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Just roaming around in wvw


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And you run into most ppl either zerg classes running back to the zerg or some kind of class with a stealth ability. Probably 90% of the roamers use some kind of stealth, but there is no way to counter stealth except for some pretty bad utility skills with long cooldowns which require u to actually see the target first and also some 10 supply dink thing u can buy.


Couldn't you introduce a set of runes with some random stats and a 6th ability to reveal stealth with a 300-600 range around user? Is that not fair? I'm just having trouble seeing how so many roamers use stealth simply because people without stealth cant really compete.


Also we need more golem stuff

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> @"Lobsters.3869" said:

> Couldn't you introduce a set of runes with some random stats and a 6th ability to reveal stealth with a 300-600 range around user? Is that not fair? I'm just having trouble seeing how so many roamers use stealth simply because people without stealth cant really compete.


> Also we need more golem stuff

Maybe combine: run around in a Golem and troll the trolls? ;)


Imo the problem is disengage -> engage at will, and reset the fight. The cloakies simply try again, and pray for RNGesus to roll some more crits this time. "300-600 range reveal" would propably not help tackling this issue.


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WvW is not balanced around small scale/solo. In fact, WvW is poorly balanced in general and, since the expansions, many of the mechanics introduced have only worsened the matter.


Roaming is about awareness and survival. When you're solo, you're likely to be outnumbered within minutes of venturing forth (assuming you're not intentionally avoiding areas where fights will occur), which is why the best roamers are the ones with the most mobility and stealth. Having control over fights is extremely important for survival and thus the _vast_ majority of roamers choose builds/professions that will net them the most kills and least deaths.


Although Stealth is poorly designed in GW2, there are many ways to prevent most players from using it, with some exceptions (eg. insta-cast stealth, on dodge stealth, etc.), and many ways to anticipate how/when a player will attack after entering Stealth. It may take time to nail down a strategy but that's what self improvement is all about.

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> @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> Would be interesting if a stealth invested thief ran these runes and came across other stealth invested thieves who didn't run the runes or any class that relied on a tiny bit of stealth..


they'd lose badly.


at this bloodlust even my mindstrel guard hammered a zerker thief in 2 hits. was so weird.

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> @"enkidu.5937" said:

> > @"Lobsters.3869" said:

> > Couldn't you introduce a set of runes with some random stats and a 6th ability to reveal stealth with a 300-600 range around user? Is that not fair? I'm just having trouble seeing how so many roamers use stealth simply because people without stealth cant really compete.

> >

> > Also we need more golem stuff

> Maybe combine: run around in a Golem and troll the trolls? ;)


> Imo the problem is disengage -> engage at will, and reset the fight. The cloakies simply try again, and pray for RNGesus to roll some more crits this time. "300-600 range reveal" would propably not help tackling this issue.



i very much agree with your second statement, its what im saying for years.


your first statement is just...kitten. i have 0 fun sitting half afk in a kitten golem doing nothing rly, not to mention that they deal like 0 dmg and all it will do is slowing those stealthy bois down, since they can slowly wear you down and dis-reengage over and over until your golem falls to pieces while you cant do anything in a golem

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> @"Lobsters.3869" said:

> And you run into most ppl either zerg classes running back to the zerg or some kind of class with a stealth ability. Probably 90% of the roamers use some kind of stealth, but there is no way to counter stealth except for some pretty bad utility skills with long cooldowns which require u to actually see the target first and also some 10 supply dink thing u can buy.


yet the stealth is mostly needed to avoid groups not single opponents, just look at a duel spot and you wont see people stealth alot there. give better options to deal with an outnumbered situation and you will get more visible roamers. giving better counters to stealth will just mean even less roamers, because some just dont want to get rolled over by a 'high skill' 5v1 'roaming' guild.


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Stealth isn't broken, it's just the people who gave up trying to play competitively who make it obnoxious. Yes, it is painfully obvious deadeyes when you are being carried by stealth. Anyone who has ever played a power build can see when you are making some pretty sad mistakes even when you are in stealth. My berserker hammer rev should never last 30sec let alone over 2min and then win. That is some serious misplay and is typical for deadeyes that I come across. They simply have not learned how to play the game other than to stealth stack and press deaths judgement.


Builds that fall in the "I give up trying to play the game" bin,



Condi Mirage

Condi Scourge

Boon Bunker Rangers

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Everyone can roam decently, some just have a natural advantage id they get outnumbered like thieves,mesmers, engis, warriors, rangers. Thieves and mesmers can just stealth+port away. Engis, guardians and warriors are durable enough to possibly escape. Rangers are just cheese with stealth and 1800 range from evelation and a heal that is a bit too strong.

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Yeah, roaming is rough in this game. Some really cheesy stealth bs and some really good players out there. I get usually get slaughtered. But in spite of that I generally have fun.


You can roll with it, play one of the cheese classes or get good. For the moment I'm doing the first one. Probably going to try the second soon, and some day I hope to be good.

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If you have so big problems with any class except DE (it actually needs some predictions and game-skills to defeat a good one) while roaming as ele that you came up with it on forum, then just don't do it, this class is not for you. Switch to sth with stealth access or with more mobility and you should be fine. Peace.

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> @"XenesisII.1540" said:

> Boot engineers, mesmers, rangers and thieves to eotm map only.

> Boot guardians, necros, revs, ele's and warriors to wvw maps only.

> Broken stealth mechanics and one shot ganking fixed, problem solved.

The only problem being that guardians, necros, revs, eles and warriors can build for one-shot ganking.

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