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Living Story Episode and Patch Feedback


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After the last two living story episodes I feel as though GW2 has effectively surpassed world of warcraft in both raiding content as well as story and lore. The shift is beginning to turn from people seeing the commander as a new messiah to more of finding a reason to trust him/her to begin with, which is something the players like myself have been questioning in the game's time line. Not only did the episodes provide an emotional rollercoaster, but you added that spice that modern gaming titles tend to have in the character development; the characters are no longer these happy super friendly super joyous people, but instead more like your war buddies who would die alongside with you if need be, and that is what I feel that we the audience were looking for.


In terms of the other game modes gw2 has, be it raiding to pvp and WvW, I think GW2's raiding system is much better than wow's because the first thing is there is only one difficulty(disregarding challenge motes) but essentially unlike wow's system you're getting the real version of the boss and not a fake one. There is no LFR, normal, heroic, mythic, it's just straight up 100% real boss with real mechanics and real lore along to go with it.


On the other hand spvp and wvw need a better structural overhaul in the way fairness is presented. There are way too many things that are affecting the game in both game modes in more negative ways than positive. A lot of the community from either game mode has disappeared from the competitive aspect just because of the imbalance between class effectiveness and the constant pressure of having to get better at the game. I know that the reason Anet can't push harder for more content in the game modes is because anet isn't an independent company and something that would affect those game modes would first have to go through NCsoft to get pushed for, since Anet doesn't 100% own the game and is licensed by NCsoft. For instance something you can add to WvW is a more scenic environment with the sky being grayed by the smoke of trebuchets being hurled weapons scattered across the floor with dead bodies a lot of open field to fight enemies, simple things to say that WvW and spvp are getting as much attention as PvE is getting, even introducing a much needed GvG system because we liked it a lot when the scene existed. Still because of NCsoft's tight grip it's obvious as to why it's taken a long time to implement new changes anyway.


Apart from that I feel that the general direction of the game PvE wise is really positive. I wish there were a lot more tragedy put into it more sadness and feeling placed into the chaotic world of Tyria and more of a bloodier aspect to the world that is guild wars, and more transparent revelation of lore to go with the questions that have a lot of why's to them. For instance, why fight in the mists, why are we doing wvw and pvp and such; why aren't the other dragons as active as kralkatorik, for each raid boss why isn't there a lot of information out there about them in the world, and instead is on the wiki. Why did the human gods abandon Tyria, what was the point of them ditching out on us in our time of need etc etc.

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> According to Mike O'Brien, ArenaNet has pretty much carte blanche. Thus, I don't think NCSoft does much designing of the game.


This. The game is pretty much entirely run and directed by anet themselves. If things aren't in the game it's because they either don't want it or because they don't have the resources to do the thousands of things asked for

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> @"Aridon.8362" said:

> After the last two living story episodes I feel as though GW2 has effectively surpassed world of warcraft in both raiding content as well as story and lore. The shift is beginning to turn from people seeing the commander as a new messiah to more of finding a reason to trust him/her to begin with, which is something the players like myself have been questioning in the game's time line. Not only did the episodes provide an emotional rollercoaster, but you added that spice that modern gaming titles tend to have in the character development; the characters are no longer these happy super friendly super joyous people, but instead more like your war buddies who would die alongside with you if need be, and that is what I feel that we the audience were looking for.


I too am very much enjoying this turn and hoping that upcoming content is going to give us a really big loss with massive fallout that will take a long time to recover from.

The Personal Story really didn't do a good job of making a dragons death impactful likewise Mordremoths death also felt like the benefits outweighed the consequences.

But I really like where we are now.. We killed a god to save an Elder Dragon, and said Elder Dragon is making us seriously second guess that choice.. a choice we can argue we didn't even have to begin with.

It's a great no win situation in all honesty and I am very much enjoying seeing an Elder Dragon finally becoming an unstopable force that's throwing the whole world into a frantic panic.

At this point I want Kralkatorrik to live for as long as possible.. just because he's doing such a great job at tearing our PC's reputation apart.

We saved him, we fed him a god that was juiced up on 2 elder dragons and a bloodstone, everything he does since then is somewhat our fault.. and i'm loving the idea that while Dragons Watch is finally coming together.. the rest of the world could be turning on us.. and I really hope we see that fallout after Karlkatorrik is finally dealt with which hopefully wont be until at least the end of the next expansion.



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