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Legacy story step gripe


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So I just ran through the Legacy story mission on my WvW Guardian and for the life of me I could not pull agro off of Braham. He was just spammed with fear the entire time because I couldn't get any agro... to reiterate, I was on a character with 2,366 toughness and I could not pull agro.


I don't know what kind of gear Braham is using, but we are gonna have more problems than his haircut if he's running more toughness than me.


This was never an issue on my glass reaper.

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> @"Klipso.8653" said:

> > @"Biff.5312" said:

> > Why is that a problem? Wasn't he meant to essentially 'tank' for you in that segment?


> He was supposed to burn webs while we dealt with spiders


Ah - I don't recall. I didn't really have any problems though, and didn't worry about Braham. I just killed the eggs and then focused on the spider.

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> @"Klipso.8653" said:

> So I just ran through the Legacy story mission on my WvW Guardian and for the life of me I could not pull agro off of Braham. He was just spammed with fear the entire time because I couldn't get any agro... to reiterate, I was on a character with 2,366 toughness and I could not pull agro.


Uhm... you get a **special skill** (right above the 1-5 skills' bar) that you need to use to encourage him so he will lose his fear. Use it, maybe? ;)

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > @"Klipso.8653" said:

> > So I just ran through the Legacy story mission on my WvW Guardian and for the life of me I could not pull agro off of Braham. He was just spammed with fear the entire time because I couldn't get any agro... to reiterate, I was on a character with 2,366 toughness and I could not pull agro.


> Uhm... you get a **special skill** (right above the 1-5 skills' bar) that you need to use to encourage him so he will lose his fear. Use it, maybe? ;)


Yeah I know, but it was almost immediate re-application. Maybe just bad RNG?

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > @"Klipso.8653" said:

> > Yeah I know, but it was almost immediate re-application. Maybe just bad RNG?


> Most people use a shortcut for the special skill. Mine is "E". I had no trouble to re-apply it immediately if necessary, but usually he doesn't fear again right away unless you can't kill the spiders quickly.


I use V for mine. And probably since I crit for 8 damage on that character

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With that much toughness you're unlikely to do a high amount of damage, so maybe you couldn't kill the spiders quick enough. Anyway, you just have to spam that special action key. Using it once is not enough. I had no problems with it either. Finished the fight within the time limit for the achievement to make Braham look good (on a full Viper's character).

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> @"Tanner Blackfeather.6509" said:

> Also remember, GW2 does **not** have a unified threat mechanic. Only *some* mobs aggro based on Toughness, so maybe these spiders don't.


I believe that *most* mobs don't aggro on Toughness. I certainly had the impression that it was mostly Raid bosses that did that, and not even all of them. However, most ordinary mobs will aggro on *damage*. And of course dead spiders aren't at all scary.

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> @"Steve The Cynic.3217" said:

> > @"Tanner Blackfeather.6509" said:

> > Also remember, GW2 does **not** have a unified threat mechanic. Only *some* mobs aggro based on Toughness, so maybe these spiders don't.


> I believe that *most* mobs don't aggro on Toughness. I certainly had the impression that it was mostly Raid bosses that did that, and not even all of them. However, most ordinary mobs will aggro on *damage*. And of course dead spiders aren't at all scary.


I don't think it's ever been confirmed but there seem to be a few different ways enemies 'pick' targets. Some will go for the character with the highest toughness, others for the one doing the most damage, or for the closest character, or it could be a combination of factors. I usually play on a character with 1,000-2,000 toughness (depending on the character), which is relatively high compared to most people and I definitely notice some enemies who go straight for me and will not leave me alone (I've literally been able to lead a champion in circles, through crowds of players doing more damage), but others will seem to completely ignore me no matter what I do and some don't seem to care and will attack anyone, or keep switching between targets.


I'm not sure what the priority is for these spiders. Considering they're in a story instance where your job is to keep them off Braham it's even possible they have special programming where they'll go for him over you.


But as other people said it doesn't really matter because it's more effective to use the special action skill whenever it comes up to remove his fear and then focus on killing the spiders as quickly as you can. High damage is more important than defence, and AoE is especially useful because individual spiders aren't that tough, but there's a lot of them.

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> @"starlinvf.1358" said:

> > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > Summary: Most WvW gear is pretty useless in PvE, with the exception of Marauder's that some roaming builds use. ;)


> My WvW gear is Zerkers..... but doesn't feel useless in PvE.


Alright, Zerkers, another roaming gear. I was talking about WvW squad gear. No one wears Berserker's in a well equipped, well balanced squad.


And of course Berserker's isn't useless in PvE :s as it is the main power build stat combo.

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