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How do I gain gold?

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sorry to creat a topic prolly often created, but i look for a way to make gold, i know there is istan meta event farming, i did but that not quiet fun or interesting to do, and most of time my char is sink in the mass and computer go slow.


So i wondered what was the others ways, in small group or solo to do gold, of cours not upper than Istan, but maybe like 50% of a meta event istan, to do alone or in group


what are your suggestion?

I wonder if world v world which can interest me a little, can give gold .



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There are numerous articles on Reddit, and plenty of existing threads here. My recommendation is to do a preliminary search for those and then ask some questions about the specific farms that relate to your situation. To make that easier, here's a brief list of different ways you can create some wealth quickly (that you can google/ddg/bing search to learn more about).


Silverwastes RIBA, daily fractals, parking toons at various locations, gathering runs (chiefly for wood, iron, and/or flax), promoting fine mats (mystic forge), promoting basic mats, playing the TP (including speculation & flipping), crafting.


There's one last way to create wealth that most people ignore: spend less and sell all your mats. It's amazing how much 'stuff' we accumulate that could be sold (but just ignore because we have space in the bank) and how much we spend on little stuff.



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I heard ranked pvp gives you plenty of gold? (and transmute charges as well haha)


Start working on your fractals too if you haven't! Speaking of which, I've heard fractal 42 (Mai Trin) and 96 (Aetherblade) farm around my orbit a couple of months ago, but haven't hear from it again. But people said they have higher gold/hour potential than Istan they are right.


I personally enjoy doing bounties. The gold is terrible, but I always had fun cus I get to ride around with mounts etc lol


And while we're approaching Wintersday festival, I absolutely adore farming the Winter Wonderland jumping puzzle! They take a while to learn if you've never done that, but once you made it to the end, the next ones are so so so much easier. I remember I could only finish 1-2 times if not 0 within the time limit as I get the hang of it, and then after a couple of rounds, just jumped up to like 9-10. There are three paths, but Gingerbread path gives you more present than the other two (not sure why cus I find it the fastest). I've never had perfect consecutive jumps, but I made around 45g/hour last year (not sure exactly but definitely more than 40g/h teehee).




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Ok thx for your tips that very kind, i wil check this.


To answer somes, i really dont like fractale, i find them very boring to do, and i dont see any interest, explo dungeon can be cool but somes are really a pain like Ara, so i ll try to do the easy one

Yes silverwaste is cool, maybe i should do it time to time.

I would like also stay around the Elon map, which are nice , should i chase the little event or do only some bounties? Is there nothing else to do there for gold?



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> @"caulaincourt.7024" said:

> Ok thx for your tips that very kind, i wil check this.


> To answer somes, i really dont like fractale, i find them very boring to do, and i dont see any interest, explo dungeon can be cool but somes are really a pain like Ara, so i ll try to do the easy one

> Yes silverwaste is cool, maybe i should do it time to time.

> I would like also stay around the Elon map, which are nice , should i chase the little event or do only some bounties? Is there nothing else to do there for gold?




Find a good bounty train on lfg. They are not always up though, but if there is a daily bounty then usually there will be bounty group all day. Or if you have friends to play, you can low man it wtih 4-5 players to kill them quickly. Regular party is a bit risky maybe, especially if you got unlucky and get problematic leyline instabilities that can make legendaries much harder. But if your party can pull decent dps (at least 35k party dps I think), you can finish each champion in 3-4 minutes, or lower if luck is on your side and you got a support player that can crank up your party dps (just my personal experience, no consensus). If you can do this, it can be more consistent than in a zerg squad. You can make it more efficient by having each member of your party to take one different bounty so everytime you done with one you can continue on to the next bounty and don't need to go back to the bounty board. But even with this method, it's a slow gold . Just sell unidentified gears and trophy you got along the way.


If you wanna do events for map reward track, core tyria is better since they reward you with sellable mats. Not that Elona is bad, but they mainly reward you with trade contract, which can only be used to buy exclusive gear and items from PoF mostly. They give keys and treasure maps, but you still need to find the treasure and trade chest and they can be quite an rng as well.


Speaking of map reward track, if you have pact supply network mastery (edit: and want to build gold slowly), you can buy Pact Scout's Mapping Materials from Pact Supply Network Agent (you can buy maximum of 6 daily). The item will grant you 200 points toward map reward track. You need 8000 points to finish the whole track but it's tiered every 200 points, granting reward each tier and getting better the higher the tier. Now you wanna keep your mapping materials and check which map is the most profitable in current week. To do this, type "/wiki mbrp". On this page you will see week 1-8, current week is highlighted in yellow. The best week to use your mapping materials is either week 2 (Frostgorge Sound) or week 5 (Fireheart Rise), they yield around 21-22g each full track, but yield always change depending on the materials price on the market.

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> @"caulaincourt.7024" said:

> To answer somes, i really dont like fractale, i find them very boring to do, and i dont see any interest, explo dungeon can be cool but somes are really a pain like Ara, so i ll try to do the easy one


"Dungeon Frequenter" achievement gets you 5g everyday + tokens of choice. You can complete it with story and/or explo modes.



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> @"Jethro.9376" said:

> > @"caulaincourt.7024" said:

> > To answer somes, i really dont like fractale, i find them very boring to do, and i dont see any interest, explo dungeon can be cool but somes are really a pain like Ara, so i ll try to do the easy one


> "Dungeon Frequenter" achievement gets you 5g everyday + tokens of choice. You can complete it with story and/or explo modes.




its not limited to once a day only the specific path bonus chest are affected to one time only.

So its unlimited 5g + 150 tokens every day.

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> @"ErickDntn.1847" said:

> > @"caulaincourt.7024" said:

> > Ok thx for your tips that very kind, i wil check this.

> >

> > To answer somes, i really dont like fractale, i find them very boring to do, and i dont see any interest, explo dungeon can be cool but somes are really a pain like Ara, so i ll try to do the easy one

> > Yes silverwaste is cool, maybe i should do it time to time.

> > I would like also stay around the Elon map, which are nice , should i chase the little event or do only some bounties? Is there nothing else to do there for gold?

> >

> >


> Find a good bounty train on lfg. They are not always up though, but if there is a daily bounty then usually there will be bounty group all day. Or if you have friends to play, you can low man it wtih 4-5 players to kill them quickly. Regular party is a bit risky maybe, especially if you got unlucky and get problematic leyline instabilities that can make legendaries much harder. But if your party can pull decent dps (at least 35k party dps I think), you can finish each champion in 3-4 minutes, or lower if luck is on your side and you got a support player that can crank up your party dps (just my personal experience, no consensus). If you can do this, it can be more consistent than in a zerg squad. You can make it more efficient by having each member of your party to take one different bounty so everytime you done with one you can continue on to the next bounty and don't need to go back to the bounty board. But even with this method, it's a slow gold . Just sell unidentified gears and trophy you got along the way.


> If you wanna do events for map reward track, core tyria is better since they reward you with sellable mats. Not that Elona is bad, but they mainly reward you with trade contract, which can only be used to buy exclusive gear and items from PoF mostly. They give keys and treasure maps, but you still need to find the treasure and trade chest and they can be quite an rng as well.


> Speaking of map reward track, if you have pact supply network mastery (edit: and want to build gold slowly), you can buy Pact Scout's Mapping Materials from Pact Supply Network Agent (you can buy maximum of 6 daily). The item will grant you 200 points toward map reward track. You need 8000 points to finish the whole track but it's tiered every 200 points, granting reward each tier and getting better the higher the tier. Now you wanna keep your mapping materials and check which map is the most profitable in current week. To do this, type "/wiki mbrp". On this page you will see week 1-8, current week is highlighted in yellow. The best week to use your mapping materials is either week 2 (Frostgorge Sound) or week 5 (Fireheart Rise), they yield around 21-22g each full track, but yield always change depending on the materials price on the market.





Ok thx, which map of tyria will you suggest me to do usually?


i ll try explo then, and maybe some bounty in elon,


thx for your tips that is very kind


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If you check MBRP page on the wiki, you will see that we are in Week 3 and the highest grossing net is Bloodtide coast. Mind you that I have never farm events for map reward track though, only been using the Pact mapping materials. But I can imagine it would be inconsistent since you mostly dependant to the availability and the lengths of events around you (one event with full participation gives you 100 points only, and you need 8000 to complete the whole track). Also, if you do the same events over and over with a character, you will get fewer points, so it's better to change character here and there (the reward progress is account bound). I suppose doing this should be as a supplementary method as you've done dailies and HoT meta events, or when you're bored with the usual farm. Not sure how this compares with bounty though.


No worries, always happy to share knowledge.

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> @"caulaincourt.7024" said:

> Hello


> sorry to creat a topic prolly often created, but i look for a way to make gold, i know there is istan meta event farming, i did but that not quiet fun or interesting to do, and most of time my char is sink in the mass and computer go slow.


> So i wondered what was the others ways, in small group or solo to do gold, of cours not upper than Istan, but maybe like 50% of a meta event istan, to do alone or in group


> what are your suggestion?

> I wonder if world v world which can interest me a little, can give gold .


> thx


The answer depends of how fast you want to make gold and what you want to do for this.

If you have the Pact Supply mastery, then my sugestion is to do map completion in Core Tyria. Take your time, no rush. Gather everything. Don't let a node untouched. Buy the Pact Scout's Mapping materials every day (it costs you 33,5 k karma daily). At the end of the map completion you will have enough of Pact Scout's badges for a lot of T6 materials. And also you will have 2 Gift of Exploration. Craft 2 Legendary weapons and sell. You will gain some money this way.

If you can afford to buy glyphs for your gathering tools, I suggest you the glyph of Leather. You can have a lot of Leather by gathering the nodes in the maps you discover.

Check the requirements for the Legendary weapon you craft and sell everything you don't need for it.

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