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What are your petty grievances in GW2?


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As others have said, auto attacks aiming at the wrong target. My worst case of this is in WvW when fighting lord in towers and some keeps. I can stand right in front of them and my rifle tries to attack the walls. Since I'm not near the walls I'm constantly getting "obscured" and "out of range" messages, why even?

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> @"Einlanzer.1627" said:

> It's like "cruh-sahnt" vs "quo-saaahhh". Saying it the latter way when you aren't French kinda just makes you look like a tool.


It's not so much about being French as it is about being in a French-speaking area (like where I live, in, er, France), but yeah, although "pretentious fool" might be closer to the mark. And I'd represent the correct francophone pronunciation as "krwoss(on)" where (on) represents the French nasal vowel - it *is* possible to hear the R when the French pronounce it.


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> @"Urud.4925" said:

> Hmm, another grievance since it's a new post... When I accidentally hit a mob, then the mob goes away and I remain forever in combat, unable to mount, without knowing who I have to kill. So I must go to the character selection and relog in.


When I have that, I've found it's helpful to kill other things that you encounter as you move away.


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> @"Einlanzer.1627" said:

>The fact that the first word is graphics is irrelevant - it is very appropriate to pronounce it "jiff" because that's the phonetic pronunciation using standard english rules. This is doubly true since the creator says that's the pronunciation.


Standard pronunciation rules?

Sorry, but English is not a phonetic language. IMHO it uses symbols that LOOK like latin letters, but in fact they are just lines that construct non phonetic ideograms for each word. Those ideograms are then pronounced in some way that is socially agreed on (Although not in all places the agreement is the same).

Once I understanded this, I stopped trying to figure out convoluted and non-relevant pronunciation rules and began just to memorize words by repetition. This improved my use of the language 999%. True story.


Aaaand... that was another petty grievance from me, thanks.

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> @"Dante.1763" said:

> > @"Deimos.4263" said:

> > Everytime Trahearne talks about "Clawr Island." There's no 'r' you daft tree!!!!

> >


> As has been mentioned, its a legitimate accent and speech pattern, while it might irritate you, it is real.


Haha, thanks to this thread, my new personal petty grievance is people who think Trahearne is mispronouncing "Claw Island"!

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> @"Tommo Chocolate.5870" said:

> > @"Dante.1763" said:

> > > @"Deimos.4263" said:

> > > Everytime Trahearne talks about "Clawr Island." There's no 'r' you daft tree!!!!

> > >

> >

> > As has been mentioned, its a legitimate accent and speech pattern, while it might irritate you, it is real.


> Haha, thanks to this thread, my new personal petty grievance is people who think Trahearne is mispronouncing "Claw Island"!


I always thought it'd be funny if there were people in-universe who thought the sylvari accents were strange. No one else seems to talk like that, after all! Humans, norn, charr, asura...nobody else has British accents (of varying quality [glares at Faolain^]). It'd be hilarious if there were actually people who asked sylvari, "Why do you pronounce words like that? There's no r in Claw Island!"

Sylvari: I'm...not? Clawr Island. I said it correctly.

Human: Ack! No! It's Cla*wwwwww* Island. Cla*wwww.* There's no r!

Sylvari: Clawr Island! *Clawr Island!!* I'm saying it correctly! I'm pronouncing it the same way you do!

Human: [rapid-fire facepalming]

Sylvari: :grey_question::grey_question::grey_question:


^On that note, *what the heck happened to Faolain's voice*? It started out in a vaguely British accent...sort of...but it slipped every other word, and there was one place in Season Two (when you first go into Caithe's memories) where Faolain's accent audibly slides off *over the course of a single sentence* until she's just talking in a plain American accent and stays that way for the rest of Season Two and into Heart of Thorns. So, another petty grievance: voice actors who don't even bother with the accent. [Edit: The wiki and [the old archived forums](https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/lwd/Faolain-the-American-Sylvari/ "the old archived forums") has something about this, evidently it was noticed during the release of Season Two and "explained"...it's still rather ridiculous.)

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for me the most annoying thing is:


skill lag.


Which is especially bad for eles and our horrendously long cast times. Bad enough to be static for 4 seconds, but then everything just going poof is even worse.


So.. anet, when are you going to finally fix your server? Or is it not a problem, because the walking aoe spam fields aka necros aren't really hit by it?

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To this day I wish GW2 tried to make all the zones link together seamlessly without loading screens. Walking from Queensdale to Kessex Hills without loading screens the way, say, World of Warcraft built it's individual continents would have been cool. Yeah it would have taken work to design the game to load and unload the world in the background and long distant waypoints would still trigger loading, but I think it'd have been worth it. \


Absolutely 0 challenge to the personal story and living world episodes bugs me. Making missions designed around having to solo the whole instance without being defeated would make them much more interesting.

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1. People joining full fractal/raid runs and just leaving without a word because that one level is the only one they needed.

2. Mentors tagging up for every possible event. Also getting PoF bounties, starting them solo and then just leaving them or laying dead under the bounty.

3. Too much visual clutter. Cannot see anything during a big fight.

4. Squad lfg limited to a few modifications. Squad chat limited even to commanders when pinging waypoints.

5. Social Awkwardness in fractals and people trampling each other while under its effects.

6. Constant "Would you like to switch map instance for a petty buff?" message even in Mystlock Sanctuary.

7. Everybody but the druid knows which spirits to run, where to put them and how to play.

8. People not knowing how to read a lfg, but joining nevertheless.

9. Druid spirits and glyphs activation time. Avatar skills, specially lunar impact also. Spirits only useful in static combat.

10. Lack of in-game information about certain collections, events, missions. Have to constantly visit wiki or dulfy for it.


10 is enough.

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1) Deadeye's. The particular perma stealth, one shot build at that. One should not be able to remain permanently in stealth and 1 shot people in full health out of no where. Like seriously why does it even have that malice mechanic if they dont even have to use it? I mean there are builds that are easy carry. But this is just ludicrous. There is no counterplay to it. Yes one can use reveal. But you do not spam that if you dont see it coming.


2) Breakbar. Ever since this came out. i got demotivated to play certain builds. I mean the breakbar is a good system, dont get me wrong. Preventing the mob/champ/legend from a lockdown. it creates more dynamic during the combat. But likewise, it also nullifies the type of cc's you throw at it. Sure, each has its own strength. But regardless of the type/duration of cc you throw at it, it first will kill the breakbar in of which afterwards will ALWAYS stun the target for a fixed duration. I wish the last cc that breaks the bar would actually apply the cc effectiveness of that actual skill instead.


3) Map queue. Speaks for itself. Still encountering many full maps. Put me in a damn queue. i hate it to spam "join X in map" while seeing someone else ninja'ing right next to me.


4) QoL changes to build/gear/stat swap. especially for stats on multiple legendary equipments.


5) visual noise in certain encounters. Reduced the effects on certain skills like aura's, but overblown brightness here and there. GG? (twilight oasis, shattered observatory, etc etc. *cough hint*)

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> @"kapri.5918" said:

> Having my character shout that their "fury is rising" or similar non important noise. Or the fact that I got treasure... I really wish I could turn that off.


Go to sound options and tick the "Disable Player Chatter" box.


On-topic: Having to reposition the mouse pointer from bottom right to centre every single time you level up when you've used scrolls and/or tomes to power level to whatever height. Let us set an option so we can just instantly hit the top level of the scroll and have the various level-up rewards come as spammable chests in a similar fashion to event rewards.

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