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A Note on Future Boon Direction

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> @"Kylden Ar.3724" said:

> > > @"Ithilwen.1529" said:

> > > This is long overedue. Good job ANET. Now extend that to conditions as well. **Start with making Alacrity Chronomancer only as originally intended.**

> >

> > Not going to happen. It would be the exact same situation where only one class provides a boon and is therefore mandatory. This is what they are moving away from. No one class will be able to give everything and everything won't only be on one class.


> No, it really should. Until Alacrity was a boon, as before that it was a Chrono only feature, Chrono was not near as 'required' for everything. It's when Alacrity became a boon AND was added to SoI that the shenanigans began.


> SoI was always passively too good a signet. Passive boon generation of everything, period? Oh, no, it's random, what ever will we do? Push boon duration to 100% so eventually we have everything...


> SoI should have ALWAYS worked as follows;


> Passive: Extend all applied boon duration and movement speed by 25%.


> Active: Copy all current boons to allies.


> That would have made the Mesmer/Chrono helpful for sharing, but still needed team work (or to camp staff) to get all the boons to share. The signet itself should never have generated boons.


> > @"Ithilwen.1529" said:

> >

> > Chronomancer was built around Alacrity. We were told it would be unique to the class. It should never have been changed.


> Agreed 100%. It was turning it into a Boon that really started the kitten slide to Chrono 'requirements' everywhere.





Or they could have boonshare as a weaker version of the passive effect.

Passive: Share each boon received with one ally.

Active: Grant allies 4s of Persistence, a new boon that slows boon duration tickdown by... 33%, 50%, something like that. So, similar to the new SoI active effect, but actually works better when you have support stats.

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As a WvW player, i am hyped about this news. This is a great direction and i hope things go well! I also hope you do something to counter power creep too. In WvW, boons is too important, dmg is too high, and healing is too high to balance the high dmg. We crave how WvW meta was in vanilla so i hope things turn out similar to how it once was. Good luck anet, i'm looking forward to theorycrafting after the patch! \o/

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So there's a dialog on boons, huh?


My 2cents: boons has always seemed pretty limiting and rather secondary since the beginning. I feel there's room for improving it or modifying the system but limiting boons by class send counter to the point of boons, which is a generic boost system that is meant to cross classes. The problem that came with this system isn't who generates the boons but rather the meta has changed to incorporate max or generous boon application. Unless your trying to change that, I don't think it'll have much other effect besides making the means of that application more strict.


Instead of limiting boons to certain classes, I think it should focus on the aspect of unique buffs via traits and gear. Unique utility buffs or traits that directly modify boons is more beneficial. For example, similar to how inspiring presence gives healing power with each stack of might for a warrior, you can have bonuses to certain boons per class that could act more as game changers rather than being minor little changes (like the above example is).


Like what if there was a traits that reduces the healing regeneration you provide to 0 but instead reduces condition damage and condition duration? I'm sure someone more creative than me can come up with new things certain classes could accomplish with boons.

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> @"Anchoku.8142" said:

> Wish list for Necro

> Power*, Healing, Ferocity

> Power*, Vitality, Ferocity

> Power*, Ferocity, Expertise

> Power*, Concentration, Ferocity

> Condition Damage*, Vitality, Expertise

> Condition Damage*, Healing, Expertise

> Expertise*, Power, Condition Damage



Power Major, with Vitality and Ferocity minor, already exists -- Valkyrie.

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> @"IndigoSundown.5419" said:

> > @"Anchoku.8142" said:

> > Wish list for Necro

> > Power*, Healing, Ferocity

> > Power*, Vitality, Ferocity

> > Power*, Ferocity, Expertise

> > Power*, Concentration, Ferocity

> > Condition Damage*, Vitality, Expertise

> > Condition Damage*, Healing, Expertise

> > Expertise*, Power, Condition Damage

> >


> Power Major, with Vitality and Ferocity minor, already exists -- Valkyrie.


Realized that after posting but did not care to fix it after the stealth-nerf; too disgusted with balance right now. Arenanet hid a hard nerf to Necro in a deceptive shuffle of traits.

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It can be easily inferred from the first post of this thread. When after a balance patch devs tell you to wait with making changes to your builds until the next path a month away, it's clear that they feel that the balance patch was only a part of bigger changes, which you are in the middle of.


Basically, that they intended bigger changes, but they've decided to split them into more than one patch. Thus making the first patch incomplete.

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> @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> It can be easily inferred from the first post of this thread. When after a balance patch devs tell you to wait with making changes to your builds until the next path a month away, it's clear that they feel that the balance patch was only a part of bigger changes, which you are in the middle of.


> Basically, that they intended bigger changes, but they've decided to split them into more than one patch. Thus making the first patch incomplete.


What i read its the intent with changes in the future, nothing that this was intented to be a bigger patch and was instead cut in two smaller ones. They said in the past they planned to change how condition builds work too. They are just giving us a heads up.

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> @"zealex.9410" said:

> > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > It can be easily inferred from the first post of this thread. When after a balance patch devs tell you to wait with making changes to your builds until the next path a month away, it's clear that they feel that the balance patch was only a part of bigger changes, which you are in the middle of.

> >

> > Basically, that they intended bigger changes, but they've decided to split them into more than one patch. Thus making the first patch incomplete.


> What i read its the intent with changes in the future, nothing that this was intented to be a bigger patch and was instead cut in two smaller ones. They said in the past they planned to change how condition builds work too. They are just giving us a heads up.


you need to read between the lines.

generally, if they say " we will keep working on _stuff_", it pretty much implies that they are not happy with the current outcome.

in this special case (i have never withnessed in a mmo before btw) they are mentioning directly not to change your gear asap, since there in a new stat combo comming. Implying that they did this balance patch with a future balance/gear patch in mind ---> incomplete.

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Yes it is incomplete but I think I can write some intermediate results


1.) The reason I was first angry about this patch was a good chunk of our chrono players went in hiding after this patch (so 4/5) . Their reasons was that a second time after 4 weeks their class was changed and it was a really big change . By my experience you always lose some players when the publisher decide to change a class or system in mayor way in an MMO . As a guild this blocked us from training raids and me for smoothly running fractals. I can only hope they become more active next year again. People who stay will adapt but it is always a stressful experience because it sometimes takes weeks before doing so..


2.) The SoI change is absurd you can when pre stacking with DPS Chrono reach higher boon durations then before. I start to think this was their intention but didn't thought it really through because of different vectors you can solve the short comings of the old support chrono you can combine them into something absurd like:

FB, Rev, 3X DPS Chrono with SoI. A combination which boons will never go down in a normal fight which also has more free access to boons then the old meta on top of it.


For wvw this also effect boons like retaliation and resistance its not complete op thanks to boon corruption but wooha


3.) The resulting meta built has less optional parts because other classes need to jump in for the chrono because even with the best build 100% boon up time can't be reach anymore and 100% up time is kinda needed for classes like weaver and so on.


4.) How could I best say this ? It is an intermediate result but on SC you can't find the classic support chrono anymore. Okay SC is not the only one who defines the meta and this is intermediate result and like I said on other threads you can always add a DPS chrono with SoI to fix the old meta to some degree but you can see how under presser the old support chrono came.


5.) The idea of fixing the boon problem with new stats is in itself problematic because you replacing a superior class build possible with an superior stat(s). For tank stats this is okay having just more concentration on them but berserker or viper would open a new world of hybrid builds which would not only result in a better boon uptime but also in a higher average DPS. There is also the point the old SoI didn't gave boons to everyone in every case because players often jumping around like crazy in this game with this change there is also the chance the new meta has such a good supply on boons it out match the old SoI this can also result in higher average DPs


And their is also the case of wvw I could totally see players like tempest with berserker + concentration stats or other classes which would also screw up some stuff and shift the power balance. Point is nobody can foresee all the builds which comes with it and you shifting a problem from one side to the other. Instead of a superior class you can easily end up with superior stats which effects even more classes.



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> @"Irenio CalmonHuang.2048" said:

> Greetings Tyrians!


> We are aware that the previous update to Runes and Sigils, coupled with the balance updates released this week, created a situation where boon duration has become a more highly-valued resource.


> As you can see in the [December 11 release notes](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/62731/game-update-notes-december-11-2018#latest "December 11 release notes"), we’re moving toward a world where various professions are specialized at offering different boons and not all boons can (or should!) be provided by a single profession.


> Toward that end, we wanted to let you know that we’re looking at new attribute combinations for the coming year to offer you better options. You may want to watch for those updates before making significant changes to your gear.


> Merry Wintersday!


> ~GW2 Systems Team


Eagerly awaiting the new year, (tomorrow) and updated information soon after. :pensive:

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> @"Rasimir.6239" said:

> > @"TheBravery.9615" said:

> > So what happened with this?

> We got the [Diviner's stats](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Diviner%27s "Diviner's stats") with the latest living world update as a new option for boon duration equipment.


I was thinking the part that not every profession should be able to create every boon but who knows maybe good they don’t change

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