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Playing without "elite" specializations?

GW Noob.6038

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> @"GW Noob.6038" said:

> > @"ProtoGunner.4953" said:

> > The expansions don't cost 100 €. They are more like 50 both together, sometimes discounted. Also, if you want mounts you need the PoF expansion anyway.


> I paid $100 dollars for the two expansions.


@ Protogunner


Paying $100 is the likely result of buying Ultimate PoF for $80 and adding HoT for the extra $20. That this also provided $50 worth of gems and the frou-frou that comes with Deluxe PoF, does not invalidate GW Noob's statement. After all, if the OP sours on the game and leaves as a result of the issue, the extras hold no value.


That said, the only parts of the game in which a ranger might be asked to spec Druid or Soulbeast is harder instanced PvE in the form of raids/fractal Tier IV's and 99-100 Challenge Motes. It's also possible that core ranger might find that Structured PvP requires greater skill with a core build than with an Elite Spec, and that organized World versus World groups may not want a LB ranger.

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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> You may want to pose your concerns in the [Ranger Sub Forum](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/categories/ranger "Ranger Sub Forum").


This matter affects all my potential characters, not just the Ranger. The Engineer profession, for example, also suffers from this type of absurd thinking...instead of giving the engineer a big mechanical golem to fight by their side, they hand them a war hammer and some stupid gadgets (that only last a few seconds!) to fiddle around with!

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You can absolutely get mounts, play the story, etc. with your core specialization. Elite specs are *optional*. They give you different ways to play the class - ArenaNet's version of new classes. You *can* switch to them if you want, but in no way are you *forced* to (unless you want to do the most elite of the elite end-game content, as others have detailed above). And if you try them out and don't like them, you can always switch back to your core spec with no problems whatsoever.


> @"IndigoSundown.5419" said:

> It's also possible that core ranger might find that Structured PvP requires greater skill with a core build than with an Elite Spec


I main core Ranger in PVP (unranked, of course). It's fun! :D I don't know about greater skill, though...I'm still only so-so with it (actually with any class in PVP). But, like I said, it's still fun.

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> @"GW Noob.6038" said:

> > @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > You may want to pose your concerns in the [Ranger Sub Forum](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/categories/ranger "Ranger Sub Forum").


> This matter affects all my potential characters, not just the Ranger.


some professions like guardian and warrior have builds that don't use elite specs and are accepted in high end pve.


i played around a lot with full berserker gearset longbow ranger on dungeons and t1 fractals before and nobody says a thing as long as you don't mess up and know what you're doing.


as said above, only when you get to t4's and sometimes t3 will people want you to be a soulbeast or druid

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> @"GW Noob.6038" said:

> > @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > You may want to pose your concerns in the [Ranger Sub Forum](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/categories/ranger "Ranger Sub Forum").


> This matter affects all my potential characters, not just the Ranger. The Engineer profession, for example, also suffers from this type of absurd thinking...instead of giving the engineer a big mechanical golem to fight by their side, they hand them a war hammer and some stupid gadgets (that only last a few seconds!) to fiddle around with!


Ah. Seemed most of your emphasis was on the play-ability of core ranger.

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> @"GW Noob.6038" said:

> > @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > You may want to pose your concerns in the [Ranger Sub Forum](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/categories/ranger "Ranger Sub Forum").


> This matter affects all my potential characters, not just the Ranger. The Engineer profession, for example, also suffers from this type of absurd thinking...instead of giving the engineer a big mechanical golem to fight by their side, they hand them a war hammer and some stupid gadgets (that only last a few seconds!) to fiddle around with!


Engineer is great! Mortars, flame-throwers, weapon turrets, supply drops... and I went Asura so I could get to summon a mech or even a suit of powered armour, just for the hell of it. :)

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It may be to your advantage to learn a bit more about the game and its mechanics before concluding certain aspects are undesirable. Three days, or so, isn't a lot of time.

The Wiki (link above) is a great resource for all things GW2, and is accessible in-game as well (type /Wiki [topic of choice in chat).


My main is a Ranger, and not a Druid nor Soulbeast (though I do have a Druid, and several other Rangers). I don't PvP (other than in Festivals), but have no real issue in WvW. And, of course, I've been able to complete all the Stories I've encountered, so far.


Welcome to Tyria, and good luck.


(If interested, there's a discount promotion going on presently; you can return your previous purchase and take advantage of the sale. Of course, it would not apply to the Ultimate Edition(s).)



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I did world completion and all of HOT on my core Ranger ... I didnt care for Druid at all and this was before POF. Soulbeast is ok :) Im actually thinking of going back and taking another look at Druid now that my Mesmer is fully stocked as a Chrono .....


Not all the elite specs are great for everyone. I know quite a few people who run core "beserker builed " Rangers. You may need to step it up for reasons posted above but ... otherwise youll do just fine! pssst .... I also prefer longbow over greatsword lol


Good luck out there!

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> @"GW Noob.6038" said:

> > @"Biff.5312" said:

> > I've played nearly daily for 3 years. I still use core specs on some of my toons and have never had any issues. There are areas of the game I don't play - raids, for instance, so I can't speak to that, but I can assure you there's lots to do and which can be done with a core spec.


> I've heard lots of people say they don't play in raids or fractals...what's the deal with that content? Does it cater to the "Powertard" class?


Very simply and short:

When GW2 was released years ago it catered to a very relaxed and casual crowd. The original set of dungeons (meant as challenging group content) turned out to be to easy and thus fractals (a different type of dungeon group content) were introduced.


Finally with HoT raids were introduced to GW2 as pinnacle challenging 10-man group content. With no real gear progression and no requirement to run fractals or raids besides the challenge and rewards tied to them, a large fraction of the player base does not necessary play them.


The fact that open world pve content does little to prepare players for actual structured group content and the requirement to optimize their builds does the rest.

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> @"GW Noob.6038" said:

> > @"ProtoGunner.4953" said:

> > The expansions don't cost 100 €. They are more like 50 both together, sometimes discounted. Also, if you want mounts you need the PoF expansion anyway.


> I paid $100 dollars for the two expansions.


You are funny, you buy the deluxe edition and then you are complaining it's too much for what it's worth...

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Apparently you didn't research hard enough. Druid is mainly a support specialization, yes, but you aren't pigeonholed into being support.....and Soulbeast is definitely not an extension of druid. It is mainly a dps specialization.


In fact, after reading some of your responses to answers, I'm beginning to think this is just a troll thread, but I'll give you a response anyway;


There's lots to do at endgame. It's a matter of you deciding what you like to do and what your goals are. The fact that PvE raiding isn't the be-all and end-all scene is a reflection of the fact that there is no gear grind at level 80 - ascended gear stats are the top tier stats in the game, and fortunately for us you aren't funneled through PvE raiding in this game in order to acquire it. You can get ascended gear through crafting, fractals, WvW, sPvP, OR raiding - all of which are endgame content, and as you can see, none of which is required...you decide what you like doing, not Anet.

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My main character is a Ranger and during the first expansion I didn't use the Druid elite at all and was able to play just fine. When path of fire released I did become a Soulbeast since it is a condition based elite spec, so it just made my build better. I use short bow and double daggers. So yeah you shouldn't have any problems doing the end game content if you just stay with basic Ranger. :)

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honestly, the ranger got the lesser end of the stick.

when i think of a ranger with daggers i think of an assassin type of ranger with empathy on survival, when i think of a ranger with a staff i think of an explorer with quick movements combining traps.

we ended up with kirby and bilbo......

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