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How is the Star to Guide us? (without spoilers)

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Hey guys. So I wanted to ask the community what they think of this new episode without any spoilers. I'm talking about the story mainly. Does it start off slow? Did you like it? That sorta stuff. I am thinking of playing it but also thinking maybe I should wait until the season story is complete so I can go all out since from what I seen from the trailer it looks like a whole new beginning or a brand new story arc completely but I don't know.


Is it a new story arc completely?

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It's not a new arc no, it continues completely from the main arc which has been building from the end of HoT, through ls3, through PoF and into ep1 and 3 of this season.


It's a fairly fast pace throughout. I would suggest following it if you can or you will be hit by spoilers long before the end of the final episode.

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I love this episode. The story is well paced and I feel like were getting back on track. I also liked that we basically just get right to it? Like .... there is always chatter between the Commander and the NPC's to start but it doesnt take forever to get to the meat of it ( Well done Anet!)


I will say this is my favorite map of the 4th season. I described it to a guildie as "Expansion Worthy" with all it contains, both in story and running around for meta's and completion. Just dive right in, you'll be glad you did!

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> @"DreamyAbaddon.3265" said:

> Ah okay! I wonder if this means Season 4 will be ending the main PoF story arc and Season 5 will be starting a new story arc that will lead to next expansion. All right I will play it and see where it goes.


Likely, although it will still all flow. The consequences of this season will follow into s5 since it is clear the underlying narrative is going to carry through everything. We appear to be ramping up though which suggests we are about to hit enough of a tying up that season 5 will still at least feel like a new arc.


That is my guess anyway

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A more mature review without fanboy-preoccupation: It's okay, imo too childish sometimes and pretty short, too. I don't care about Taimi and Blish and it lacks Canach which is the only real cool/edgy character. The rest is for me too disneyesque. Gameplay-wise it was rather fun to play and the new zone is pretty nice. All in all 7/10. I don't get the excitement from other players.

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It was ok. I've never been a fan of Taimi, nothing but a plot device and if I were really my character, Caithe would have been put in the ground for the whole egg fiasco in HoT. So, the story is still doesn't line up with how I play the game. Otherwise the new map is really nice and there isn't to much exposition before the fighting.

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To be honest, I haven't been feeling love for the Living Story ever since we defeated Scarlet Briar (that's from the non-replayable season 1 for all you new players). Back then the ANet development team were truly expressing their creative juices. Trying out new things, creating strong player engagements, and even driving a story that I felt really connected to (even when the writing was quite drivel at times). Nowadays though, the last 2 living stories just haven't hooked me. There's no focus, no real villain, no drama or purpose. It feels a lot like Walking Dead where the content is stretched over a dozen episodes. Some episodes are great and move the story along, others just stall to drag on the series. This is one of those episodes that do a bit of the dragging. It's a bit of a shame too because I do see a lot of potential in Elona to drive emotional stories and present them in a way that connects us to the Elonians, but unfortunately it's just not there (in my opinion, of course!).


Now I will give _some_ credit to this new chapter as there was at least one memorable moment in it, which is more than I can say for the other episodes. Is it worth waiting until the end to plow through it all? I would say no. LS4 to me so far is 90% open world carrot stick reward chasing, 10% story. Same goes for season 3, which was more of a random mess. Season 2 is the only replayable chapter you could do in a single run as it all revolves around HoT and is quite consistent in its unfolding.

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In few words, Great.


In a few more, The story was a soilid release, Right from the get go the tone of the episode is presented really well with several threads of side plot and details presented to be picked up later and on the side. The map itself and the story presented through it, being the main and side stories are nice, with interactions within the new map and older ones for suns refuge. The main story thread was enjoyable, I sat down on release day and blasted through it all in one sitting.


Personally My favorite release so far in recent memory.

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