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Cursed Account


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Is there any internal luck system for accounts or something because I swear mine is cranked to -1000%.

It is just unfathomable how unlucky I am in this game, people getting cool drops left and right, precursors, infusions from boxes, infusions from chests with fresh accounts with 0% mf etc. and I've been left wondering for the past 6 years when will my turn come.

I'm sorry for this rant but I swear all my enjoyment is being sucked out of me, I can't even be happy for friends who drop nice stuff because it just makes me jealous as hell.

Please don't tell me I am the only one, I am so frustrated with this.


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Well, MF doesnt affect any boxes that dont have "affected by magic find" written on them, including the big chests from world bosses.


And no, theres not really been a proven luck "bug" like there was in WoW(and that took years to prove). But hey, you can craft the precursors now, so you dont have to worry about drops, and if it makes you feel better, ive gotten no infusions myself(6 years 6k+ hours), and all the Pres i havent purchased ive gotten by MF(which has the highest chance of obtaining them.).

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My luck is pretty awful as well. Then I occasionally open a BLC and get the most valuable items right away xD I got used to it, though I admittedly felt pretty cheated when a friend dropped two precursors in a single wvw zerg fight lmao


Eventually it will happen...







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6 years - no infusions, no pre, no items worth more than 100g ever dropped (and that was only 1). I have had no ascended armour drops in over 2 yrs. I've never had anything worth more than 30g out of a BLC. I rarely get exotic items at all.


Yes - I do events that would increase my chances - multi-mob type and my MF is fairly high.


I felt like you up until about a yr ago when I just let it go. RNG is simply that - utterly random. I do the things in game that make me happy. I expect nothing from the game and nothing from Anet in way of improving odds as MMO's are designed this way to keep us all coming back in hope - just like a gambling addiction really ;)


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i never get anything rare from a BLC (or the best i get is a hairstyle kit) and i've never seen a precursor or infusion drop. The luckiest drop i've ever had was one ascended chest armor chest from a random scrub box from a PvP reward track. After that and before that i've never gotten anything cool randomly.

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To get any real kind of answer to this , you need to know the ratio of total things received vs good things received.

Many people equate hours played in the game vs good drops , but that really isnt a good measure as time played doesnt translate into how much stuff you get in any accurate way.

Rare items are just that, things that not many people will get.

To maximise your chances of getting rare stuff, you have to maximise this equation which is (stuff received / time played), ie do things that take the least time possible that also yield the maximum amount of stuff.

A good example of this is the AB meta which gives you 27 chests full of stuff, and can be done in as little as 5 minutes, on average its a bit longer around 10.

But even doing this , rare stuff is still hard to get.

Ive done this event around 350 times which means Ive opened around 9450 chests, and have 3 precursors from it which isnt much.

The plus side though is most of the stuff is salvagable and you can sell most of it on the TP for anywhere from 4G - 6G per run , so thats around 2000G worth.



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Youre not the only one unlucky my dear friend :<

I play rom the launch with some breaks in between (one big like a year) but overall I played a lot.


0 precursors my whole life

0 infusions my whole life

0 rare things from BLC my whole life

Yesterday I opened 8 black lion chests -> 0 uncommon drops.


And I used to run raids, fractals, tequatl, triple trouble, AB, chak, choya piniata etc very often.

Most of my friest playing for a year or two saw at least 1 of each and they usually see 1 uncommon drop per 3-5 chests.

I feel like this game hates me.

Feels like shit :<

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> @"AoTsuki.8675" said:

> Is there any internal luck system for accounts

No, there's no evidence at all for that.


> It is just unfathomable how unlucky I am in this game, people getting cool drops left and right, precursors, infusions from boxes, infusions from chests with fresh accounts with 0% mf etc. and I've been left wondering for the past 6 years when will my turn come.

You're noticing all the people who get cool drops. You're ignoring all the people who are in the same boat is you, who don't get cool stuff. There are folks who have opened 500k festival bags (Trick-or-Treat, Wintersday Gifts, etc), without getting any of the good stuff. And like you say, people who open 5 and get something worth 5k+.


> Please don't tell me I am the only one,

You're not: there are more people who don't get rare drops. If it were common to get the drop, then it wouldn't be ultra rare.


> I am so frustrated with this.

I can't blame you for being frustrated. But all the same, it's not "your account;" it's simply that the odds are slim & none.



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Hey AoTsuki! You're definitely not the only one. I have two accounts, about 7k hours between them over 6 years, and the only truly rare drop I've ever gotten was an invisible boot box off of a TM in Dragon's Stand. But no infusions, no precursors, nada otherwise!

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Chances are what's happening here is you're hearing about only the good drops other people get (because no one ever says "Hey look I opened this bag and got nothing unusual!") and comparing _all of their good drops combined_ with all the drops - good and bad - you get on your account.


It's like reading a list of who won the various lottery draws in your area each week and comparing their luck to yours - it would quickly seem like you're ridiculously unlucky because all these people are winning and you're not. But you don't see all the other people who also didn't win, or even all the weeks those lucky people don't win anything.

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Same for me OP. I think I got a precursor drop in the second year, that's it.


Occasionally I get something, but never really valuable. No infusions yet.

I don't even have that rare staff skin which you can only obtain by a lucky drop.

And I have 4000 hours + on this game.


Guess we have to deal with it.

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> @"Clyan.1593" said:

> Same for me OP. I think I got a precursor drop in the second year, that's it.


> Occasionally I get something, but never really valuable. No infusions yet.

> I don't even have that rare staff skin which you can only obtain by a lucky drop.

> And I have 4000 hours + on this game.


> Guess we have to deal with it.


To add to the injury I opened 2000 wintersday gifts and got nothing, friend opened 100 and got the snow diamond infusion.

God damn it.

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1. 4341 hours in 74 months in GW2, never got a precursor drop.

2. Magic find helps. Since I cranked it up to 200, I got significantly more ascended drops in WvW. (Which used to be 0)

3. Don't gamble. When you need an item, save for it and buy it off TP. Don't invest any gold into buying gifts/bags/chests hoping it may drop that one rare item: It will not.

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> @"TheQuickFox.3826" said:

> Random#


> 2. Don't gamble. When you need an item, save for it and buy it off TP. Don't invest any gold into buying gifts/bags/chests hoping it may drop that one rare item: It will not.


Absolutely the best advice from #2 above - do NOT gamble. It's a mugs game in this game and will only compound any feelings of being a 'cursed' account. I save up the gold now ingame and treat myself to the odd rare skin now and then - feels much better when you've 'earned ' it.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > @"AoTsuki.8675" said:

> > Is there any internal luck system for accounts

> No, there's no evidence at all for that.


> > It is just unfathomable how unlucky I am in this game, people getting cool drops left and right, precursors, infusions from boxes, infusions from chests with fresh accounts with 0% mf etc. and I've been left wondering for the past 6 years when will my turn come.

> You're noticing all the people who get cool drops. You're ignoring all the people who are in the same boat is you, who don't get cool stuff. There are folks who have opened 500k festival bags (Trick-or-Treat, Wintersday Gifts, etc), without getting any of the good stuff. And like you say, people who open 5 and get something worth 5k+.


> > Please don't tell me I am the only one,

> You're not: there are more people who don't get rare drops. If it were common to get the drop, then it wouldn't be ultra rare.


> > I am so frustrated with this.

> I can't blame you for being frustrated. But all the same, it's not "your account;" it's simply that the odds are slim & none.




Ah, how could I forget? I also bought around 20k Zephyrite boxes and got nothing but tokens and quartz from it.


Ain't that just the funniest thing

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Luck is luck and life is unfair. It's easier to notice the lucky ones out of millions of others just like you. Personally I never, ever hope to get lucky drops, because it's so unlikely I'll just be disappointed. And generally in RNG games like these you should never expect to gain anything by luck at all. If you want something, work your way towards it. It might take time, but at least you'll be guaranteed to get it. If you do get lucky in the process, that's a nice bonus. But if you expect to get lucky and you don't, it's going to be frustrating.


I've also been playing 6-ish years and my luckiest drop has been a 250g item. It wasn't anything as near as good as infusions or invisible slippers or even a precursor, but it made me super happy anyway, because I didn't hope for anything valuable at all.


And anyways, I'm more jealous to the people who win tens of millions from the IRL lottery. Compared to that, some virtual item really doesn't seem so valuable after all.


A lot of things that frustrate us can become a lot less frustrating if we only alter our own views and attitudes slightly.

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Can't offer much more than sympathy. I've been playing GW2 for about 10months, and if I listed all the "rare" drops I've received, you would e-rage. Seriously, I jokingly told a guildy that I wouldn't share any more info on drops with them for fear of getting kicked out of pure outrage :)


Just keep in mind that these are all aesthetics, and the game can be played just fine without them. As long as you have the resources to supply yourself with ascended gear and gold for the griffon, anything else is just sprinkles on the cake.

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Now I'm trying to remember my best drop/s, but nothing wildly exciting comes to mind.


I got 2 ascended rings from somewhere (WvW I think), not together, I mean 2 total. Other than that I think it's random rare/exotic items which were more about getting it at the right time - for example I got one of the Snow Diamond things (not the infusion) from a Wintersday Gift on the first day last year when they were new and no one knew what they were. I sold it for about 60g and even by the end of that day the price had dropped dramatically. None of my lucky drops were worth massive amounts of money, most were well below 100g. I know I've never had a precursor or invisible shoes or a permanent contract from a black lion chest or any of the other hugely expensive items people hope for.


But I don't worry about it, because it's never stopped me from getting things I wanted, I just sell what I do get and don't want and save the gold and use that to buy stuff I want instead of waiting for a lucky drop which will enable me to do it. For example back in the summer I made and sold The Dreamer - I didn't get a precursor as a drop but I used materials I had gotten and ones I farmed to make it. That got me almost 2,000g - far more than I'd ever had before and I used that to buy all kinds of other stuff. Having done that I know even the items which cost thousands of gold aren't impossible for me to get. It would take a long time - it took about 6 months to make that legendary - but I could get there. And actually if I'd just wanted gold I could have done something more efficient to get it faster - but having made The Dreamer for me to use before precursor crafting existed I wanted to do the collections for it, and selling the precursor would actually lose me money so I decided it would make more sense to finish the legendary and sell that.


It does mean I tend to object to incredibly rare account bound drops - because I know if I want one I can forget about ever getting it, and because even if I don't want it myself I know how it feels to be in that position. But thankfully those are relatively rare in this game.

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