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Whats your most profitable Karma farming??

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I looked around a bit and nothing really came up regarding the most profitable methods. Most people say the same thing about Istan. However, Istan kinda seems slow? Most likely im just doing it wrong :/


Anyway whats your most Profitable Karma farm? Currently sitting at about 200k and I need a good 500k more to finish Aurora?

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Depends on how quickly you need it. Istan, with the max karma buff, is probably the quickest so long as you join a map doing the farm and tag everything.


What I’ve been doing are the quick LS3 and LS4 dailies and I’ve been getting about 22K a day for about 15 min of work. Probably 10 min if I cared to be quicker.


Also, when doing the LS3 dailies, you can get UM which you can use to by obsidian shards. On top of the above, and doing a single berry node farm on one character, I can usually by 25 shards a day. You can certainly by more if you actively farm berries. That’s probably the most efficient and quickest way to obtain obsidian shards quickly.

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The absolute best time is during Wintersday (which obviously doesn't help you out right now). I have 1 character with max buffs up who does the orphans each day and then I camp bell choir until I'm sick of it (and bell choir isn't even the best option, its just really easy to run a perfect streak in if you don't have internet latency so I can do it while my brain is in low power mode).

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> @"Tycko Larsson.7829" said:

> When I am in need of karma I run Ember Bay and Siren's Landing. Killing things to fill the hearts. With full karmic retribution. Takes about 30-40 min and nets about 60000 karma. Worst round I got was just shy of 40000 best I got was about 100000 in one round.


holy fack

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I’d start by farming Bitterfrost Frontier first for the berries as that will be the best use of your time until you run out of characters. With the standard five characters, you should easily get 50 shards in under an hour. This is from converting berries to UM and buying shards from vendor. That there translates to 105,000 karma.


Edit: clarified post

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I don't even know what to use my karma on, I have almost 5 mil I think? I just never saw the point in getting those karma boosts for LW maps since I really don't ever use this currency outside of buying obsidian shards once every 9 months or so from the temple of Balthazar.


What are you guys farming it for?

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> @"Klipso.8653" said:

> I don't even know what to use my karma on, I have almost 5 mil I think? I just never saw the point in getting those karma boosts for LW maps since I really don't ever use this currency outside of buying obsidian shards once every 9 months or so from the temple of Balthazar.


> What are you guys farming it for?


OP is likely doing legendaries. I’m doing both that and for the rewards from the LS heart vendors.

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> @"Klipso.8653" said:

> I don't even know what to use my karma on, I have almost 5 mil I think? I just never saw the point in getting those karma boosts for LW maps since I really don't ever use this currency outside of buying obsidian shards once every 9 months or so from the temple of Balthazar.


> What are you guys farming it for?


I spent millions of karma getting all karma weapons and armor skins from core Tyria. That wiped me out. Now I getting karma for the mini pets and other items such as the Protype Position Rewinder (very useful on jumping puzzles) offered by heart NPCs on the new maps.

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> @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> > @"Klipso.8653" said:

> > I don't even know what to use my karma on, I have almost 5 mil I think? I just never saw the point in getting those karma boosts for LW maps since I really don't ever use this currency outside of buying obsidian shards once every 9 months or so from the temple of Balthazar.

> >

> > What are you guys farming it for?


> I spent millions of karma getting all karma weapons and armor skins from core Tyria. That wiped me out. Now I getting karma for the mini pets and other items such as the Protype Position Rewinder (very useful on jumping puzzles) offered by heart NPCs on the new maps.


I save mine for wintersday. Im also saving for the sirens landing backpack collection. That needs 2-3 mil karma

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> @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> I’d start by farming Bitterfrost Frontier first for the berries as that will be the best use of your time until you run out of characters. With the standard five characters, you should easily get 50 in under an hour. That there translates to 105,000 karma.


How do you get karma from Winterberries?

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > I’d start by farming Bitterfrost Frontier first for the berries as that will be the best use of your time until you run out of characters. With the standard five characters, you should easily get 50 in under an hour. That there translates to 105,000 karma.


> How do you get karma from Winterberries?


I think she means Obsidian and thus if you need obsidian, you can save on spending karma on obsidian shards by buying them with unbound magic from.. winterberries.

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> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> > > @"Klipso.8653" said:

> > > I don't even know what to use my karma on, I have almost 5 mil I think? I just never saw the point in getting those karma boosts for LW maps since I really don't ever use this currency outside of buying obsidian shards once every 9 months or so from the temple of Balthazar.

> > >

> > > What are you guys farming it for?

> >

> > I spent millions of karma getting all karma weapons and armor skins from core Tyria. That wiped me out. Now I getting karma for the mini pets and other items such as the Protype Position Rewinder (very useful on jumping puzzles) offered by heart NPCs on the new maps.


> I save mine for wintersday. Im also saving for the sirens landing backpack collection. That needs 2-3 mil karma


The backpack collection just requires 1,5b karma (315k x 5). I got 6b karma last wintersday, doing the bell choir and only spent 1b this year (mainly on that collection indeed). I really don't know what to do with it (buying sheets from the pact vendors is too boring for me).

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> @"FrizzFreston.5290" said:

> > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > > I’d start by farming Bitterfrost Frontier first for the berries as that will be the best use of your time until you run out of characters. With the standard five characters, you should easily get 50 in under an hour. That there translates to 105,000 karma.

> >

> > How do you get karma from Winterberries?


> I think she means Obsidian and thus if you need obsidian, you can save on spending karma on obsidian shards by buying them with unbound magic from.. winterberries.


Ah, ok. Thanks.


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> @"FrizzFreston.5290" said:

> > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > > I’d start by farming Bitterfrost Frontier first for the berries as that will be the best use of your time until you run out of characters. With the standard five characters, you should easily get 50 in under an hour. That there translates to 105,000 karma.

> >

> > How do you get karma from Winterberries?


> I think she means Obsidian and thus if you need obsidian, you can save on spending karma on obsidian shards by buying them with unbound magic from.. winterberries.


If that’s what he meant then mining my guild’s [Ore Synthesizer](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Ore_Synthesizer) in Windswept Haven gives me karma. I usually get a couple of Obsidian Shards each day from that node (with a rare chance of getting 10 Shards).

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> @"Urud.4925" said:

> > @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> > > > @"Klipso.8653" said:

> > > > I don't even know what to use my karma on, I have almost 5 mil I think? I just never saw the point in getting those karma boosts for LW maps since I really don't ever use this currency outside of buying obsidian shards once every 9 months or so from the temple of Balthazar.

> > > >

> > > > What are you guys farming it for?

> > >

> > > I spent millions of karma getting all karma weapons and armor skins from core Tyria. That wiped me out. Now I getting karma for the mini pets and other items such as the Protype Position Rewinder (very useful on jumping puzzles) offered by heart NPCs on the new maps.

> >

> > I save mine for wintersday. Im also saving for the sirens landing backpack collection. That needs 2-3 mil karma


> The backpack collection just requires 1,5b karma (315k x 5). I got 6b karma last wintersday, doing the bell choir and only spent 1b this year (mainly on that collection indeed). I really don't know what to do with it (buying sheets from the pact vendors is too boring for me).


1.5 M, not b. 315K is 315000, times 5 is 1575000 = 1.575M.

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Inquest killing in Sandswept with karmic retribution. There are big packs of fast respawning inquest near the magnetics lab and a few other places. Do specimen chamber pre-event when up. Awakened inquest in Kourna also work. Iboga in Istan could be decent, but evergreen stone prices really cratered. For any of these you get loot, karma and volatile magic. Win win. For 400k karma you're probably looking at almost 4 hours of farming though. 500-600 kills per hour, probably about 10 gold worth of loot, couple more gold worth of volatile magic, and about 100k karma/hr.

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> @"Steve The Cynic.3217" said:

> > @"Urud.4925" said:

> > > @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > > > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> > > > > @"Klipso.8653" said:

> > > > > I don't even know what to use my karma on, I have almost 5 mil I think? I just never saw the point in getting those karma boosts for LW maps since I really don't ever use this currency outside of buying obsidian shards once every 9 months or so from the temple of Balthazar.

> > > > >

> > > > > What are you guys farming it for?

> > > >

> > > > I spent millions of karma getting all karma weapons and armor skins from core Tyria. That wiped me out. Now I getting karma for the mini pets and other items such as the Protype Position Rewinder (very useful on jumping puzzles) offered by heart NPCs on the new maps.

> > >

> > > I save mine for wintersday. Im also saving for the sirens landing backpack collection. That needs 2-3 mil karma

> >

> > The backpack collection just requires 1,5b karma (315k x 5). I got 6b karma last wintersday, doing the bell choir and only spent 1b this year (mainly on that collection indeed). I really don't know what to do with it (buying sheets from the pact vendors is too boring for me).


> 1.5 M, not b. 315K is 315000, times 5 is 1575000 = 1.575M.


Ops, I missed "just" 3 orders of magnitude... Thanks for the correction Steve :)

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > I’d start by farming Bitterfrost Frontier first for the berries as that will be the best use of your time until you run out of characters. With the standard five characters, you should easily get 50 in under an hour. That there translates to 105,000 karma.


> How do you get karma from Winterberries?


Berries > UM > Obby shards


Updated that posted so it was clearer as I clearly left out a few steps.

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