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Some of the Gold times needed for the new races are ridiculous


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The times themselves are ok, what Anet really needs to do is go around the track and remove some of the blocking volumes, there are some shrubs around the races that i can walk through no problem, but the beetle stops dead on them, it ruins the racing,


Diessa Plateau is a good example of this one, there are several shrubs on this race that ruin the race and the flow of it, even at the very start of this race, ( Normal one not time trial ) there is a tree stump and a lamppost you have to avoid before you even start, every other race has a clear line to the start but not that one,


I do understand they are trying to put racing into older maps and that some of the terrain will affect it, so hopefully we can see a polish of this maps as the releases go on, to allow us a more smooth race.


Overall im really impressed with the Beetle Racing, its a mount i never used before the recent patch.

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> @"Urud.4925" said:

> I have too much lag with so many players to try for the gold atm (apart from Gendarran, which is another tier of difficulty). I'll probably spend more time on them after 1-2 months.

> Btw, is it possible to get the gold on a single adventure, or you got it during the race, on the 2nd-3rd lap?


The daily achievements will go after xmas. Not dure if that means the races go too


Ediited for slight correction

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> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > @"Urud.4925" said:

> > I have too much lag with so many players to try for the gold atm (apart from Gendarran, which is another tier of difficulty). I'll probably spend more time on them after 1-2 months.

> > Btw, is it possible to get the gold on a single adventure, or you got it during the race, on the 2nd-3rd lap?


> The achievements will go after xmas. Not dure if that means the races go too



[The races are permanent.](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/61676/game-update-notes-november-26-2018#latest "The races are permanent.") Literally the first sentence of the second paragraph, why would they remove achievements from permanent content? The sweepstakes is until the 24th of December.

Not sure where you got your info from with the Achievements being time-sensitive.

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> @"Haleydawn.3764" said:

> > @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > > @"Urud.4925" said:

> > > I have too much lag with so many players to try for the gold atm (apart from Gendarran, which is another tier of difficulty). I'll probably spend more time on them after 1-2 months.

> > > Btw, is it possible to get the gold on a single adventure, or you got it during the race, on the 2nd-3rd lap?

> >

> > The achievements will go after xmas. Not dure if that means the races go too



> [The races are permanent.](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/61676/game-update-notes-november-26-2018#latest "The races are permanent.") Literally the first sentence of the second paragraph. The sweepstakes is until the 24th of December.

> Not sure where you got your info from with the Achievements being time-sensitive.


The daily ones are unyil the 25th dec



*To encourage aspiring racers to pick up the reins, daily roller beetle racing achievements will be available from 27 November to 25 December.*


I thought i read somewhere else about the other achievements, but i cant find it so prob mistaken

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> @"Will.9785" said:

> Mount Malestrom and Brisbane Wildlands in particular.


They might be hard to achieve, but they aren't "ridiculous". I am still having trouble with the Snowden Drifts (2 secs short) one and Brisban as well (3 secs). The other three I managed to achieve last night. Well, there is plenty of time to practice. ;)


We don't _have_ to achieve gold, by the way. The regular scarf looks much cooler than the metalic gold one anyway. =)

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I think Anet got the difficulty just right. As someone who barely had touched the beetle before this patch, I managed to get gold from all tracks in a single night. Sure, it took patience, many restarts, trial and error, and got frustrating at times, but in the end it was nowhere near as difficult as some of the HoT adventures, for example.


You'll learn to handle the beetle surprisingly fast if you put your mind to it, and from there you just memorize the tracks and figure out the fastest routes, learn what bumps to avoid, learn how to handle some jumps and turns etc.

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My only real complain is how some obstacles are completely counter-intuitive.


Some won't appear until they are right in front of you, even with all settings maxed, even though maxing Environment should do the trick for that.

* How are you supposed to avoid what you can't see?


Some that look like slopes will halt you like a wall.

* If it looks like a slope, it should let you ride up it.


Some that look like a wall act like slopes.

* If you decide to hit on purpose a flat obstacle with a square angle at the bottom to lose some speed quickly, it should not send you straight up to the mysterious hidden secret covert Inquest base on the moon.


Some that look short won't let you jump over them.

* The beetle may not be a great jumper, but if it's shorter than its tiny little feet, it should be able to jump over it.


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I think there is some argument to be made for Snowden.. and maybe Brisban for a 1-2 second increase on the gold but overall I've not found it that difficult to get them myself.


I'm speaking as someone who is in the top 100 times on every race track.. in 2 of them i'm in the top 50, Before yesterday I can honestly say I sucked with the Beetle, seriously it was my least favorite mount because I simply could not control it.. or more accurately, didn't know how.

These race adventures have really improved my Beetle control.. all I did yesterday was race aiming for the silver, then the gold and then just to beat my time and try and make the top 100 which is just a fun goal I like to set myself with adventures.


There is a lot to take in with these races though.. and that has a lot to do with the map design since these old Tyria maps were never designed for this kind of thing.

Terrain bumps can really mess with the Beetle since the Beetle gains no traction or has any control while it's not connected to the ground and this becomes far more of a problem when you're dealing with lag and traveling at such high speeds which again is still a fairly new thing for this game.


While there certainly is a skill and familiarity element involved with mastering the Beetle and these races, I do believe that individual internet connections also play a part when it comes to finer control.

When I race Raptors, Skimmers, Jackels and Griffons etc which typically move at slower speeds I find other players are easily able to keep up with me and one single mistake tends to cost me the race.

When I race Beetles however I find even with mistakes I almost always win.. I refuse to believe this is just down to my own ability or familiarity with the courses.. not after just a single day of practice.

There's definitely more to it.. net and input lag is most certainly one factor of that I am absolutely sure.

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I'm fine with all timers required, maps etc.

I don't mind about rewards choices or anything else related to races events or adventure.

I'm just asking, thinking about the Drift system in game.

When can we trigger it (speed req) ? How can we use it properly (spam or maintain the key) ? etc.

There's nothing visual to help, it's a hidden skill or bind etc.

I tried to change the box check about mounts in options and i didn't notice at all any changes in game.


Really hope dev team gonna fix this UX issue as soon as possible.

Thanks for reading or talking about.

GLHF everyone.

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After spending maybe 8 hours or so overall on the races my opinion to even out the gold times is to give Snowden 2 extra seconds and give Brisban 4 extra seconds for allowance on gold. I am saying this having gold in Snowden and about 2sec off of it on Brisban (and gold on the rest), so take that how you will. I honestly think the other courses have pretty forgiving gold times already.


Many have talked about this and how some tracks are more forgiving than others so i wont repeat, but i do think i was able to do as well as i have because a practiced for almost on Snowden over and over doing nothing else in guild wars so i wouldn't lose the muscle memory. It is however hard to build that up on the longer tracks if they have a ton of small shifts you need to do which Brisban does seem to have many more then the others.

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> @"Tochiba.1567" said:

> o/


> I'm fine with all timers required, maps etc.

> I don't mind about rewards choices or anything else related to races events or adventure.

> I'm just asking, thinking about the Drift system in game.

> When can we trigger it (speed req) ? How can we use it properly (spam or maintain the key) ? etc.

> There's nothing visual to help, it's a hidden skill or bind etc.

> I tried to change the box check about mounts in options and i didn't notice at all any changes in game.


> Really hope dev team gonna fix this UX issue as soon as possible.

> Thanks for reading or talking about.

> GLHF everyone.


I see a lot of people saying press C for drifting but personally I prefer to use S instead.

You can drift pretty much after the boost phase ends although I tend to wait a second or so just to be sure and thus boost a little earlier if I know a drift is coming up or right after the drift if I know there is enough straightway to handle it.


I always aim wide for a drift.. so using Diassa's Tree Left drift turn as a point or referece I try to aim slightly towards the right side of the first checkpoint and start drifting before I get to it the goal being to try and catch the left side of the checkpoint as close to the edge as possible.

I find aiming for that left side more often leads to me missing it or screwing up my drift.


To do the actual drift after I've pre aligned myself up I release W and hold down S and right click for camera and then aim in the direction I want to go which causes the drift.

Once I've more or less drifted to the point I wanted and the Beetle is facing the general direction I want to go I release S and press and hold W again which cancels the drift and makes the Beelte move forward again, using a boost at this point is excelent for rapidly recoving speed lost with the drift.

It takes some practice to get used to but it's a lot of fun once you've got it down ^^

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > @"Teratus.2859" said:

> > Terrain bumps can really mess with the Beetle since the Beetle gains no traction or has any control while it's not connected to the ground


> It would be neat if we could actually speed up in mid air as well. :+1:



Agreed, It's kind of silly the boost doesn't really speed you up in the air, it is essentially a rocket boost lol

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> @"Hevoskuuri.3891" said:

> I think Anet got the difficulty just right. As someone who barely had touched the beetle before this patch, I managed to get gold from all tracks in a single night. Sure, it took patience, many restarts, trial and error, and got frustrating at times, but in the end it was nowhere near as difficult as some of the HoT adventures, for example.


> You'll learn to handle the beetle surprisingly fast if you put your mind to it, and from there you just memorize the tracks and figure out the fastest routes, learn what bumps to avoid, learn how to handle some jumps and turns etc.


Good for you? I've tried to play the beetle. I cannot get the hang of it. I've "put my mind to it" and I'm pretty sure I actually hate using it.

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> @"Will.9785" said:

> > @"Hevoskuuri.3891" said:

> > I think Anet got the difficulty just right. As someone who barely had touched the beetle before this patch, I managed to get gold from all tracks in a single night. Sure, it took patience, many restarts, trial and error, and got frustrating at times, but in the end it was nowhere near as difficult as some of the HoT adventures, for example.

> >

> > You'll learn to handle the beetle surprisingly fast if you put your mind to it, and from there you just memorize the tracks and figure out the fastest routes, learn what bumps to avoid, learn how to handle some jumps and turns etc.


> Good for you? I've tried to play the beetle. I cannot get the hang of it. I've "put my mind to it" and I'm pretty sure I actually hate using it.


Then maybe, *maybe*, the beetle races aren’t for you, and content shouldn’t be tailored to people *who hate it to start with*.

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It took me multiple tries on each map to get gold. I see a lot of frustration with the Brisban Wildlands race, but interestingly that one didn't give me much trouble. The one that had me grinding my teeth was Snowden Drifts. I don't know how many times I'd get 32.xx or 33.xx seconds. So close! Once I finally got the gold it was a good feeling though.

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> @"Haleydawn.3764" said:

> > @"Will.9785" said:

> > > @"Hevoskuuri.3891" said:

> > > I think Anet got the difficulty just right. As someone who barely had touched the beetle before this patch, I managed to get gold from all tracks in a single night. Sure, it took patience, many restarts, trial and error, and got frustrating at times, but in the end it was nowhere near as difficult as some of the HoT adventures, for example.

> > >

> > > You'll learn to handle the beetle surprisingly fast if you put your mind to it, and from there you just memorize the tracks and figure out the fastest routes, learn what bumps to avoid, learn how to handle some jumps and turns etc.

> >

> > Good for you? I've tried to play the beetle. I cannot get the hang of it. I've "put my mind to it" and I'm pretty sure I actually hate using it.


> Then maybe, *maybe*, the beetle races aren’t for you, and content shouldn’t be tailored to people *who hate it to start with*.


I hate it for the reasons I stated... they are valid criticisms echoed by many in this thread and in the community at large. The random terrain issues are a huge issue. If it behaved more consistently I'd probably like it better than I do. These maps were not designed with the beetle in mind. They should iron out the issues before releasing content like this.


Even if it isn't for me... I still have the right to voice my opinion about it. They gated cosmetics and guild hall decorations behind it. Why are they just for this particular type of race? Why is ANet trying to make Beetle races a thing instead of races in general?

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> @"Will.9785" said:

> > @"Haleydawn.3764" said:

> > > @"Will.9785" said:

> > > > @"Hevoskuuri.3891" said:

> > > > I think Anet got the difficulty just right. As someone who barely had touched the beetle before this patch, I managed to get gold from all tracks in a single night. Sure, it took patience, many restarts, trial and error, and got frustrating at times, but in the end it was nowhere near as difficult as some of the HoT adventures, for example.

> > > >

> > > > You'll learn to handle the beetle surprisingly fast if you put your mind to it, and from there you just memorize the tracks and figure out the fastest routes, learn what bumps to avoid, learn how to handle some jumps and turns etc.

> > >

> > > Good for you? I've tried to play the beetle. I cannot get the hang of it. I've "put my mind to it" and I'm pretty sure I actually hate using it.

> >

> > Then maybe, *maybe*, the beetle races aren’t for you, and content shouldn’t be tailored to people *who hate it to start with*.


> I hate it for the reasons I stated... they are valid criticisms echoed by many in this thread and in the community at large. The random terrain issues are a huge issue. If it behaved more consistently I'd probably like it better than I do. These maps were not designed with the beetle in mind. They should iron out the issues before releasing content like this.


It would take Anet far to long to check into every little terrain issue on these races before launch, like its been stated the maps where never designed for the beetle races, i do believe anet will fix some of the terrain issues on the maps, that cause random hang ups, but i do not believe the time should be changed on any of the races, nearly everyone i know ingame who has played them has gotten gold now in each race, and its only been out for a few days.

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> @"Ok I Did It.2854" said:

> > @"Will.9785" said:

> > > @"Haleydawn.3764" said:

> > > > @"Will.9785" said:

> > > > > @"Hevoskuuri.3891" said:

> > > > > I think Anet got the difficulty just right. As someone who barely had touched the beetle before this patch, I managed to get gold from all tracks in a single night. Sure, it took patience, many restarts, trial and error, and got frustrating at times, but in the end it was nowhere near as difficult as some of the HoT adventures, for example.

> > > > >

> > > > > You'll learn to handle the beetle surprisingly fast if you put your mind to it, and from there you just memorize the tracks and figure out the fastest routes, learn what bumps to avoid, learn how to handle some jumps and turns etc.

> > > >

> > > > Good for you? I've tried to play the beetle. I cannot get the hang of it. I've "put my mind to it" and I'm pretty sure I actually hate using it.

> > >

> > > Then maybe, *maybe*, the beetle races aren’t for you, and content shouldn’t be tailored to people *who hate it to start with*.

> >

> > I hate it for the reasons I stated... they are valid criticisms echoed by many in this thread and in the community at large. The random terrain issues are a huge issue. If it behaved more consistently I'd probably like it better than I do. These maps were not designed with the beetle in mind. They should iron out the issues before releasing content like this.


> It would take Anet far to long to check into every little terrain issue on these races before launch, like its been stated the maps where never designed for the beetle races, i do believe anet will fix some of the terrain issues on the maps, that cause random hang ups, but i do not believe the time should be changed on any of the races, nearly everyone i know ingame who has played them has gotten gold now in each race, and its only been out for a few days.


If they would change the way the beetle collides with things so that it was more like the way a character does that would probably be the easiest route to take and it would go a long way.


I spent 4 hours on the races yesterday and I only got gold in 1 of them. Only 1 person in my guild got gold and he's been using the beetle pretty much whenever he can as his primary mount since it was released.

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> @"Hevoskuuri.3891" said:

> I think Anet got the difficulty just right. As someone who barely had touched the beetle before this patch, I managed to get gold from all tracks in a single night. Sure, it took patience, many restarts, trial and error, and got frustrating at times, but in the end it was nowhere near as difficult as some of the HoT adventures, for example.


> You'll learn to handle the beetle surprisingly fast if you put your mind to it, and from there you just memorize the tracks and figure out the fastest routes, learn what bumps to avoid, learn how to handle some jumps and turns etc.


I've spent seven hours trying to do the Snowdon one. It's frustrating because even though I now know the track in my sleep, the beetle drift randomly doesn't work as it does every other time and shoots me straight forward. Along with a potato connection I can't shave the final .4s off my time. Brisban took me only 4 hours xD lol For some of us it certainly isn't for want of trying.

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> @"cNd.1096" said:

> Why are people even doing this for that much time if it's not even enjoyable for them? For Golden Scarf? You can buy it in TP ( which is really stupid by the way ). Take your silver and let other people have their fun with this. No need to nerf requied times like with Halloween race.


How does lowering the times required for gold so that the content is more accessible affect your fun in any way? You still have leaderboards.

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> @"cNd.1096" said:

> Why are people even doing this for that much time if it's not even enjoyable for them? For Golden Scarf? You can buy it in TP ( which is really stupid by the way ). Take your silver and let other people have their fun with this. No need to nerf requied times like with Halloween race.


**INCORRECT!** Buying the Golden Scarf off the TP was patched out. You must now complete the achievements to get the scarf. Yes there are some still listed on the TP for some but you cannot buy them.


If Anet changes anything time-wise:

Brisban gold: 2:40

Snowden gold: 0:33


And that's it. Anymore and it becomes trivial. Out of all the tracks, Brisban is the most unforgiving due to it's length and obstacles. More than likely nothing will change because gold is achievable on every track as long as you *run the route correctly* and never reduce your speed to a crawl. Also, Halloween's race was horrid compared to these and the nerf was warranted imo.


EDIT: Source for Golden Scarf: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/61676/game-update-notes-november-26-2018

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