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Your GW2 wishlist ?


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> @"PolarTitan.8519" said:

> > @"PolarTitan.8519" said:

> > My Wish-List


> I don't know why the Race section did that....seems odd




That is the "code" formatting, which is normally applied when something is preceded/surrounded by the `` character (tilde/left of 1 on number row). Your comment doesn't seem to include them in the races section, but there are extra spaces before it. Maybe try editing your comment and removing those extra spaces before the double asterisks that bold the word to see if that removes the "code" formatting from it.


edit: I tested removing the spaces preceding the double asterisks via quoting your post and it does correct the display to no longer use the 'code' formatting style. If you were to edit it, doing so would correct the display of your **races** section.

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Shatterer mini

Dungeons reworked to be soloable

New emotes

Wings of the Sunless back piece to drop from Tequatl

Clockwork PVP map with Scarlet Briar as the announcer

Scarlet Briar finsher

and mostly...for Ceara to return as an ally, but as Ceara herself sans dragon corruption, not as Scarlet Briar.


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discontinued projects that could use a second chance:

- Boost Enchantment Powder

- the tidal system on maps with ocean-access

- underwater combat



- choya-mastery for understanding their gibberish

- mount-access with transformations (those we keep our skills)

- stack-crafting for the mystic forge

- checkbox for "doubletab spacebar to open your glider"



- black & white mode

- ingame weekly surveys about important topics and ingame rewards for participation

- megaserver checklist, which we can modify in the server-selection screen. What parameters should be used? (e. g. region, client language, selectable-language, time-zone of average online times, connectivity, friendlist, guild-roster, blocklist, squad/party/team, ... etc.)

- favorites-system for crafting and TP

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-A way to turn off or tone down other players' particle effects

-(dreaming) Skritt as a playable race. Tengu would be fine too, and would tie into a Cantha campaign nicely. I'm pretty sure the devs have said they're not doing any more playable races, however.

-Build templates, though I don't much care about them. Would make lots of other people happy, and they can go onto the next thing they won't shut up about :p .

-Mute environmental NPC chatter. I'm tired of hearing "Bartender! My mug has gone empty" and so forth.

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short wish list:

→ more hairstyles for all races/genders (like give us 3 premium, 4 regular new hairstyles)

→ optional hotkey binds to toggle headgear, outfit, gloves, etc.

→ hide/show weapon toggle (+ hotkey bind) -only when not in combat-

→ custom UI resizing (or an option for full UI customisation)

→ custom chat colours for different channels/guilds

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- Improved Guild Hall decoration placement (options to snap to location xyz, relative location and angle)

- Tree decorations for each of the Lumber Core types.

- Embiggened (or scale-able) versions of Guild Hall decorations, and focus on larger decorations in the future, since the decoration limits are so restrictive. Specifically, trees need proper big tree version for each type, in addition to those small decorative trees. Same goes for potted plants, some of which are practically invisibly small.

- Add Horizontal Elonian Lattice to Guild Hall decorations.

- Remove the invisible obstructions near the gathering nodes/scribe areas in both Gilded Hollow and Windswept Haven.

- Convert the Guild Hall gathering nodes into placeable decorations.

- More Guild Halls before xpac 3... two seasons is too long a wait after getting just one new Guild Hall with xpac 2.

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Listed from biggest priority:


1. META HEALER SPEC FOR MESMER IN NEXT XPAC! If it's like a musician bard its a bonus! Pretty pleeeease <3


And others:

2. A way to turn off trinket effects on myself.

3. Good dungeons through core tyria and not only there, with traps, boss, mini bosses, puzzles etc -> its best if it was supposed to be played by healer + maybe tank/someone CC focused + 3 dpses

4. Build templates

5. Rework on some core classes to have any kind of "spec" -> like being good in raids in 1 kind of build (power/healer/condi)

6. Smaller houses to decorate -> like actual house not a whole district, I'd even pay for it I think

7. Smaller guild halls available too!

8. More hairstyles and faces for everyone! (even thought Im human female, I want moar options!)

9. Good underwater combat rework -> my chrono and mirage ared still boring and unfun underwater. No idea how others, but prolly similiar.


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increase my chance for bonus slot in bl chests. the effort is too much for the trash we get. i mean if you have more keys it looks like you have more chance for bonus slot. i opened 12+ this year. with several weeks between them and not a single bonus slot.


armor sets for gems with animations like legendary armor.


option to disable all player names also party for better screenshots.


option to complete random hearts around tyria like hero point with wvw currency or new currency.


option to reset story for a lvl 15 char or lower. to not have to recreate the char every week.


remove the annoying error while try to changing world and it says it’s full. i am not dumb. you don’t have to warn me to say it’s full. i see it that i can’t join.


remove traps from racing tracks. brisban.




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- One raid wing per 6 months

- build templates

- more structured guild content. Unless you raid or have officers that really spend their free time to organize their own events many guilds become a glorified chat room. And guild missions are very old half-working content at this point.

- player housing

- The gods to finally give Ben the inspiration he needs to cope with all the spaghetti code that causes the weird fractal bugs so he can finally do the insta rework since it is severely needed.


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> @"Aodlop.1907" said:

> > - player housing


> I've never understood the appeal of this. I see people asking for it in every MMO and I just don't get it. It's pretty boring...


Doesn't it already exist? Get a personal guild, get some people to help you capture a guildhall, and presto -- a personal house you can decorate however you want.

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> @"Aodlop.1907" said:

> Mine :

> - The ability to pick a normal utility spell in the "elite" slot

> - A Revenant overhaul, or at least big changes in its design

> - More PvP content, such as 10v10 or 15v15 players battlegrounds

> - New haircuts


> What about you ? ;)


To have all the mounts + max level masteries

Wish there were other bonuses added to masteries in both hot and pof also, to make the game more interesting.

Top of my wishlist though = Witche's outfit (male), and then a few other outfits which I like but not desperate for.

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I would like if they improved spirits of legendary Aurora. For example, once we get legendary ring, instead of getting new messy animation, they could just improve the looks of floating orbs (spirits). When next legendary accessory becomes obtainable, having 3 of them would improve these spirits even more. End product would probably look like some 4 distinct detailed looking spirits floating around our character.

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Saving build templates, or at least Specialization templates.


Underwater mount (because that'd make underwater content more interesting, and it would Really be a departure to have an underwater based map, not necessarily storyline)


Olmakhan Lifebender meditation moves (They look So darn cool it's an utter Shame that we cannot meditate like that, making a novelty item of it should be possible)


Playing in Cantha (You Tease !)


Human greatsword animation for Sylvari


More combat tonics ! Those tonics are lots of fun, and there are plenty of possibilities ! If you cannot add a Tengu race, you could make a Combat tonic version that would satisfy many tengu advocates ! (Only one of many examples)


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> @"Gehenna.3625" said:

> I would really like to get rid of the fixed skills on the skill bar. I would like weapons to have pools of skills each that can be selected from when you select that weapon and also that you can choose which slot to use for which.


> I'm not, however, holding my breath.


This would actually be lovely. I'd take that over a few new maps any day. Another layer of depth in gameplay is always appreciated.

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> @"Aodlop.1907" said:

> > - player housing


> I've never understood the appeal of this. I see people asking for it in every MMO and I just don't get it. It's pretty boring...


It will come im sure anet already prepares with the sitting on chair ability also they see that the chair vanity item sells well. I trust anet they can give this some functionality as well. Im not interested in player housing but if i was to choose guildhalls or player housing i take player housing

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