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Want to know your opinion about Revenant :)


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Hey everyone :),


I'm making this post because i'm looking for a new profession to sort of main and invest my time into. i searched forums, youtube and i found that people are suggesting Revenant.


So before i invest the time into the profession, i would like to get the opinions of people who play the class :)


Let me know if you really enjoy it playing all PvE content open world,fractals, raids.

If you feel overwhelmed sometimes.

Just give your general opinion about the class :)


I would really appreciate it Thank you.

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I think it's a fantastic profession. However, you do have to enjoy micromanagement as a playstyle. With Energy, you need to be mindful of how much of it you have, what you intend to do next, and what you are currently doing. The timing on it is not the most forgiving profession in the game. Some folks don't like that aspect of play but I find it to be fun.

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Rev main since HoT after playing Mesmer. I love so much about this profession, but it has a couple drawbacks:

-Learning to juggle Weapon CDs, Legend CDs, and Energy all at once can leave you exposed for a few seconds if you aren't planning your moves ahead.

-You can always fill two roles at once, but you will rarely get to do any one role at its best. Luckily 75% of a healer and 75% of a DPS is 150% of a full role, but only if you time it right.

-You don't get to choose or tailor your kit to the situation. For me, this is a fun challenge of applying what I have and jury-rigging a solution. For others, this means your PvP/WvW opponents ALSO know exactly what's in your kit before you ever use it.


I recommend starting with a power herald build as it is the cheapest to gear, the easiest to learn, and you can take it pretty much anywhere with reasonable success.

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A power herald is fun to play, at least for me. You have decent damage and feel useful in pugs. The only thing that I don't like is that everytime that you switch to Glint (and you change legend continuously), you also have to manually activate your 3-4 stances (I use 3 of them). It might distract you for a moment from the fight, and might be risky to do it against a tough boss, if you choose a bad moment (that's why I play mainly thief, so I can focus only on the battle). But if you have a good mouse/good keybind, it shouldn't be a problem.

(I'm not an expert though, never played it in raids)

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Is a less mature class which felt rushed at the release of HoT which never had the time to have a propper core build, full of bugs oftenly forgotten for ages, but which had a lot of personality and engaging mechanics. Sadly lost most of its character along the last 12 months (boon sharing, boon duration, procs on vulnerability, burst mechanics... ) while retaining the lack of flexibility and adaptability of a class with fixed utilities and small variety of weapons. Its only reedeming factor is that if you play in a WvW as a heavy and you were tired of cqc then Coalescence of Ruin offers the AoE long range damage absent in their builds, but other than that is hard to find a game mode in which isn't eclipsed by other options (which have 3 years more of developening on their backs).

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Rev is probably my favourite class in open world pve (I play all classes). My pros of the class are:

Very strong at soloing hard content and strong in group events, though it comes with a steeper learning curve than most other classes.

Weapons skills are interesting and skills are fun to use.

Traits are very diverse and you have many useful options to pick from.

Defense is very proactive with lots of blocks and evades (might be a con if you don't like that play-style)


Some cons to the class are:

Energy management and legends (utility skills) can be difficult to get used to, and it is just unappealing to some

Many bugs

Lack of weapon diversity. While the weapons they have are nice, there aren't many to choose from.



For organized pve, I rarely seen any revs in fractal 99-100CM, but it should be ok for them, and they are completely fine in T4s, not sure about raids, but i've heard condi rev is strong.


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Fantastic profession if you know what you’re doing with it. Skill cap is higher than a lot of the other classes so be aware of that. I’ve mained rev since HoT and have thousands of hours on it and it’s never let me down. Sure, it’s not always the best (no class is except mesmer) and currently it’s more just above average on a lot of things and meta in some environments, but it gets the job done and can fill a lot of different roles in a lot of different scenarios. The key thing really is to learn how all your skills interact and get used to the energy cost playstyle. Plan ahead and play conservatively (unless you _know_ you can go Ham) and you’ll have great success with the class

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Great in theory. In practice a mixed bag.


In theory this is an energy driven profession which allows you to determine moment to moment, what you're going to do in combat. You control your character. Most other GW2 professions are cooldown driven and for a large part those cooldowns predetermine optimal rotations. Your character controls you.


In practice courtesy of cooldowns and traits only Shiro (assassin) and Ventari (healer) are really like this. Also Glint but only if you use the aura buffs and completely ignore the active abilities which all have cooldowns.


And there's this weird and stupid mechanic of your energy resetting to 50 when you swap legends. Makes sense insofar as it gives you enough energy to use the heal on that legend immediately after swapping. But it's unfortunately also the only means revenants have of improving energy regen, i.e. you're meant to burn your energy down to 0 on one legend, swap to reset to 50, then burn down to 0 etc. etc.


Then you're back to your character controlling you. Though if you enjoy other GW2 professions that might not bother you.

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> @"Caeledh.5437" said:

> Great in theory. In practice a mixed bag.


> In practice courtesy of cooldowns and traits only Shiro (assassin) and Ventari (healer) are really like this. Also Glint but only if you use the aura buffs and completely ignore the active abilities which all have cooldowns.


Ummm Mallyx says hello? He’s even purer than shiro in terms of no cooldowns



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> @"LucianTheAngelic.7054" said:

> Ummm Mallyx says hello? He’s even purer than shiro in terms of no cooldowns


Tell Mallyx he can kiss my arse.


The active skills don't have any cooldowns, except for the self-heal. But look at the associated traits.




Only 3 without cooldowns. I generously and I think reasonably include the 1s cooldown one as basically no cooldown.


And because all of the major traits have cooldowns it's not even possible to create a build which avoids them.


By comparison, Shiro only has 2 traits with cooldowns and both can simply not be taken. The 5s cooldowns on their 2 active abilities are negligible. Jade Winds has a 3 second duration so it's only really 2 seconds of downtime between uses. And phase traversal in PvE at least is not an ability you'd often want to use more than once every 5 seconds.

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> @"LucianTheAngelic.7054" said:

> Ummm Mallyx says hello? He’s even purer than shiro in terms of no cooldowns


Hang on a second. Why did I have to explain to **you** that this is horribly and obviously wrong?


> @"LucianTheAngelic.7054" said:

> Fantastic profession **if you know what you’re doing with it**. Skill cap is higher than a lot of the other classes so be aware of that. **I’ve mained rev since HoT and have thousands of hours on it** and it’s never let me down. Sure, it’s not always the best (no class is except mesmer) and currently it’s more just above average on a lot of things and meta in some environments, but it gets the job done and can fill a lot of different roles in a lot of different scenarios. **The key thing really is to learn how all your skills** interact and get used to the energy cost playstyle. Plan ahead and play conservatively (unless you know you can go Ham) and you’ll have great success with the class



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> @"Valker.3726" said:

> Hey everyone :),


> I'm making this post because i'm looking for a new profession to sort of main and invest my time into. i searched forums, youtube and i found that people are suggesting Revenant.


> So before i invest the time into the profession, i would like to get the opinions of people who play the class :)


> Let me know if you really enjoy it playing all PvE content open world,fractals, raids.

> If you feel overwhelmed sometimes.

> Just give your general opinion about the class :)


> I would really appreciate it Thank you.


Revenant is a complex class centered around a smaller skill selection with many applications, and the ability to change stances mid combat.


Revenant is like jack of all trades. Fewer skills but many applications, constantly switching their skill sets mid-combat. Though you can't customize individual utility skills, you can choose which of two Legends (utility sets) you want to equip, and they are well-designed enough that not being able to customize them doesn't really matter.


Don't mistake the smaller kit for lack of variety. The most important mechanic of Revenant is Energy. Every skill you use costs Energy, and it's a very limiting resource. This is key to a Revenant's design and its versatility. Despite having access to very powerful skill sets, you can't just spam them all off cd like other professions. Each skill competes with each other for Energy. It's that beautiful limitation what makes Revenant such a fun class. You have to think carefully about what skills you want to use in combat, different skills are useful in different situations. Strategy really matters on Revenant, and it's highly rewarded.


When it comes down to PvE meta for raids and fractals, Revenant is an extremely powerful support class, whether you are DPS or a healer. The Devastation traitline grants allies additional crit damage. The Renegade Legend increases team damage output, as well as survivability, by granting them an extremely powerful life-steal called Soulcleave Summit. Meanwhile Herald can grant boons up to 10 allies addition while being very defensive and survivability. Revenant also has a number of niche roles, such as hand kiting on Deimos.


But the best part of a Revenant: **IT'S A STAND USER!!!**



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> @"Valker.3726" said:

> Hey everyone :),


> I'm making this post because i'm looking for a new profession to sort of main and invest my time into. i searched forums, youtube and i found that people are suggesting Revenant.


> So before i invest the time into the profession, i would like to get the opinions of people who play the class :)


> Let me know if you really enjoy it playing all PvE content open world,fractals, raids.

> If you feel overwhelmed sometimes.

> Just give your general opinion about the class :)


> I would really appreciate it Thank you.


Rev was my main for a bit and is my second played profession in most content.


My love was for condi rev, which currently sucks. condi rev has one of the longest damage ramp ups, rendering useless in PvP and really weak in much of the PvE content.


Power herald is surely where it’s at. Good in every game mode, but has some issues.


Support builds.. can work, but are outclassed in both PvP and PvE.


As you can see, diversity of builds is a major concern.


A special dishonorable mention for PoF elite renegade. This is my opinion, aesthetically it sucks. The dancing Charr as immobile and easily destroyable turrets is not a design at any level. Renegade as a whole, is so poorly designed. I do not want to hammer you with details, but for it to work effectively you should be fighting mostly immobile targets and preferably large Hit boxes. In other words raids.


Overall, if you like the aesthetics and enjoy the power build, you should have a good time. If not, most classes are in a better position than rev.

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> @"Caeledh.5437" said:

> > @"LucianTheAngelic.7054" said:

> > Ummm Mallyx says hello? He’s even purer than shiro in terms of no cooldowns


> Tell Mallyx he can kiss my kitten.


> The active skills don't have any cooldowns, except for the self-heal. But look at the associated traits.


> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/List_of_revenant_traits#Corruption


> Only 3 without cooldowns. I generously and I think reasonably include the 1s cooldown one as basically no cooldown.


> And because all of the major traits have cooldowns it's not even possible to create a build which avoids them.


> By comparison, Shiro only has 2 traits with cooldowns and both can simply not be taken. The 5s cooldowns on their 2 active abilities are negligible. Jade Winds has a 3 second duration so it's only really 2 seconds of downtime between uses. And phase traversal in PvE at least is not an ability you'd often want to use more than once every 5 seconds.


Revenant was sold as “low/no CD utility skills” not “no CDs on traits” so I’ve never looked at the class as necessitating no CDs on its traits; it’s mostly a matter of perspective. In terms of legend skills there’s really no reason Mallyx can’t fit into the shiro/ventari category which is what I was talking about; I didn’t realize your objection to the trait CDs was so strong that you’d completely disregard Mallyx for that reason alone, especially since he can be used outside of Corruption.


Also you mention not being able to make a build without CDs in Mallyx’s traits, but you can. Pulsating pestilence has a 10s CD, but is tied to legend swap, so realistically the trait itself has no CD. Unless of course you object to cooldowns on legend swap as well? I know you’re a bit of purist when it comes to having no CDs, but I think we can agree having no CD on it would be a bit OP? At least without a complete redesign of the class and it’s mechanics.


I do agree with you, however, that I do wish some of the CDs on Corruption traits were lower or nonexistent, particularly Demonic Defiance. With all the defense condi rev has lost over the years and the amount of boon rip now it doesn’t need the CD anymore. Diabolic inferno could have lower in competitive modes, but in PvE lower would be an issue. not sure on maniacal persistence. Spontaneous destruction could probably be lower too.

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> @"LucianTheAngelic.7054" said:


> I do agree with you, however, that I do wish some of the CDs on Corruption traits were lower or nonexistent, particularly Demonic Defiance. With all the defense condi rev has lost over the years and the amount of boon rip now it doesn’t need the CD anymore. Diabolic inferno could have lower in competitive modes, but in PvE lower would be an issue. not sure on maniacal persistence. Spontaneous destruction could probably be lower too.


One step to making Corruption more versatile for other builds would be to make Demonic Defiance also apply resistance at reduced duration (1.25-1.5 sec?) from any legend skill. I see this as an extension of ANet's goal to diversify weapon traits to make them more applicable to a variety of builds. Legend-specific traits should follow suite (and already do with Notoriety). Biggest culprit of this is definitely Salvation with two strictly catering to Ventari and others only making sense for Ventari beyond regen numbers. The staff trait also didn't get updated. Hopefully they do a review of the traitline to help diversify it. As much as I love the healing modifiers, the traitline is a bit lackluster beyond them and they could do some really cool stuff to give the traitline a place for other builds.

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> @"otto.5684" said:


> My love was for condi rev, which currently sucks. condi rev has one of the longest damage ramp ups, rendering useless in PvP and really weak in much of the PvE content.


Errrrr other way around. Condi rev is actually 2nd highest dps on large hitbox boxes, while still very high on small hitboxes. Also, it can have high dps while providing powerful support effects and buffs like Soulcleave's Summit and Assassin's presence.




Perhaps for PvP it's weak, but for Fractals and Raids it's extremely good.


My tip for open world is to use Unyielding Anguish more. The ramp time is very minimal with that skill.




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> @"Kain Francois.4328" said:

> > @"otto.5684" said:


> > My love was for condi rev, which currently sucks. condi rev has one of the longest damage ramp ups, rendering useless in PvP and really weak in much of the PvE content.


> Errrrr other way around. Condi rev is actually 2nd highest dps on large hitbox boxes, while still very high on small hitboxes. Also, it can have high dps while providing powerful support effects and buffs like Soulcleave's Summit and Assassin's presence.


> https://www.snowcrows.com/benchmarks/


> Perhaps for PvP it's weak, but for Fractals and Raids it's extremely good.


> My tip for open world is to use Unyielding Anguish more. The ramp time is very minimal with that skill.





Other way round of what? It is good in raids okay in other group content. In open world PvE condi herald is better than renegade, condi damage. Herald is also far more survivable if you need to solo anything. Renegade, without any doubt, is the worst


And condi herald is extremely weak in PvP and renegade is beyond terrible.


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> @"LucianTheAngelic.7054" said:

> Revenant was sold as “low/no CD utility skills” not “no CDs on traits” so I’ve never looked at the class as necessitating no CDs on its traits; it’s mostly a matter of perspective.


It's not a matter of perspective. It's a matter of objective reality.


Take for example [Diabolic Inferno](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Diabolic_Inferno "Diabolic Inferno").


That effectively transforms all Revenant elites into a burn condition aoe on a hidden 8 second cooldown. Of course you can still use elites for their other purpose, but you can also try to count out those 8 seconds or work that into a rotation to use it as another cooldown attack and that is exactly what will be most effective.


And as I said, you can't even avoid them. Every single master level corruption trait has a cooldown on it. So do 2 of the 3 adepts and 1 of the majors.


> @"LucianTheAngelic.7054" said:

> I didn’t realize your objection to the trait CDs was so strong that you’d completely disregard Mallyx for that reason alone, especially since he can be used outside of Corruption.


Corruption traits boost condition damage, which is what Mallyx focuses on. Not using the corruption trait line would gimp you.


> @"LucianTheAngelic.7054" said:

> Also you mention not being able to make a build without CDs in Mallyx’s traits, but you can. Pulsating pestilence has a 10s CD, but is tied to legend swap, so realistically the trait itself has no CD. Unless of course you object to cooldowns on legend swap as well?


You betcha I object to cooldowns on legend swap. Also weapon swap. One of the best things about engineers is not having cooldowns on kits which are effectively weapon swapping. And you know what, it doesn't make them ungodly powerful. Just less annoying to play.

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> @"Caeledh.5437" said:

> > @"LucianTheAngelic.7054" said:

> > Revenant was sold as “low/no CD utility skills” not “no CDs on traits” so I’ve never looked at the class as necessitating no CDs on its traits; it’s mostly a matter of perspective.


> It's not a matter of perspective. It's a matter of objective reality.


yes, it's objectively true that the traits have CDs, but it's a matter of perspective of whether or not that is a bad thing, as per my point (apologies if that wasn't clear), due to the fact that there is no objective standard to hold revenant trait design to since the class was never sold as having no CDs for traits, just low/no CDs for utilities.


> Take for example [Diabolic Inferno](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Diabolic_Inferno "Diabolic Inferno").


> That effectively transforms all Revenant elites into a burn condition aoe on a hidden 8 second cooldown. Of course you can still use elites for their other purpose, but you can also try to count out those 8 seconds or work that into a rotation to use it as another cooldown attack and that is exactly what will be most effective.


Current design takes into account elite upkeeps. Whether or not that is a good/bad thing is debatable, but just removing the CD entirely without taking into account its current functionality would be misguided.


> And as I said, you can't even avoid them. Every single master level corruption trait has a cooldown on it. So do 2 of the 3 adepts and 1 of the majors.


As mentioned Pulsating Pestilence effectively has no CD, since it's tied to a skill that has a CD, so a "no CD trait setup" can be chosen if desired.


> > @"LucianTheAngelic.7054" said:

> > I didn’t realize your objection to the trait CDs was so strong that you’d completely disregard Mallyx for that reason alone, especially since he can be used outside of Corruption.


> Corruption traits boost condition damage, which is what Mallyx focuses on. Not using the corruption trait line would kitten you.


While this is true, Mallyx can be (and has been) taken in WvW zerg builds or in healer builds/power builds for its utility. Just because the Corruption traitline augments it doesn't exclude the fact that Mallyx does have utility that is useful on other builds when needed (largely for boon strip or resistance) so it can be taken without the traitline.


Also as for augmenting condition damage Venom Enhancement & Diabolic Inferno are mostly there for their poison duration increase and small damage procs, but neither are particularly impactful in current PvE damage rotations (but would be broken without CD). I don't think anyone is really juggling cooldowns for either at least in that mode. To me, I see Venom Enhancement more as a bonus than something to time my torment procs for. For PvP/WvW builds Demonic Defiance and Pulsating Pestilence are largely better choices anyway and the overshadow the two aforementioned traits.


> > @"LucianTheAngelic.7054" said:

> > Also you mention not being able to make a build without CDs in Mallyx’s traits, but you can. Pulsating pestilence has a 10s CD, but is tied to legend swap, so realistically the trait itself has no CD. Unless of course you object to cooldowns on legend swap as well?


> You betcha I object to cooldowns on legend swap. Also weapon swap. One of the best things about engineers is not having cooldowns on kits which are effectively weapon swapping. And you know what, it doesn't make them ungodly powerful. Just less annoying to play.


Sure, Engineer can swap at will, but it still has to manage a whole lot of invisible CDs on its skills.


I think we can both agree that with current design just removing legend swap CDs would be a bad idea. The entire class would have to get reworked and rebalanced around a no CD legend swap. If that's the type of design you want to fight for then more power to you, but I think you can understand why that probably is highly unrealistic and unlikely to happen, not to mention potentially detrimental for the profession as a whole.

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> @"otto.5684" said:

> Other way round of what? It is good in raids okay in other group content. In open world PvE condi herald is better than renegade, condi damage. Herald is also far more survivable if you need to solo anything. Renegade, without any doubt, is the worst


> And condi herald is extremely weak in PvP and renegade is beyond terrible.



I'm sorry but i have to say something.

I agree with you that herald is more superior than renegade in WvW, PvP, Fractals but in open world i found power renegade is far more survivable than herald especially solo play. I know power regenade is off-meta and a weird setup, i just discovered this recently because i was bored of herald but it surprised me alot. Renegade doesn't have many boons like herald but i have alot of fun with it.



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> @"otto.5684" said:

> > @"Kain Francois.4328" said:

> > > @"otto.5684" said:

> >

> > > My love was for condi rev, which currently sucks. condi rev has one of the longest damage ramp ups, rendering useless in PvP and really weak in much of the PvE content.

> >

> > Errrrr other way around. Condi rev is actually 2nd highest dps on large hitbox boxes, while still very high on small hitboxes. Also, it can have high dps while providing powerful support effects and buffs like Soulcleave's Summit and Assassin's presence.

> >

> > https://www.snowcrows.com/benchmarks/

> >

> > Perhaps for PvP it's weak, but for Fractals and Raids it's extremely good.

> >

> > My tip for open world is to use Unyielding Anguish more. The ramp time is very minimal with that skill.

> >

> >

> >


> Other way round of what? It is good in raids okay in other group content. In open world PvE condi herald is better than renegade, condi damage. Herald is also far more survivable if you need to solo anything. Renegade, without any doubt, is the worst


> And condi herald is extremely weak in PvP and renegade is beyond terrible.



Stats dont help build, or condi's dont kill target faster eneough like some other classes do???



ive played a Deamon/jalis with kala on wvw and it wasnt that bad(altough we on WvW have more stats to choose from).

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> @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> > @"otto.5684" said:

> > > @"Kain Francois.4328" said:

> > > > @"otto.5684" said:

> > >

> > > > My love was for condi rev, which currently sucks. condi rev has one of the longest damage ramp ups, rendering useless in PvP and really weak in much of the PvE content.

> > >

> > > Errrrr other way around. Condi rev is actually 2nd highest dps on large hitbox boxes, while still very high on small hitboxes. Also, it can have high dps while providing powerful support effects and buffs like Soulcleave's Summit and Assassin's presence.

> > >

> > > https://www.snowcrows.com/benchmarks/

> > >

> > > Perhaps for PvP it's weak, but for Fractals and Raids it's extremely good.

> > >

> > > My tip for open world is to use Unyielding Anguish more. The ramp time is very minimal with that skill.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> >

> > Other way round of what? It is good in raids okay in other group content. In open world PvE condi herald is better than renegade, condi damage. Herald is also far more survivable if you need to solo anything. Renegade, without any doubt, is the worst

> >

> > And condi herald is extremely weak in PvP and renegade is beyond terrible.

> >


> Stats dont help build, or condi's dont kill target faster eneough like some other classes do???



> ive played a Deamon/jalis with kala on wvw and it wasnt that bad(altough we on WvW have more stats to choose from).


I cannot follow your first sentence. Overall condi Herald kills veteran and lower mobs faster Than renegade in open world, since you have straight out access to fury and 25 might.


Neither is good in open world PvE though. Power herald can kill mobs in a fraction of that time. Also, compared to most other condi builds, condi rev ramp up time is too high.

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