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Minis and lore

Jarl Petter Hinrik.1409

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What are minis in Gw2? Pets? Toys? Magical creatures?


Why would heros have one following them? Especially monsters or historical figures like Queen Jennah?


Some have cool lore like Goedulf who brings missing Norn chidren home.


But some are just weird... What's the deal, for example, for the von Chauncey cat...?


Would you have a mini in real life? And why?

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Unless I am mistaken, there is an event in Caledon Forest that shows minis are small oozes forced into the shape of the minis. This origin probably excludes minis with lore, back stories and explanations already. One thing I'm not sure about if this practice is used to make all minis or if the npc focus on this event was trying to make 'discount' minis or something.


So for why someone would have them or want them; that's easy. They are either a fan of people their minis are based on, or they are a collector who wants them all. Just like people IRL buying and/or collecting amibos or presidential bobble heads.

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> @"Umbrose.3609" said:

> Unless I am mistaken, there is an event in Caledon Forest that shows minis are small oozes forced into the shape of the minis.


Nah, this isn't universal but unique to that specific event. It's just that those specific oozes transformed to mimic other creatures, and they're labeled as "mini" not because they're minipets but because they're oozes pretending miniature versions of other creatures.


With the (potential) exception of the baby animal miniatures, all miniatures are toys of some design, artificial. In GW1, they were human made, but with asura, they seem to be basically miniature golems. Regarding said baby miniatures, at least one - the Black Moa Chick from GW1 - was not a toy but an actual baby moa.


Along with the links that @"Nikolai.3648" provided, the entire Wintersday story with Tixx and Toxx in GW2 surrounds them making toys (miniatures) that are basically tiny golems for kids to play with (and Toxx messing with things as she wants to liberate her enslaved golem kind thus making the toys evil).


In the Lair of Zomorros and the new Mythwright Gambit raid, we even see a bunch of miniature toys being stored. More specifically in the raid, there's an attempt to make "Megapets" - miniatures the size of people - but that makes them hostile. The ray that shrinks them back down can affect the living but only temporarily, further proving minipets are artificial toys.

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Most are magical toys made by Toymakers.


We meet one in the original Guild Wars, [Mahk](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Mahk "Mahk").

And GW2 has a the renowned [Tixx](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Toymaker_Tixx "Tixx").


Players actually help Tixx make 5 miniatures, and we can make them ourselves too. There's crafting recipes and mystic forge recipes for minis.


A few are pets. Actual living things that you can summon to follow you around. As a rule of thumb, if their size is as big as the original like many minis that are small animals like the Mini Desert Fox, they can be considered an actual creature, and the rest are magical toys.

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> @"Yannir.4132" said:

> The Jackal Puppies are probably golems then? AFAIK the jackals don't produce offspring.

They would be "golems" in the same sense that has in other settings, like D&D, and also early GW1.


In GW2 'golem' has become a term specifically for constructs made through science and technology, like an asura golem or Uzolan's golem prototype made with stolen asuran tech.


But they are indeed elemental constructs made out of magically infused sand. I do not know if all jackals have to be made with the same sand, but the ones made in the Desolation are made with sand that has been infused with residual magic from the Realm of Torment, and what appears to be shards from shattered [Graven Monoliths](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Graven_Monolith "Graven Monoliths").

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Is there a section where you could suggest idea's to the devs? If not, I would like to bring up the idea of adding a cobra mini. I am currently working on an Aladdin look for my character and it would be cool to play the flute for my cobra mini ^^

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> @"DiZ.1086" said:

> Is there a section where you could suggest idea's to the devs? If not, I would like to bring up the idea of adding a cobra mini. I am currently working on an Aladdin look for my character and it would be cool to play the flute for my cobra mini ^^


I think there was a post about good ideas for the gemstore somewhere ;)


I am also afraid that they might not like snakes, which leaves cobras at a bad place. There were snakes ingame, but they were removed (and readded with POF, but only at a small area iirc). A Minipet was planed but never made it into our hands:




Maybe you could use the SAB one? Not the same, but close enough?

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