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GEMSTORE REQUESTS: New Items; Items offered again - [Merged]

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Anet, why do you refuse to put decent medium armor sets in the Gem Store? They exist! The Viper's Medium Armor Skin has existed for a long time. Yet you refuse to include it in the Gem store, in spite of repeated requests. WHY? You continue to try and force female character's to wear UGLY Trench Coats, through limitations on choice. WHY?


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I'd like a bookshelf for my home instance to store the odd little books and other events from the various missions. I enjoy looking over them once in a while and I'm wasting a bit of space in the bank for it. My books need more care than that. If you made it where folks could only store books they have in inventory it might motivate them to relive some of the old events as well. And I'd expect to be able to sit down in a chair when I'm reading. Thanks.

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Here is an item I would like to see featured again in the Gem Store, **Menzies's Agony**. I remember the skin being available (some time ago), only for those players with access to the Heart of Thorns expansion. The skin was then re-released for those without Heart of Thorns. Hopefully, **Menzies's Agony** will appear in the Gem Store at some point (for both sets of players), because I would love to purchase the skin.


My Guardian would appreciate it.

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My suggestion is more of a QOL related. However, in another game I played these were available and I think, they would be positive additions:


1. Allow players to purchase for an additional 100 gems, "a copy" of the equippable, non-wardrobe items e.g. unbreakable gathering tools for our alts. I have shared inventory slots, but the cost of them is far outside my budget and I get tired of forgetting the Unbound gathering tools when flipping characters

2. Change the purchase of additional bag slots so they have the option of buying them account wide e.g. 400 for character 600 for account

3. Create a collection of Gemstore items we have purchased that stores items that can be claimed by alts or in the event of accidental deletion

4. Provide a more consistent in-game method (or up the drop rate) of BL KEYS. I have 86 chests in my bank yet, aside from the guaranteed e.g drops story and map complete, I have yet to get another

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> @"Kondor.2904" said:

> Bring back the Foefire skin set ! (please <3)




> @"Controlla.7241" said:

> hey, any chance the chaos gloves and the crimson glowing mask are gonna make a comeback to the gemshop? I'm desperately waiting for those since forever :(


and yes, please waiting for those things for so long!!

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> @"Bmiester.1390" said:

> > @"Surion.4608" said:

> > Could we see the Holo-copter glider combo returning these days with SAB please?


> yes the "Super Adventure Holo-Copter" Glider skin i waited all year for a return of that would be nice really nice


Also waiting for that holo-copter. Getting a bit worried it might not return :S

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I would love a demonic outfit or something that makes you look like a Demon; Humans and the like could be something like diablo or some other demon from another form of fiction. But it would be cool to be able to look like some monster who has no armor some pretty dope partical effects, with spikes a tail and the works and just run around with your skills and legendary gear and look like a beast.

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Idea for the total makeover kit: Give the option to have two colored eyes. Similar to how you can choose Charr coat colors and markings - one option for the left eye, one for the right. If someone didn't want two different colors they would just have to pick the same color for both options. Possibilities for different character looks and color combos would become endless!

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- Glowing in the dark dyes -

Come night the Sylvari glow (Which I do love but... not a fan of the Sylvari looks personally). Being able to dye your clothes in this fashion would be quite cool for those of us who enjoy a bit of fashion wars. To wonder around somewhere as the sun declines and then watch as the dyes start to glow as the night rises, Sounds fascinating to me and some of my guildies.

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I know with the current mount adoption licenses relatively new, I wouldn't mind a future 25 skin license set of culture mount skins. Each playable race would have a skin for each mount leading to 5 skins for for each mount. I just think this would be more cool for those that want more culture mounts, like plant (sylvari) mounts or golem (asura) mounts for example.

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