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[Suggestion] Guild Wars 2 Battle Royale (Take it Serious PLEASE)

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The title says is it all!!


Modes can be: Solo, Due, Squad of four. I really would like to see an actual guild vs guild there, maybe teams of 20s.


If you genuinely believe that battle royal can add a huge community population to the game like I do, please say something about it so Anet would take it seriously. I will respect if you're not a battle royale player but please keep your comments mature and valid.


What do you think, should GW2 invade the "Battle Royale" world or not?



PrinceKhaled (aka Prince) WvW/PvP

Twitch: princekhaledus

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> @"PrinceKhaled.5104" said:

> The title says is it all!!


> Modes can be: Solo, Due, Squad of four. I really would like to see an actual guild vs guild there, maybe teams of 20s.


> If you genuinely believe that battle royal can add a huge community population to the game like I do, please say something about so Anet would consider it seriously. I will respect if you're not a battle royale player but please keep your comments mature and valid.


> What do you think, should GW2 invade the "Battle Royale" world or not?


> =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

> PrinceKhaled (aka Prince) WvW/PvP

> Twitch: princekhaledus


We already have a "battle royale" or "hunger games" mode: Southsun Survival. I think that's enough. I wouldn't want them to try to shoe-horn another mode in to the game.

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I do would love for the Courtyard to come back to pvp, since it's the only real pvp map without relying on gimmicks and secondary win conditions.

Yet.. the only real pvp map has been disabled for.. well.. pvp




Courtyard is not a battle royale, but the best thing we got..

But it would be nice to have a pvp mode where you queue up, you get dropped in a very small map with 24 other players, and you earn points based on surviving to 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th place. (6th-25th will be considered losers)

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So other than different team sizes what's the difference between a battle royale and the PvP modes we already have?


It's not something I'd ever play but I wouldn't object to it being added - from an 'outsiders' perspective PvP does seem to be extremely limited and repetitive so I'm not surprised people would want more options, but I would have thought it'd need a bit more than killing 1-4 people instead of 5 to make it worth Anet's time to add it.

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@"Danikat.8537" the battle royale is more of a survival mode, not capping bases to gain points. It is not a point-based mode. Consider it as a deathmatch or last man/group standing. Also, the current battle royale definition involves around getting dropped in a map where you can loot weapons/skills help you in fighting. The current PvP is way different than what battle royale definition. I appreciate your comment.

@"DeanBB.4268" Before posting I was considering the location of this post. It is true that this mode is considered as PvP. But would you consider WvW (which is technically players fighting each other) as PvP? That's why I was like, well maybe battle royale can it be its own mode.... I guess. Mods are more than welcome to move it to whichever they see appropriate.

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> @"PrinceKhaled.5104" said:


> What do you think, should GW2 invade the "Battle Royale" world or not?


I think it would be great to have a Battle Royale mode balanced with the PvP amulets and sigils and with anti perma stealth mechanics. You can't just ask for it with the current PvE gear mechanics of WvW.


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I mean, I understand some might be battle royale fans and others aren't. I also understand that the game modes might not be for everyone. A lot of people dont PvP or PvE or WvW. For example, I've been playing this game since launch and I genuinely dislike PvE. Does it mean I hate the whole game? GW2 is in my blood and I dont give a dam about PvE. However, I would still support the PvE content with passion because it supports the GW2 business and the overall game success.


From a market and business prospective, battle royales are trending (like what @"TexZero.7910" mentioned). Some of the top franchise out there are switching their game modes to battle royales. GW2 can stand on its own to be the first (or from the first) games to develop a battle royale that is not a shooting game and have some fantasy touch.

I bet you, developing a battle royale in GW2 is much less work than adding a new story content or developing the WvW "Alliances" (which I can't wait for it) or a lot of other PvE content. The engine and major materials are present in the game. Basically, make a map that we can glide in using our current GW2 gliders and close the map every few minutes. I am sure you can come up with some features from looting items to enhance our fight against each other. Maybe the loots can be different weapons with different stats and quality (white, green, blue or exotic).


I genuinely think the market/business prospective from the effort placed to execute the concept is worth it. Again, this is just my opinion.


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Personally not my speed, but it seems like it would be fun for some, and maybe a neat way to get more people interested. They could start using the two WvW maps maybe? Or three, I guess it is.


If it caught on, they could make copies of other world maps to compete in. Not to dismiss the amount of work involved, just if would be easier to use copies of existing areas. Plus it would add a flavor of wondering what it would be like to PvP in the open world.


After mounts, I’m trying to be better at dismissing ideas like this out of hand. ArenaNet seems to have a knack for taking existing concepts and putting interesting and fun twists in them. ?

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Yes @"Warkind.6745" but I think it was released before the battle royale current trend. Whether we like it or not, the hype/trends controls the market.

@"notebene.3190" Actually I like your proposal for using the current WvW map. Less effort than making a new map. At least Anet should give it a "beta" try.

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> @"PrinceKhaled.5104" said:

> I mean, I understand some might be battle royale fans and others aren't. I also understand that the game modes might not be for everyone. A lot of people dont PvP or PvE or WvW. For example, I've been playing this game since launch and I genuinely dislike PvE. Does it mean I hate the whole game? GW2 is in my blood and I dont give a dam about PvE. However, I would still support the PvE content with passion because it supports the GW2 business and the overall game success.


> From a market and business prospective, battle royales are trending (like what @"TexZero.7910" mentioned). Some of the top franchise out there are switching their game modes to battle royales. GW2 can stand on its own to be the first (or from the first) games to develop a battle royale that is not a shooting game and have some fantasy touch.

> I bet you, developing a battle royale in GW2 is much less work than adding a new story content or developing the WvW "Alliances" (which I can't wait for it) or a lot of other PvE content. The engine and major materials are present in the game. Basically, make a map that we can glide in using our current GW2 gliders and close the map every few minutes. I am sure you can come up with some features from looting items to enhance our fight against each other. Maybe the loots can be different weapons with different stats and quality (white, green, blue or exotic).


> I genuinely think the market/business prospective from the effort placed to execute the concept is worth it. Again, this is just my opinion.



the problem with chasing trends is that trends come and go and there's no real way to know which ones will have lasting appeal (and battle royals seem to be on the decline currently)


also never assume something is "easy" to program/design because that mentality is the blight to alot of ppl in software development.


and thirdly "southsun survival"

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@"derd.6413" I agree with you. I shouldn't say "easy". However, and as I mentioned, it would be "easier" effort per benefit. Also, I like @"notebene.3190" suggestion of using one of the WvW maps.

Regarding things that "trend". Yes, fully agree. Things come and go in the world of trending. But think about MOBA's for example. It appeared with Dota 1 (a map developed on War Craft). The genre kept growing until League of Legends ate the MOBA market. Until this day Dota 2 and LoL are enjoying high popularity. While everything comes and goes, I don't think we can assume battle royale is a dying trend. Again, Southsun Sirvival, I don't know much about it, tbh.


@"Arzurag.7506" I respect your opinion but I don't see how WvW is a battle royle disguise. WvW is a continuous live mode. Battle royale is like a short-period, big map of PvP-ish.

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> @"PrinceKhaled.5104" said:

> @"derd.6413" I agree with you. I shouldn't say "easy". However, and as I mentioned, it would be "easier" effort per benefit. Also, I like @"notebene.3190" suggestion of using one of the WvW maps.

> Regarding things that "trend". Yes, fully agree. Things come and go in the world of trending. But think about MOBA's for example. It appeared with Dota 1 (a map developed on War Craft). The genre kept growing until League of Legends ate the MOBA market. Until this day Dota 2 and LoL are enjoying high popularity. While everything comes and goes, I don't think we can assume battle royale is a dying trend. Again, Southsun Sirvival, I don't know much about it, tbh.


> @"Arzurag.7506" I respect your opinion but I don't see how WvW is a battle royle disguise. WvW is a continuous live mode. Battle royale is like a short-period, big map of PvP-ish.


I actually reffered to battle royal as deathmatch in disguise, of course tho, wvw is also a gigantic deathmatch with certain additions (kinda like the mixture of deathmatch+capture-the-flag+hold-the-point+e.t.c) but my point overall is:

"Why adding battle-royale when we already have something similiar."


If the urge comes up to compete with other players in killing players then pvp and wvw are the right places to do so.

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@"Arzurag.7506" Thank you for your response and I highly appreciate the further explanation.

Now, the original point is focused on "the market" "the current trend". Battle royale mode is a major hype these days/months/close to a year), whether it is your or my thing or not. It is just a fact!


Think about it from a new player prospective that you're trying to attract to play a mode in GW2. WvW and the current GW2 PvP is not a battle royale definition for them. Not only new player prospective, you want to keep those GW2 players from spending money on a battle royale and make them invest their money in a battle royle here. While this last sentence can be debatable, because players will still play other games, but you can keep some of this battle royale money here (share the battle royale pie).

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> @"PrinceKhaled.5104" said:

> @"Arzurag.7506" Thank you for your response and I highly appreciate the further explanation.

> Now, the original point is focused on "the market" "the current trend". Battle royale mode is a major hype these days/months/close to a year), whether it is your or my thing or not. It is just a fact!


> Think about it from a new player prospective that you're trying to attract to play a mode in GW2. WvW and the current GW2 PvP is not a battle royale definition for them. Not only new player prospective, you want to keep those GW2 players from spending money on a battle royale and make them invest their money in a battle royle here. While this last sentence can be debatable, because players will still play other games, but you can keep some of this battle royale money here (share the battle royale pie).


Okay, from this point of view, "battle royale" is like a goldmine that Anet could/should try to benefit from. Completely reasonable, though, I would say that Anet could try to create an event that has "battle royale" features first, before dedicating resources to a complete new game mode.


The idea changed from being kinda pointless to worth a shot.^^

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@"Arzurag.7506" I like your proposal of trying an event first. I will still steal @"notebene.3190" suggestion of using one of the current WvW maps to create a battle royale mode to save some resources/effort before dedicating more.

And again, they could test it on beta status first. I totally believe that a game like GW2 with all its potential and not even testing the battle royale hype is a huge mistake!

Give it a small shot Anet, test it and see!

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It's not a good fit for an MMO. Too many different abilities, classes, and omg-balance issues that haven't been resolved, and GW2 combat is *not* designed around 1v1. Never has, and devs have stated their intent on that years ago.


Poopoo it all you want, but Southsun Survivor has the closest gameplay to the flush of battle royale games: 1 v all, 1 winner, time-based threat (instead of closing walls, it's hunger). It's also an equal playing field, which is critical in a game mode like that.

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@"Rauderi.8706" Thank you for your feedback. Now: 1) Balance issue is the story of every MMO PvP and MOBA games. You will NEVER get over people talking about it, never. I mean, look at the GW2 PvP forum here and reddit..... Therefore the balance situation is not the major issue here.

2) Saying GW2 is not designed around 1v1 combats, I will agree or disagree..... doesn't matter as much, honestly. Look how many times people roam in WvW to 1v1 or even in PvP.

3) Again and as I mentioned earlier, the Southsun Survivor was marketed very poorly. There is a hype of Battle Royale now. The marketing has been done, people are accepting it. Please dont compare a mode that Anet tried to add before a major hype with very poor marketing for it (sorry to say). After reading about this SS mode, it doesn't have the "definition" of battle royale people are willing to play.


Thank you for the feedback though.

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