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> @"Bern.9613" said:

> Why?

> Thief

> ........

> Double Tap: The initiative cost of this skill has been increased from 4 to 6 in PvP and WvW. <----forcing every de to take trickery

> Three Round Burst: The initiative cost of this skill has been increased from 4 to 6 in PvP and WvW. <----once again

> Thrill of the Crime: The might applied by this trait has been increased from 1 stack for 10 seconds to 3 stacks for 10 seconds. <----trying to add sugar to the bad taste

> Sundering Shade: This trait now grants the thief 6 seconds of fury upon successful stealth-attack hits.<---does anybody even use this?

> Invigorating Precision: The healing based on critical damage has been reduced from 15% to 10%. The healing percentage of this trait is now increased by an additional 10% when the thief is under the effects of fury. <----once again, does anyone even use this?


> I don't understand why the "balance" team feels a need to always nerf the thief then re-nerf it after ppl adapt to the last nerf. The thief I started with 6 yrs ago is hugely different from today's. I pine for those days :-(


Three Round Burst was trolly and overpowered. Just spam it 2-3 times regardless of if they dodge and they're dead. Don't know why Double Tap was nerfed.


Invigorating Precision is pretty good in open world PvE. Equip a staff as a Berserker and you can destroy everything while being unkillable.


Thrill of the Crime is for sPvP.


Sundering Strike looks to keep 100% uptime of fury with Unrelenting Strikes for Invigorating Precision. Maybe it's for D/D open world or some other build like it.

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> @"Tails.9372" said:

> > @"DragonSlayer.1087" said:

> > some people are soloing Qadim with this trait, signet of malice and P/P.

> Why P/P instead of rifle?


It's a specific mechanic with him to keep him in one spot while the rest of the team takes care of the rest. You need high mobility and sustainability which is what P/P with CS offers.

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> @"DragonSlayer.1087" said:

> > @"Tails.9372" said:

> > > @"DragonSlayer.1087" said:

> > > some people are soloing Qadim with this trait, signet of malice and P/P.

> > Why P/P instead of rifle?


> It's a specific mechanic with him to keep him in one spot while the rest of the team takes care of the rest. You need high mobility and sustainability which is what P/P with CS offers.

You just explained why P/P is being used but this doesn't answer my question as you can say the exact same thing about rifle.

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I stopped playing DE once it became FOTM for scrubs. IMO this was the wrong way to nerf it but still welcome changes.


You know things are messed up when a DE gets non stop pressure on you. Like, ok I dodged DJ (again) but now he's literally mashing 3 with quickness, just when do I get to mount my offense back? When using P/P against DE in pvp I felt extremely outclassed. Yes I know p/p is garbage atm, but I'm a decent player so I should at least be able to have a chance right? Nope, 8-2 matchup against DE.

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Deadeye Rife "Zerk" "Glasscannon" "100% damage" is dead now in WvW, But "perma stealth" is still vaelble!?.


Even tho "Zerk" build is not perma stealthed and other nice grain of sult is thet is Dager storm stabilty remove when ther is unblocble fields thet Knockdown it wass great ascape move and good "zerg bomb" with 20k damege and diflaction now its not, becouse of shadow step to zerg first you just knockdown becouse of thet field give swifness in million other fields and Players.


"duble tap" or"tree rounde" "3" become death seintnce to "Zerk" Deadeye no "Inisitive" for "presure and defence" or even full "comminte presure". dont forget thet first two brust will alwayes MISS, diflected, blocked, evadet, and many many other exempeles more even just position behind an tree. well thet it wass ok, just gived 8 "Insitive" for free not end of the fight and if you hit even once mark gain power and presure grow still not full. but openet can "tp" or just rush to deadeye and still have thet insitive save life by skill "4" thet cost 5 "insitve " or shadow step away and begine Three Runde agein. well now or use your insitive to run or to die becouse of squshinese or just use skill "2" and then die, becouse not potent enoth. Well 12 "insitive" to "Sit and die" is unfair (sit cost 1 insitive so thet 13 ). remeber all thet happenED in seconds so ther is no time gain back "inisitive" and it wass good ageins tanky wariors and gurdians thet now are "Raid bosses" with Halosmith in WvW. well i didn't se much of other Zerk deadeye full glasscannon builds like my self just all kinds of thifs and "perma stealth" deadeye. I guses they dont like someone to take out thos "RAidBosses" olmost instatly and make them Run or focuse "Zerk" deadeye.


Well anyway now when is "Zerk "deadeye is dead you will never know how fun and rewording this build wass True glasscannon of All MMORPGs is distroyed in WvW, back to dunm "permastealth" so thet pueple l will get sulty and i will enjoy every drop of salt tears so thet pueple cry some more how op thiefs are when now they are just "squshy warrior" in mmoworlds eyes noting spacial now Exept "permaStealth Tactic". RIP

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With primary rifle damage init (2 and 3 skills) nerfed, Sniper's Cover/Death's Retreat init cost unchanged, and stealth on Rifle dodge still as is, this only encourages one-shot Malicious Backstab and other DJ perma-stealth builds. I read the patch notes as "spec into one-shot perma-stealth Rifle DEs or play something else."


ANet keep diggin' it's going to get worse and more whiny on WvW forums.


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> @"Laosduude.1690" said:

> Doesn't really change anything for me in WvW, Judgement and backstab I use way more than rifle #3 with the valkyrie armor build lel. We still have our perma-stealth spam Kappa


Not really, perma stealth is still a thing, but not so OP cauz ppl can now SEE the rifle 4 skill (Sniper's Cover) => it now pop a massive red bruning flame (undocumented change from patchnote/wiki).


Now, you can't build up you perma stealth in front or in a middle of a group/blob.

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i havent had too much issue with IP change on DD tbh, for solo pve content trickery/crit/DD is enough to have a good fury update and be unkillable while still having very strong dps, for any kind of group content you will probably have extra fury from someone else so you can just swap trickery for deadly arts for the extra damage

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No real changes to how I play my various builds. I have one Rifle build that will see a bit of a hit but it not that significant. The Boon duration build is proving interesting as I jump back and forth between various traitlines testing that change to CS and sundering. I basically get full time Fury if I am in CS using the new sundering but then this gives a double whammy as you drop all that ferocity in order to use the add to IP. If you take the no quarter trait or hidden killer then you might not as well take the Sundering. I kind of think they should have went for quickness at 3 seconds on a successful stealth attack as quickness less married to ferocity as fury is.


Now my builds tend to have higher precision so it might well be the Sundering works better combined with No Quarter on a low precision build where that Ferocity bonus out of Practiced tolerance not as high. Co-joined with assassins fury and the Might stack increase might be enough to justify the new Sundering.


IP tends to work much better when there cleave or AOE damage over single target. Perhaps Valkyrie based s/p or staff builds? Maybe Core with CS/Acro/TR with Assassin reward combined with IP?The issue here of course is the new sundering depends on a stealth attack and the builds best able to benefit from IP are staff , P/P and s/p which are not stealth-centric. The CS changes are the only ones that have the potential to change how one plays but I am not sure they enough to encourage a change.

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> @"Seiken.3176" said:

> > @"Laosduude.1690" said:

> > Doesn't really change anything for me in WvW, Judgement and backstab I use way more than rifle #3 with the valkyrie armor build lel. We still have our perma-stealth spam Kappa


> Not really, perma stealth is still a thing, but not so OP cauz ppl can now SEE the rifle 4 skill (Sniper's Cover) => it now pop a massive red bruning flame (undocumented change from patchnote/wiki).


> Now, you can't build up you perma stealth in front or in a middle of a group/blob.


All good, there are plenty of corners in wvw

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I actually like this nerf a fair bit. 3 is a really boring skll to spam. It was like "here's a better auto attack to damage dump". Now you need to really commit to use it effectively. Also not sure what all the deadeye hate is about. Regular thief and daredevil are still as viable as they always were.. Deadeye is just kind of flavor of the month ATM.

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> @"Artaz.3819" said:

> With primary rifle damage init (2 and 3 skills) nerfed, Sniper's Cover/Death's Retreat init cost unchanged, and stealth on Rifle dodge still as is, this only encourages one-shot Malicious Backstab and other DJ perma-stealth builds. I read the patch notes as "spec into one-shot perma-stealth Rifle DEs or play something else."


> ANet keep diggin' it's going to get worse and more whiny on WvW forums.



You really think ANet thinks about PvP interactions?


If they did, the Deadeye would have never released to begin with. Almost every thief with a shred of credibility warned of what would happen if they allowed for the stealth-sniper idea to exist. It's confirmable devs saw these warnings. The permastealth one-shot build existed early on in the game's history, too. With some of the same guilty traits/interactions as right now. It literally only got phased out because it was directly nerfed with no compensation available elsewhere in its build path, repeatedly, paired with SA's reduction from being a hard-requirement with the addition of the Trickster trait, Daredevil's EA cleanses, and changes to SoA.

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> @"Laosduude.1690" said:

> You don't play DE to know how good we still are lel


Plat DE here, you're wrong or trolling big time.

DE can be easily countered beyond Plat and not exactly good when compared to DD. This is BEFORE the Rifle #3 nerf. After the nerf, you no longer have the burst nor flexibility to take traits outside of Trickery traitline and you no longer have the element of burst surprise, as M7 will not trigger immediately anymore.

In other words, we're in a bad spot, worse than before.



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Speaking just for WvW, the two/three round burst nerf doesn't make the CS/SA/DE build unusable at any stretch, as a lot of the time I used spotter's shot to build malice anyways. The pierce is underrated, as with good positioning you can pressure multiple opponents due to the immob (marking a guard then targeting the lord behind them for instance, you still get ini from M7 on guard death and by the time you clear the guards the lord is on 50-70% already). Means you're a little more reliant on the malice attacks for the big hits, but given that's the way they designed it to be played that's not a bad thing. Using S/P is fine with trickery over CS ini wise so honestly it's not a terrible change, we could have gotten hit way worse all told.


It would be interesting if three round burst did something other than damage and might, to make it more worth using for the ini. Other than that it's fine really.

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