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probably exists but legendary lore


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so okay, here is a list of weapons which should be legendary but aren't


1. Ele weapon skins (the weapons based upon the ones conjured by Eles) Reason: You have to call these weapons from the mists....how much more legendary can you get (or at least have them drop in ascended form from world bosses or even Raids and have them be able to be changed in the manner similar to how say Caladbolg is)

2. Caladbolg............ It is bloody Caladbolg. it is THE legendary weapon of the sylvari and was used to cleanse Orr! To be fair, you can change the stats similarly to how you do with an actual legendary but still... it deserves legendary status (at least if you unlock origin)

3. Not available ingame but Magdaer. there should be a collection quest to find the pieces in the vanilla dungeons and in the mists (wvw/fractals) and you take it to some ancient blacksmith in orr to have it reforged or something...idk it's Magdaer.


My point is this: The skins of weapons with actual lore is locked to exotic or ascended meanwhile a random greatsword wielded by a zombie in the ruins of orr somehow is legendary even though there is no lore to speak of and you get it by flushing crap down a toilet. Granted the journey to get said crap but there is no lore to the weapon and it is just.... there....


I know I will get plenty of hate for trashing eternity like that but the point remains, can we just have some lore? Legendary can not be "legendary" if there is no legend to speak of.

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I like your point.


Caladbolg should definitely be a legendary.


I think that legendaries should have more lore behind them.

The Eternity concept wouldn't be actually that bad if we had to go to Arah in order to finish it/od get some artifact that would allow us to. I like the fact that the Arah's Risen protector is wielding Eternity - it just lacks any story. It's just a blank conspiracy theory of cool concepts that don't exist :/


After releasing first 2 Gen weapons ANet said that building lore and quests for leggies is too resource and time consuming. Well, afterall It's a legendary weapon - the most ultimate goal of most people in terms of equipment!

I like the fact that S3 Leggies were tied to theme of currently released map. For example - Sharur. We know it's an Orrian artifact, we know it's powerful. But how did we actually obtain it? Who used it?

They could answer these 3 simple questions in the in-game book or parable. Right?


Verdarach makes sense, so does the Flames of War. But hooooow did we get them?? geez..


I won't even comment the fact that we get to wield Claw of the Khan-Ur or Shining Blade. I don't care whether it's an imitation or not.

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I have a sort of headcannon that Caladbolg hasn't fully recovered yet, or that the commander lacks the skill to make full use of it. Perhaps a mix of both?


The new raid visits the mystic forge; I wonder if there's any lore there regarding the creation of new legendary weapons ~~or an explaination for Zamoros's elonian wine addiction~~?

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The whole legendary, ascended, and exotic ranks are all pure mechanics and not really part of lore. But what lore there is, was added in the new raid. Mythwright Gambit actually explains why the "legendary gear" are considered such, and it has nothing to do with their historical prevalence in lore, and effectively gives all of them the same lore. Some are inspired by weapons with historical prevalence and are replicas, but that's just about it.


The TL;DR of the raid and how legendary gear is made is basically that the Mythwright Cauldron is capable of instilling special attributes on whatever is thrown within. Zomorros himself has designed the various weapons and other gear, and creates them via the Mythwright Cauldron. The origins of the cauldron is left unknown at the moment (Zomorros "acquired" it), when asked about it Zomorros just says "it's a very boring story about a high-stakes bet and a lost city in the sands." But there's very heavy hints that they'll continue on the plot with Zomorros and Qadim.


Also, elemental weapons aren't conjured from the Mists. They're created by the elementalist. Keep in mind that at the time of their release, there was no ascended rank in gear, either. So they were the highest barring legendary gear, but I wouldn't say they're worthy of Ascended rank anyways, if we're talking about lore.

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> @"Lord Trejgon.2809" said:

> > "it's a very boring story about a high-stakes bet and a lost city in the sands."


> hidden city of ahdasim anyone? *hype intensifies*


> or something in riverlands since we already know of at least one city "sinking" into those sands.... (less hype for this one)


I would put my money or gold in this case on Ahdasim. Zommoros Lair is surprisingly very close to that location as well.

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