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Fractals with current chrono nerf


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... with the current chrono nerf, and post a video of how smoothly things went.

Please save me the BS of "it was done multiple times before", and "you don't need a chrono". Or even the generic "GIT GUD".

Yes I know it can be done, and that it's been done on a regular basis after the patch. It's just not fun anymore, very frustrating, takes a a much longer amount of time, and not worth at the end. I am personally done with fractals for now.

I want to see those who designed the latest patch actually play endgame for once, then tell me the nerf was all right.

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I can only agree fractals aren't fun anymore you wipe way way more often then before to be more precise the more difficult the fractal were before the more difficult it became. So in something like solid ocean you won't notice a difference but stuff like chaos , Mai Trin , things get a lot harder Twllight Oasis is already absurd and has turned into a 5 man raid nightmare and shattered observatory I haven't tested yet but I have a feeling it won't be nice.


I don't play CMs but from what I heard from my guild mates they became unplayable . It obvious they were balanced with a boonsharing chrono in mind and I have a feeling the balance team didn't talk to the fractal/raid team about what they planning otherwise I can't explain myself this.


After I tried the new balance 3 days into a row I have no more interest in this kind of content anymore

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> @"Lord of the Fire.6870" said:


> I don't play CMs but from what I heard from my guild mates they became unplayable .


That's a bit exaggerated. Also fractals with chrono just work fine. You won't have all the boons, professions that rely on them but don't bring 'em themselves suffer a bit, I want to punch my friends for not staying in my wells, social awkwardness instability now really sucks and I miss one click easy stability sharing (which is quite annoying at times). Other than that it's far from unplayable.


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> @"Lord of the Fire.6870" said:

> I can only agree fractals aren't fun anymore you wipe way way more often then before to be more precise the more difficult the fractal were before the more difficult it became. So in something like solid ocean you won't notice a difference but stuff like chaos , Mai Trin , things get a lot harder Twllight Oasis is already absurd and has turned into a 5 man raid nightmare and shattered observatory I haven't tested yet but I have a feeling it won't be nice.


Say what? I'm pugging those t4s for long now, with or without crono. I even had runs as 'necro only', 'rev only' runs


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I'm in a break right now, been playing the game since launch and the shift in community can be seen...everything must be done in under a second, rush rush rush,complain that your profession is not the bread and butter of the game, where all these people came from, this community used to be so much better...

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> @"gateless gate.8406" said:

> Been pugging T4 fractals for a long time now, which means I got a support Chrono about ~10% of the time, and the only problems I've had are people **not knowing boss mechanics.**


I've been pugging T4s as well and agree completely with this. The few times that I've had a really good support Chrono post patch, they told me that they were struggling and weren't as effective as before the patch. But from my perspective, the runs went way smoother with them even with the nerf than without them because they knew how to play the class and mechanics.


I've been playing this game for 6 years. This is nothing new. Anet nerfs. Anet buffs. A new meta will form. Fractals will go on.

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> @"Nury.3062" said:

> I'm in a break right now, been playing the game since launch and the shift in community can be seen...everything must be done in under a second, rush rush rush,complain that your profession is not the bread and butter of the game, where all these people came from, this community used to be so much better...


Not under a second but players who run t4 for months or longer get used to finish the dailies in 40-50 minutes now a single fractal can get this long when it is one of the harder ones but this isn't the only aspect of it having so many wipes is also frustrating . I'm also not a fan of skipping mechanics like Subject 6 or the golem in not categorized I made suggestion to fix this no one was really happy about it ^^


When you have something like Twilight Oasis and doing CM's you can easily get 3h+ just by doings cms + dailies not including the recommended

fractals were very causal before this now it isn't also when is about gold other content became much more profitable with this in terms g/hour


About other new meta yes I know but besides there aren't many support revenant or heal FBs or better said they all playing WvW not PvE so it will take sometime for the community to adapt but there is also the problem especially FB Arena NET has his eyes on him. because he has too many boons and abilities, so it can happen one balancing patch later the meta breaks again. -.-

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> @"Laila Lightness.8742" said:

> > @"Zin Dau.1749" said:

> > > @"Laila Lightness.8742" said:

> > > Maybe my commander herald will get chance ☺

> >

> > at least for a month before they nerf it into the ground next patch. Guardian and rev are high on the watchlist.


> Looking for chronos tank job with my jalis glint herald with full commander gear


No! Go renegade for alac or kick.


Edit: And make sure you give perma slow for Lost Time.

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A little bit of exaggeration here, I have to say.

If you are familiar with mechanics CMs + T4s are no threat to the group. You also won't be that much slower with the actual chrono although it might feel frustrating to play this class after the patch. I mean T4s still are a walk in the park if you have a steady boon uptime of 25 might & fury and additionally alacrity and quickness to a decent amount. It's all about the group skill and not a single player - the chrono - dependent style. I've cleared enough of T4s with casual groups over the last weeks/months and it doesn't really matter if you have power holos, dhs, power reapers, condi scourges or whatever. It's still more of "bring the player - not the class". I admit that you'll breeze through content with full alacrity & quickness but don't tell me that you need more than 5-10 more minutes to clear the same content now.

And if you wipe it's not very likely that it's the reason of the chrono nerf. People should be able to handle the fractal mechanics as I said above. Everything else is just ~~unskilled~~ sad.

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> @"gateless gate.8406" said:

> > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > Maybe they didn’t intend Fractals and CMs for dailies to be completed in 40-50 minutes.


> This is a likely possibility. It's been amusing/disturbing these past few days to read people say things like, "Ok, they nerfed Chrono support, but they forgot to give us a replacement first!!!1!"


If you think they did not intent fractals and cms to be cleared daily, then let me introduce you to the stabilized matrizes and the 100cm killproof with which you can buy infusions. If you think it's acceptable for daily content to take more than 1,5h (usual cm+t4 run with a good enough group), I just disagree with you on that.


Just because you have a hard time doesn't mean the content isn't designed for players at every skill level to be hard. :)

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> @"Trinnitty.8256" said:

> good Chronos carried groups for far too long. Its a rude awaking for some people.


So much this. Back when 99cm came out up until about a month after 100cm was released my group ran the "meta" comp. Druid, Chrono, BS, and 2dps. After 2 of our party left we never picked up chrono in the group again and never really stuck strict to Druid as our healer. Myself and my two other group members have been running primarily full dps groups for t4s (with the odd ball healer when they join) and absolutely refusing to take any chrono who doesn't run berserkers or commanders with emphasis on damage over boonsharing (No Minstrel Chronos, in otherwords). When running CM's we go with 4 dps and 1 healer. Our times of completion are the same as they were with and without chrono. It's not a matter of having a Chrono in the party; it's having people who actually know how to work their classes and the content they're in.


*If you're really having issues with the lack of quickness and alacrity run Firebrand healer and support Renegade. Firebrand can produce perma quickness while maintaining superb heals while support Renegade can hold decent damage and near perma alac (as well as other party buffs via Warband).* Even with this, though, you're going to actually need to learn what you're doing instead of relying on your chrono to do 50% of the work.


>@"Xentera.4560 " said:

> ...I am personally done with fractals for now.


Honestly, if losing chrono is such a huge turning point in you being able to run fractals; then I'm glad you're done. I hope there are a lot more people who relied heavily on chronos to either leave as well or stay and try to learn how it's done without. Have had enough people complain when I tell them we're not going to be running chrono because "they can't be optimal without one". Learn your class. Become optimal with your class. Become even better with team support. Don't rely on others to make you good. (And before people start claiming elitism: No, this is not. This is someone who's played since day 1 when we didn't have healers or party support. When everyone was expected to know how to play their class and the content because no one person could carry the entire party)


Last thing: I think people are afraid of meta changes because it's easier to blame someone falling short on support than blaming themselves for not being better. Sure it feels nice clearing content in 15m that was designed to take 30m. Sure it feels nice to have a perfect skill rotation. But you know what feels better? When your Healer and support die, your other members die, you're the last one standing with 10% left on a boss that you are only chunking 1% away at every 20s while any of its hits can end you, AoE's all over the place, adds nipping at your ankles..... And you manage to finish it off. 10% all by yourself with no support. Now imagine a group of 5 people who could do this. How much faster do you think it is to have 2 people devoted completely to support, supplying next to nothing in terms of personal dps, compared to having 5 people who are able to provide 100% self sustained dps while keeping themselves alive. The fastest runs I've had (faster than the Chrono Meta) were when we had 4 dps who knew how to keep themselves alive while keeping their dps up with one support Chrono (Healing/boonshare) or one Heal FB. I will not deny boon support helps a lot, but depending on one or two classes to carry your team is worse than getting better at your class and the content.


TL:DR: Chronos and healers are a safety net that've pulled people away from the skill based combat that GW2 was back before HoT. Content can be cleared just as fast without them if people were just willing to get better at their classes and the content in question. (This does not apply to raids which were designed with the holy trinity in mind).

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