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Would you like for Anet to update/add new Male Charr model with updated posture?

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How many of you would be interested in Male Charr model getting an optional updated choice?


I like my character and I like having a number of races in the game, but the Charr race just doesn't set well with me and a lot of others. Something is off about the race and how it mesh with non racial gear. The posture for the Male Charr seem off putting visually. I remember old concept art which showed osme more upright Charr designs. I would like something like that to choose from with a lot less Neck Hang, which tend to make most head gear look awkward on Charr. I like the larger size and all. Not asking for that to be removed. Just want something with better posture. Would be nice to have some kind of in game funding to get that made into reality would be nice. Like a way to gift gems to such a project to Finance this addition. But other ideas are also acceptable.

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The more upright Charr in most of the concept art are in battle, or with weapons drawn, which all Charr stand up for combat or when they have their weapons drawn. Outside of that, with the modifications to the charrs lore and such the Fire Legions Shaman Caste seem to be the ones who had the "upright all the time" body structure, so im not certain that would have carried over.


To a more technical standpoint, making a race have two separate skeletons(one for male, also kinda..sexist? to ask for just male Charr to get a skeleton change...and a entirely separate one for female) is 100% not going to happen. The amount of changes to existing armor would make it more than likely not to happen on that alone. But then you have to figure cost and time of making a skeleton that only one gender of one of the smallest(playable percentage) races is going to use another factor.


Id rather them just spend the time to make the armor fit properly on charr, including the time to make it look good on their necks and getting rid of the trashbag helmets which plague heavy armor, than basically make a new sub species.

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Except for the way they hold Staves (and just because using a scythe on them doesn't look as cool as other races, and my necro is a charr), i don't see anything wrong with charr, they're more animalistic which is pretty much their whole thing.

It's true that the way they're built and move causes a lot of problems for the race, like weird clipping issues, even with racial armor, and the devs lack of will to work a bit more on the charr models does limit armor choices, especially helms, which most of the times just look ridiculous on charr, either leaving the whole neck exposed, or removing the horns, or just being useless, like a piece of sheet metal warped and just sitting on their head. But this would all be negated (maybe except for the clipping issues) if devs would devote a bit longer to tuning armor for charr a bit more. It's their most iconic race and it's the least supported in terms of aesthetics.

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Almost all my characters are Charr, and they look great, just gotta find stuff and make it work. There are plenty of armors that look good if you look for them.



Male Charr FB

Male Charr Reaper

Male Charr Chrono

Male Charr DH

Female Charr Scourge

Male Charr Rev

Male Charr Ranger

Female Norn Holo

Male Asura War

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Absolutely not. The posture that Charr have now is essential to allow them to switch between bipedal and quadrupedal. If you changed their posture they would not be able to switch between the two without breaking their necks. Having them as they are now is perfectly fine and I would take it over an upright posture ever single time for the single fact that my Charr can transition into a full four legged gallop which is still one of the coolest and unique things I've ever seen in an mmo player character. It's the reason I fell in love with Charr, they aren't just boring human reskins like Khajit. If they stood upright they would be boooring.

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> @"Dante.1763" said:

> To a more technical standpoint, making a race have two separate skeletons(one for male, also kinda..sexist? to ask for just male Charr to get a skeleton change...and a entirely separate one for female) is 100% not going to happen. The amount of changes to existing armor would make it more than likely not to happen on that alone. But then you have to figure cost and time of making a skeleton that only one gender of one of the smallest(playable percentage) races is going to use another factor.


"Two skeletons"? oO a rigged character is just that, you can slap whatever animation you want on it tbh, no need to rerig it. Warframe has the option to run different animations on different models as well, at a cost ofc *wink-wink*.

Also, no changes to existing armor either, not to mention many parts didn't even need rigging if they were just nested in the skeleton (doubt you should make metal armor bend like that too).


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While I agree that armor needs some attention to detail if it gets ported over to the charr, I don't think that any changes in the base model would help. The racial armor works, and some of the outfits are extremely well made, so it generally has to do with time issues, that charr have been left in the dust when it comes to armor skins.

Asura have a different issue, where their clothing works really well, but they are so small, that it's difficult to spot all the intricate details.

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If it was optional I wouldn't mind it existing, but I wouldn't use it for my male charr.


One of the things I really like about GW2 is that different races actually look different. They're not just humans with a few token changes like in many games. I know it makes armour tricky and there's definitely some skins I wouldn't use on my charr because I don't like how they look (although the same is true of all my characters, including the humans) but I prefer choosing skins which suits them to having yet another race that's basically humans and a wider choice of armour.

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I'd say updated postures for both. As in male AND Female Charr. More upright if anything. Charr can stand upright.

I'd like better things for Charr altogether, but Anet wants us to forget they designed a class and that's why almost everything that comes out still looks bad on Charr.

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