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Voting about PVP titles


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As you all know from this season PVP titles are no longer accesible.

[https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/52151/pvp-season-13-starts-august-28/p1](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/52151/pvp-season-13-starts-august-28/p1 "https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/52151/pvp-season-13-starts-august-28/p1")

That means it dosen't matter on which rank do you finish the season you won't get the title for it anymore.

Anet's explanation is unclear, but this move deprived pvp from its motivation factor and it causes additional population decrease.


However they forgot to ask their players about this. Let's help them and do thier job again.

Please vote if you want back the tiltes or not and write down your opinion.

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Where is the "I don't care" option? Also, "No - I like to play for no reward" comes across as misleading considering there are rewards for playing and someone may consider play reward in itself. Maybe it should have been more neutral and matter of fact like the positive option, something like "No - Please do not bring back PvP titles".

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> @"Dharma.9123" said:

> Definetly - YES

> And also question. Why removed it? If someone dont want this title - he just dont use it,even if get.

> But for me personal it was motivation. Like devision badge near nickname and monthly crown animation over head.


Exactly, it's a dumb idea. Its like they are actually trying to kill what little is left of the PvP community..

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Even though I already got all the titles I want, I think they should bring them back. It would be great if they added to PVP for a change instead of constantly taking stuff away so that more people would actually want to play. Match quality is at an all time low because the population is so diminished.

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add new titles and remove duo q

add more titles to ATs as well

maybe one or two fancy legendary backpacks or possibly a cosmetic aura to grind for so the pvp population can be refilled by pve players. there's always a handful that will eventually become regular pvpers.


match manipulation should be dealt with by banning or suspending the offender, not removing incentives

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I think getting skilled and make everyone know it is the best reward and should be the only one. Sadly there were a lot of abuses in order to get those title the quality of the game was impacted.


Reward should be only availlable in unranked games too avoid noobs queueing with no brain but greed

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I admit I might feel differently if I hadn't landed a title last season, but on balance removing titles is probably a good thing. I like ranked enough that I'd still play even if titles were never an option in the first place, and I support measures to reduce the incentive for win trading. I mostly play just to retain my plat badge for most of the season anyways, and to slowly work up a second legendary pvp armor set - none of which is affected by titles.


I'd be very interested to find out, after this season ends, if there was any appreciable reduction in win trading/afk/other shenanigans.

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> @"Lexander.4579" said:

> the best rewards from ranked pvp come from pips and surprise! **anyone gets those no matter how bad or good they are at playing the game**



You just answered why chests arent good rewards rofl


The best reward kind is those which **represents players skill level**, such Badges and Titles.

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Just bring back titles. There is absolutely no reason at all to not have them at this point. Anet confirmed that the reason they were removed is to prevent people camping the top spots.. but look at the top 10! Most people in there are camping the spots anyway! So no, the removal of titles added nothing to the game- it only took away some really nice rewards from the top players. I would have loved to get god of pvp one day and it makes me extremely sad to know that it isn’t going to happen now.


The ‘BUT DUO MAKES IT UNBALANCED’ arguments are truly ridiculous because we have already had several seasons that included duo q and also had titles. In fact they were some of the best seasons that there ever has been due to the competition for meaningful rewards.


The ‘BUT MATCH MANIPULATION’ argument is even more ridiculous because NOBODY in high tier has successfully wintraded without getting banned since (I believe) season 9 when 3 of the top ranked players got banned for wintrading. Anybody who has got high ranked by wintrading since then has been banned, no exceptions. All this talk about wintrading in gold is total nonsense- people going afk is NOT the same thing as wintrading and will happen the same amount with duo q or solo q only.


So yeah, you can tell that I’m angry about this, but come on. There was absolutely zero logic in removing the titles and I believe bringing them back will help make ranked more competitive, especially with duo q being back.

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Merciless Luck, Ruthless Fortune, Indomitable Convenience, Wintrade of PvP?


There is no real sense behind titles achieved for one person in a TEAM SETTING. Solo(duo) titles for solo(duo) play, team titles for team play, shouldn't it be like that? Well I think it should, but we don't have the community big enough for that.

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