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Lab farm Guide/Build/Rotation for 850+ Trick or Treat bags per hour! Enjoy!

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Make sure you use your boosters/food/utility to increase ToT bag drops. Boosters to use: MF booster (from reward boost, Halloween fireworks etc), item booster ( laurel version available), celebration booster (from birthdays), black lion booster ( statuettes), MF/heroes banner, chocolate omnomberry cream, any Halloween utility.


Take whatever other utilities you want, and whatever armor you want! just make sure you have enough crit% to trigger your sigils reliably




That's why you also shouldn't use mount engages, they do too much damage. If you're in my map, I will lock squad and kick you for using mount engages.


If you are under level 80, please don't stand on wave doors. Your level ups knock the mobs back and greatly slow down the whole squad. Use ranged attacks instead!


stam sigil+ sb means you'll always have dodges available to clear immobilize if it stacks up on you. SB 5+shadowstep to stay with the pack.


fire sigil on both weapon sets to maximize aoe potential. at doors, use staff AA chain followed by staff 2 to rotate through the mobs spawning so you can tag all of them. rinse and repeat.


So grab some beers, have a [redacted], turn on some music, and farm those bags!


just did a run with it for 4h, 726% MF:

3575 bags, almost 900/h!

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awesome thx for making this its a shame that u spend more time finding a good & efficient squad than opening ToT bags coz every year the same happens, dealing with selfish people who literally "meh ill open whatever i want lol" or engage with mounts and farms with some raid build killing mobs with 1-2 hits anyway Tell us any plan & date for the next run. :)

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> @"locoporesa.2864" said:

> awesome thx for making this its a shame that u spend more time finding a good & efficient squad than opening ToT bags coz every year the same happens, dealing with selfish people who literally "meh ill open whatever i want lol" or engage with mounts and farms with some raid build killing mobs with 1-2 hits anyway Tell us any plan & date for the next run. :)


Going for another few hours tonight, starting in 10m @ 10 EST =D

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As someone who's running as a DH set, I've found I can mostly keep up with lootstick and scepter/torch but my bags/hour is definitely smaller. My only beef with SB DDs in Laby is when they don't take off their raid builds/traits and take out 1/4 of the mob's HP in a single shortbow hit, kinda screws over the rest of the group that's following. I think I'll swap to this build, though not use a power based stat for the armor/weaps, just so I can farm up some more bags. Thanks for posting this, it's incredibly helpful! C: Any recommendations on what stat to use or just whatever will do?

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> @"Sciger.1679" said:

> As someone who's running as a DH set, I've found I can mostly keep up with lootstick and scepter/torch but my bags/hour is definitely smaller. My only beef with SB DDs in Laby is when they don't take off their raid builds/traits and take out 1/4 of the mob's HP in a single shortbow hit, kinda screws over the rest of the group that's following. I think I'll swap to this build, though not use a power based stat for the armor/weaps, just so I can farm up some more bags. Thanks for posting this, it's incredibly helpful! C: Any recommendations on what stat to use or just whatever will do?


Anything really, you only need to do like 200 damage to get loot. Remember to take off your trinkets =D

> @"Daddicus.6128" said:

> It would be nice if, instead of just telling us to bring consumables to do whatever, if you actually told us what to bring. What causes more ToT bags to drop?


I'll update the OP

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> @"Daddicus.6128" said:

> Magic find? Isn't it capped?


> I wasn't aware that magic find affected bag drops, though. The wiki doesn't include it in the list.


It increases the likelyhood of receiving a tot bag, so if a mob drops 3 items instead of two greens and a bag you might get 3 bags

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> @"RisenHowl.2419" said:

> > @"Sciger.1679" said:

> > As someone who's running as a DH set, I've found I can mostly keep up with lootstick and scepter/torch but my bags/hour is definitely smaller. My only beef with SB DDs in Laby is when they don't take off their raid builds/traits and take out 1/4 of the mob's HP in a single shortbow hit, kinda screws over the rest of the group that's following. I think I'll swap to this build, though not use a power based stat for the armor/weaps, just so I can farm up some more bags. Thanks for posting this, it's incredibly helpful! C: Any recommendations on what stat to use or just whatever will do?


> Anything really, you only need to do like 200 damage to get loot. Remember to take off your trinkets =D


I figured as much, I'll probably go for a set that has no power boost to it for good measure. |D Less damage means more people can hit it, at least more likely to. Then a zerker set for when we have to deal with Steve. *shakes fist at him!*

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TL;DR is bring a thief and run way ahead of the zerg and tag every mob in sight - which in practice only works for like... the commander and maybe 2-3 more people out of a 30 man (and with the commander that far ahead its a huge snake so everyone behind 50% of it get no loot from random running instead).

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There are several factors that contribute to total bags per hour, only some of which are in our direct control.

* High MF (less junk items, more bags and other stuff)

* A "farming" build, which means: less damage, more tagging (cleaves, multiple targets, AoE damage, etc).

* Being able to keep up with the zerg (sigil of swiftness, mobility skills, stun break, condi/immobilize removal, leaps, ...)

* A 'good' commander (knows the routes, reminds people of the guidelines, reminds people to avoid knockbacks, stays in front of the squad, moves quickly at the potential expense of their loot, ...)

* A 'cooperative' zerg (follows tag, doesn't open doors, avoids mounts except to catch up, rez others, focus/GS pulls, ...)

* Bonus: no leveling up characters or, if there are, they stand back from where foes spawn (to avoid level-up knock backs that can't be prevented).

* Bonus: someone in the group (sometimes commander) who likes telling jokes or cracking wise (more fun/less tedium; actually helps for loot, somewhat).

* Bonus: commander uses markers to help people focus on route.

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> @"aspirine.6852" said:

> I tried to do it, but I found it so boring I left after a few minutes :/


* Position your TV set so you can catch up on bingeing.

* Put on one of Wooden Potatoes many in-depth lore vlogs so you can learn about Tyria.

* Join a discord/skype with friends (ideally who are also farming, but doesn't much matter) and spend the time hanging out.

* Create an epic playlist (or quicker: borrow someone else's). Some people like chill, while I'd recommend something with a beatbeat so you don't lose it.

* Also a good time to catch up podcasts or audio books. In the US, it's election season and their are tons of related casts going on.

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