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do u still roam in central tyria for fun and exploration? (gift of completion farm doesnt count)

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Yes. Not as often as I used to, because I have so many other things to do now, but when I feel like it I'll either level an alt by doing map exploration, complete areas I haven't done yet on a level 80 (not for the gift, just as a thing to do) or re-play events on a low level map.


I also do map completion on all the expansion maps and living story maps for the same reason.

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Yes, but I also roam all areas outside of core Tyria. I have 27 mains, and it's been a good number of months since I did NOT play every one of them in any given month.


Exception: I avoid the four HoT areas, because they're too difficult for casual play like this, and because the later ones pose extreme navigation issues. If they would only improve the mini-map to show elevations and tunnels … :(.

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I travel most of tyria. In most cases I have an idea about an item, a certain npc or a location I remember from the past. I head there and then I get lost XD. A lot of times I do not even make it to my destination at all and just get dragged away by other things. Most of my adventures start with me noticing something suspicious or a hard to reach location. Plenty of times I end up below the map, in the void or in locations/layers players are not supposed to be. Sometimes I find new treasures or easter-eggs.


I said it a lot of times and I repeat myself once more: The attention to detail the developers have put into the maps is just astonishing. Some of the maps I re-visit over and over, especially the starter-zones, still reveal new things to me - even after 6+ years ^^.

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I don't get to spend as much time on the game as I used to, so recently I haven't been. But when I do have time then I do still like to chill and wander around the core maps for fun. Sometimes I'll wander the starting areas and lower level maps seeing if any newer players need help or company for exploring, and sometimes I might just sit over a HP and just watch new players take it on, throwing down some healing on them if they are about to get downed (But I don't get involved in the fight beyond healing unless they ask for help with it, I think it's better to let them get used to their skills and the combat).


Other than that I still think the core maps have some of the most relaxing terrain and vistas in the game, so I'll just wander around and look for nice views, mostly around Kryta or the Shiverpeak maps, as they're my favourites, but I tend to go to all areas a fair bit, aside from Orr, I only tend to go there to do the Eye or temples.


With HoT I love the maps, but I tend to mainly go there for events and metas, I don't really explore them anymore unless on an alt (though sometimes flying or gliding around the canopy of VB is fun and relaxing). LS maps are the same, I don't tend to go to them unless I want to do events or fight stuff. PoF I rarely go back to at all as I find them boring with very little of interest to look at and, and boring in terms of events.

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I'd say, "Yes." In the space of a couple of months, I've gone from 3 characters with full Tyria exploration to 8. I will count them, as I have no interest in Legendary Weapons. The Gifts are thus of no interest to me.


I liked exploring in GW, and also in GW2. Core Tyria exploration for me is something I do as a pastime, when I am not interested in edge-of-my-seat attention to game-play. Also, while its rewards are dwarfed by the loot pinatas in newer maps, I still harvest lots of mats, which I sell on the TP, and I've gained enough BL Statuettes via keys from map completion rewards to get two of the town clothes outfits.

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I've gone 100% on core 9 times and I have 8 more alts between 20-70%.

I think I am done at this point.

Core Tyria is a fantastic experience, I'm just done with it. The fact I 100%ed it 9 times is a testament, in my mind, to how good it is.


There are however 1 or 2 hearts on every map that range between badly thought out and flat out broken. There are a noticeable number of hearts that are so tied to events , that when you miss the event the heart becomes so tedious that the fun disappears. I just don't have it in me to engage those pieces of content one more time.


If I thought by carefully cataloging these issues and bringing them to the developer's attention we would see some fixes I would go back over core with a fine toothed comb.

Until then I have 16 unused Gifts of Exploration and zero desire to deal with the northern end of Hrathi Hinterlands one more time. I get much more entertainment out of the HoT and PoF maps.

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Yes, i love map completition - just for the sake of it. I do have like 10 gifts of exploration already and i dont really need them because i have the legendaries i wanted. Still have 2 chars which don't have 100% map and im working on getting it but slowly. All my chars (14) have completed the HoT map though - yes... love those maps, especially TD.

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a couple of my favourite things to do is to have my character go back to the starting zones and pretend like my character occasionally returns home to deal with significantly more minor issues just to remember what life would be like without chaos and as a form of intimidation against the enemies of their home cities. "The commander is back."


At some point I also began a thing where I had my character wear the town clothing outfit, purchased a staff or basic swords from the weapon vendor in the pvp lobby, and walk around queensdale to just talk to all the npcs and just take things really slow, rp walk, and just admire all the artwork etc, not using mounts etc. I forgot about that for a while but you reminded me of wanting to do that, thank you. I'll do that with the various races at some point.


I also finally have the arctic explorer outfit, the crystal nomad outfit, the jungle explorer outfit, the noble count outfit, and the common clothing outfit, which means I can rp wear clothes to several places and not be 'out of place', even if i don't exactly rp myself. it's fun to switch to the arctic outfit for the shiverpeaks and then the jungle explorer outfit when visiting maguuma.

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