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Countless Distortion 4 Days Build


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> @"mortrialus.3062" said:

> This is cool and all, but what about using Chrono and Continuum Split for even more distortions?!


"The change to Mimic prevents it from being reset by the chronomancer's Continuum Split skill. This is intended to prevent multiplicative power in the mesmer's kit. We want Mimic to be a skill that allows for unique flexibility in mesmer builds, but its double-casting function created multiplicative power when combined with Continuum Split."


"but its double-casting function created multiplicative power when combined with Continuum Split."


"Continuum Split."


I think I'm going to have to hunt down that archived post I made way back saying CS cannot be balanced.

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> @"apharma.3741" said:

> > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

> > This is cool and all, but what about using Chrono and Continuum Split for even more distortions?!


> "The change to Mimic prevents it from being reset by the chronomancer's Continuum Split skill. This is intended to prevent multiplicative power in the mesmer's kit. We want Mimic to be a skill that allows for unique flexibility in mesmer builds, but its double-casting function created multiplicative power when combined with Continuum Split."


> "but its double-casting function created multiplicative power when combined with Continuum Split."


> "Continuum Split."


> I think I'm going to have to hunt down that archived post I made way back saying CS cannot be balanced.


I would love to read that. That's actually what I liked about it. Like pre nerf portal, I love the idea of skills giving exponential results based on thinking, combos, and strategies exciting.

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> @"SPESHAL.9106" said:

> > @"Lincolnbeard.1735" said:

> > This build isn't even realistic on a pvp/wvw environment but whatever...


> So you should have no problem with it getting fixed. It shouldn't be possible period....beyond ridiculous as aptly pointed out in the video.


But there’s nothing to fix. When something isn’t realistic you don’t fix it because... it’s not realistic.

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> @"SPESHAL.9106" said:

> > @"Lincolnbeard.1735" said:

> > This build isn't even realistic on a pvp/wvw environment but whatever...


> So you should have no problem with it getting fixed. It shouldn't be possible period....beyond ridiculous as aptly pointed out in the video.


I don't have any problems with it getting changed. In fact there is already a thread on mesmer forums created by apharma for ANet to change the new chaos trait.


But let's see, in order to get this to work you have to give up one of the damage traitlines, to have enough clone generation for 4sec distortion everytime, you have to keep duel, so duel, chaos, mirage which means damage will be on the weak side both on condi and power. You've to give up 2 utilities which means only one stunbreaker.

You've to maintain 3 clones for distortion which is already hard enough to happen with all the aoe and cleave and finally you'll not be using damage shatters because you're saving those clones for distortion.

Oh and you need to get hit by cc on purpose to refresh distortion.

And like mentioned above while you're distorted you can't cap.

So yeah amazing build right there...

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> @"Lincolnbeard.1735" said:

> > @"SPESHAL.9106" said:

> > > @"Lincolnbeard.1735" said:

> > > This build isn't even realistic on a pvp/wvw environment but whatever...

> >

> > So you should have no problem with it getting fixed. It shouldn't be possible period....beyond ridiculous as aptly pointed out in the video.


> I don't have any problems with it getting changed. In fact there is already a thread on mesmer forums created by apharma for ANet to change the new chaos trait.


> But let's see, in order to get this to work you have to give up one of the damage traitlines, to have enough clone generation for 4sec distortion everytime, you have to keep duel, so duel, chaos, mirage which means damage will be on the weak side both on condi and power. You've to give up 2 utilities which means only one stunbreaker.

> You've to maintain 3 clones for distortion which is already hard enough to happen with all the aoe and cleave and finally you'll not be using damage shatters because you're saving those clones for distortion.

> Oh and you need to get hit by cc on purpose to refresh distortion.

> And like mentioned above while you're distorted you can't cap.

> So yeah amazing build right there...


All of this ^. After trying this trait out in WvW, I am not honestly impressed and would rather they just scrapped it altogether and made it something else.

So I think we are all on the same page, but people are gonna make this ant hill a mountain and call it a major buff for mesmer (even though it isn't)

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If you guys want an actually viable version of this build, drop mimic and take signet of midnight, signet of ether and signet of illusions (+ blink and Jaunt). Dueling, Inspiration, Mirage. 12 sec chain-able distortion with additional 6 mirage mirrors from Blurred Inscriptions and Desert Distortion. No need to get hit, all on demand. Plus you get a ton of clears and sustain.

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