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Why Anet Nerfed Boonshare Mesmer so Hard ?


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Mesmer boonshare made a melee comp strong so we can fight a bigger group if we have some good players and it should be like that in wvw. Now you might need to fight them with your number not your skill play now.


The most frustration for me is Anet has no clue how fun melee comp meta was and they keep destroying every pieces of it to bring wvw into the pirateship fight which everyone stands in front of each other at 1200 range with zerker gear and keep ratating right and left.

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> @"EremiteAngel.9765" said:

> Mesmers have been too used to being at the top of the food chain that they can't accept to being brought back down to the mortals realm.


> The patch notes are very clear. They do not want mesmers to dominate the boons supplying role. Which mesmers have been doing for ages.


> Ppl claiming they will quit are just plain silly and lack adaptability.

> It's time to adapt or get left behind.


Are you comparing real teamfight class who put aoe boon every movement since realease to chrono niche ?

Of curse we will adapat and even with a -50% damage/movement/regen handicap we will still kill 80% of noobs who cry on this forum, don't worry for that.

That said, have you ever played mesmer in WvW bus apart for spam 1 GS ?


> @"Noha.3749" said:

> To be fair mesmers has been meta everywhere for a bit too long, leaving alot of other potential competitor professions on the bench. I can truly "feel" the pain of having your loverboy having to share the spotlight with some other "players" all of a sudden when you are used to bathe in the benefits on your own.

And to be fair there is other profession who were meta everywhere for longer time than mesmers.

Even if it's good for diversity to open the niche, the argument of being in the meta is ridiculous.


> @"cobbah.3102" said:

> The tears are real ?? ohhh poor baby mesmers.

> @"Xtinct.7031" said:

> Yea, mesmer still anet's golden child no doubt. Otherwise, they would have addressed a lot more things then just boon application.(i.e. sword mobility, jaunt, elusive mind, evasive mirror, etc)

Don't worry, even with 200 dps, no mobility, no sustain we can still destroy forum's baby casuals mourners easily. (while remaining anet golden child.)


> @"Threather.9354" said:

> Please peeps, stop complaining about Chrono being useless in WvW now.


> Illusion of life is still the most broken skill in WvW. You can use it AT LEAST 3 times ressing up to 9 allies. Lets say you manage to ress 5 allies. Now you're worth more than 5 allies.


Be usefull thanks to a 75 sec CD *3 skill is the summum of "an interesting gameplay" particulary when you are between real teamfight class who have their gameplay based on aoe effect on each skills. (and who can 50% duellists class thanks to forum mourners.).


> @"Elbritil.3817" said:

> sharing 10000000000+ boons with my playmates! They ruined my whole class!"

> Anyway, after the nerf I'm still interested in starting a mesmer.

It's was 99999999999+ boons please, be fair.


It's pretty fun to see this arrivage of random people who arrive thinking they know everything (while I would no be surprised that they get 2 shoted by random auto-proc when playing mes in a player vs player environnement) . Are you sponspored by the anet golden childs GWENr mafia ?


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> @"EremiteAngel.9765" said:

> Mesmers have been too used to being at the top of the food chain that they can't accept to being brought back down to the mortals realm.


> The patch notes are very clear. They do not want mesmers to dominate the boons supplying role. Which mesmers have been doing for ages.


> Ppl claiming they will quit are just plain silly and lack adaptability.

> It's time to adapt or get left behind.


They need more nerfs i think so a new meta can apear with out mesmers and many would apreaciate it

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> @"Forsaken.7015" said:

> In the proccess of trying to create more diversity im afraid they did the exact opposite. You Still need chrono that didnt change but what is changing is the classes you have to have around the chrono. Post nerf you used 2 chronos and a druid or 2 out of your 10man. Now you still need those chronos but you need more roles to cover the boons. FB, Rev, running modified builds so you can still maintain your boon spread that the chronos can now extend. So instead of 3-4 slots out of your 10 being locked into specific roles that numbers going to go up. So instead of 6-7 of your slots able to just be whatever dps you seek. Your going to need more specialized classes leaving you with less diversity.


> And don't get me started on 5 man content its wasted time anet obviously gives zero snowflakes about 5 man content at this point.


> Only positive I can see with this is they are definitely not catering to casual players with this move. This will make things much harder on casual raiders and their success in raids.


It what they wanted make all classes participate with their own boons

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Because of the "This is why we can't have nice things" principle.


ANet tends to be lenient, but when people won't policy themselves and overuse something for too long, when something gets too extreme, it may be addressed in a particularly harsh way so other changes that happen in the future won't allow it to happen again.


> @"Zoe.8310" said:

> > @"aintiarna.1038" said:


> > _Neither of these changes are intended to alter the chronomancer's identity as a **build focused around quickness and alacrity**.


> The sad this is that this statement by ArenaNet is so incredibly false. All they keep doing is give other classes the stuff that makes us unique. They give other classes Alacrity. They give other classes Quickness. They bolster other classes boon-sharing.


> Pretty sure in 1-2 patches they're going to hand out clones to another class


That's a great idea. There could be a "Spy" or "Infiltrator" elite specialization for thief with a Grandmaster major trait that changes all skills that summon thieves from the thieves' guild to make the summoned thieves look like the summoning thief.

The steal skill could be changed to "impersonate" by their first triat, "Identity Theft". Impersonate would steal a disguise of the enemy, then pressing F2 would allow the thief to disguise as that enemy and appear as an ally to the enemy. To signify their ability to impersonate anything, the weapon could be a focus, since foci can be literally anything one can hold with one hand.

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My biggest issue with this how these PvE raid balancing patches affects WvW players. ANet continues to disregard WvW players and has no clue of the impact these changes have. Boons are stripped very easily in WvW and they essentially gutted any feasibility of running a support chrono in WvW just because they want to balance the entire game around PvE raid. I'm fine with adjusting game play, but not when the changes are intended for raids. Boonshare has been nerfed over and over and over since chrono was released in HoT all because of PvE raids. It's really no wonder WvW is dying a slow and painful death and ANet has basically pushed the WvW meta even more towards pirate ship and ranged. There's literally zero reason to ever melee push against the enemy because theyve gutted the secondary support class. Anyone who wanted to play support in WvW is now pigeon-holed to only firebrand, that's my biggest and that's why I'm quitting this game.


Tldr; PvE raid balancing kills another support build in WvW. Just play Firebrand.

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> @"viquing.8254" said:

> > @"EremiteAngel.9765" said:

> > Mesmers have been too used to being at the top of the food chain that they can't accept to being brought back down to the mortals realm.

> >

> > The patch notes are very clear. They do not want mesmers to dominate the boons supplying role. Which mesmers have been doing for ages.

> >

> > Ppl claiming they will quit are just plain silly and lack adaptability.

> > It's time to adapt or get left behind.


> Are you comparing real teamfight class who put aoe boon every movement since realease to chrono niche ?

> Of curse we will adapat and even with a -50% damage/movement/regen handicap we will still kill 80% of noobs who cry on this forum, don't worry for that.

> That said, have you ever played mesmer in WvW bus apart for spam 1 GS ?


> > @"Noha.3749" said:

> > To be fair mesmers has been meta everywhere for a bit too long, leaving alot of other potential competitor professions on the bench. I can truly "feel" the pain of having your loverboy having to share the spotlight with some other "players" all of a sudden when you are used to bathe in the benefits on your own.

> And to be fair there is other profession who were meta everywhere for longer time than mesmers.

> Even if it's good for diversity to open the niche, the argument of being in the meta is ridiculous.


> > @"cobbah.3102" said:

> > The tears are real ?? ohhh poor baby mesmers.

> > @"Xtinct.7031" said:

> > Yea, mesmer still anet's golden child no doubt. Otherwise, they would have addressed a lot more things then just boon application.(i.e. sword mobility, jaunt, elusive mind, evasive mirror, etc)

> Don't worry, even with 200 dps, no mobility, no sustain we can still destroy forum's baby casuals mourners easily. (while remaining anet golden child.)


> > @"Threather.9354" said:

> > Please peeps, stop complaining about Chrono being useless in WvW now.

> >

> > Illusion of life is still the most broken skill in WvW. You can use it AT LEAST 3 times ressing up to 9 allies. Lets say you manage to ress 5 allies. Now you're worth more than 5 allies.

> >

> Be usefull thanks to a 75 sec CD *3 skill is the summum of "an interesting gameplay" particulary when you are between real teamfight class who have their gameplay based on aoe effect on each skills. (and who can 50% duellists class thanks to forum mourners.).


> > @"Elbritil.3817" said:

> > sharing 10000000000+ boons with my playmates! They ruined my whole class!"

> > Anyway, after the nerf I'm still interested in starting a mesmer.

> It's was 99999999999+ boons please, be fair.


> It's pretty fun to see this arrivage of random people who arrive thinking they know everything (while I would no be surprised that they get 2 shoted by random auto-proc when playing mes in a player vs player environnement) . Are you sponspored by the anet golden childs GWENr mafia ?



Well dreams are free ,good on you for trying :)

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> @"Raipe.3786" said:

> People can't play without quickness/alacrity lul


You say that jokingly, but I have to concede it's a real issue. I don't look at my keyboard or my action bar - it's all about muscle memory and a feel for timing. When you don't have alacrity up, it messes with your timing to the point where you press a key that should be off cooldown but isn't. Feelsbad.


Hey if they don't like the mechanic, don't introduce it in the first place. Blizzard has been schizophrenic over this issue for a decade now, where haste reduced the GCD, then it didn't, back and forth.

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> @"Laila Lightness.8742" said:

> > @"EremiteAngel.9765" said:

> > Mesmers have been too used to being at the top of the food chain that they can't accept to being brought back down to the mortals realm.

> >

> > The patch notes are very clear. They do not want mesmers to dominate the boons supplying role. Which mesmers have been doing for ages.

> >

> > Ppl claiming they will quit are just plain silly and lack adaptability.

> > It's time to adapt or get left behind.


> They need more nerfs i think so a new meta can apear with out mesmers and many would apreaciate it


This is exactly what is wrong with many people in this community. There is room in the meta for a variety of support classes, especially if each specializes in a specific boon or two. However, instead of asking for certain classes to have a position in the meta, you simply ask for mesmer to be out of it. Whoever these 'many' people you talk about are, I hope I never have to talk to them ever again, weather it be in video games or other life events. If you feel like the only way to get what you want in life is by tearing others down, I feel sorry for you.

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Mesmer was pretty niche in WvW already, illusion of life, some cc and some boons, that were good just because you could reapply a lot of them instantly(also had to play through bubble very well to bring those boons out on the other side). What am i supposed to play now? Wells? oh, let's stand in damage for 3 freaking seconds to get 1 freaking boon are you CRAZY.


They completely ruined support mesmer in wvw, every kind of support mesmer.. I guess we should only be stuck with 1 support in wvw. Hell even those damn pve raids that have no variety have 3 AT ANY GIVEN TIME.... Seriously ANet get your heads out of your asses, because this patch was complete garbage and you know it. 1 year of balance patches and firebrand and scourge are as opresive as ever and you balance around PVE, PVE, PVE, where players goals are to complete an encounter.

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> @"XenoSpyro.1780" said:

> > @"Shagaliscious.6281" said:

> > Firebrand needs to drop A LOT of sustain to give a mediocre amount of quickness.

> Imagine that. You have to drop something to gain something somewhere else, and not have everything at once. Good.

> > @"Shagaliscious.6281" said:

> >Seems like ANET just wants a flat out nerf to boons, period.

> Good. There's too much boonplay happening anyway.


Well, what you are going to get are dire/trailblazer FBs running lots of quickness, hooray for condi meta again!


Also, I don't disagree with nerfing boons, honestly just get rid of them, certain classes have barely any, while other classes have perma boons.

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> @"Shagaliscious.6281" said:

> > @"Noha.3749" said:

> > To be fair mesmers has been meta everywhere for a bit too long, leaving alot of other potential competitor professions on the bench. I can truly "feel" the pain of having your loverboy having to share the spotlight with some other "players" all of a sudden when you are used to bathe in the benefits on your own.

> >

> > I think its all good. Quite a drastic change, but for the longevity of the game i think its good.


> What other classes replace a chrono though? Firebrand needs to drop A LOT of sustain to give a mediocre amount of quickness. Seems like ANET just wants a flat out nerf to boons, period.


I think that's the point; it SHOULD be replaceable. It SHOULDN'T be a permanent fixture of every PVE instance group ever. It's NOT replaceable because of all the awesome stuff it brings to the table. That's clearly getting changed.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I mean, the mesmer will survive. But if they were going to nerf the sharing capabilities, couldnt they have buffed the individual ability. For example, since bountiful disillusionment no longer shares boons, couldn't it have better effects? And since it's going to be hard to justify running Signet of Inspiration now, couldn't they have lowered it's cd a little?


However, I do think that a team of nothing but chronomancers would be super fun now with the extention...

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> @"Crey.5263" said:

> I mean, the mesmer will survive. But if they were going to nerf the sharing capabilities, couldnt they have buffed the individual ability. For example, since bountiful disillusionment no longer shares boons, couldn't it have better effects? And since it's going to be hard to justify running Signet of Inspiration now, couldn't they have lowered it's cd a little?


> However, I do think that a team of nothing but chronomancers would be super fun now with the extention...


Not in WvW it won't. There's no role for it. It's mostly a liability. Only useful for porting/veil. 3

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