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Why no roller beetle skin in mount pack?

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I thought, skins and other bling bling were the **end game content** in *GW2*.

So, why does the **Mad Ream Mounts Pack** come *without* a *Roller Beetle* skin? It’s already anoying, that the old packs haven’t been updated yet. But now, even completely new sets don’t cover *Roller Beetle*? Is this the first sign, that they don’t even care about it anymore. I thought, the *Gem Shop* was the main thing for ANet.

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Because the roller beetle is not from the core set, and thus has its own skin release campaign.

This was already thoroughly discussed.

It was a decision based on expansion versus living story objects


Bundles will never include the beetle, and while the beetle may sometimes get a themed release, it will never be added to a bundle release. They will be added to the random menagerie skins

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> @"AllNightPlayer.1286" said:

> I thought, skins and other bling bling were the **end game content** in *GW2*.

When you talk about for example doing dungeons and raids that happen to offer cosmetic rewards via there currencies then you can consider that end game content. When you buy mount skins with gems, I wouldn't consider that content, let alone endgame content.



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Another possibility is they didn't include it because then the new pack would be 2,400 gems or 1,920 discounted and players would complain that it's more expensive than all the other packs.


People already complained about paying 'extra' for a griffon skin when they don't have the griffon, I imagine it would be even more unpopular if there were two optional mounts included and no way to exclude those skins if you don't have them.


Maybe at some point they can do a pack purely of beetle skins matching the existing themed packs. Preferably with a select licence so I can get just a branded beetle, since I don't have any of the other packs.

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Doubt it will ever happen.


Mount skin packs are 2000 gems, usually discounted to 1600 on release. That's 400 gems per mount skin, the value the mount adoption licenses go by as well. Adding the Beetle to that would increase the total cost because obviously there is work going into it that wants to be compensated as well.


Not to mention that a large part of the playerbase doesn't care about learning the Beetle or simply dislike it. They wouldn't be fine with paying extra for skins.

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