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My greatest gw2 fear

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The next expansion will be heavily focused on underwater combat.


They did a lot of skill fixes for skills underwater, but only skills that should of been working from release to begin with.


Let's face it, if you love or hate it underwater combat simply just does not work well in this game is 7 truly uber 4 any other mmo honestly it's just impossible to clearly and easily fight due to things slightly above or below you, coming at all angles around you and such.


Gw2 does have the best of other mmos but it's still impossible to fix the every single angle is possible to be fixed area.


Just my greatest gw2 fear, care to explain yours?

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My greatest fear is they will abandoned content like they did with dungeons, intentionally nerfing or even removing it from the game.

My second greatest fear is they will nerf they classes I enjoy playing into non-viability and ill have to play something I dislike like thief.


As for you fear, I also really dont like current underwater combat as I struggle with the depth perception too. I do believe it can be fixed with really really good map design though, adding tons of points of reference like giant underwater coral spaces, caves, ocean paths ect. Currently its mostly a giant empty space, with actual scenery it will become alot easier to perceive depth.

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As a matter of fact, I have two fears and cannot decide what one is winning, so I share them both:

- That an underwater content is added to the game: I do hate underwater. I simply never go underwater apart from safe gathering. Most of my toons don't even have a water weapon as I never need it. If such content would remain optional, OK for me, but if it would be mandatory, for example as part of a story instance, that would be a real problem to me.

- That the overload of visual effects keeps increasing. For me personally, the ones causing motion sickness are the worst, but I find many others very annoying too. The combination of several can be a killer, especially in WvW and meta-events.

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I'd be okay with more underwater combat. Their changes have improved it greatly, and change being an iterative process, I'm sure their are further improvements to come, especially if content may include (or be focused on) underwater combat. I have faith that if they do it, they'll manage to do it well; dare i say right.


I do, however, share fears of content abandonment. It's happened to PoF, it's happened to each living story zone in turn so far, and we have no good reason to believe that future releases will change this trend. ANet simply does not attempt to maintain content post-release, beyond fixing the most egregious bugs that totally block progress - and [sometimes not even those](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Escort_Subject_S_to_safety "sometimes not even those").


i'd love to see that change, but i don't kid myself - the only language ANet listens to is the language of money, and the community has never managed to agree on something to enough of an extent to boycott gem purchases, thereby getting ANets attention.

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Personally I wouldn't be afraid of Anet revamping UW combat. Making something bad better isn't something to be afraid of.


My fear is that they'll take something good, and make it worse. I've said "Get Woke, Go Broke" a few times, but it is a sincere paranoia that I have. I'm afraid the game will jackknife into political territory at breakneck speed, forgoing all content quality and replacing it with zealotry and activism. When most players hate the new direction and leave, it is taken as a sign of how righteous and true this new direction is. "We only want the _right_ people to play our game." I've seen it happen before, in many places, and Guild Wars 2 isn't magically immune to this, either.

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My greatest fear is that anet abandons their core principles and initiate a star wars galaxy style overhaul to the whole game that caters exclusively to the type of players who want everything handed to them which if the forums are anything to go by... A great number of people.

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> @"Sylent.3165" said:

> The next expansion will be heavily focused on underwater combat.


> They did a lot of skill fixes for skills underwater, but only skills that should **have** been working from release to begin with.

One of my greatest fears is that people don't know their languages anymore to the point they just go by phonetics and don't recognize words anymore for what they really are.

> Let's face it, if you love or hate it underwater combat simply just does not work well in this game is **7 truly uber 4** any other mmo honestly it's just impossible to clearly and easily fight due to things slightly above or below you, coming at all angles around you and such.

What does the bolded part actually mean?

> Gw2 does have the best of other mmos but it's still impossible to fix the every single angle is possible to be fixed area.

GW2 is doing pretty well but I don't think it's the best MMO but it averages out pretty well and has no sub. Group content like raids and dungeons are done better in other MMOs and story content is also done better in other MMOs. GW2 does have a pretty good way of dealing with open world content though and it doesn't have a gear treadmill and all that and, well, there is a lot of stuff to do. The Masteries and Collections also add more to the experience for example.

> Just my greatest gw2 fear, care to explain yours?

My greatest fear for GW2 is that over time more and more people will get bored because new content is basically more of the same and they're going to have to be more aggressive with the gem store to get more money from fewer players. They are definitely more reasonable than other games but that only lasts if you stick to that and not when you start making steps towards the rest. When you move, you move your borders with it.

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My "greatest fear" in relation to GW2 is that ANet will again cave to the portion of the player-base that "loves MMO's" at the expense of players like myself, who don't love MMO's -- again.


I would love UW combat to be given more love. I've always liked the three-dimensional aspect of it. I disliked the fact that my characters were less effective against the same mobs UW than on land. Some of that was addressed with the recent changes, but by no means all. If they did do more UW content, I'd like to see the other deficiencies addressed.

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My greatest gw2 fear is that they don't fix this sigil of nullification thing . . .






Okay, that was a joke. Actual greatest fear would prolly be that by the time I get back around to playing all the content I put off in favor of things I'd rather do now, the things I put off will have been abandoned by the player base and impossible or very difficult to complete . . .

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> @"IndigoSundown.5419" said:

> My "greatest fear" in relation to GW2 is that ANet will again cave to the portion of the player-base that "loves MMO's" at the expense of players like myself, who don't love MMO's -- again.


> I would love UW combat to be given more love. I've always liked the three-dimensional aspect of it. I disliked the fact that my characters were less effective against the same mobs UW than on land. Some of that was addressed with the recent changes, but by no means all. If they did do more UW content, I'd like to see the other deficiencies addressed.


So you want to play an MMO that's not an MMO?

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My greatest fear is that they'll change my favorite class so much that I will be unable to enjoy it.


But since that already happened, my new greatest fear is that I won't ever be able to enjoy that class again. I'm hoping the next expansion fixes that with its elite spec.

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> @"Dreamy Lu.3865" said:

> As a matter of fact, I have two fears and cannot decide what one is winning, so I share them both:

> - That an underwater content is added to the game: I do hate underwater. I simply never go underwater apart from safe gathering. Most of my toons don't even have a water weapon as I never need it. If such content would remain optional, OK for me, _**but if it would be mandatory, for example as part of a story instance**_, that would be a real problem to me.


Unavoidable underwater combat already is part of a story instance, one that was in the game when it launched.



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> @"Steve The Cynic.3217" said:

> > @"Dreamy Lu.3865" said:

> > As a matter of fact, I have two fears and cannot decide what one is winning, so I share them both:

> > - That an underwater content is added to the game: I do hate underwater. I simply never go underwater apart from safe gathering. Most of my toons don't even have a water weapon as I never need it. If such content would remain optional, OK for me, _**but if it would be mandatory, for example as part of a story instance**_, that would be a real problem to me.


> Unavoidable underwater combat already is part of a story instance, one that was in the game when it launched.


> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Temple_of_the_Forgotten_God


Oh yes, I know that very well and even did it several toons, but that was looooooong ago, when I was still doing personal story with my first toons created after beta! And it was exactly one of the bad experiences that made me hate underwater content. Since then, I happily ignore personal story and raise all my toons with books. :)

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My greatest fear is artwork. I remember that manifesto said guild wars 2 was going for a painterly illustrated aesthetic, handcrafted.

Latest MMOs and GW2 graphics are getting more realistic tendency. Both expansions and Living Story maps are too much vivid color. I still love the taste of moderate color harmonies of vanilla game. The world itself is beautiful as an artwork aspect.

Mounts are actually fun. But look just what happened to the terrain. Everything is ugly unatural cliffs and walls. I hope this won't happen again if GW3 will come.

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I fear the connection dependence between the GW1 Hall of Monuments and GW2 causing [HoM rewards and GWAMM titles to be revoked](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/42025/suddenly-lost-my-gwamm-title-and-hom-achievements "HoM rewards and GWAMM titles to be revoked") in GW2 as soon as the active GW1==GW2 link fails. I fear that no solution may be made for the day that GW1 may be shut down and that everything will be lost.


Yes, I know there, fortunately, are no plans to discontinue GW1 any time soon, but I would appreciate to see a more reliable solution for this.

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> @"Gehenna.3625" said:

> > @"IndigoSundown.5419" said:

> > My "greatest fear" in relation to GW2 is that ANet will again cave to the portion of the player-base that "loves MMO's" at the expense of players like myself, who don't love MMO's -- again.

> >

> > I would love UW combat to be given more love. I've always liked the three-dimensional aspect of it. I disliked the fact that my characters were less effective against the same mobs UW than on land. Some of that was addressed with the recent changes, but by no means all. If they did do more UW content, I'd like to see the other deficiencies addressed.


> So you want to play an MMO that's not an MMO?


> @"FOX.3582" said:

> > @"IndigoSundown.5419" said:

> > My "greatest fear" in relation to GW2 is that ANet will again cave to the portion of the player-base that "loves MMO's" at the expense of players like myself, who don't love MMO's -- again.

> >


> Are you okay?




I guess you might have missed ...


"So if you love MMORPGs, you should check out Guild Wars 2. But if you hate traditional MMORPGs, then you should really check out Guild Wars 2. Because, like Guild Wars before it, GW2 doesn’t fall into the traps of traditional MMORPGs ..."




and ...


"The answer can be found in the mechanics and choices made in subscription-based MMOs, which keep customers actively playing by chasing something in the game through processes that take as long as possible. In other words, they design content systems that take more time to keep people playing longer. If this is your business motivation and model so you keep getting paid, it makes sense and is an incredibly smart thing to do, and you need to support it.


When your game systems are derived and designed to fill this prime motivation of a subscription-based MMO, you potentially sacrifice quality to get as much content in as possible to fill that time. You get leveling systems that take insane amounts of grind to gain a level, loot drop systems that require doing a dungeon with a tiny chance the item you want can drop at the end, raid systems that need huge numbers of people online simultaneously to organize and play, thousands of wash/repeat item-collection or kill-mob quests or dailies with flavor text support, the best stat gear requiring crazy amounts of time to earn, etc.


But what if your business model isn’t one based on a subscription, and your content-design motivations aren’t driven by creating mechanics to keep people playing as long as possible? When looking at content design for Guild Wars 2, we’ve tried to ask the question: What if the development of the game was based on…wait for it…fun?"



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> @"Dreamy Lu.3865" said:

> - That the overload of visual effects keeps increasing. For me personally, the ones causing motion sickness are the worst, but I find many others very annoying too. The combination of several can be a killer, especially in WvW and meta-events.


I'm just going to reference this.


I've had a few concussions, so by all rights I "probably" shouldn't be playing, however (I can't play FPS or Racing games anymore), the combat in this game in engaging, so I play. I totally agree that they are getting carried away with this. It use to be manageable , especially in a guild environment where teammate are more inclined to understand your situations. they know I have close my eyes or look away or something. It not so much the motion sickness stuff with me though, it more of the flashy kind that gets to me.


> @"wezlaar.7285" said:

> Biggest fear is the game dying off before we find out anything about Cantha



When GW2 first came out, I wasn't a super huge fan of Cantha in GW1 (aside from the story). Don't know what it was, I just like Nighfall and EotN better (don't shoot me lol). Bear in mind that vanilla GW2 was nothing like it GW2 is now. HoT maps and PoF mounts + new elite specs...


I'll be incredibly disappointed now a days if Cantha don't show its face.

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