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Suggestions to make Dungeons more fun

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**1: Insta Rez**. Now you will be instant rez at the location of your choice regardless if anyone is in combat or not.


**2. No Bills on repair**- It gets expensive and some people don't have money.


3.** Optional Boss Skip-** If a boss is too hard for the group like that Goblin Cave Slave I ended up dying near. Now you just enter which boss you want to skip


4.** Lower difficulty.** If a boss is too hard and you wipe more than 3 times than you can have an option to make the boss less difficult. This will save time, remove frustration and promote Harmony.



Can you offer some suggestions also?

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1) I think it's unlikely they'll bring back instant ressurection. That's how it worked when the game was released and it lead to people just endlessly throwing themselves at bosses, dying and doing it again until they wore the boss down, instead of learning the mechanics to beat it. Which wasn't fun for them or good for Anet so they changed it to the current system.


2) Repairs are free. And in case you're not aware you don't need to repair damaged equipment (orange shield symbol) because there is no penalty, it only matters if a piece is completely broken (red, cracked symbol) which only happens when all 7 pieces have been damaged. So you only need to do a maximum of 1 repair for every 8 deaths.


3) Again this is something which sometimes used to be possible - players found ways to skip some bosses and when that knowledge got out Anet would update the dungeon to prevent it, so I think it's unlikely they'll reverse that and make them all skippable. The point of doing a dungeon is to beat the enemies, not to simply run past them or turn them off and still get the reward without completing it.


4) I wouldn't be against this idea, if it also reduced the reward you get for finishing the dungeon. As above the point of doing a dungeon is to complete it, not avoid anything which makes it challenging.


In case you're not aware if you don't like doing dungeon you can get the same rewards from the PvP and WvW reward tracks without ever entering the actual dungeon. It sounds like that might be a better option for you.

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> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> 1) I think it's unlikely they'll bring back instant ressurection. That's how it worked when the game was released and it lead to people just endlessly throwing themselves at bosses, dying and doing it again until they wore the boss down, instead of learning the mechanics to beat it. Which wasn't fun for them or good for Anet so they changed it to the current system.


> 2) Repairs are free. And in case you're not aware you don't need to repair damaged equipment (orange shield symbol) because there is no penalty, it only matters if a piece is completely broken (red, cracked symbol) which only happens when all 7 pieces have been damaged. So you only need to do a maximum of 1 repair for every 8 deaths.


> 3) Again this is something which sometimes used to be possible - players found ways to skip some bosses and when that knowledge got out Anet would update the dungeon to prevent it, so I think it's unlikely they'll reverse that and make them all skippable. The point of doing a dungeon is to beat the enemies, not to simply run past them or turn them off and still get the reward without completing it.


> 4) I wouldn't be against this idea, if it also reduced the reward you get for finishing the dungeon. As above the point of doing a dungeon is to complete it, not avoid anything which makes it challenging.


> In case you're not aware if you don't like doing dungeon you can get the same rewards from the PvP and WvW reward tracks without ever entering the actual dungeon. It sounds like that might be a better option for you.


Many people I know are afraid mess up in PVP, the tense place gets people mad and frustrated at each otherr.

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There was a game i played, it had many things done wrong but ONE thing (making sure that low-level dungeons won't be empty) they did right.


If only Arena.NET would adopt this idea. Thing were simple as far as you had a low-level player lets say lv 35-40 in your party for dungeon, in this case it would be AC, on clearance high level players would get special currency required for crafting top tier gear.

Dungeons in that game never were empty, new/low level players wouldn't wait for a party, it was opposite, parties were looking for low level players.

And on top of that it only worked for a particular low-level had to be or no more then 5 levels above the dungeon entry level and they can be carried only only 3 times .

System was abuse free

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I don't like OP's suggestions to make dungeons easier or skippable, kind of defeats the whole purpose and power creep has already made dungeons much easier than they were at launch. Phs' idea of rewarding players for mentoring new folks through dungeons is novel and interesting, but I've found the majority of players in dungeons are already there to level alts so I'm not sure pulling in more lower levels players is necessary. I actually think the devs have done a pretty good job of keeping dungeons viable after all this time, and I never really have trouble finding groups with lfg. I'm really not sure why they aren't more popular as it is tbh . . .


As for the alternate methods of achieving dungeon rewards, if players don't like PvP they should try WvW, plenty of PvE things to do there and much of it is soloable so you don't even have to worry about interacting with other players if that is the concern . . .

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I just hate the tired old game mechanism of a lot of bosses being invulnerable until you have killed their minion(s) first or destroyed some crystals that are recharging their shields or something - often multiple times. The inevitable light show that fogs out the whole area plus the strain on fingers from mashing keys and mouse buttons gets very old very fast. Sometimes the fights drag on for over 15 minutes and that's not counting multiple attempts.

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> @"Icemanfrost.5428" said:

> **1: Insta Rez**. Now you will be instant rez at the location of your choice regardless if anyone is in combat or not.


> **2. No Bills on repair**- It gets expensive and some people don't have money.


> 3.** Optional Boss Skip-** If a boss is too hard for the group like that Goblin Cave Slave I ended up dying near. Now you just enter which boss you want to skip


> 4.** Lower difficulty.** If a boss is too hard and you wipe more than 3 times than you can have an option to make the boss less difficult. This will save time, remove frustration and promote Harmony.



> Can you offer some suggestions also?


I honestly thought this was a joke....

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> @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> Content from 2012 which has not been altered mostly and is subject to power creep of over 300% is hard?


> It's not the content, it's you.


Sooo very much this. We three manned COE last night, all three paths, no "meta" classes, no chrono, no druid.


> @"Icemanfrost.5428" said:

> > @"DeanBB.4268" said:

> > Sorry to inform you, but GW2 dungeons are "abandoned" content and won't be receiving any updates.

> >

> > Fractals are the new dungeons.


> why not


Because ANET has said that dungeons are Abandoned, thats why. They are to limiting for what anet wants, and they dont know how to even fix the bugs that affect them to this day that have been in since launch cause the dungeon team that made the dungeons no longer works with ANET.

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I do them also, very often, but nothing was changed in them since 2015, so they are dead in the sense of development.


The thing that was changed in 2015 was the nerf of the rewards, then after 1,5 year they pitied the community so they gave some shitty rewards if you do i guess 8 of them, lol. xD

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when you kill a monster they blow up in confetti

perma superspeed

unlimited dodge, monster do tons more damage

when you kill a monster they split into 2 smaller monster

occasionally monster will attack in big fat waves outta no where

no dodge, do double damage



I mean one of these would take effect not all lol. can choose



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