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Black Lion Expedition and Hunters Board Deliveries - Daily

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I'd like to make a request.


Can we get these deliveries in our mail each day, regardless of if we log in?


I ask because I am a casual player who may go a day or 2 without logging in due to work, my coaching schedule, family commitments, etc.


I would assume that these fine BL Representatives are still out there hunting and gathering away.


I would say put a cap on it at(I'm not unreasonable, like I want to not log in for a month and have 30 days of both waiting.)...lets say 5 from each board for a total of 10(if you have both), or a cap of 10 if you only have 1 of the boards in your home instance...and then they get put on hold until we log in and collect them.


We paid good Gems for this service...I do not see why they cannot be delivered and be waiting for us when we do get to log back in and play if we have to be away for a short period of time.


What do you folks all think?

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  • 3 weeks later...

> @"Linken.6345" said:

> > @"alchemist.6851" said:

> > i bought it and when i can’t login due to emergency i get my wife to do it


> Woot you share your account with the wife thats against the rules =)


Weeeell, according to the Bible, they are "one flesh", so she's him.


In the US, many states also treat them as one legal entity as well.


So, I think there's a loophole for our wives (or husbands). :)

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> @"Daddicus.6128" said:

> > @"Linken.6345" said:

> > > @"alchemist.6851" said:

> > > i bought it and when i can’t login due to emergency i get my wife to do it

> >

> > Woot you share your account with the wife thats against the rules =)


> Weeeell, according to the Bible, they are "one flesh", so she's him.


> In the US, many states also treat them as one legal entity as well.


> So, I think there's a loophole for our wives (or husbands). :)


Oh so if she hit someone he goes to jail? sounds about right =P

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> @"Blocki.4931" said:

> Logging in takes 2 minutes max, just jump on a char and get out again. You don't have to accept the mail to get them the next day, just be on a character to receive them then peace out


Yes, that's what I do sometimes. Just log in when I have 5 minutes of spare time (and hope that there hasn't been an update!), get to my first character, wait for it to load, and close again immediately.

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> @"Blocki.4931" said:

> Logging in takes 2 minutes max, just jump on a char and get out again. You don't have to accept the mail to get them the next day, just be on a character to receive them then peace out


Unfortunately, it doesn't work when you're away from computers for a while.


So, I like OP's request, but with a maximum you can "save".

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> @"Thorfinnr Sleggja.1209" said:

> Can we get these deliveries in our mail each day, regardless of if we log in?


I doubt it will happen for several reasons:

* ANet has a vested interest in having people logon daily. It means you're keeping one foot in the game, and thus more likely to be among the massively part of MMO.

* They'd have to change the in-game mail mechanic to take into account some people having hundreds and hundreds of pending mail, especially with items.

* They'd have to create a new type of trigger. Right now, there's very little that happens while we are offline (except the character age incrementing).

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> I doubt it will happen for several reasons:

> * ANet has a vested interest in having people logon daily. It means you're keeping one foot in the game, and thus more likely to be among the massively part of MMO.

I get this...which is why I suggested a cap...no need to overload the system like that. :)


> * They'd have to change the in-game mail mechanic to take into account some people having hundreds and hundreds of pending mail, especially with items.

You can already have quite a few pending emails...you only get 10 in your inbox...but if you open, take an item, and delete it, you then get the next one in que...now this is for mail from other player. Again having a "cap" on the board emails woudl keep that low. I do see your point, but I think a regulated amount of emails could work, as these don't count toward the "10 total" emails currently, as they act like emails from the BLTP or ANET.


> * They'd have to create a new type of trigger. Right now, there's very little that happens while we are offline (except the character age incrementing).

True...but again...with an acceptable cap on these, it might be something that could be worked out.


And ever7yone is right...if I am around, I do log in and get my mails and daily chest and log back out. As mentioned in an above response...this was more for like if you were to be gone on vacation or somehting to that affect where you may be away from a computer to log in for say 1-5 days. No longer...more than that I even think would be unreasonable. Maybe a total of 6 deliveries, 1 from each board, for 3 days. I coudl live with that.


Its just a suggestion/quality of life improvement. Thanks for the feedback. :)



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> @"Thorfinnr Sleggja.1209" said:

> it might be something that could be worked out.

There's absolutely no question that it _would_ be worked out. None of the problems I've mentioned are conceptually challenging and (as you've noted) there are similar systems in place, give or take.


The point I'm making is that it's a huge cost _relative_ to the benefit: it doesn't get more people playing, it doesn't even get more of those who'd benefit playing — it actually makes it easier for people not to logon. Compare that to the quality-of-life "salvage all" and "open all." Those needed creation of new systems (e.g. to pre-count space before taking an action), new UI, etc. It pulled people off of other work. But: the benefits went to everyone and pay off for every player multiple times a day (sometimes dozens of times).


In other words: it's a fine idea. I'd just be surprised if ANet spent time considering it.



> Its just a suggestion/quality of life improvement.

"Just" QoL suggestions/changes are some of the most important things that a studio can deliver to gamers. I think it's worthwhile to post well-presented ideas, even if they turn out to get little support or to have issues. ANet might not do anything about the two current gem shop "item of the day" systems, but your suggestion might catalyze a 'better' idea for what the third such automated-looting concept might be.


In other words: please don't minimize the value of the suggestion.


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Personally, I don't think missing 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 or 60 of these things diminishes the value. Yes, I payed Gems for it, but it will always be there, it's not going away, it was a one time purchase and the cost will be spread over a countless number of days. That's probably the biggest reason for ArenaNet not to have it save even a minor amount of mails from not logging in...the fact that it's a long term use item that was paid for once.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> There's absolutely no question that it _would_ be worked out. None of the problems I've mentioned are conceptually challenging and (as you've noted) there are similar systems in place, give or take.


> The point I'm making is that it's a huge cost _relative_ to the benefit: it doesn't get more people playing, it doesn't even get more of those who'd benefit playing — it actually makes it easier for people not to logon. Compare that to the quality-of-life "salvage all" and "open all." Those needed creation of new systems (e.g. to pre-count space before taking an action), new UI, etc. It pulled people off of other work. But: the benefits went to everyone and pay off for every player multiple times a day (sometimes dozens of times).


> In other words: it's a fine idea. I'd just be surprised if ANet spent time considering it.

Point taken...really this specifically is rather trivial...I just know as a regular busy adult, sometimes I miss a day or 2 (or 3), and it would be nice just not to miss out on those deliveries. (I have really liked getting the extra foods from the area I set for the Expedition.) :)


> "Just" QoL suggestions/changes are some of the most important things that a studio can deliver to gamers. I think it's worthwhile to post well-presented ideas, even if they turn out to get little support or to have issues. ANet might not do anything about the two current gem shop "item of the day" systems, but your suggestion might catalyze a 'better' idea for what the third such automated-looting concept might be.


> In other words: please don't minimize the value of the suggestion.

And perhaps you are right...maybe it will spawn thought on something more...robust...for the next one. As always, thanks for the insight. :)



> @"Zaklex.6308" said:

> Personally, I don't think missing 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 or 60 of these things diminishes the value. Yes, I payed Gems for it, but it will always be there, it's not going away, it was a one time purchase and the cost will be spread over a countless number of days. That's probably the biggest reason for ArenaNet not to have it save even a minor amount of mails from not logging in...the fact that it's a long term use item that was paid for once.

Valid point.


lol...I guess I just hate missing out, even though it is a small amount of items...but I do see what you are saying. Thanks for the input


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> @"Thorfinnr Sleggja.1209" said:

> lol...I guess I just hate missing out,

Me, too; I absolutely hate it.


I was offering some advice to a friend that was getting burned out, reminding them to just work on the stuff that's fun. The little things we do can really add up to a lot of money: farming full home instances, grabbing the concentrated flax nodes in VB, parking at a JP, and so on. But they also drain one of energy to do other stuff. None of these things take long, but a minute here, a minute there and suddenly an hour is gone and you haven't even done anything in game.


And in chatting, I realized: I should take my own advice! I just didn't like the idea of giving up that extra loot.


All that's a longwinded way of saying: yeah, I don't like missing out, I really don't. But it's not the most important thing and, for me, I hope ANet doesn't spend too much time making these "calisthenics" easier, because I'd rather they focus attention on the other stuff we do in game, the fun stuff.

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