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Top complaints (Essentially all about Vabbi)


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As others have mentioned, the overlay creates a black line across the screen. Not that noticeable but it is there.


BIGGEST ISSUE - the fps is abysmal in the branded area or near the branded area. Trying to do a bounty in this area or the event without switching my graphics setting to performance only settings is next to impossible. This is the only place I have this issue. It's worse than a 3 man zerg fight in the middle of SM castle. I think there is something seriously wrong with this area for it to drop my fps to 10 on max performance when max performance in other areas with the same amount of people would give me like 40 fps. Is it the lightning? What is causing this huge drop?


SECOND BIGGEST ISSUE - and really the last - Serpent's Ire.

As the last thing I need for the glove collection it is extremely frustrating that this meta is near impossible. Not only is everyone still going after griffons are doing constant bounty trains for whatever reason, but nobody even wants to attempt this event because it seems to be scaled for a raid of 300 people with nothing but crowd control builds. If the meta doesn't get changed, can we at least get the collection item to drop from the pre-event and require killing one of the zealots while we're looking for them beforehand?


Of course this event is doubly frustrating because the aforementioned issue of the fps drop and having to rework my settings specifically for this area of the map.


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What cpu are you running? Sounds like you're on a budget gaming system. Those can be great for the money but they usually skimp on the cpu in favor of the gpu because most games don't need much cpu power. MMOs in general are exceptions to that rule. It takes a lot of calculating to track all the models moving around in addition to the shadows from all the light sources around there. Assuming you've turned down those settings already there probably isn't much more to be done. It might be worth looking into a better cpu that will fit in your current motherboard.

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The Branded Area has a lot of particle effects and environment detail. This issue was probably more pronounced when the Hero and Mastery Point Djinns would each spawn an extra protective pylon after being defeated. The Fury of the Brand effect also seems to be another culprit.


As for Serpent's Ire, I would say it's a matter of timing. Most people, like you've noticed, are still going about other things throughout the map and feeling it out, including the mechanics of the meta. Remember that we have just crested the first week since launch, and many of the more casual players are still working through the four other zones, which require more time than previous maps due to their increased size.

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A lot of other people were mentioning that it was like a slideshow too. So I know it isn't just me or my cpu, although it is probably considered a "budget gaming system."


There's something about that area. Plus people were mentioning that skimmers could be causing it. Not sure though.



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  • 4 weeks later...

Almost 1 month later and I still know of people having FPS problems in that area and it's still impossible to do the serpent's ire successfully.... well done arenanet...

I mean it should be possible to do that event without having a 50 man + zerg... and all that just for an EXOTIC armor collection. And after that the rewards seem to be too bad to do it again. Which will end up getting fewer and fewer people together for this.

Haven't be able to do it successfully too

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> @sevenDEADLY.5281 said:

> Just makes it easier for Anet to completely ignore you when its clear you're making stuff up.


Accusing people of "making stuff up" is rather insulting and ignorant.


Many people are experiencing severe lags in PoF (I am _not_ one of them, but know quite a few). It's a fact that GW2 is not optomized to modern standards, and it is also a fact that a lot of gamers know nothing about configuring their OS properly (and given that many of them are using Windows 10, that makes matters only worse, because that is one kitten OS that requires plenty of configuration to avoid lags, freezes, program crashes, and games not running smoothly).


Next time maybe think about all those things before accusing people of lying, and instead try to point in them in the right direction.

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> @Ashantara.8731 said:

> > @sevenDEADLY.5281 said:

> > Just makes it easier for Anet to completely ignore you when its clear you're making stuff up.


> Accusing people of "making stuff up" is rather insulting and ignorant.


> Many people are experiencing severe lags in PoF (I am _not_ one of them, but know quite a few). It's a fact that GW2 is not optomized to modern standards, and it is also a fact that a lot of gamers know nothing about configuring their OS properly (and given that many of them are using Windows 10, that makes matters only worse, because that is one kitten OS that requires plenty of configuration to avoid lags, freezes, program crashes, and games not running smoothly).


> Next time maybe think about all those things before accusing people of lying, and instead try to point in them in the right direction.


He was refering to people claiming Serpent's Ire was "impossible," which is making stuff up.

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There are certain areas of the game that can choke low-end CPUs. It's hard to be sure exactly what the problem is without knowing the common link between all of the users who are getting low FPS in that zone, but certainly CPU would be the most likely.


Of course the problem with that is replacing it usually means replacing half your system (or if you're on a laptop, all of it).

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I run a I7-6700K, so it's a perfectly fine CPU for this game and is NOT a budget system. I run the game at steady ~60fps (with the limiter on, so it doesn't go higher) on most cases, it only drops to 40-50fps in huge blob fights (SM with 3 blobs, some world bosses etc)

During Serpent's Ire I have 4-6FPS. This is totally unacceptable and unplayable. Especially when the Hydra boss is using the breath weapon attack that covers the entire screen, fps seems to drop even further to 1 or 2.

For Serpent's Ire specifically the problem is the reflecting surface on the ground, which forces the game to render every player twice, it's like having double the amount of players at once, and when I did Serpent's Ire we had nearly 2 FULL SQUADS, that's 100 players, x2 for the reflections = 200 players that need to be rendered at once.


Now that bright mind that decided to have a fight with 100+ players on top of a reflecting surface needs to re-read how graphics rendering works.

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I have experienced weird behavior in the Brandstorm area. Always a drop in FPS, nothing too drastic, but on top of that, I have irregular bouts of a few seconds of really low FPS and terrible general game response. It feels like something is choking the processor. And before someone suggests it: no, it's not another task I'm running.

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> @Coulter.2315 said:

> > @Ashantara.8731 said:

> >

> > Accusing people of "making stuff up" is rather insulting and ignorant.

> >

> > Many people are experiencing severe lags in PoF (I am _not_ one of them, but know quite a few). It's a fact that GW2 is not optomized to modern standards, and it is also a fact that a lot of gamers know nothing about configuring their OS properly (and given that many of them are using Windows 10, that makes matters only worse, because that is one kitten OS that requires plenty of configuration to avoid lags, freezes, program crashes, and games not running smoothly).

> >

> > Next time maybe think about all those things before accusing people of lying, and instead try to point in them in the right direction.


> He was refering to people claiming Serpent's Ire was "impossible," which is making stuff up.


Exactly, claiming Serpents Ire is an "impossible" event is 100% making stuff up considering many people have accomplished it. So like next time maybe think about all that stuff man, or like, you could totally hurt someone's feelings man.... and that's not cool and like, I'm totally offended and everyone needs to know how offended I am so they can see my righteous indignations man!

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> @sevenDEADLY.5281 said:

> > @Coulter.2315 said:

> > > @Ashantara.8731 said:

> > >

> > > Accusing people of "making stuff up" is rather insulting and ignorant.

> > >

> > > Many people are experiencing severe lags in PoF (I am _not_ one of them, but know quite a few). It's a fact that GW2 is not optomized to modern standards, and it is also a fact that a lot of gamers know nothing about configuring their OS properly (and given that many of them are using Windows 10, that makes matters only worse, because that is one kitten OS that requires plenty of configuration to avoid lags, freezes, program crashes, and games not running smoothly).

> > >

> > > Next time maybe think about all those things before accusing people of lying, and instead try to point in them in the right direction.

> >

> > He was refering to people claiming Serpent's Ire was "impossible," which is making stuff up.


> Exactly, claiming Serpents Ire is an "impossible" event is 100% making stuff up considering many people have accomplished it. So like next time maybe think about all that stuff man, or like, you could totally hurt someone's feelings man.... and that's not cool and like, I'm totally offended and everyone needs to know how offended I am so they can see my righteous indignations man!


While it may not be impossible, it has more failures then successes and I can tell you the group you magically found that was 'no problem' was a sign of pure luck of the draw for you. I've tried doing it and with a full 50 squad and a good commander who had everything marked and groups divided etc well ahead of time? It still wasn't enough. Scaling is definitely broken and the longer it remains broken? The less likely people are going to want to even attempt it.


I'd love to collect the gear but until things are fixed? I don't see much point. Most people in my guild don't even bother with PoF maps anymore which is a shame.

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Windows 10 isn't to balme. I use it on my rig and have had no issues with it. The issue lies within the game using more CPU than GPU but until they rebuild the game engine (gw3 probably) we won't have it be a total fix. Just turn down stuff you don't need, like shadows, reflections, number of player models and the quality of said models. You should be fine. The event is doable with a full squad. Have patience young Padawan.

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> @cptaylor.2670 said:

> As others have mentioned, the overlay creates a black line across the screen. Not that noticeable but it is there.


> BIGGEST ISSUE - the fps is abysmal in the branded area or near the branded area. Trying to do a bounty in this area or the event without switching my graphics setting to performance only settings is next to impossible. This is the only place I have this issue. It's worse than a 3 man zerg fight in the middle of SM castle. I think there is something seriously wrong with this area for it to drop my fps to 10 on max performance when max performance in other areas with the same amount of people would give me like 40 fps. Is it the lightning? What is causing this huge drop?


> SECOND BIGGEST ISSUE - and really the last - Serpent's Ire.

> As the last thing I need for the glove collection it is extremely frustrating that this meta is near impossible. Not only is everyone still going after griffons are doing constant bounty trains for whatever reason, but nobody even wants to attempt this event because it seems to be scaled for a raid of 300 people with nothing but crowd control builds. If the meta doesn't get changed, can we at least get the collection item to drop from the pre-event and require killing one of the zealots while we're looking for them beforehand?


> Of course this event is doubly frustrating because the aforementioned issue of the fps drop and having to rework my settings specifically for this area of the map.



We did Serpent's ire with a squad of 42.....


It's not hard if people bother to slot CC skills.


The reason nobody does it is that it takes foever and the rewards just like the entirety of PoF content is terrible. You get a couple mosaics and maybe a rare or two on top of some blues and greens for what is around 40 minutes of your time. Totally not worth it at all.


The fight is also hideously obnoxious. With no aggro system, you can't separate the Forgotten from the Hydra so it's 10+ minutes of getting pinballed around all over the place by the hydra's myriad knockdowns and knockbacks.


The priest reflects all projectiles, so you have to melee him down all the while the hydra on top of the priest is bombing you with meteor showers, charges, and breath on top of the priest's own attacks. It's terrible encounter design.

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> @Fengzhou.9853 said:

> > @sevenDEADLY.5281 said:

> > > @Coulter.2315 said:

> > > > @Ashantara.8731 said:

> > > >

> > > > Accusing people of "making stuff up" is rather insulting and ignorant.

> > > >

> > > > Many people are experiencing severe lags in PoF (I am _not_ one of them, but know quite a few). It's a fact that GW2 is not optomized to modern standards, and it is also a fact that a lot of gamers know nothing about configuring their OS properly (and given that many of them are using Windows 10, that makes matters only worse, because that is one kitten OS that requires plenty of configuration to avoid lags, freezes, program crashes, and games not running smoothly).

> > > >

> > > > Next time maybe think about all those things before accusing people of lying, and instead try to point in them in the right direction.

> > >

> > > He was refering to people claiming Serpent's Ire was "impossible," which is making stuff up.

> >

> > Exactly, claiming Serpents Ire is an "impossible" event is 100% making stuff up considering many people have accomplished it. So like next time maybe think about all that stuff man, or like, you could totally hurt someone's feelings man.... and that's not cool and like, I'm totally offended and everyone needs to know how offended I am so they can see my righteous indignations man!


> While it may not be impossible, it has more failures then successes and I can tell you the group you magically found that was 'no problem' was a sign of pure luck of the draw for you. I've tried doing it and with a full 50 squad and a good commander who had everything marked and groups divided etc well ahead of time? It still wasn't enough. Scaling is definitely broken and the longer it remains broken? The less likely people are going to want to even attempt it.


> I'd love to collect the gear but until things are fixed? I don't see much point. Most people in my guild don't even bother with PoF maps anymore which is a shame.


Do you have actual data to back up the claim that it fails more? Without data to back up your claim you can't objectively say that the person you quoted got lucky. It could be that you were unlucky and got people that were just spamming 1 hoping to win and not concerning themselves with trying to CC things.

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> @thrdeye.1028 said:

> What cpu are you running? Sounds like you're on a budget gaming system. Those can be great for the money but they usually skimp on the cpu in favor of the gpu because most games don't need much cpu power. MMOs in general are exceptions to that rule. It takes a lot of calculating to track all the models moving around in addition to the shadows from all the light sources around there. Assuming you've turned down those settings already there probably isn't much more to be done. It might be worth looking into a better cpu that will fit in your current motherboard.




That's not true at all.

My computer - needed for video projects - was 2.390€. Not quite "Budget".

I've posted pictures of me getting 45fps with an Octacore (Ryzen 7 1700X) and a GTX1080 - and whole cores being on idle, two on less than 10% usage; the Direct3D usage of my GeForce was *Maximum* 60% over the time I logged it.


It's a well-known problem GW2 is extremely poor when it comes to optimization and PoF made it worse. Loading screens disappear while the game is actually not even remoetly ready (putting me into a skybox, then there are the trees, then people with no textures... Even after 30 seconds of loading I got stuck with my Springer for no reason as suddenly a house popped up - it was not loaded until 30 seconds after leaving the loading screen. I already reported that issue. Anet claimed they changed something around that and they screwed up).


The only thing you get high(er) FPS is by running a Dual Core with 10 GHz. Anything Quad, Hexa or Octa won't get you anywhere. I have literally no framerate difference from my old system (built 2012, i7 3770 [4x 3,6 GHz] and a GTX970) to my current system. You know something's wrong then.

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> @maddoctor.2738 said:

> I run a I7-6700K, so it's a perfectly fine CPU for this game and is NOT a budget system. I run the game at steady ~60fps (with the limiter on, so it doesn't go higher) on most cases, it only drops to 40-50fps in huge blob fights (SM with 3 blobs, some world bosses etc)

> During Serpent's Ire I have 4-6FPS. This is totally unacceptable and unplayable. Especially when the Hydra boss is using the breath weapon attack that covers the entire screen, fps seems to drop even further to 1 or 2.

> For Serpent's Ire specifically the problem is the reflecting surface on the ground, which forces the game to render every player twice, it's like having double the amount of players at once, and when I did Serpent's Ire we had nearly 2 FULL SQUADS, that's 100 players, x2 for the reflections = 200 players that need to be rendered at once.


> Now that bright mind that decided to have a fight with 100+ players on top of a reflecting surface needs to re-read how graphics rendering works.


omg thank you for pointing out reflections. I am wondering now if just turning that off can get me though serpents ire without thinking my computer is dying.

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