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Will Renegade be adjusted on WvW (as recent Herald update)?


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Hey there,


So, I've been wondering if ANet is now thinking about making Renegade a bit more viable im WvW since the Herald update. This one turned out to be great and very well - executed, covers a lot of what it means to literally be a Herald on the battlefield.


This might be the time to think about Renegade. It is a very specific Spec which requires your team / party / squad members or enemies to stay close to your Summons on order to provide them buffs / debuffs. I'd love to see Renegade's performance improved in competitive - to make it a bit more interactive and intuitive - not "drop and forget" kind of playstyle.


**My question: Is there any plan to somehow adjust the Renegade in terms of WvW (or the competitive modes overall)?**

- Traits

- Skills


Thanks for your time!

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> @"Wahlao.1069" said:

> In the recent Oct 2 mini-balance patch, they did make a change to one of Renegade's traits: Righteous Rebel.

> We can now give alacrity with >75% uptime to 10 allies in a 360 radius.


Yeah I noticed this and I think that it's the way to go. But I'd love to see a full-scale update (as Herald's) in terms of competitive - WvW, PvP.

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> @"josephleahy.2943" said:

> > @"Elric.4713" said:

> > Herald rework was great? Renegade rework must be coming since the spec is trash in two out of three game modes.


> lol... what game mode is it good in? its outclassed everywhere.


PvE. There are times that you are better off as Herald but it is not completely useless in PvE.


With that said, I would love to see an update to Renegade as it's my favorite of the two Elites.

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> @"Dace.8173" said:

> PvE. There are times that you are better off as Herald but it is not completely useless in PvE.


Neither of the Rev elites exist in a vacuum. While there are times when it's better to use Herald instead of Renegade, you need to keep in mind that Herald is really close to being 'bottom of the barrel' material as far as instanced group PvE content (T4 fractals, raids) goes when you start comparing it to other classes and Renegade is middling. The only thing Herald really has going for it is its utility and the fact it can be brought along just about anywhere, but most groups do not need that extra utility when other builds with better dps or support can already spread out the responsibilities as necessary. And no, I'm not going to count hand kiting because that role is far too niche.

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> @"Arkaile.5604" said:

> > @"Dace.8173" said:

> > PvE. There are times that you are better off as Herald but it is not completely useless in PvE.


> Neither of the Rev elites exist in a vacuum. While there are times when it's better to use Herald instead of Renegade, you need to keep in mind that Herald is really close to being 'bottom of the barrel' material as far as instanced group PvE content (T4 fractals, raids) goes when you start comparing it to other classes and Renegade is middling. The only thing Herald really has going for it is its utility and the fact it can be brought along just about anywhere, but most groups do not need that extra utility when other builds with better dps or support can already spread out the responsibilities as necessary. And no, I'm not going to count hand kiting because that role is far too niche.


Just because other professions can do it better doesn't change that in PvE Renegade and Herald can get the job done and thus useful. If it were about the best of the best then there really are only about 4 to 5 Elites that are useful and everyone else in the game is not needed. The question, though, was what mode of play was Renegade not completely useless, that mode is PvE. The fact that other professions can be better doesn't change the fact that it is not completely useless.


It's like PvP, there are stronger builds than the Herald. However, in the PvP environment, you can get the job done with Herald. You may have to work harder than say the Mirage spamming clones but your team isn't going to auto-lose because you brought your Herald.


If the question was, in what mode of play is Renegade (or Revenant or Herald) is better than everyone else, then yeah the fact that other professions do it better matters. However, that's not the question posed.

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I've been waiting and the rework never comes. Renegade needed this so long ago it really baffles me how obvious it was warranted but that it was just left to be neglected. I still am hopeful that they will work on it to shine in competitive modes one day, but it will probably happen just before the next expac comes out unfortunately. I want it now, I want it soon, that's all I can say after waiting all this time. The only time I ever saw something promising although op was soulcleave's summit during the beta and of course that got nerfed. Anet, we would like to use renegade in a competitive setting, the wait time is over - renegade is becoming fermented tofu at this stage (though some would argue fermented tofu is good lol).

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