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Looking for your insights on crafting the H.O.P.E. pistol.

GW Noob.6038

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Having made hope... I dont really regret it. Its the only legendary I was truly amazed by in terms of the firing effect. I love it for that. I really felt like the Asura do when firing poison dart volley. No really, try it and just *look at that face*.


That said, the main issue comes from its use. Only two classes use it (I dont count mesmer offhand) and out of those, I really only play the engineer (p/p thief in PvE for laughs). Mained a roaming condi gyro scrapper entire HoT->PoF era in WvW and it was glorious... Until Anet made it unviable with the rise of the scourge and all the other PoF elites, of course. Before at least you had the range over the melee reaper, the other condi class it faced the most. Condi scrapper cant really compete anymore. Played mirage since PoF.


So I dont really have much hope nowadays :(

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Yeah, like Dawdler said, the Weapon is amazing, the sound of it is just Epic. Sadly only 2 profession really use it. But on them it enhances the aesthetic about 300%.

Be strong for the fourth collecting, some things are annoying & remember following: Downstate erases the given Buff from the items you use. Otherwise seek for a nice Guide, I had an german Guide from Guildnews.de - but i sometimes used GW2 Wiki, as the collecting in there is listed with maps and some hints.


last but not least, for the last collection, there will come a time (after you collected special items) where you need to run Dragons stand. The Item you need do !!NOT!! drop from the Bosses of each lane, but more from your participation in each. Do yourself a favor and only do one Lane, but try to do as much events as possible in it (Gold rating) - just afking untill you fight the lane bosses won't yield the item.

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I did HOPE a while back. I wouldn’t change much other than to say you should probably get a spreadsheet of the different collections together so you can keep track of the bosses/fractals/etc you need and what the timers are for those.


You should also keep track of any current bugs so you can try to catch any NPCs that tend to spawn after a reset (like after a major patch).


Obviously, you should also keep track of the monetary side of things to figure out what you have and what you need to farm. Gw2Efficiency is very helpful for this.


My last piece of advice is try to focus on individual chunks as you work on the crafting or bosses. You can do a fractal while waiting for a boss. You can be efficient and make good progress week to week and get to the goal sooner than you’d think.

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Don't rush.

I've never seen a comment from someone who took their time on a legendary and was disappointed in the journey. (Sometimes, people are underwhelmed by the final legendary's impact or end up not using it that much, but those are more results of inadequate research or ability to predict future needs.) In contrast, lots of the complaints I see about the journey (or the cost) come from people who tried to get to the end as quickly as possible. (And my impression is that more of them are disappointed with the results, too, but of course, there's not nearly enough evidence to prove or disprove that.)


No matter how you go about it, building even the Gen 2.2 legendaries requires commitment, time, energy, and coin. It's a shame to suffer through all of that, rather than enjoy it as part of one's gaming time (or at least, not hate it).

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I haven't crafted H.O.P.E., but it's one of the few legendaries that I think is worth crafting since it does look so nice. It also pairs very well with The Shining Blade, which is is a combo that works on Mesmer, Engi, and Thief.


The only hesitation I would have towards crafting it is that it seems like pistol tends to more often be an off-hand weapon than a mainhand. Your mileage may vary, depending on how you play though.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> you say that you have no choice, but ... well, people push masteries, they farm 24/7 and, often they end up miserable


As you well know, this game is too big and too beautiful to rush through...I'll conquer it bit-by-bit. By the way, while it's in my mind, I've got a question for you: once I've completed the various Masteries, will I be able to buy the 'Gifts' again to craft another Gen 2 legendary? I want to get the Verdarach warhorn for my Soulbeast...



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> @"GW Noob.6038" said:

> > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > you say that you have no choice, but ... well, people push masteries, they farm 24/7 and, often they end up miserable


> As you well know, this game is too big and too beautiful to rush through...I'll conquer it bit-by-bit. By the way, while it's in my mind, I've got a question for you: once I've completed the various Masteries, will I be able to buy the 'Gifts' again to craft another Gen 2 legendary? I want to get the Verdarach warhorn for my Soulbeast...




Cool. I'm glad you're able to enjoy the game in both the short and long term :)

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I've crafted HOPE. Really like it and glad that I did it. Know that for Engie, pistol skills 4 and 5 are not changed which makes using it in the off hand only a little less desirable. You still get the footfalls (if you don't have another legendary in the main hand) and the great looking skin.


By far the hardest part of the entire collection for me was getting a successful Vinetooth Prime kill for the HOPE 4 collection. This event isn't often done and when it is, if you don't have people that know what to do (bring lots of ccs) it will fail. It took me 3 attempts to finally get it.


Also for HOPE 4, you need to run Dragon Stand 3 times, a different lane each time. I tried to double up and get 2 done at the same time but didn't receive credit for some reason. Lastly, trying to get a group to do the Champion Mushroom King at the end of Dragon Stand was challenging since most people are only interested in farming treasure mushrooms and pods.


The rest of the collection items were straightforward and didn't cause me any issues.


Good Luck!

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> @"stone cold.8609" said:

> By far the hardest part of the entire collection for me was getting a successful Vinetooth Prime kill for the HOPE 4 collection. This event isn't often done and when it is, if you don't have people that know what to do (bring lots of ccs) it will fail. It took me 3 attempts to finally get it.


My biggest concern is trying to find enough people to help me with these boss mobs...especially when they don't drop anything but the collectibles.


Also: how many months did it take you to accomplish it?



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It took me about a week and a half to start and complete HOPE. Granted, I had around 1800 gold on me and kept farming materials and gold so that helped speed up the process. I would usually put on my mentor tag and just ask in map chat for help with a boss or event and I had no problem getting them completed.

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> @"phokus.8934" said:

> It took me about a week and a half to start and complete HOPE. Granted, I had around 1800 gold on me and kept farming materials and gold so that helped speed up the process. I would usually put on my mentor tag and just ask in map chat for help with a boss or event and I had no problem getting them completed.


HA! I've only been playing for about a month...It's going to take me a hella lot longer than that! Thanks for your input, though.

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