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The Aristocromancer Juggernaut (Spvp)


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After the Sigil/Rune update, a lot of things changed, many builds died, and many others were born. From the Ashes now comes, the Aristocromancer.




Video Demonstration:



Rune of Aristorcracy is the new sauce for the Reaper that allows it become an even more dangerous threat than the current meta iteration, while being unbelievably hard to kill. On a recent post, [Crinn came forward with a build of similar make (using Blighters Boon as the alternative to Onslaught, making use of the synergy with boon application and the Rune)](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/62202/procmancer-is-back-but-with-100-more-power#). Some people were skeptical. But i'm here to show that this rune and the curses line can indeed REPLACE the spite tree, and in fact perform better than spite in it's regards to damage and resourcefulness, and essentially, this would be the Onslaught variation on Crinn's build.


# **How does this build work?**


This build is an amalgamation of my other recent attempts to create a boonmancer. [i've already covered how the boonmancer is possible in this thread, and explain how it works](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/57658/the-divine-boonmancer-spvp). For now i am going to skip most of the theory craft on that part of the build and jump straight into why it works well with aristocracy runes and curses.


# **How it Works**

The first thing to note about this build is it's ability to get to 100% critical chance without investment into a precision major stat. This is due to the nature of the curses tree, which grants you 180+ precision, fury application upon entering shroud, and additional critical chance for each condition on your foe. This takes the builds 33% critical chance and shoots it up to 60%, and on average 70% in combat. 66% is enough for our needs, as Soul Reaping's Death Perception will provide us the remaining 33% critical hit chance for when we need it most.


So with 100% critical chance, we now also have on top of that, boon duration. The boon's that we apply in this build, like fury, might, protection, quickness,stability and swiftness are all very powerful and become more valuable the longer they are applied to us in combat. Our might gain from aristocracy becomes 8 seconds in length, and can now stack up sufficiently to maintain 25 might throughout an entire engagement.


This now brings us to the trait line of curses again. With curses, every 10 seconds we are able to apply weakness upon critical hit. Upon entering shroud, we are able to inflict weakness with a proc called enfeeble. Lastly, Path of corruption (as well as weakening shroud) will give us 3 boon removals. This is enough to chain about 4 proc's of Aristocracy in roughly 4 seconds, all spaced out evenly enough to get past the ICD of the rune, and so we can get up to 25 might within the first few moments of the fight, and can maintain that 25 might for the duration with all the other might gaining procs on the build. Not only that but...WEAKNESS SPAM AMIRITE?


Weakness spam is an integral part to the defensive measures on our build. In this build we utilize Defense modifiers to negate power damage, and allow us to 1v1 and teamfight with near impunity. We have

* Weakness (50% damage reduction)

* Protection uptime (33 % damage reduction)

* Shroud's natural defence mechanic (50% damage reduction in shroud)

* Shroud 3's Infusing Terror. (20% damage reduction)


In total, about ~80-85 percent damage reduction from power damage


# **How to use the Build**

Like most reaper builds, its very straight forward. Most things in this build will work for you as you enter the fight. Start by building life force. If you hit a team-fight, use dagger/warhorn 5, spectral armor, and then Spectral grasp to instantly pull foes into you, and enter shroud, popping Infusing terror twice for the fear, and spinning to winning to get the big deeps. follow up on a pressured player with executioners and auto attack until your shroud is gone. By the time you exit shroud, Your cool-downs will be back. most of the time. To deal with kiters and ranged foes, use dagger 2 and 3, axe 2 , 4 and 5. These will also help you build Life force if you don't have your cool downs back. Against condition foes, play more carefully, since you don't have a whole lot of condition removals. Entering shroud will cleanse up to 5 conditions from you, and consume conditions will cleanse all conditions from you. If you are against a heavy condition based comp, this build is not what want to run since it's much more of an anti-power/bunker based build.


# **Other Things**

* In addition to being a very tough power build, it is also hybrid, since the condition stats are boosted with curses, it's ability to corrupt boons constantly, and maintain 25 stacks of might to yield 1.2k conditstats.

* This build can be run with any amulet you desire. Diviners is in my opinion, best in slot. I've tried this with nearly every stat combination. You can take full advantage of this build by choosing amulets with low precision, such as Menders, Grieving, Wizards... All of which work well, but not as well as diviners. If you think you cant handle a non-meta choice, than this build really isn't for you. Demolisher's and Marauders are not good choices for this build, and fail to meet certain criteria to get the most out of the builds traitlines.


# Conclusion

Ask me whatever questions you have. Yes, i have tested this build many times for weeks now, and it has so far been the most well received build. The damage output is SILLY. Hitting people for 14k executioners, 20k whirls...7-8k auto attacks... It really was over the top, and i was taking any and all 1v1's i could and simply demolishing everybody. The following is a list of matchups based on my tests. These match ups aren't role specific, but more or less a general spread of classes and builds that you can beat with ease, to not beat with difficulty. These matchups encompass 1v1ing, teamfighting, and +1ing.


## Best Matchups

* Reapers

* Guardians (Core and Firebrand)

* Engineers (Holosmith and Scrapper)

* Power Mesmers

* Ranger (druid and core)


## Neutral Matchups

These are your most neutral matchups, starting from the best to the worst.

* Scourge

* Ranger (Boon Beast)

* Revanent

* Condition Mesmer

* Warrior


## Worst Matchups

* Thief


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Same comment as last time :)


a) why not seeker amulet?

Throwing away 500 stat points (abot 20% dmg) for 2-3s of boons that will just get removed or youll die sooner 99% of time.


b) why not just take leadership runes and abuse paladins amulet?

Sadly endgame of most buildcraft, necro simply doesnt have any sustain and youll get bursted in seconds so its useless to invest into long 20-30s+ game.

You get the op stats, and enough extra duration on quickness which is the only thing that matters, then its just RNG of fight whether you hit you dagger abilities.


Else not bad, but dont get the build too popular or theyll delete shroud to keep the rune balanced.

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> @"Flumek.9043" said:

> Same comment as last time :)


> a) why not seeker amulet?

> Throwing away 500 stat points (abot 20% dmg) for 2-3s of boons that will just get removed or youll die sooner 99% of time.


So about seeker amulet. The only difference between Diviners and Seekers, is that seekers has 560 more precision. Like i mentioned about the curses traitline, having any more precision than 30% baseline gets wasted because the traits (Deathly precision and Curses) fill the precision void.


In addition, the more boon duration you have, the higher you can stack boons, in particular might. Boon-mancing on reaper increases it's effectiveness linearly with its boon duration. The more duration, the better the build performs in all reagards. The more quickness lasts, the more damage you output. The more stability you have, the less chance you'll be CC'd. The more fury uptime, the more critical strike chance you'll have, thus more damage.


> @"Flumek.9043" said:

> b) why not just take leadership runes and abuse paladins amulet?


Aristocracy runes are the key to making this build perform exceedingly well. The might gain is significant and is essentially replaces the need for the spite tree.


Now here's the thing about Paladins amulet and other meta-variation amulets for this particular build. Toughness is a defense modifier. Having 560 toughness is equivalent to having protection on you (about 35% damage reduction). Having toughness and protection on you, it will stack additive, netting you 50% damage reduction, instead of 66%. So Protection up time is equivalent to having a toughness amulet like paladins on you.

Now, Let's through weakness into the mix. weakness essentially reduces damage to you by about 50%, by negating half of the attacks from a foe, turning their attacks into glancing blows, which neuter their ability to crit, and halving that damage. Weakness is a sufficient enough counter to power, that toughness becomes simply irrelevant when you start stacking so many defense modifiers. This build has 4 of them; Weakness, Protection, Shroud, and Shroud 3. There really is no need to go paladins, and if you do, you lose so much damage in the process.

I mean if you don't believe me just try it for yourself. Go test and see how much damage you do with Leadership and paladins on this build, verses diviners and Aristocracy. The damage deviation is so significant that it's really garbage in comparison.


> @"Flumek.9043" said:

> Sadly endgame of most buildcraft, necro simply doesnt have any sustain and youll get bursted in seconds so its useless to invest into long 20-30s+ game.

> You get the op stats, and enough extra duration on quickness which is the only thing that matters, then its just RNG of fight whether you hit you dagger abilities.


I just don't think that's really true. Necro has sustain, but in a different way. Yes you can get bursted, and it will happen no matter what build you run. But this build is way more sustain than spite and it's meta variations by far. There is no comparison. This build funnily enough counters Reaper so hard that it's now it's best matchup rather than being a neutral matchup (because weakness uptime). It's definetly not a 20-30s long game with this build. I've hit upward to 15k Executioners, and 20k whirls on this build, fighting 2v1 against firebrand scourge. If only i had taken the screen...it was damn glorious.



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> @"Flumek.9043" said:

> Same comment as last time :)


> a) why not seeker amulet?

> Throwing away 500 stat points (abot 20% dmg) for 2-3s of boons that will just get removed or youll die sooner 99% of time.


> b) why not just take leadership runes and abuse paladins amulet?

> Sadly endgame of most buildcraft, necro simply doesnt have any sustain and youll get bursted in seconds so its useless to invest into long 20-30s+ game.

> You get the op stats, and enough extra duration on quickness which is the only thing that matters, then its just RNG of fight whether you hit you dagger abilities.


> Else not bad, but dont get the build too popular or theyll delete shroud to keep the rune balanced.


Nash. They will put an cd on it. Maybe 20second shroud cd?

Seems fine to me..... NOT!

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> @"RisenHowl.2419" said:

> Make a video of it in action if you want people to try your builds


> I tried it earlier, no sustain. Power builds out-cc you and condi builds eat you alive


I havent tried it yet, but thats what scared me.


All the builds listed as "neutral" feel more "favorable to enemy but they can play bad and lose".


Like do you precast s.armor just for protection or what?


And its not even that much weakness. In 1v1s you have the crit proc, IF you land first hits and IF they dont cleanse, otherwise its all RNG on a mere 2x corrupts with 1s cast or landing a shroud attack.

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> @"Flumek.9043" said:

> > @"RisenHowl.2419" said:

> > Make a video of it in action if you want people to try your builds

> >

> > I tried it earlier, no sustain. Power builds out-cc you and condi builds eat you alive


> I havent tried it yet, but thats what scared me.


> All the builds listed as "neutral" feel more "favorable to enemy but they can play bad and lose".


> Like do you precast s.armor just for protection or what?


> And its not even that much weakness. In 1v1s you have the crit proc, IF you land first hits and IF they dont cleanse, otherwise its all RNG on a mere 2x corrupts with 1s cast or landing a shroud attack.


Ya u precast SA for the protection and the life force gain while you are in shroud. You can save it depending on your current life force, or the type of engagement.


And you have more than 2 corrupts. 3 of your weapon skills corrupt boons (dagger 3, focus 5 and axe 3. That’s on top of the shroud 2 boon corrupt and the enfeeble proc. That’s a lot of boon corrupt...more than the meta anyway.


And naa. The neutral matchups are matches where you can engage 1v1 but you have no particular advantage over the opposing player. For example, scourges are easy to beat on this build because of the damage, but scourges have utilities and skills that can combat you and put you into check.


Warriors are the hardest neutral matchup and shouldn’t be engaged 1v1, but they can die fairly quickly if your +1ing.


As for Howls response, I feel like maybe it’s to foreign to play something like dagger. For example you say that power builds out cc you...but you have fear, ES, Warhorn, CttB, and SG. and on top of that 17s of stability via CttB +shroud 3 and 2 stun breaks. There really is no reason to get CC’d on this build unless your not trying or don’t understand how to play it.


Just like my other reaper builds you can replace the weapons for whatever you choose that fits your play style, and it’ll perform roughly the same.

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I meant if you precast it at 100%hp at start of fight.


Its still a feeder amulet, if you want to combo, quickness is only thing that matters so just go leadership with paladin/demolisher.

Like this whole idea is a waste, replacing spite with curses cz a rune can replace spite might stacks ..... youre not lacking ANY dmg , but you lack even more survival than meta reapers, just get bursted before even base duration expires

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> @"Flumek.9043" said:

> I meant if you precast it at 100%hp at start of fight.


> Its still a feeder amulet, if you want to combo, quickness is only thing that matters so just go leadership with paladin/demolisher.

> Like this whole idea is a waste, replacing spite with curses cz a rune can replace spite might stacks ..... youre not lacking ANY dmg , but you lack even more survival than meta reapers, just get bursted before even base duration expires


Explain to me how the curses tree lacks more survival than spite? I’d love to hear it.


Again with the amulets. Refer to my earlier post about defense mods.


About the SA. Yes you should precast SA, even at 100% health. The idea is that when you go into a team fight you use SA so that you can build your life force while you are in shroud. The defense mods add together so that you are as tanky as possible during the heat of the engagement. That’s why you precast it


If the engagement is different (this means your in a situation where you won’t receive any benefit by just blowing SA) then reconsider when to use it during said engagement

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In short, spiteful spirit > ds2 charge.


Curses reaper has always sounded amazing but even in HOT time the leap was clunky and often never landed. Having an INSTANT non telegraphed corrupt is just better.

ALSO, its a change of playstyle.

Usually you want to use the leap as a disengage where as with curses youre ALL-IN going deep AND THEN seeing the RNG of what flipped... AND IF the thing landed at all.


The rest is just wasting 500+200 stats for might stacks you dont really need.

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You can have as much protection uptime with a spectral build, better lf generation, and 8k more hp. And still hit harder due to running a power rune + vuln stacks from spite


The problem with aristocracy runes+curses is you need to land weakness every time to have comparitive damage.


Curses+Sr gives:

33% death perception

20% fury

6-10% curses minor

8.5% curses minor


This reliably puts you at 100% in shroud with a 560 precision amulet. Check out the options for 560 precision amulets and you find that none offer ferocity and a defensive stat. If reaper had reliable access to conditions, wizard would be viable. They sadly dont.


The only viable option without over capping crit is diviners, which makes you a free kill to anyone at 1200 range. You have no good condition management outside of the easily interrupted consume conditions, and base hp. This makes you a free kill for condi classes.


Put up a video if you want people to take you seriously =/

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> @"RisenHowl.2419" said:

> You can have as much protection uptime with a spectral build, better lf generation, and 8k more hp. And still hit harder due to running a power rune + vuln stacks from spite


> The problem with aristocracy runes+curses is you need to land weakness every time to have comparitive damage.


> Curses+Sr gives:

> 33% death perception

> 20% fury

> 6-10% curses minor

> 8.5% curses minor


> This reliably puts you at 100% in shroud with a 560 precision amulet. Check out the options for 560 precision amulets and you find that none offer ferocity and a defensive stat. If reaper had reliable access to conditions, wizard would be viable. They sadly dont.


> The only viable option without over capping crit is diviners, which makes you a free kill to anyone at 1200 range. You have no good condition management outside of the easily interrupted consume conditions, and base hp. This makes you a free kill for condi classes.


> Put up a video if you want people to take you seriously =/


Since you've asked for a video on many occasions, i have went and provided one.




I don't like to make videos anymore since i could never actually figure out OBS settings without it bombing my games FPS. So if you could just look past the quality, i'd appreciate that, as recording it in this quality is the only way i can still play with a passable FPS in my game to play properly (hell even in this game i was playing with between 10-20 fps max.

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> @"JusticeRetroHunter.7684" said:

> > @"RisenHowl.2419" said:

> > You can have as much protection uptime with a spectral build, better lf generation, and 8k more hp. And still hit harder due to running a power rune + vuln stacks from spite

> >

> > The problem with aristocracy runes+curses is you need to land weakness every time to have comparitive damage.

> >

> > Curses+Sr gives:

> > 33% death perception

> > 20% fury

> > 6-10% curses minor

> > 8.5% curses minor

> >

> > This reliably puts you at 100% in shroud with a 560 precision amulet. Check out the options for 560 precision amulets and you find that none offer ferocity and a defensive stat. If reaper had reliable access to conditions, wizard would be viable. They sadly dont.

> >

> > The only viable option without over capping crit is diviners, which makes you a free kill to anyone at 1200 range. You have no good condition management outside of the easily interrupted consume conditions, and base hp. This makes you a free kill for condi classes.

> >

> > Put up a video if you want people to take you seriously =/


> Since you've asked for a video on many occasions, i have went and provided one.


> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=594E43LfHl8


> I don't like to make videos anymore since i could never actually figure out OBS settings without it bombing my games FPS. So if you could just look past the quality, i'd appreciate that, as recording it in this quality is the only way i can still play with a passable FPS in my game to play properly (hell even in this game i was playing with between 10-20 fps max.


You're using the build well, but the opponents...?


Glass turret holo?

Glass scourge?

Mirage that ate your entire burst, every time?


Why would you go far on a glass reaper when you have a thief, mirage, and holo on your team?


Thank you for posting the video though, it's nice to see how it's played by you

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> @"RisenHowl.2419" said:

> > @"JusticeRetroHunter.7684" said:

> > > @"RisenHowl.2419" said:

> > > You can have as much protection uptime with a spectral build, better lf generation, and 8k more hp. And still hit harder due to running a power rune + vuln stacks from spite

> > >

> > > The problem with aristocracy runes+curses is you need to land weakness every time to have comparitive damage.

> > >

> > > Curses+Sr gives:

> > > 33% death perception

> > > 20% fury

> > > 6-10% curses minor

> > > 8.5% curses minor

> > >

> > > This reliably puts you at 100% in shroud with a 560 precision amulet. Check out the options for 560 precision amulets and you find that none offer ferocity and a defensive stat. If reaper had reliable access to conditions, wizard would be viable. They sadly dont.

> > >

> > > The only viable option without over capping crit is diviners, which makes you a free kill to anyone at 1200 range. You have no good condition management outside of the easily interrupted consume conditions, and base hp. This makes you a free kill for condi classes.

> > >

> > > Put up a video if you want people to take you seriously =/

> >

> > Since you've asked for a video on many occasions, i have went and provided one.

> >

> > https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=594E43LfHl8

> >

> > I don't like to make videos anymore since i could never actually figure out OBS settings without it bombing my games FPS. So if you could just look past the quality, i'd appreciate that, as recording it in this quality is the only way i can still play with a passable FPS in my game to play properly (hell even in this game i was playing with between 10-20 fps max.


> You're using the build well, but the opponents...?


> Glass turret holo?

> Glass scourge?

> Mirage that ate your entire burst, every time?


> Why would you go far on a glass reaper when you have a thief, mirage, and holo on your team?


> Thank you for posting the video though, it's nice to see how it's played by you


Ya, idk what they were running, but that damage is pretty normal, even on tanky targets.


Most of the very high damage (like 10k Axe2 and 10k dagger2) that you see is from vulnerability stacks inflicted by 3rd party sources. Normally an axe 2/dagger 2 will hit for 6-8k (this includes the might stacks, which are normally 25). but ya, Even on tanky targets, the build hits pretty hard.


and ya i went far because i was kinda just loling about. I knew i could take certain matchups so i just went for it. Plus the enemy team had a firebrand 2 scourge comp. Against our comp, it wouldn't have been pretty so i just made a decision based on that.



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I was messing around with these runes as well in wvw roaming:


Slightly different build than the original one:




Against other power classes I'd take chilling darkness instead of plague sending.


The burst seems even better than what I Elayne's before (marauder cavalier mix and spite instead of curses)


Well. Deadeyes still hit me for 15k malicious backstab. Which is like an auto loose, because the build doesn't have much sustain.



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> @"Nimon.7840" said:

> I was messing around with these runes as well in wvw roaming:


> Slightly different build than the original one:


> http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vRAQNBHhF6kjGocTsdTw2GgeTscMYx5wf4RMqnttCAUJhnQsC-jlSHQBA4UAEO9BxTVFB8EAQz+DBVtCHqEsIK5CoShlqMgUABOZD-w


> Against other power classes I'd take chilling darkness instead of plague sending.


> The burst seems even better than what I Elayne's before (marauder cavalier mix and spite instead of curses)


> Well. Deadeyes still hit me for 15k malicious backstab. Which is like an auto loose, because the build doesn't have much sustain.




Good choice on the food. I use it too since it has no icd, you can hit 25 stacks in less than a few seconds by using Warhorn 5 and autos against a couple foes.


Although I think with aristocracy it’s a bit overkill on the might gain,


If you have issues getting one shot, you should consider using Rise. Using it before entering shroud will net you some good damage mitigation


I’ve dueled some deadeyes for practice with curses+aristocracy and the thing you want to do is hit them with weakness before they burst. Just hitting them with something before they go stealth will buy you some time. Although it’s pretty difficult to beat a good roamer thief on reaper, you can at least level the playing field.

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Your ping look horrible... How do you manage to keep the will to play with so many lags?


Anyway, you ask your build to give you some survivability and damage and it somehow do the job which is fine. It's fine, the build is balanced with it's pros and cons. I don't think that BB need a nerf due to the runeset because this would mean that warrior's MMR would also need a nerf for the same reasons. The runeset effect in itself isn't gamebreaking and have limited efficiency due to it's focus on condition damage when atm it could only really be exploited in power builds.


Edit: I mean it's not like other professions can't exploit runes of aristocratie.

- Warriors benefit a lot from might in many way and can free some access to weakness but mainly in "power" builds.

- Thiefs can build up might really fast with these rune on 1v1.

- Elementalists can easily build for massive amount of weakness output.

- Even guardian and engineer can exploit the runeset to a similarly rewarding level than a necromancer's can.


Now, you make it work as a curse/SR/reaper but spite/SR/reaper can be pretty rewarding (more might gen and _awaken the pain_), while spite/curse/reaper can also be rewarding in their own way. As long as you are clear about your builds "weaknesses" and your strenghts, and adapt your gameplay to them, it's fine.

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> @"JusticeRetroHunter.7684" said:

> > @"Nimon.7840" said:

> > I was messing around with these runes as well in wvw roaming:

> >

> > Slightly different build than the original one:

> >

> > http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vRAQNBHhF6kjGocTsdTw2GgeTscMYx5wf4RMqnttCAUJhnQsC-jlSHQBA4UAEO9BxTVFB8EAQz+DBVtCHqEsIK5CoShlqMgUABOZD-w

> >

> > Against other power classes I'd take chilling darkness instead of plague sending.

> >

> > The burst seems even better than what I Elayne's before (marauder cavalier mix and spite instead of curses)

> >

> > Well. Deadeyes still hit me for 15k malicious backstab. Which is like an auto loose, because the build doesn't have much sustain.

> >

> >


> Good choice on the food. I use it too since it has no icd, you can hit 25 stacks in less than a few seconds by using Warhorn 5 and autos against a couple foes.


> Although I think with aristocracy it’s a bit overkill on the might gain,


> If you have issues getting one shot, you should consider using Rise. Using it before entering shroud will net you some good damage mitigation


> I’ve dueled some deadeyes for practice with curses+aristocracy and the thing you want to do is hit them with weakness before they burst. Just hitting them with something before they go stealth will buy you some time. Although it’s pretty difficult to beat a good roamer thief on reaper, you can at least level the playing field.


The problem isn't that I get oneshot infight. When I can see the thief approaching, I can do something against it. But permastealth kitten, that backstabs for 16k can't be countered by rise.


If I remember correctly, the damage reduction only works, while minions are infight.


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Thank you for video and putting yourself in open.

Its only 10min but I can already see a trend which was talked before so I hope im not repeating myself too much.


Observed facts:

a) you win most fights in 10 seconds or 1x shroud rotation


a) youre facing bad enemies who dont dodge properly

b) why do you need 30s protection if you win/lose all fights in 10s

You kill scourge within 10s AFTER hitting elite. WHY do you need 17s of stability? How many stability do you get if enemy dodges?


All I am saying is that is overall a classic power reaper, with 20% less hp and 20% more dmg.

I and the majority of other players kill other top rated players just fine with 10k spins, while having more hp for our support to fill up.


The only difference in playstyle is adding quickness combo.

You can already leave shroud when 3s pulse starts, to enjoy a good 2s or 2x big attack (like elite + heal) ASAP when you get out of shroud. Or helping the dagger channel heal you faster. If you want to focus on such extra combos, you can ALREADY just take leadership rune and play regular amulet.


Everything else has already been said. Curses is clunkier than spite, In first fight the enemy mesmer has 0 seconds of weakness uptime. Landing your leap is clunky and RNG in pvp its best to be flexible than to relly on a dream case wombo combo.

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> @"Flumek.9043" said:

> Thank you for video and putting yourself in open.

> Its only 10min but I can already see a trend which was talked before so I hope im not repeating myself too much.


> Observed facts:

> a) you win most fights in 10 seconds or 1x shroud rotation

> Conclusions:

> a) youre facing bad enemies who dont dodge properly


Ya, true. Although i'm now seeing a trend of Holo-smiths taking Supply Drop...i have no idea why but it seems to be a thing now? I don't play holosmith so i don't know what the deal is with that.


> @"Flumek.9043" said:

> b) why do you need 30s protection if you win/lose all fights in 10s

really the question is why would you need 5000 more health rather than +70% more boons, especially when 5000 HP is the amount of a single autoattack? if you could reduce that auto attack (and subsequent autoattacks) to a mere 500 damage through boons and weakness, than you've gained an effective health of 50,000.


But like I've said before, there's plenty of reasons why it's in your advantage to having boons last longer. Like i said previously, the first reason is to stack might more effectively (without spite tree). The higher the duration, the more might can stack and reach 25 stacks. As for things like protection, stability, and quickness, you have less chance of being CC'd (and take less damage) during an engagement over ANY period of time (this is basically sustain) and can output your abilities more quickly (this is basically pressure).


As for swiftness, imagine the following example.

Let's say, necro's only swiftness ability is Warhorn 5. a 15 second swiftness boon, with a 30 second cool down. Essentially, half of the time, you are running at default speed, which means you get to places -33% slower than someone who does have swiftness all the time. You essentially have 17% less of an impact on the matches rotations, simply because you lack swiftness 50% of the time.


This is why i mentioned earlier that the more duration you have, the more the build increases in effectiveness in a linear manner.


> @"Flumek.9043" said:

> You kill scourge within 10s AFTER hitting elite. WHY do you need 17s of stability? How many stability do you get if enemy dodges?


well, if you miss with CttB, than what can i say? sometimes you'll hit and sometime's you'll miss. There's a few times where i should have used CTTB to interrupt instead of my other interrupts, because CTTB would have given me stability, while, using those other interrupts, i got CC'd afterwards, and failed to cleave out the enemy. If i had used CTTB earlier on, perhaps i would have had the stability in the first place to not get interrupted, and continue the cleave. There's a lot of things i could have done if i had played better and had that kind of foresight. But i do see very practical use for longer stability.




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> @"RisenHowl.2419" said:

> no sustain. Power builds out-cc you and condi builds eat you alive



One protection strip/corrupt and you are basically running a berserker amulet.


Maybe I am a bit biased because I usually play a build (marauder spectral onslaught with energy and condi cleanse sigils) that hardcounters the OPs build, but anyway... these are my thoughts:

- precasting SA before entering shroud on that low amount of HP is a lot less effective than on marauder amulet. It mitigates 25% less damage and so won't save you from power bursts

- on top of that the build - while being so squishy - can't even create an area denial with GS4

- you are in downstate before you can complete the wurm cast

- the rune is a complete waste on this build - just do the math! scholar will give you roughly similar damage that can not be stripped and corrupted and does not have a ramp up time


**A general statement to the weakness condition:** Currently it is not reliable as a defensive tool. The burst in this game is so ridiculous, that you have to dodge properly in any case, because if the 50% glancing RNG is against you, you get literally oneshot - esp. on the amulet the OP is running.


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