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Am I the only one missing the old dialogue scenes?


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Currently, I just alt-tab for a bit, look back, alt-tab again, and finally it is time to do things. I vastly preferred the old cutscenes. Not only could you skip the entire thing; you could skip forward past just the part you don't care about. Find a certain character annoying? Just hit next until they disappear. Instead, I find myself sitting around waiting on dialogue for waaaay too long.

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I actually enjoyed seeing my character in those cutscene things, although they could have been done better, I was kind of looking forward to them.

Over all, I think the current presentation is better, but it's really what keeps me from pulling multiple characters through the story, as I really can't be bothered to sit there for lengthy unskipable dialoge parts which I have already seen.

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I didn't mind the style of having people talking over a background, but I could not stand that there was only 2 characters at a time, regardless of how many people were in the conversation, and that there was no movement and scene compositions with a frame of reference for their positions and sizes, just 2 models on the screen and may not be talking to each other at all.


If the models could come from offscreen like when someone walks in the conversation, and if the models could be smaller and be positioned in the screen more freely, like in visual novels, I could have sanded it more.

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