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Hey Devs, this is why I don't like PvP


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> @"NorthernRedStar.3054" said:

> Honestly, I feel it's a two-way issue.


> People need to stop being so sensitive, and keyboard warriors need to stop focusing on chat instead of gameplay.


Sometimes the chat is more entertaining, especially if someone keeps reminding the guy who's raging that his caps lock is on, oh man I laugh everytime I think about it...

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> @"bigo.9037" said:

> > @"TamX.1870" said:

> > > @"bigo.9037" said:

> > > holy kitten. gw2 playerbase is SO casual that pvp players don't like pvp simply because people are mean to them on the internet. jesus christ.

> >

> > It is not that. This toxicity problem plagues everything but maybe the high end of the PvP. So, when you come in as a new player, the first thing you meet in PvP is the toxicity from people in your team - not from the people you won. Lower ranks are filled with people who think that they are the goddess/gods of PvP, and the only reason they are loosing the first mid fight is that their team is trash. You need to be relatively high in rank to be able to avoid those people, or being able to ignore them.

> >

> > > @"bigo.9037" said:

> > > turn off /map and teamchat.

> >

> > In a game mode where coordination is the key to success?

> >

> > > personally I don't spend much time in game anymore cus it's dead and nothing has changed for 6 years. but cmon man.

> >

> > I understand that, and you know, sort of, it confirms what the OP said.

> >

> > > literally any pvp game is gonna have toxicity. if you can't handle it, don't play.

> >

> > Ah, yes. All PvP will have toxicity, but who gives that and how you react to that, that is all up to the game mode itself. Before my previous game, I played a full-PvP 24/7 game. Allies - guilds in this game's terms - were led like army units. No-one survived alone, if you were kicked off from your ally, you became a farm to your former allies: if you were in a weak ally, you were farmed anyways. In that game, the toxicity came from the opposite side. In the previous game, it has open world PvP. In that game, toxicity comes from your opponents. In this game, in WvW, toxicity comes, if it comes, from the opposite side, they think you are cheater or played unfair and thus you won them. In this game, toxicity in PvP comes from your own team, it comes without reason (you know you played right, and still you get blamed). That is a big difference.

> >

> > > do you really think anet has to cater to your kitten?? get real. or do like I said and create a pvp chat tab where /t, /m and /w is muted.

> >

> > Does not resolve anything. It just prevents you to coordinate your teams efforts.

> >

> > Better choice is to go to automated tournaments with premades, or WvW. There the kitten comes from your opponents, not from your "team mates".


> **you are incredibly naive if you think teammate toxicity is something exclusive to gw2. any game where 1 players downfall is a detriment to the team will include toxicity among the team. it happens in MOBAs too.**


> just tell them you are new when you get into the match. most people will be ok with that. if some of them aren't, so be it.


> if you let strangers online who say bad things about your ability to play your character in a fictional game universe get to you and bring you down.. life is gonna be tough for you.


> I recently started playing a game with my gf and sometimes she gets upset because she thinks she's bad at the game when we lose etc. but I always tell her "you're not bad, you're just new". keep that in mind.



2 Thigns I'd like to mention

1-I've played practically every mmo to date and I've never seen so many salty rude comments than I have in GW2.

So yeah, I wholeheartedly disagree with you.

Lets see here,

In Shadowbane it was more Roleplaying talk than anything

In DAOC, you couldnt talk to the other side and I never saw any salty comments directed to me or anyone else.

In WoW you can't talk to the other players you fight and I never saw the level of salt than I do in Gw2 matches.

In WoW they actually banned players.


2- Why does anyone mention reporting? Does reporting ever do anything? No one is afraid to say anything in match or out of match.

Does anyone actually get banned for being a mouthy D-bag?

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I was in an unranked match the other day, had high ping for some reason and apologised for that fact before the game even started it ended up we were 4 instead of 5 but none the less I instantly started getting abuse from one of my own team.

Now I didnt bite to that but a fellow team player was hilarious and the best /t he sent was 'buddy its unranked and already been told they have a ping issue, chill out, or did your mama not breast feed you this morning' needless to say I was in hysterics and the salty one ranted for the rest of the match ahhhhh was a good match we of course lost but I still managed to out score the raging mes on kills dmg offence and defence. Good times

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No one should tolerate the behavior of mentally unbalanced people.

No one should tolerate the behavior of poorly educated people.

No one should tolerate the behavior of just idiots or trolls.

Honestly, in life there are much more enjoyable activities than squabble with some psycho in a chat.

I love GW2 very much, I play almost from the very beginning, and I played a lot of spvp.

Excellent combat system, passion, had a great time.

But gradually the level of toxicity began to exceed the limit. And at the same time, the class imbalance became quite unbearable.

As a result, these two reasons, toxicity and imbalance, led to the fact that I made a long pause with the game at all.

I am happy now to run on WvW, just with random squads, I get great pleasure.

No toxicity, on the contrary, fun, jokes, and good excitement:)

I recommend that the OP do the same.

Do not waste your nerves on cretins and fierce imbalance.

Good times of the spvp in the past.

Guild Wars 2 GW2 is in fact a very good game, and there’s absolutely no need to spoil your pleasure of her in the spvp.

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> @"bigo.9037" said:

> you guys are complaining about toxicity in a .. "competitive" game mode. any game with ranked pvp matches are gonna be toxic. I used to play tera online where there was a 3v3 arena you could que for. also very toxic.




also.. I noticed it's mainly girls / women who complain about this stuff. most guys seem to just shrug it off?

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> @"bigo.9037" said:

> > @"bigo.9037" said:

> > you guys are complaining about toxicity in a .. "competitive" game mode. any game with ranked pvp matches are gonna be toxic. I used to play tera online where there was a 3v3 arena you could que for. also very toxic.

> >

> >


> also.. I noticed it's mainly girls / women who complain about this stuff. most guys seem to just shrug it off?


Are you saying this to trigger people or do you actually want to use this as an argument against rational opinions?

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> @"Lizdeath.5143" said:

> And with that, I'm going to pop my anxiety meds and kill this anxiety attack before it ruins the rest of my night.


Hey, it's okay. People have a lot of issues with PvP, but more so they have issues outside of the game that they manifest as rage. It's unlikely that it's about you, how you play, or what you say. Not saying it's okay, but it should be some comfort. If you stay long enough you either die from anxiety or live to see yourself become the rager.

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> @"bigo.9037" said:

> you guys are complaining about toxicity in a .. "competitive" game mode. any game with ranked pvp matches are gonna be toxic. I used to play tera online where there was a 3v3 arena you could que for. also very toxic.




WoT is less toxic than GW2s pvp in my experience and that says something, mainly because they actually ban people there for what they say.

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In pvp you are pretty much asking to be judged. If your in ranked you should be expected to know what your doing and to be able to play your class. If you walk in with a random junk build you should be harassed for wasting everyone's time. If you can't pull your weight in a fight or lag in a ranked match you should be harassed. A peasant wearing armor and wielding a battle axe doesn't make him a solider it makes them cannon fodder.[best comparison i can think up] Sadly if your not qualified to be in that running you will not be cannon fodder but a liability.


Even in unranked you should respect the fact if you lose a match you've just wasted 4 other people's time and effort. Granted your not be penalized as heavily as you would be if you were in ranked but it is still aggravating to have to do extra matches because 1 or 2 people just vanished or didn't care about winning.


On the subject of toxicity. The game style in of itself is based on player aggression. Expecting a hug and a kiss is the definition of insanity here. People who are "sensitive" to content will very very rarely make it far in competitive game play unless they bribe and cheat their way to the top. The top pvpers are generally level headed and ration while also being pessimistic. The tier below them are generally where the truly toxic people are at. Then you have the slightly sensitive people and the midly aggressive people under them then finally the truly sensitive and brain dead fodder at the bottom rung.

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> @"Megametzler.5729" said:

> > @"bigo.9037" said:

> > > @"bigo.9037" said:

> > > you guys are complaining about toxicity in a .. "competitive" game mode. any game with ranked pvp matches are gonna be toxic. I used to play tera online where there was a 3v3 arena you could que for. also very toxic.

> > >

> > >

> >

> > also.. I noticed it's mainly girls / women who complain about this stuff. most guys seem to just shrug it off?


> Are you saying this to trigger people or do you actually want to use this as an argument against rational opinions?


no I actually noticed this sensitive behavior way more among girls/women. it makes sense.


guys generally don't go cry on forums about people being mean to them. my gf is the same, also much much more sensitive.


not that there is anything wrong with it but generally it's just girls/women more often than not.

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> @"bigo.9037" said:

> > @"Megametzler.5729" said:

> > > @"bigo.9037" said:

> > > > @"bigo.9037" said:

> > > > you guys are complaining about toxicity in a .. "competitive" game mode. any game with ranked pvp matches are gonna be toxic. I used to play tera online where there was a 3v3 arena you could que for. also very toxic.

> > > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > also.. I noticed it's mainly girls / women who complain about this stuff. most guys seem to just shrug it off?

> >

> > Are you saying this to trigger people or do you actually want to use this as an argument against rational opinions?


> no I actually noticed this sensitive behavior way more among girls/women. it makes sense.


> guys generally don't go cry on forums about people being mean to them. my gf is the same, also much much more sensitive.


> not that there is anything wrong with it but generally it's just girls/women more often than not.


I am a guy and I detest this kind of behaviour. Does that destroy your "statistic"? Does it make me - gasp - less "manly"?

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Toxicity will be in any competitive scene no matter the game. Mind you this doesnt mean i condone it but, we as players can combat it just block these toxic players if they have time to type and trash talk not like they are helping the team anyway. If they they are swearing up a storm report them for verbal abuse. The devs and gms cant be monitering every game to stop the toxicity its a team game and it will always be there unfortunately just block them and move on if they get under your skin take a break from the game dont let people ruin your fun. And no one is perfect everyone has good and bad days of play sometimes your playing like shit other times bad judgment calls happen but its a game and no one is perfect.

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> @"Megametzler.5729" said:

> > @"bigo.9037" said:

> > > @"Megametzler.5729" said:

> > > > @"bigo.9037" said:

> > > > > @"bigo.9037" said:

> > > > > you guys are complaining about toxicity in a .. "competitive" game mode. any game with ranked pvp matches are gonna be toxic. I used to play tera online where there was a 3v3 arena you could que for. also very toxic.

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > > also.. I noticed it's mainly girls / women who complain about this stuff. most guys seem to just shrug it off?

> > >

> > > Are you saying this to trigger people or do you actually want to use this as an argument against rational opinions?

> >

> > no I actually noticed this sensitive behavior way more among girls/women. it makes sense.

> >

> > guys generally don't go cry on forums about people being mean to them. my gf is the same, also much much more sensitive.

> >

> > not that there is anything wrong with it but generally it's just girls/women more often than not.


> I am a guy and I detest this kind of behaviour. Does that destroy your "statistic"? Does it make me - gasp - less "manly"?


jesus christ.


I never said that I think toxicity is OK or good, im just saying its fairly normal and honestly what are you even supposed to do about it? ban everyone who swears?

You can block people by clicking twice.


And then I just mentioned that girls/women tend to be more sensitive overall and youre interpreting that as if I think anyone who isnt ok with toxicity is not manly.


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> @"bigo.9037" said:

> > @"Megametzler.5729" said:

> > > @"bigo.9037" said:

> > > > @"Megametzler.5729" said:

> > > > > @"bigo.9037" said:

> > > > > > @"bigo.9037" said:

> > > > > > you guys are complaining about toxicity in a .. "competitive" game mode. any game with ranked pvp matches are gonna be toxic. I used to play tera online where there was a 3v3 arena you could que for. also very toxic.

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > also.. I noticed it's mainly girls / women who complain about this stuff. most guys seem to just shrug it off?

> > > >

> > > > Are you saying this to trigger people or do you actually want to use this as an argument against rational opinions?

> > >

> > > no I actually noticed this sensitive behavior way more among girls/women. it makes sense.

> > >

> > > guys generally don't go cry on forums about people being mean to them. my gf is the same, also much much more sensitive.

> > >

> > > not that there is anything wrong with it but generally it's just girls/women more often than not.

> >

> > I am a guy and I detest this kind of behaviour. Does that destroy your "statistic"? Does it make me - gasp - less "manly"?


> jesus christ.


> I never said that I think toxicity is OK or good, im just saying its fairly normal and honestly what are you even supposed to do about it? ban everyone who swears?

> You can block people by clicking twice.


> And then I just mentioned that girls/women tend to be more sensitive overall and youre interpreting that as if I think anyone who isnt ok with toxicity is not manly.

> wow.


Well, I partly agree, I overreacted a bit and got too provocative. Sorry for that.


I still think your point was quite out of topic, had nothing to do with the actual point and sounded... weird.


I wish Anet would take some steps apart from block/report functions. It's been said that a lot of times, but why don't they introduce a "thumbs up" function to promote good behaviour? Serious UI issues?

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> @"Megametzler.5729" said:

> > @"bigo.9037" said:

> > > @"Megametzler.5729" said:

> > > > @"bigo.9037" said:

> > > > > @"Megametzler.5729" said:

> > > > > > @"bigo.9037" said:

> > > > > > > @"bigo.9037" said:

> > > > > > > you guys are complaining about toxicity in a .. "competitive" game mode. any game with ranked pvp matches are gonna be toxic. I used to play tera online where there was a 3v3 arena you could que for. also very toxic.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > > also.. I noticed it's mainly girls / women who complain about this stuff. most guys seem to just shrug it off?

> > > > >

> > > > > Are you saying this to trigger people or do you actually want to use this as an argument against rational opinions?

> > > >

> > > > no I actually noticed this sensitive behavior way more among girls/women. it makes sense.

> > > >

> > > > guys generally don't go cry on forums about people being mean to them. my gf is the same, also much much more sensitive.

> > > >

> > > > not that there is anything wrong with it but generally it's just girls/women more often than not.

> > >

> > > I am a guy and I detest this kind of behaviour. Does that destroy your "statistic"? Does it make me - gasp - less "manly"?

> >

> > jesus christ.

> >

> > I never said that I think toxicity is OK or good, im just saying its fairly normal and honestly what are you even supposed to do about it? ban everyone who swears?

> > You can block people by clicking twice.

> >

> > And then I just mentioned that girls/women tend to be more sensitive overall and youre interpreting that as if I think anyone who isnt ok with toxicity is not manly.

> > wow.


> Well, I partly agree, I overreacted a bit and got too provocative. Sorry for that.


> I still think your point was quite out of topic, had nothing to do with the actual point and sounded... weird.


> I wish Anet would take some steps apart from block/report functions. It's been said that a lot of times, but why don't they introduce a "thumbs up" function to promote good behaviour? Serious UI issues?


well.. considering Anets history of pvp content and patching i doubt this will ever happen.. pvp in gw2 is dying just like the game itself is. other than pve content that can be cleared in a very short time, what has gw2 offered its players since 2012? wvw is largely the same. alliances wont change much its still the same maps with some objectives.


pvp got the "leagues" , a few extra maps, ranked leaderboards and Automated tournies.... over the course of 6 years..


I just dont see a future for this game honestly. I would agree perhaps they should fix the small things that give the remaining players a better time with it instead of aiming for projects that are too big and take too long to matter. by the time bigger projects are finished, players will already have left.


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people need to chill, yes. but if they don't know how to play the game, they'll find every single reason to flame you or any other teammates. instead of questioning why did the team lose or what we could do better?

i got a funny one today. we 3 guildies queuing for some unranked. only 2 of us on voice chat cuz the other one says his headphones don't work.

we kept losing cuz the one without headphones kept yoloing into a 1v3 and feed. so i talked over some examples what not to rotate into and stuff like that. he ignored everything.

it's ok and it's fine too until this situation we 3v4. 3 enemies down, and 2 of us down as well. so there's only 1 enemy and him standing. the enemy is 10% health or 12%, he's full 100%, plus barrier. i was like press F xD and he kept aa until both of us bled down and enemies are back up. lol. later he explained why he wouldn't press F.

i was just tired and it wasn't fun anymore. i left the party. the other guildie followed me and we continued to team up. dude without headphones got so salty cuz we dropping him, brought it in guild chat and discord chat with passive aggressive comment. when i pointed it out, he was like ooh it was for another chat and left the guild.

i thought it was funny as hell. like really, it's unranked. and we don't want to waste time with someone who just want to yolo in every outnumbered fight and not doing the work as a teammate you know.

but yea it's pvp for you =p

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A lot of interesting assumptions here.


I'm by no means new to the pvp circuit, by no means do I not know what I'm doing, in a group with voice comms I'm usually the one calling the shots.


I've also got a fairly thick skin, comes with the territory.


Where it becomes a problem is the moment it stops being constructive and starts being destructive.


By the time I have to block someone, the match has already been ruined.

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Most toxicity I notice comes from the other team. I don’t really mind it but could solve this some of this by turning off ‘say’ and ‘map chat’ or at least one. I’d prefer some communication though I enjoy the salt :b


I think it’s good if it forces people to walk away, that way it more or less throws the match, directly punishing that behaviour. They may have had a chance to win, but if their toxicity forces a 4v5 then gg.


> @"Vieux P.1238" said:

> Can some1 name me 1 multi-player game, just 1 that has NO toxicaty?


Yes. I can’t speak for the whole general community but pros are highly discouraged from being toxic, or bad mannered in Starcraft and Starcraft 2.

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