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What kind of new mounts would you like to see added to the game?


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I would only like a new mount if it has a distinct role, clearly differentiated from the ones we have.


So to that end, here is one possibility, with no associated flavor/theme:


**Exploration mount**: Standard running speed (around jackal's).


* **Ability**: Root yourself in place and start a 10 second astral travel. During it, you can move extremely fast and fly around in any direction, but after the 10 seconds or when you press the ability again, you are yanked back. During astral travel you can't interact or attack, just observe. This would be a good mount to survey surrounding areas, search for nodes, etc.

* **Mastery**: Gain another ability to create a "shadowstep origin", lasting for up to 2 minutes. If you press it again, you can come back to it. If killed by enemies or fall damage, you get two seconds of grace period to press it. Useful for dangerous exploration / jumping off cliffs to see what's on the bottom, etc.

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seeing quaggans as a mount would be nearly enough for me to quit gw2 forever. Everytime a quaggan comes into play, I cringe a little inside, and consider any story that contains quaggans 'non canon'.


That said, I *do* want an underwater mount for faster swimming, but I'm thinking more of a squid, I'd originally want a manta-ray, but the sorry sads on the forum would probably complain that it's a ripoff of the skimmer....


as for land mounts, I'd love for the further traversion of the desolation to see the Junundu Wurms (I'm already infuriated anet removed the junundu wurms, since they were supposed to be the sulphur treaders)

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Aside from mount SKINS, - none. I think when you get really loosey goosey with mounts, you totally devalue the mounts that have been added.


Honestly, I don't want to delete 250g for a very limited flying mount then in a couple years see there's been a real flying mount added in an expansion. Mounts that have been added I think were very well balanced within the world of Tyria and should remain like that. Adding more mounts would take away from the balance .

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Raptor = Choco.. I mean Moa

Skimmer= Hoverbike

Griffon = Wyvern

Jackal = Sand Lion

Springer = Frog/Toad


However as someone has stated racial mounts would be best however one would have to give a reason for the Jackals new skin to use sandportals

Edit: Though this is just for cash shop skins and as stated in many posts before underwater mounts would be the next best route to go however they'd need to fill in the gaps in underwater. Also dedicated WvW mounts would be nice too as in dedicated I mean desert borderlands we don't need mounts in alpine because the spacing is fine and a roamer getting a camp would be hit with a zerg rushing in on mounted speed thus nothing would ever get capped.

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I know they are going to add mounts skins on gem store. They did it with gliders. My question is will it be different looks for the mount? Like a raptor with armor head to tail OR skin that changes it from a raptor to a horse or what ever.

I hope they will do completely different skins and not just a different armor on our raptor.

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I would really enjoy an underwater mount/vehicle, or dedicated surface water mount/vehicle (not floating above the water). Someone else mentioned a multi passenger mount, that would be pretty fun.

I too would like some vehicle mounts/skins, such as a skin for the Skimmer that makes it into a Charr quadcopter or something, definitely some Charr themed vehicle skins.

If they could find some way to get the Charr car/tank in there I'd be the happiest cat in all of tyria ( I guess the attack skill would be the cannon, then dismount), and having asura players riding on my own back, now I think about it would actually be pretty cool.



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Fern hound

Morderm wyvern

Mordrem guard mount

Or some fungi mount


All of the above can be also done as skins, not especially new mounts.


Basically everything that would fit Sylvari because like always we need more. Everything fits other races in certain ways, but Sylvari unique plant style is like always neglected (see armor)

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