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PvP Season 13 Titles

Gaile Gray.6029

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No one even tried this season because there was no incentive to play, me personally didn't bother. I don't care if players keep their titles, but I see where most are coming from. A "silver" player getting top 50 because no one cared nor played.


No incentive to play i.e "no titles" created a longer wait time I noticed last season than any other season.

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  • ArenaNet Staff

At the risk of fanning flames, please keep in mind that the people who inadvertently got titles did not purposefully exploit anything. They simply opened the box later than usual. Currently, our only means of removing titles has very severe additional repercussions and is not something we do lightly.


We had 3 realistic options:

A) Ignore it and hope no one notices.

B) Announce the mistake but not grant titles to anyone else on the leaderboard.

C) Announce the mistake and grant titles to everyone else who placed on the leaderboard, knowing that some segment of players would be understandably upset. We felt this was the most fair of the 3 options.

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  • ArenaNet Staff

> @"MetalGirl.2370" said:

> Well considering you always go back on your words, this doesn't surprise me...

> Happened countless times before

> You should've removed the titles instead, many didn't bother with the pvp and now you spit in their faces. Way to go.

> And I don't get why you always remove negative posts, seems to me like it's creating this "bubble" of positivity where everyone has to be fake and agree with whatever you guys do instead of allowing people to critique you, no wonder same mistakes are made when the critique never reaches the ears since it's instantly removed


Can you honestly read this thread and say you believe we "remove negative posts?" It was clearly explained: Comments that were in breach of the FCoC were removed; comments that were posted by someone using a sock-puppet to agree with themselves were removed. **Negative opinions are very visible here, just as they are visible throughout the forums. As long as they are written in a constructive way they are perfectly acceptable.** In this context, "constructive" does not mean "positive." It means you can say you disagree with something, say why, even consider offering reasonable alternatives or suggestions, and it's all good. Even just saying simply that you disagree is fine. Making it personal, making it insulting -- that's where it crosses to unconstructive and unacceptable, not just here, but in almost any conversation. And that is what happened in the removed posts, and that, and that alone, is why they were removed.


Let's look at your post. You say we "always go back on our words." That it has "happened countless times before." When? Where? Give details and examples. Make your case, because right now, I see you throwing that out without backing it up, making it appear to be nothing more than a random, meaningless insult. Which means that your comments probably will be reported, and rightfully so, for not contributing anything of value to the conversation. Because, bottom line, the "critique" that you suggest we accept -- that we do accept several hundred times a day -- is not a critique if it devolves into insults, attacks, or rants. Critiques are more than welcome! The other... not so much.


In the end, if someone can't disagree without attacking, insulting, name-calling, or being completely unconstructive, their post will be assessed and it may be removed. But I will say this, with complete truthfulness, yet again: we do not "remove negative comments." The contents in this very thread -- and that of a thousand others -- proves what I am saying to be true.


Thanks for letting me make even clearer (I hope) how things work around here. :D If you or anyone has questions, I'm as close as a Forums@Arena.Net e-mail address.


Now... I think we should keep this thread on the topic, and not on moderation policies, so let's do that.

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Sadly titles in pvp never ment much past season4. Once the dawn of the wintraders came around with duos. Pvp became a game of who can out wintrade the others. Dancing around maps where they are |...........................................................| but the only part of the map that matters is |...|. Add titles or take em away. I'll stick to unranked till ranked isn't just a uncompetitive joke. Dancing in circles gets boring after a few games.

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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> At the risk of fanning flames, please keep in mind that the people who inadvertently got titles did not purposefully exploit anything. They simply opened the box later than usual. Currently, our only means of removing titles has very severe additional repercussions and is not something we do lightly.


> We had 3 realistic options:

> A) Ignore it and hope no one notices.

> B) Announce the mistake but not grant titles to anyone else on the leaderboard.

> C) Announce the mistake and grant titles to everyone else who placed on the leaderboard, knowing that some segment of players would be understandably upset. We felt this was the most fair of the 3 options.


Can we get more visibility around what the repercussions would have been?

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why is anet always have trouble on making decisions? at first you guys said that you will remove the titles and now you guys come with the excuse of " we apologize for the confusion" what confusion? The confusion of not knowing how to make decisions? what a shame this company.


you know the ammount of people who not played or did not even try hard this season just because you guys removed the tittles? lmao.



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I don't see why are some people enraged that current titles were not "truly" earned because some people didn't compete without the promise of Title. If anything the people that are currently in Leaderboards competed even without any promise of "prestige" or reward (let's face it the potion was not a hype), they simply competed for sake of competing,... in my eyes that makes them worth of Titles more than anyone.


Also, I see many people here being really upset that Anet _"backed away on their words"_ or _"betrayed community"_, people, none of that happened, they did not back away from anything, this was simple and likely hardly predictable **mistake**, please stop making it look like they sat behind their desks entire Season with sinister look in their eyes and blood on their teeth, waiting for Season to end so they can "betray everyone".

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@"Gaile Gray.6029"




There were many top players who didn't play this season due to the lack of rewards. This reduced competition for top spots significantly and made placing on the leaderboards a lot easier. As such, Anet's decision to hand out titles anyways means that there are going to be many players who don't necessarily deserve them.


There would be nothing controversial about removing the titles people gained on accident. After all, Anet had made it clear that they were removing them while testing duo que. Your decision to award them anyways is very, very unfair (and incorrect) in my opinion.


Usually, when something goes wrong (like the engi rifle 4 1500 range bug) those issues are corrected instead of being made a feature. However, I can see that Anet takes a more unconventional approach to these situations.

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This is not a good decision. Many players either did not play this season or played the season a lot differently knowing that there would be 0 rewards at the end. PvP seasons are a completely different game when people know titles are on the line. Season 13 should be treated as every player perceived it as: null and void. For Anet to go back on their word does not reflect well on the company, which already has a bad image among the PvP/WvW player base.


If its simply not possible to revert the titles of those who accidentally got them, then it would be better to just leave it at that and don't distribute the rest. You can't deny that you made a mistake and the end of season process wasn't handled well. Fix it or swallow your pride and admit you made a mistake. Don't exacerbate the issue.

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So what if some people refused to play because of lack of rewards? Be mad at youselves, dears, that's clearly on you.

Other people did play and even tried hard, despite that.


So, lesson learned: Always do your best, even if you can't immediately foresee a reward. ;)


Also, that thing with the titles right now was not planned, but a mistake. I agree with the solution that handing out prizes for everyone (who would have earned them) is all in all better than taking them back. Psychology, I guess.

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This is a very sad decision tbh. Anet says that titles will not be handed out for the season and then, AFTER THE SEASON HAS ENDED, they announce that it was all a lie and titles will be awarded anyway.

I believe very strongly that you should be rewarded for being good at the game and placing high on the leaderboard, but this just feels like we have been lied to by anet. If I knew titles would be given out this season, I would have pushed for top 1 to 3 for certain, as I would love to have one of those titles (getting bored of my top 10 one :D ) but the opportunity for this was taken away from me this season and I feel pretty sad about that.


Honestly I think the best option would be to just let the few lucky people have the titles they got from this season and leave it at that. At least that would feel more like an honest mistake than the betrayal it feels like now. Either way I know that anet will not go back on this decision, but I do think it’s important to give my feedback to hopefully influence future decisions.

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> @"suffish.4150" said:

> This is a very sad decision tbh. Anet says that titles will not be handed out for the season and then, AFTER THE SEASON HAS ENDED, they announce that it was all a lie and titles will be awarded anyway.

> I believe very strongly that you should be rewarded for being good at the game and placing high on the leaderboard, but this just feels like we have been lied to by anet. If I knew titles would be given out this season, I would have pushed for top 1 to 3 for certain, as I would love to have one of those titles (getting bored of my top 10 one :D ) but the opportunity for this was taken away from me this season and I feel pretty sad about that.


> Honestly I think the best option would be to just let the few lucky people have the titles they got from this season and leave it at that. At least that would feel more like an honest mistake than the betrayal it feels like now. Either way I know that anet will not go back on this decision, but I do think it’s important to give my feedback to hopefully influence future decisions.


I agree. Whoever got the titles by mistakes... Leave it at that

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> @"Fenella.2634" said:

> So what if some people refused to play because of lack of rewards? Be mad at youselves, dears, that's clearly on you.

> Other people did play and even tried hard, despite that.


> So, lesson learned: Always do your best, even if you can't immediately foresee a reward. ;)


> Also, that thing with the titles right now was not planned, but a mistake. I agree with the solution that handing out prizes for everyone (who would have earned them) is all in all better than taking them back. Psychology, I guess.


It's called lying. People didn't play because Anet said there weren't going to be titles this season.


However, due to a bug, they decided to go back on their word and hand them out anyways. What should we be mad at ourselves for? Believing the words of the company that created the game?


Oops, _sorry_. We should've expected Anet to completely deceive the entire population and play accordingly.

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> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:


> Let's look at your post. You say we "always go back on our words." That it has "happened countless times before." When? Where? Give details and examples. Make your case


Let's use one instance for example because I'm not gonna sit and list every single one.

Remember when you guys said that PVP Legendary backitem will be just for 4 seasons ? My boyfriend took days off work so we can make it in time and have all achievements done. After season ended you guys said - "We decided not to remove them instead"


Edit: Just to add a little bit to "post removing thing" - I was warned 6 times so far, in none of them was I name calling or insulting and all of them were removed, some of them faster than I could blink. One of them was removed for me simply saying - "Everyone is ignoring forums because they censored it heavily". How is that name calling or insulting ?


Edit 2: Couple more people pointed out more things you guys went back on. So my point is proven.

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As far as business decisions go:

You disincentivize people by telling them there will be no titles for s13, then you kitten up and offer titles to every1 eligible after you disincentivized the PvP population from participating. Forgive me, but I have to ask...

Are you adopting some Trump PR tricks or the kitten is wrong with you?

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> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> Let's look at your post. You say we "always go back on our words." That it has "happened countless times before." When? Where? Give details and examples. Make your case


Yeah, I'm really enjoying playing with my 2nd generation legendary greatsword... wait we paid for that advertised with the FIRST expansion, still waiting.... wait expansions, we were not going to have those either, the first which changed the direction of the game to be just like all the other MMOs with raids and diminished focus on other game areas, not the game we were sold on, and don't get me started on "we don't want players to grind in guild wars 2" I guess Colin is gone now so that one doesn't count right?


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> @"Hanakocz.5697" said:

> Why are people even mad about this? It is probably the first season where was total lack of wintrading for titles (because there were no titles to begin with), so those titles are probably more genuine than any others ever.


Read the thread and you'll see why they are mad? Are they more genuine if people were convinced to not participate?

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> @"Dalec.9853" said:

> > @"Hanakocz.5697" said:

> > Why are people even mad about this? It is probably the first season where was total lack of wintrading for titles (because there were no titles to begin with), so those titles are probably more genuine than any others ever.


> Read the thread and you'll see why they are mad? Are they more genuine if people were convinced to not participate?


They convinced themself to not participate. If they don't like to play for the gameplay, why they want those titles after all? Why bother in a gamemode that is for them so boring that only such rewards make them to play it? In my eyes, people who played without the visible reward, are more suitable to actually get those titles, if they are so good that they ended up on the top of the ladder.


Nothing was stopping anyone to play. They did it themself and they can blame only themself.




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> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> Let's look at your post. You say we "always go back on our words." That it has "happened countless times before." When? Where? Give details and examples. Make your case


Here's a big one.



The community voted for a single season of duo que under the impressions that:


1. It was not going to be permanent

2. We were going to be re-polled at the end of the season


**Where was the second poll?**

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There are people who play only for rewards ? (That surely explains the regular crying when playing...)

(Ok I admit If I knowed that there were rewards, I probably spend less time on exotic chronotank builds :) .)

But reward or not, it didn't change the objective of being first isn't it ?

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