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Mesmer Patch Notes 12/11/18


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> @"Tabasco.1743" said:

> > @"Curunen.8729" said:

> ...

> > Anyway I'll be dabbling in Snowball Mayhem a bit because that's always fun, but otherwise looking forward to playing Fortuna part 2, nyx rework and baruuk in warframe, if they get it out in the next week and a half or so.


> Heck yeah and I think Titania is getting a quality-of-life update as well, but any reason to bust out the Grakatas is a good one. :grin:

> ![](https://i.imgur.com/LhaBcEB.gif "")



Rubico Prime For LiFe

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> @"Jimbru.6014" said:

> > @"Lolivia.3219" said:

> > "Final most important thing to remember is that there is no meta without Support Chronomancer" -Snowcrows, back in the day.


> And that exactly was the problem that caused this nerf.


Yeah well its not like druids are basically mandatory with their buffs which no one can replace and warriors with their banners. Even if warriors drop to 10k dps everyone will take at least 1 in squad for banners anyway. Yet they basically made chrono very replacable.

The should make other specs as unique and useful as possible instead of dumbing down and killing any fun from playing chrono.

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If you guys are seriously leaving, can I have some stuff you don't need anymore? I know the changes are not favourable in many ways but I experience this on every single class that I've become desensitized to it. I can only try to adapt and accept with each change, and try to not stay sour about it for long. I guess my main draw to this game is all the builds, classes, weapon sets, etc I get to constantly switch to so it's not as bad on my end since I like to change things up frequently. I know the changes are rough, but I think we'll have to see in the next few weeks if any changes will need to be considered. Maybe Anet wanted to spend more time with their families during the holiday so they made this patch as untasty as possible so many don't play for the time being XD *tinfoil*

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> @"DemonSeed.3528" said:

> If you guys are seriously leaving, can I have some stuff you don't need anymore? I know the changes are not favourable in many ways but I experience this on every single class that I've become desensitized to it. I can only try to adapt and accept with each change, and try to not stay sour about it for long. I guess my main draw to this game is all the builds, classes, weapon sets, etc I get to constantly switch to so it's not as bad on my end since I like to change things up frequently. I know the changes are rough, but I think we'll have to see in the next few weeks if any changes will need to be considered. Maybe Anet wanted to spend more time with their families during the holiday so they made this patch as untasty as possible so many don't play for the time being XD *tinfoil*


No !! I asked first!!

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Mesmer was op? Yeah it was, let's be honest


However as always anet balances by overbuffing or killing a spec. We will probably have to wait around 4-5 months before chrono gets back to a playable level.

Nerf to SoI ? Fine, ok but it's stupid since this game has such a trash UI and you can't keep tracks of boon on your squad members. So a totally random nerf

Nerf to CC ? Yeah ok that's fine, it was really strong (even tides of time)

Nerf to bountiful disillusionment? ANET ARE YOU STUPID ? After random change to SoI and CC nerf even bountiful disillusionment ? Now basically i have to ask to my whole group and squad "sorry do you have this, this and this boon on ?, Can i use SoI ?"


Seriously Anet this is a nerf to playability and to the fun aspect of the spec. Before doing such random nerfs at least be sure that at least you have a decent UI. Now the difficulty to play mesmer is to impossible levels due to the trash UI that we have in raids.


Basically nerf CC ok, but take away or the SoI nerf or bountifull disillusionment nerf. Right now chrono is a trash alac quickness bot that has to wait for his tiny little wells with delay to go off to give 2 boons. Like really ?

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> @"Catchyfx.5768" said:

> I think Chrono Will be a still thing. And mesmers utilities Are still powerfull. Besides Chrono, ONLY rev can give alacrity. Im lookibg forward to some hybrid builds. We Will see. But statemant that Mesmer Is dead Is kinda...you know. True mains Will find a way.

> @"HardRider.2980" said:

> Chrono will be and is still a thing.

> People are alrdy reporting 25k+ dps and big uptime on alac and quickness alone.


> Mesmer overall has been OP for ages, these changes were expected.

I am curious how people are doing that at all unless its a numbers game with multiple people and Chrono is only a portion of the up time. SoI applied alacrity AND quickness to allies very easily to 10 people at a 600 radius instantly (along with everything else).


Anyway, Chrono is limited to applying Alacrity to multiple people with only Tides of Time (4 sec @ 100% boon duration) and Well of Recall for (10 sec @ 100% boon duration). In order to apply quickness you have to take well of action and/or time warp. Wells apply duration at the very end of the move and with only a 360 radius.


Personally, Signet of Inspiration is still too good of a utility for support not to take since +5 seconds to every allies boon duration is still useful. Especially since with high self alacrity generation on Chrono due to shatters and the fact you can have mimic and continuum shatter to reuse Signet of Inspiration to keep boons going.


The thing that sucks is with boon sharing removed, but the ease at which Chrono could apply quickness AND alacrity got highly gutted as well. If you focus on just quickness generation its far easier due to you could run mimic/SoI/WellOfAction and Time Warp. You just completely remove any alacrity generation for allies and limit it pretty much just to yourself due to shatters.


If you take well of recall and action you can... 3 clone continuum shatter for quickness/alacrity on yourself and have 6 seconds to burn skills. Thrown down well of action and recall. After the moves expire in 3 seconds you can signet of inspiration to apply 15 seconds total alacrity and quickness. After continuum split recall you can again well of action and recall with signet of inspiration application again for 15 more seconds of quickness and alacrity. So, that's 30 seconds of quickness/alacrity with Chrono alone applied.


I wonder how that math works out in the end. It seems every 20 seconds you can apply 15 seconds of alarcity/quickness. So, I suppose the continuum split cooldown grants you a slight bonus pool of the stuff initially. Either way, the ease at which to apply all of that is long gone. Need people to stay in the well's AoE at the end in order to get it.

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Can we just take a moment for one thing: WvW? Chrono got hit with every patch and now this litterly killed it. You know that it was already hard to be one of 2-3 Mesmers in a 50+ Zerg. Now your only purpose is to lay down a Veil for few seconds of stealth and that's it - litterly. You can throw your 2 gravies and pull, other than that you litterly don't do anything at all. The boonshare was important because of the ridiculous amount of corrupts and boonremove/steal in WvW - now that's gone. Your signet is litterly useless because why should we extend the duration of the boons? They will get corrupted anyways - the important part was to get them back after a bomb. Tell me how these changes were good at all in a WvW aspect?

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> @"FyzE.3472" said:

> Look at the bright side: now only true mesmer fans will play mesmer :-) Not everyone and their mother who wants to just ride the FOTM spec. You had your time. Also it's not a fact that mesmer is unplayable. I'm quite sure most of you haven't even tried it yet :-)

Yes, this is certainly a positive, though the Jaunt nerf is completely out of nowhere while they leave things like Mirage Thrust, condi application etc alone. Good to play a weakened spec - more satisfying to do well, but would rather see more appropriate nerfs than random things like this to skills which were not causing a problem.

> @"Catchyfx.5768" said:

> I think Chrono Will be a still thing. And mesmers utilities Are still powerfull. Besides Chrono, ONLY rev can give alacrity. Im lookibg forward to some hybrid builds. We Will see. But statemant that Mesmer Is dead Is kinda...you know. True mains Will find a way.

And yes as you say there's always a way to adapt - I still only play gw2 for mirage, though hopefully there are some reasonable balance changes in the future that also fix bad decisions like EM and now Jaunt.


> @"Tabasco.1743" said:

> > @"Curunen.8729" said:

> > Anyway I'll be dabbling in Snowball Mayhem a bit because that's always fun, but otherwise looking forward to playing Fortuna part 2, nyx rework and baruuk in warframe, if they get it out in the next week and a half or so.


> Heck yeah and I think Titania is getting a quality-of-life update as well, but any reason to bust out the Grakatas is a good one. :grin:

> ![](https://i.imgur.com/LhaBcEB.gif "")

> @"Solori.6025" said:

> Rubico Prime For LiFe

![](https://i.imgur.com/CKI6sjp.gif "")


I'm on the kitgun bandwagon - Catchmoon and Tombfinger - so damn satisfying to use! xD Biggest downside is not being able to equip both at the same time!

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> @"Skada.1362" said:

> RIP mesmer in PVP, RIP power mirage in WvW. Anet are so terribly bad at their jobs.


PLZ ! Mirage is so far away from being RIP in this gamemode XD soooooooooooo far away. Best build right behind soulboon still =p


Even the changes on chrono support was needed ... you had no alternative from chronos in PvE end game since it got released ... How was that even balanced?

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> @"Nath Forge Tempete.1645" said:

> > @"Skada.1362" said:

> > RIP mesmer in PVP, RIP power mirage in WvW. Anet are so terribly bad at their jobs.


> PLZ ! Mirage is so far away from being RIP in this gamemode XD soooooooooooo far away. Best build right behind soulboon still =p


> Even the changes on chrono support was needed ... you had no alternative from chronos in PvE end game since it got released ... How was that even balanced?


I do not care at all about PVE, but I sympathize with my fellow mesmers there. Soulboon isn't a mesmer build so I dunno why you bring that up in this context? And yeah, Power mesmer is in full on RIP mode. You don't solve the problem that is condi mirages condi application and burst by removing a charge of jaunt and nerfing power block for Power Mes/Mirage. The change to portal is retarded. If you wanna reduce its duration to 30 seconds, then you should also recude its cooldown. And WHY did this change have to affect WvW? Was portal a problem in WvW? Did you guys suffer because of portal usage in WvW? Revert jaunt, portal and power block changes in WvW NOW.

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> @"Ansau.7326" said:

> Anet completely lost balancing logic. No other profession ever saw, and probably never will, such harshness in its balancing than Mesmer suffered this 2018.


This same sentence has been written in probably every class subforum at some point in 2018. They can't all be right but since its written by their respective class mains we can take them all with a pinch of salt. Pun intended.


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> @"Skada.1362" said:

> > @"Nath Forge Tempete.1645" said:

> > > @"Skada.1362" said:

> > > RIP mesmer in PVP, RIP power mirage in WvW. Anet are so terribly bad at their jobs.

> >

> > PLZ ! Mirage is so far away from being RIP in this gamemode XD soooooooooooo far away. Best build right behind soulboon still =p

> >

> > Even the changes on chrono support was needed ... you had no alternative from chronos in PvE end game since it got released ... How was that even balanced?


> I do not care at all about PVE, but I sympathize with my fellow mesmers there. Soulboon isn't a mesmer build so I dunno why you bring that up in this context? And yeah, Power mesmer is in full on RIP mode. You don't solve the problem that is condi mirages condi application and burst by removing a charge of jaunt and nerfing power block for Power Mes/Mirage. The change to portal is kitten. If you wanna reduce its duration to 30 seconds, then you should also recude its cooldown. And WHY did this change have to affect WvW? Was portal a problem in WvW? Did you guys suffer because of portal usage in WvW? Revert jaunt, portal and power block changes in WvW NOW.


Why bringing soulboon in that context ? Well maybe because soulboon (ranger build) is the best build out there in the spvp meta right now and that mirage is second = translation : still strong.


I still got OS from a mirage ... Saying it's RIP is overreacting . Simple as that. It will be RIP the day it's less effective than a weaver (the actual "no use" class in spvp)

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> @"Nath Forge Tempete.1645" said:

> > @"Skada.1362" said:

> > > @"Nath Forge Tempete.1645" said:

> > > > @"Skada.1362" said:

> > > > RIP mesmer in PVP, RIP power mirage in WvW. Anet are so terribly bad at their jobs.

> > >

> > > PLZ ! Mirage is so far away from being RIP in this gamemode XD soooooooooooo far away. Best build right behind soulboon still =p

> > >

> > > Even the changes on chrono support was needed ... you had no alternative from chronos in PvE end game since it got released ... How was that even balanced?

> >

> > I do not care at all about PVE, but I sympathize with my fellow mesmers there. Soulboon isn't a mesmer build so I dunno why you bring that up in this context? And yeah, Power mesmer is in full on RIP mode. You don't solve the problem that is condi mirages condi application and burst by removing a charge of jaunt and nerfing power block for Power Mes/Mirage. The change to portal is kitten. If you wanna reduce its duration to 30 seconds, then you should also recude its cooldown. And WHY did this change have to affect WvW? Was portal a problem in WvW? Did you guys suffer because of portal usage in WvW? Revert jaunt, portal and power block changes in WvW NOW.


> Why bringing soulboon in that context ? Well maybe because soulboon (ranger build) is the best build out there in the spvp meta right now and that mirage is second = translation : still strong.


> I still got OS from a mirage ... Saying it's RIP is overreacting . Simple as that. It will be RIP the day it's less effective than a weaver (the actual "no use" class in spvp)


Yea... so you talk about CONDI mirage. I think we wont see nearly as many, if any, mirages in PVP comps. People brought mirages because of portalplays and now that's nerfed into the ground, why not bring something better like Soulnoobs right? So you got 1 shot by a mirage you say? Was he power or condi? How many power mirages climb the ladder these days? How many power mirages are an actual issue in WvW? Hell I got 1 shot by bound daredevils the other day, also a d/d core thief. Are d/d core thieves viable in PVP because of "1 shot" potential? They hit Power Mirages hard for no good reason at all. But whatever enjoy Soulboon bro.

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> @"Skada.1362" said:

> > @"Nath Forge Tempete.1645" said:

> > > @"Skada.1362" said:

> > > > @"Nath Forge Tempete.1645" said:

> > > > > @"Skada.1362" said:

> > > > > RIP mesmer in PVP, RIP power mirage in WvW. Anet are so terribly bad at their jobs.

> > > >

> > > > PLZ ! Mirage is so far away from being RIP in this gamemode XD soooooooooooo far away. Best build right behind soulboon still =p

> > > >

> > > > Even the changes on chrono support was needed ... you had no alternative from chronos in PvE end game since it got released ... How was that even balanced?

> > >

> > > I do not care at all about PVE, but I sympathize with my fellow mesmers there. Soulboon isn't a mesmer build so I dunno why you bring that up in this context? And yeah, Power mesmer is in full on RIP mode. You don't solve the problem that is condi mirages condi application and burst by removing a charge of jaunt and nerfing power block for Power Mes/Mirage. The change to portal is kitten. If you wanna reduce its duration to 30 seconds, then you should also recude its cooldown. And WHY did this change have to affect WvW? Was portal a problem in WvW? Did you guys suffer because of portal usage in WvW? Revert jaunt, portal and power block changes in WvW NOW.

> >

> > Why bringing soulboon in that context ? Well maybe because soulboon (ranger build) is the best build out there in the spvp meta right now and that mirage is second = translation : still strong.

> >

> > I still got OS from a mirage ... Saying it's RIP is overreacting . Simple as that. It will be RIP the day it's less effective than a weaver (the actual "no use" class in spvp)


> Yea... so you talk about CONDI mirage. I think we wont see nearly as many, if any, mirages in PVP comps. People brought mirages because of portalplays and now that's nerfed into the ground, why not bring something better like Soulnoobs right? So you got 1 shot by a mirage you say? Was he power or condi? How many power mirages climb the ladder these days? How many power mirages are an actual issue in WvW? Hell I got 1 shot by bound daredevils the other day, also a d/d core thief. Are d/d core thieves viable in PVP because of "1 shot" potential? They hit Power Mirages hard for no good reason at all. But whatever enjoy Soulboon bro.


Well it depends on the ability of players to play mirage or soulbeast better... if they play mirage better than soulbeast ... there's no point going soulbeast. And portal is still usable even nerfed... it will be more competitive with others utilities (which is a good change imo)


PLUS : there's still one strong build for the mesmer class in sPvP you said it yourself ... not being the one you want doesn't mean the whole SPEC is RIP. That's why I said you were overreacting and that your affirmation isn't correct.

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> @"Nath Forge Tempete.1645" said:

> > @"Skada.1362" said:

> > > @"Nath Forge Tempete.1645" said:

> > > > @"Skada.1362" said:

> > > > > @"Nath Forge Tempete.1645" said:

> > > > > > @"Skada.1362" said:

> > > > > > RIP mesmer in PVP, RIP power mirage in WvW. Anet are so terribly bad at their jobs.

> > > > >

> > > > > PLZ ! Mirage is so far away from being RIP in this gamemode XD soooooooooooo far away. Best build right behind soulboon still =p

> > > > >

> > > > > Even the changes on chrono support was needed ... you had no alternative from chronos in PvE end game since it got released ... How was that even balanced?

> > > >

> > > > I do not care at all about PVE, but I sympathize with my fellow mesmers there. Soulboon isn't a mesmer build so I dunno why you bring that up in this context? And yeah, Power mesmer is in full on RIP mode. You don't solve the problem that is condi mirages condi application and burst by removing a charge of jaunt and nerfing power block for Power Mes/Mirage. The change to portal is kitten. If you wanna reduce its duration to 30 seconds, then you should also recude its cooldown. And WHY did this change have to affect WvW? Was portal a problem in WvW? Did you guys suffer because of portal usage in WvW? Revert jaunt, portal and power block changes in WvW NOW.

> > >

> > > Why bringing soulboon in that context ? Well maybe because soulboon (ranger build) is the best build out there in the spvp meta right now and that mirage is second = translation : still strong.

> > >

> > > I still got OS from a mirage ... Saying it's RIP is overreacting . Simple as that. It will be RIP the day it's less effective than a weaver (the actual "no use" class in spvp)

> >

> > Yea... so you talk about CONDI mirage. I think we wont see nearly as many, if any, mirages in PVP comps. People brought mirages because of portalplays and now that's nerfed into the ground, why not bring something better like Soulnoobs right? So you got 1 shot by a mirage you say? Was he power or condi? How many power mirages climb the ladder these days? How many power mirages are an actual issue in WvW? Hell I got 1 shot by bound daredevils the other day, also a d/d core thief. Are d/d core thieves viable in PVP because of "1 shot" potential? They hit Power Mirages hard for no good reason at all. But whatever enjoy Soulboon bro.


> Well it depends on the ability of players to play mirage or soulbeast better... if they play mirage better than soulbeast ... there's no point going soulbeast. And portal is still usable even nerfed... it will be more competitive with others utilities (which is a good change imo)


> PLUS : there's still one strong build for the mesmer class in sPvP you said it yourself ... not being the one you want doesn't mean the whole SPEC is RIP. That's why I said you were overreacting and that your affirmation isn't correct.


Maybe, in time we'll see. But there was absolutley no reason to punish power mes/chrono/mirage in any game mode. Totally uncalled for. If they wanted to tone down condi mirages who have been the top dogs for along time, they should have just looked into cutting down condi damage/application. You don't go about fixing an overpowered build by nerfing an underwhelming one. For example they could have just removed the confusion on Jaunt, or maybe reduce a stack or 2 of confusion on axe 3 or shed a stack of torment on axe ambush ... something along those lines, now I know Axe got "hit" with some increased cooldowns and - power damage on #3 but that's kinda minor. They really should revert the changes made to Jaunt, Power block and Portal in WvW.

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> @"Skada.1362" said:

> > @"Nath Forge Tempete.1645" said:

> > > @"Skada.1362" said:

> > > > @"Nath Forge Tempete.1645" said:

> > > > > @"Skada.1362" said:

> > > > > > @"Nath Forge Tempete.1645" said:

> > > > > > > @"Skada.1362" said:

> > > > > > > RIP mesmer in PVP, RIP power mirage in WvW. Anet are so terribly bad at their jobs.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > PLZ ! Mirage is so far away from being RIP in this gamemode XD soooooooooooo far away. Best build right behind soulboon still =p

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Even the changes on chrono support was needed ... you had no alternative from chronos in PvE end game since it got released ... How was that even balanced?

> > > > >

> > > > > I do not care at all about PVE, but I sympathize with my fellow mesmers there. Soulboon isn't a mesmer build so I dunno why you bring that up in this context? And yeah, Power mesmer is in full on RIP mode. You don't solve the problem that is condi mirages condi application and burst by removing a charge of jaunt and nerfing power block for Power Mes/Mirage. The change to portal is kitten. If you wanna reduce its duration to 30 seconds, then you should also recude its cooldown. And WHY did this change have to affect WvW? Was portal a problem in WvW? Did you guys suffer because of portal usage in WvW? Revert jaunt, portal and power block changes in WvW NOW.

> > > >

> > > > Why bringing soulboon in that context ? Well maybe because soulboon (ranger build) is the best build out there in the spvp meta right now and that mirage is second = translation : still strong.

> > > >

> > > > I still got OS from a mirage ... Saying it's RIP is overreacting . Simple as that. It will be RIP the day it's less effective than a weaver (the actual "no use" class in spvp)

> > >

> > > Yea... so you talk about CONDI mirage. I think we wont see nearly as many, if any, mirages in PVP comps. People brought mirages because of portalplays and now that's nerfed into the ground, why not bring something better like Soulnoobs right? So you got 1 shot by a mirage you say? Was he power or condi? How many power mirages climb the ladder these days? How many power mirages are an actual issue in WvW? Hell I got 1 shot by bound daredevils the other day, also a d/d core thief. Are d/d core thieves viable in PVP because of "1 shot" potential? They hit Power Mirages hard for no good reason at all. But whatever enjoy Soulboon bro.

> >

> > Well it depends on the ability of players to play mirage or soulbeast better... if they play mirage better than soulbeast ... there's no point going soulbeast. And portal is still usable even nerfed... it will be more competitive with others utilities (which is a good change imo)

> >

> > PLUS : there's still one strong build for the mesmer class in sPvP you said it yourself ... not being the one you want doesn't mean the whole SPEC is RIP. That's why I said you were overreacting and that your affirmation isn't correct.


> Maybe, in time we'll see. But there was absolutley no reason to punish power mes/chrono/mirage in any game mode. Totally uncalled for. If they wanted to tone down condi mirages who have been the top dogs for along time, they should have just looked into cutting down condi damage/application. You don't go about fixing an overpowered build by nerfing an underwhelming one. For example they could have just removed the confusion on Jaunt, or maybe reduce a stack or 2 of confusion on axe 3 or shed a stack of torment on axe ambush ... something along those lines, now I know Axe got "hit" with some increased cooldowns and - power damage on #3 but that's kinda minor. They really should revert the changes made to Jaunt, Power block and Portal in WvW.


It always been like this ... it's not easy (almost impossible) to fix a specific build without impacting the others ones that are less popular and / or effective. you can't let the crazy build rampaging just cause there is few other build that are less strong.

Especially when the main issues are core mechanics of the class.

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> @"DemonSeed.3528" said:

> If you guys are seriously leaving, can I have some stuff you don't need anymore? I know the changes are not favourable in many ways but I experience this on every single class that I've become desensitized to it. I can only try to adapt and accept with each change, and try to not stay sour about it for long. I guess my main draw to this game is all the builds, classes, weapon sets, etc I get to constantly switch to so it's not as bad on my end since I like to change things up frequently. I know the changes are rough, but I think we'll have to see in the next few weeks if any changes will need to be considered. Maybe Anet wanted to spend more time with their families during the holiday so they made this patch as untasty as possible so many don't play for the time being XD *tinfoil*


No you can't - me and many others will Simply keep stuff if anything will get good again soon - in a few years or something.

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