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Is WvW currently a deadzone?


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After a 1 year hiatus of playing WvW i decided to play it again.


Even with linked servers (Vabbi + FSP) and prime time, there's no queue and no commander in sight. There's around 10 players in each map.


I'm trying to finish my Bolt but i still need a Gift of Battle which seems to be impossible to get right now.


Anyone else experiencing it in their servers?

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> @"Metal.3194" said:

> > @"Kilo.2539" said:

> > It's dead. ANET has completely neglected it, and people have left in large numbers. For example, my entire guild is playing WoW right now.


> I wonder if they'll add another option to acquire Gift of Battle then...


You can still do dailies and get participation from killing guards and sentries.

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WvW is slowly dying as the OP mentions. Vabbi is an example, where probably everyone from the active part left for other servers to regroup with other still active guilds, or for other games. Now it's a complete dead zone being carried by a handful of FSP roamers and constantly in the lowest tiers.

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> @"Metal.3194" said:

> > @"Kilo.2539" said:

> > It's dead. ANET has completely neglected it, and people have left in large numbers. For example, my entire guild is playing WoW right now.


> I wonder if they'll add another option to acquire Gift of Battle then...


As was stated in the other thread you created in this topic, there is always something to do to get your GoB. Camps, sentries, towers (if it is as dead as you claim), dolyaks, shrines, etc.


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Did you really need 2 threads?


Also, we (FSP + vabbi) where fighting no less than 4 enemy guilds + a whole slew of randoms, with orange swords on our HBL this evening.


There is plenty of fights to be had if people can just **talk** in map chat instead of crying in a corner about how WvW is dead because they got killed when they never told anyone what was inc to where.

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If by dead you mean there are less guilds, less commanders, less activity in general (especially outside prime) than at any other time in the game's life then yes WvW is dead, at least on EU. (even more so when you take into account matchups now typically consist of 6 servers rather than 3).

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> @"Metal.3194" said:

> > @"Kilo.2539" said:

> > It's dead. ANET has completely neglected it, and people have left in large numbers. For example, my entire guild is playing WoW right now.


> I wonder if they'll add another option to acquire Gift of Battle then...


I’m sure we will see it in the GEM store before long. Hang in there.

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I think there should be an event in WvW where in the three servers will fight in a specific time, and then whoever wins the war will gain exclusive benefits, for instance:


1. A node containing high end materials located in the center of EB exclusively granted to those who win the war

2. Exclusive bonuses (such as sPvP/WvW pip bonus and PvE experience/Magic Find bonus) to the winners


This event happens only once per day, and the duration is good until the next war for the nodes. I think people will go to WvW in a daily basis.

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it's not like before, but wvw is not dead...yet. almost. lol. It's just that everybody is stacking on bandwagon servers. Just like fsp-vabbi link or no link was a bandwagon back then. players abused the transfer system, you get this. but yes, you should try leaning how to play with lower numbers or else you will just be like everybody else....carry my glorious 1111 oh divine blob.


if you want some activity without the eu tier 1 99999 queue with guilds trying to log and stack cuz huuur duuuuuuuuurrrr we want fights so we're going to the same server with other fighting guilds so we git gud, i can suggest trying na higher tiers. I just came back from a 2 month eu break there. There's more activity there than lower eu tiers across the clock with less queue or no queue at all. gankers aren't bad too. they do have a bit of a difference in zerg gameplay than what we're used to and it might test your patience a bit, besides that though, it's all good. if what you want 80 full zone 1111 blobs, go eu t1. gl with queue.

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