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Do you trash talk in PVP


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Sometimes I won't even be mean. I will say "Sleep Child. No more pain" its' usually right after I kill them. It's not mean at all. Some people say "scrub" I noticed people take it personally. I was joking around and someone messaged me after a match upset. Sometimes I write something "You never stood a chance" I try not too the matches are so short that sometimes they kill me as I am writing.


I notice if you communicate more it can be helpful. I've seen some people trash talk their own team. They act like every loss is going to bring down the team. What's your experience with trash talk in PVP, is it frowned upon?

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Any time spent in chat is time lost to fight the battle. I generally don't chat, except for a few important reminders to my team. "Go for the bell" "Get Tranquility" etc.


And I'll take the matchmaking system to deal with bad players. Yes, a bad player may get lucky a few times, being put in a good team and get a ranking above his/her skill level, but this will be corrected by the game itself their their next losing spree. Believe me, any chat to convince them to "get good", "stop playing" or "Alt-F4" is just a waste of your time. If you want to spend your time on criticism, do it after the match, ask if the player is standing open for criticism and if yes talk respectfully. Players tend to do their best even when they lose and any great build can be countered. A bad match does not always mean bad player(s).

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Almost never by myself without being seriously provoked and even then I mostly don't.

Sometimes, when I am already in a bad mood because of some IRL stuff I do, but never anything insultive, stuff like _"what the hell you doing"_.


On the subject itself, I don't think that role-play belongs to sPvP. It's an environment that naturally creates a tension, knowing that and still intentionally trying to trigger people is just not good for anyone.

You may say, and it's probably true for you, that it is not your intention to trigger them, but in PvP it just does and you know that by now.

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> @"A State of Trance.3675" said:

> after years on world of warcraft my tolerance for ragers is razor thin, so after 1 rant I block them. lifes too short, I don't owe these kittens anything. rage away folks, the block list is unlimited.


Well to be fair there is a difference between trash talk, and raging, but i agree, thank god the block list is unlimited.

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> @"A State of Trance.3675" said:

> after years on world of warcraft my tolerance for ragers is razor thin, so after 1 rant I block them. lifes too short, I don't owe these kittens anything. rage away folks, the block list is unlimited.


I do the same. Once I see someone make a dumb comment at anyone in the team, I just block them.

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> @"A State of Trance.3675" said:

> after years on world of warcraft my tolerance for ragers is razor thin, so after 1 rant I block them. lifes too short, I don't owe these kittens anything. rage away folks, the block list is unlimited.


My block list is very long. All it takes is for a person to say the wrong thing to me then BOOM - blocked

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I feel the overly sensitive player that are easy triggered by trash talkers are worst then the trash talkers themselves. It has become so bad that They have maccroed the report fonction onto there keyboard & keep spamming & abuse it every time they feel offended. Problem is, most of them (97%) feel offended when ever they die. They are triggered & compelled to spam it & whisper you (Reported) With often trash talk of there own blocking you before you can even respond. Worst is the ones you don't trash talk but still get a whisper of being reported after killing them. Point is, who is the most abusive? The ones trash talking? Or the ones abusing the report button & constantly talking about it when every-time triggered? Especially when a bloc buttons exist & they never have to hear about it again.


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