye is more or less an example of how something doesn't need to be OP to be bad for the game.

> > >

> > > Is it unbeatable? No. In fact it often sucks against organized teams.

> > >

> > > But in WvW it's absolute cancer to play against. Perma stealth on a long ranged assassin is just something that doesn't need to exist.

> > >

> > > It shouldn't be nerfed, but it should be reworked.

> >

> > It was reworked. Anet changed the way malice builds because people complained daily about deadeye because deadeye did exactly what it was designed to do. And, instead of learning to play the class and learning how to counter it people just took to the forums and cried for nerfs, just like they are now.


> Incorrect reworks don't mean much.


> Giving DE permanent stealth was not the absolute #1 stupidest possible thing they could have done to balance the class, but it's definitely a top contender.


> IMO DE was actually better designed pre-rework in many ways.


Anet didn't give DE permanent stealth, thief already had permanent stealth long before deadeye came out. What stealth does DE get other than stealth on dodge? (A stealth that has a ICD if you aren't kneeling, mind you.)

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> @"spartan.9421" said:

> > @"Master Ketsu.4569" said:

> > > @"spartan.9421" said:

> > > > @"Master Ketsu.4569" said:

> > > > Deadeye is more or less an example of how something doesn't need to be OP to be bad for the game.

> > > >

> > > > Is it unbeatable? No. In fact it often sucks against organized teams.

> > > >

> > > > But in WvW it's absolute cancer to play against. Perma stealth on a long ranged assassin is just something that doesn't need to exist.

> > > >

> > > > It shouldn't be nerfed, but it should be reworked.

> > >

> > > It was reworked. Anet changed the way malice builds because people complained daily about deadeye because deadeye did exactly what it was designed to do. And, instead of learning to play the class and learning how to counter it people just took to the forums and cried for nerfs, just like they are now.

> >

> > Incorrect reworks don't mean much.

> >

> > Giving DE permanent stealth was not the absolute #1 stupidest possible thing they could have done to balance the class, but it's definitely a top contender.

> >

> > IMO DE was actually better designed pre-rework in many ways.


> Anet didn't give DE permanent stealth, thief already had permanent stealth long before deadeye came out. What stealth does DE get other than stealth on dodge? (A stealth that has a ICD if you aren't kneeling, mind you.)


it has no ICD, that was removed for more fluid gameplay. to remove clunkiness. and it worked, more people play deadeye since then.

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> @"MUDse.7623" said:

> > @"spartan.9421" said:

> > > @"Master Ketsu.4569" said:

> > > > @"spartan.9421" said:

> > > > > @"Master Ketsu.4569" said:

> > > > > Deadeye is more or less an example of how something doesn't need to be OP to be bad for the game.

> > > > >

> > > > > Is it unbeatable? No. In fact it often sucks against organized teams.

> > > > >

> > > > > But in WvW it's absolute cancer to play against. Perma stealth on a long ranged assassin is just something that doesn't need to exist.

> > > > >

> > > > > It shouldn't be nerfed, but it should be reworked.

> > > >

> > > > It was reworked. Anet changed the way malice builds because people complained daily about deadeye because deadeye did exactly what it was designed to do. And, instead of learning to play the class and learning how to counter it people just took to the forums and cried for nerfs, just like they are now.

> > >

> > > Incorrect reworks don't mean much.

> > >

> > > Giving DE permanent stealth was not the absolute #1 stupidest possible thing they could have done to balance the class, but it's definitely a top contender.

> > >

> > > IMO DE was actually better designed pre-rework in many ways.

> >

> > Anet didn't give DE permanent stealth, thief already had permanent stealth long before deadeye came out. What stealth does DE get other than stealth on dodge? (A stealth that has a ICD if you aren't kneeling, mind you.)


> it has no ICD, that was removed for more fluid gameplay. to remove clunkiness. and it worked, more people play deadeye since then.


Ah, you're right. My bad. Still, they have permanent stealth without DE.

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> @"spartan.9421" said:

> > @"MUDse.7623" said:

> > > @"spartan.9421" said:

> > > > @"Master Ketsu.4569" said:

> > > > > @"spartan.9421" said:

> > > > > > @"Master Ketsu.4569" said:

> > > > > > Deadeye is more or less an example of how something doesn't need to be OP to be bad for the game.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Is it unbeatable? No. In fact it often sucks against organized teams.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > But in WvW it's absolute cancer to play against. Perma stealth on a long ranged assassin is just something that doesn't need to exist.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > It shouldn't be nerfed, but it should be reworked.

> > > > >

> > > > > It was reworked. Anet changed the way malice builds because people complained daily about deadeye because deadeye did exactly what it was designed to do. And, instead of learning to play the class and learning how to counter it people just took to the forums and cried for nerfs, just like they are now.

> > > >

> > > > Incorrect reworks don't mean much.

> > > >

> > > > Giving DE permanent stealth was not the absolute #1 stupidest possible thing they could have done to balance the class, but it's definitely a top contender.

> > > >

> > > > IMO DE was actually better designed pre-rework in many ways.

> > >

> > > Anet didn't give DE permanent stealth, thief already had permanent stealth long before deadeye came out. What stealth does DE get other than stealth on dodge? (A stealth that has a ICD if you aren't kneeling, mind you.)

> >

> > it has no ICD, that was removed for more fluid gameplay. to remove clunkiness. and it worked, more people play deadeye since then.


> Ah, you're right. My bad. Still, they have permanent stealth without DE.


correct what BOTH! elite specs add however is an option to trade endurance for stealth. this resource can not be used by core thief to gain stealth. when playing with alot of stealth the setup usually is worth more than an evade after the ambush. so being able to trade a defensive resource for stealth both daredevil and deadeye have way superior ambush potential than a core thief.

(obviously in spvp one doesnt need that ambush potential as the targets are usually distracted by a team mate)

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Dodging itself is an ICD to the trait, because of 5 (10 with vigor) endurance regeneration rate. The rifle itself has no way of endurance regeneration, so the silent scope is 30% (60%) stealth uptime only with dodges.


When you figure out that daredevil with bounding dodger can land 12+2k(13.5k+3k if berserker) instant unblockable combo from stealth+1200 range with no tell you'll probably will not consider deadeye OP with all its tells and tools (deadeye mark visual+SFX, DJ visual+SFX)

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As a deadeye player,I've had some ideas, i still think that the class should had some changes for a better gameplay. Deadeye shold be a skill class, hard to use but when you know how, can be really stronger. Here some thoughts:


> Kneeling focus on precision shots, that mean more damage and less action,like snipers do,making every shots counting

- The skills on kneeling shold cost more action points, this way people will thing before act and we will see more people chosing Trickery builds (for more action points)

- The Double Tap skill should be on kneeling, for the precision effect, 2-round burts is more easy to land than 3-round. (still doing more damage that Three-Round-Burst)

- A good idea will be if Death Julgment force action-camera, that being hard to land will encourage training and skill play (a trait could guive at least as a option).


> Free-action focus on less damage, more mobility and shooting faster, like a DMR sniper or assalt soldier( I think that rifle warrior may fit in this role)

- The skill should cost less action points.

- Cantrip skill should do more damage in free action, encouraging people to play in free-action too (new builds can come up)

- The dodge-roll invisibility should active only in free-action to encourage skill play.


Please, i will like some comments, feel free to criticise.

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> @"pureskullz.7536" said:

> @"Tiah.3091"

> Pretty much, it doesn't take much time to figure it out either and very easy to kill people with it the most I've pulled a 67 kill game and 2 deaths a few months ago in a spvp match thief already has a dmg lost in spvp so gives you an idea. kitten broke period


Don't sPvP matches only last like, 10 minutes? So you got a kill every 10 seconds? Sure buddy.

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> @"sorudo.9054" said:

> > @"Eekasqueak.7850" said:

> > > @"sorudo.9054" said:

> > > and in PvE it's highly nerved to the ground and needs to get back like it was at deadeye's launch.

> >

> > It's one of the top single target DPS classes in PvE though.


> also the top immobile and lack lusting class in PvE, but let's ignore that.


It's called balance. You can't have everything all at once. That would be OP.

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> @"Umadusa.5874" said:

> > @"sorudo.9054" said:

> > > @"Eekasqueak.7850" said:

> > > > @"sorudo.9054" said:

> > > > and in PvE it's highly nerved to the ground and needs to get back like it was at deadeye's launch.

> > >

> > > It's one of the top single target DPS classes in PvE though.

> >

> > also the top immobile and lack lusting class in PvE, but let's ignore that.


> It's called balance. You can't have everything all at once. That would be OP.


Tell that to Mesmer.

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> @"Turk.5460" said:

> > @"pureskullz.7536" said:

> > @"Tiah.3091"

> > Pretty much, it doesn't take much time to figure it out either and very easy to kill people with it the most I've pulled a 67 kill game and 2 deaths a few months ago in a spvp match thief already has a dmg lost in spvp so gives you an idea. kitten broke period


> Don't sPvP matches only last like, 10 minutes? So you got a kill every 10 seconds? Sure buddy.


check again m8 it went to full timer

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> @"pureskullz.7536" said:

> > @"Turk.5460" said:

> > > @"pureskullz.7536" said:

> > > @"Tiah.3091"

> > > Pretty much, it doesn't take much time to figure it out either and very easy to kill people with it the most I've pulled a 67 kill game and 2 deaths a few months ago in a spvp match thief already has a dmg lost in spvp so gives you an idea. kitten broke period

> >

> > Don't sPvP matches only last like, 10 minutes? So you got a kill every 10 seconds? Sure buddy.


> check again m8 it went to full timer


That's still a kill every 22s. You must have been playing lemmings :P

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