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> Btw have you guys ever hit anyone with warhorn daze? I never seem to hit anyone.


The only time I use it is to interupt an enemy attempting a rezz. Even then its a 50/50 gamble as most of the time the rezzer is somehow "immune".


I agree that warhorn daze is the worst in pvp

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> @"James.1065" said:


> >

> > Btw have you guys ever hit anyone with warhorn daze? I never seem to hit anyone.


> The only time I use it is to interupt an enemy attempting a rezz. Even then its a 50/50 gamble as most of the time the rezzer is somehow "immune".


> I agree that warhorn daze is the worst in pvp


Are you kidding me? Unblockable daze is so useful. I use it all the time to interrupt wars, guardians, revanents, etc. when they think they can just block.

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> Are you kidding me? Unblockable daze is so useful. I use it all the time to interrupt wars, guardians, revanents, etc. when they think they can just block.


Great, what use is 1 x 1 second daze interupt when their block lasts 4 to 6 seconds.


Don't pretend that it's a game changer, it really isn't.

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> @"James.1065" said:


> >

> > Are you kidding me? Unblockable daze is so useful. I use it all the time to interrupt wars, guardians, revanents, etc. when they think they can just block.


> Great, what use is 1 x 1 second daze interupt when their block lasts 4 to 6 seconds.


> Don't pretend that it's a game changer, it really isn't.


The point is to interrupt the block to keep the pressure going. A warrior will use shield stance to stall for time while their other skills are on cd. When you interrupt their block you open a window for counter burst. Daze will also interrupt telegraphed skills, so if a war leaps with sword, you can interrupt them mid air and stop their mobility.


I'm not saying wail of doom is the best skill in the game or anything, but if you learn to use it properly you will find it to be far more useful than you make it out to be.

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> @"James.1065" said:


> >

> > I'm not saying wail of doom is the best skill in the game or anything, but if you learn to use it properly you will find it to be far more useful than you make it out to be.


> Alright, Thanks for the tip I will give it a try!


No problem, I enjoy sharing my experience. I understand playing necro is frustrating when going up against classes like holo, spellbreaker, mirage, or boon beast, but that just makes it more rewarding when you beat them.


[This](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vRAQNBhOD7kZTo2Gs4GwaTgeTs4NYURgSwgaqBEAiVxJwHYGE-jpxWABCfBAc8gAU8DA44jAAA7PgbZAA "This") is the build that I run in sPvP. Let me know if you have any questions on how to use it.

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> @"Dace.8173" said:

> > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > I agree 100% but they have to understand a large portion of their playbase want to use their favourite class in other modes other than story mode and messing around the maps, which I agree necro is very strong at. They created pvp modes and should have especially at their level the ability to balance the class to either have defensive capabilities that counter its lack of mobility compared to other classes and or give it more mobility. Necro and thief should be the two classes that got blocks and invulnerability skills vs other classes lol. I get that the wanted necro to be slow and hard hitting monster like the classics but it has to be actually hard hitting in relation to other more mobile classes or it’s just slow. Plus doesn’t work being slow in today’s version of the game. The only reason the classic monster troupe even worked was cuz they had supernatural mobility even tho they moved slow,no one out ran Jason haha yet they left that out of the equation and necros just slow like a walking dead zombie, not so scary lol


> Ummmm Necromancer can do very well in PvP and WvW.


> > @"XECOR.2814" said:

> > Possible solution: Rework whole class from ground up so that lf is not affected by surroundings and balance lf gain skills to give necro tools to manage lf like other classes and remove shroud cooldown.

> >


> Sadly that is not possible. There actually are people who like Necromancer as is and it would be a bad business move on ANets part to redo a profession a portion of their players already like, more so when you consider that a complete rework doesn't mean that it would actually be better.



> > There is no way to fix necromancer other than complete rework but Anet has shown they are not keen on complete necromancer rework as just love their little shroud mechanic and immobile mage high hp(lul) fantasy too much. But the reality is that:


> This isn't really about them loving Shroud. If that were the case we wouldn't have seen Scourge. Simple truth is that they can't rework the profession due to the fact that they'll anger their customers. Sure they have angry customers now, but they also have happy ones. A rework runs a high risk of making everyone angry. High risk, low reward.


> >

> > 4) nothing is more predictable than necro, if a necro has low hp, you can be sure that he will die if you attack him. If he is in shroud, you know you have to cc and wait for shroud exit. On shroud exit you know necro wont be having any shroud things available for 10secs so its free dps time.Fighting a necro is like doing tutorials for pvp with every indicator on what to do.


> Holosmiths are equally predictable, more so in most cases.


> > Btw have you guys ever hit anyone with warhorn daze? I never seem to hit anyone.


> Yes, though I haven't used warhorn in a long time. That's mostly due to the build I current run focusing more on chill effects and focus is a better weapon for that.




I disagree entirely with the anti rework viewpoint. As some professions have already seen extensive reworks to core mechanics. The point of a rework is to make the class more competitive in the direction the game is moving and sadly necro has been behind the curve since its inception, only ever breaking ahead because of complete overperformance or bugs that get quickly patched. This class probably more than any other needs to ve caught up. And needs a new team lead who actually does more than casually visits this profession.



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> @"Solori.6025" said:

> > @"Dace.8173" said:

> > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > I agree 100% but they have to understand a large portion of their playbase want to use their favourite class in other modes other than story mode and messing around the maps, which I agree necro is very strong at. They created pvp modes and should have especially at their level the ability to balance the class to either have defensive capabilities that counter its lack of mobility compared to other classes and or give it more mobility. Necro and thief should be the two classes that got blocks and invulnerability skills vs other classes lol. I get that the wanted necro to be slow and hard hitting monster like the classics but it has to be actually hard hitting in relation to other more mobile classes or it’s just slow. Plus doesn’t work being slow in today’s version of the game. The only reason the classic monster troupe even worked was cuz they had supernatural mobility even tho they moved slow,no one out ran Jason haha yet they left that out of the equation and necros just slow like a walking dead zombie, not so scary lol

> >

> > Ummmm Necromancer can do very well in PvP and WvW.

> >

> > > @"XECOR.2814" said:

> > > Possible solution: Rework whole class from ground up so that lf is not affected by surroundings and balance lf gain skills to give necro tools to manage lf like other classes and remove shroud cooldown.

> > >

> >

> > Sadly that is not possible. There actually are people who like Necromancer as is and it would be a bad business move on ANets part to redo a profession a portion of their players already like, more so when you consider that a complete rework doesn't mean that it would actually be better.

> >

> >

> > > There is no way to fix necromancer other than complete rework but Anet has shown they are not keen on complete necromancer rework as just love their little shroud mechanic and immobile mage high hp(lul) fantasy too much. But the reality is that:

> >

> > This isn't really about them loving Shroud. If that were the case we wouldn't have seen Scourge. Simple truth is that they can't rework the profession due to the fact that they'll anger their customers. Sure they have angry customers now, but they also have happy ones. A rework runs a high risk of making everyone angry. High risk, low reward.

> >

> > >

> > > 4) nothing is more predictable than necro, if a necro has low hp, you can be sure that he will die if you attack him. If he is in shroud, you know you have to cc and wait for shroud exit. On shroud exit you know necro wont be having any shroud things available for 10secs so its free dps time.Fighting a necro is like doing tutorials for pvp with every indicator on what to do.

> >

> > Holosmiths are equally predictable, more so in most cases.

> >

> > > Btw have you guys ever hit anyone with warhorn daze? I never seem to hit anyone.

> >

> > Yes, though I haven't used warhorn in a long time. That's mostly due to the build I current run focusing more on chill effects and focus is a better weapon for that.

> >

> >


> I disagree entirely with the anti rework viewpoint. As some professions have already seen extensive reworks to core mechanics. The point of a rework is to make the class more competitive in the direction the game is moving and sadly necro has been behind the curve since its inception, only ever breaking ahead because of complete overperformance or bugs that get quickly patched. This class probably more than any other needs to ve caught up. And needs a new team lead who actually does more than casually visits this profession.




The problem with "more competitive" is that it's a relative term. There are people who are competitive with Necromancer now. As a matter of fact, the issue with Necromancer competitiveness isn't so much that it isn't competitive but that not everyone likes the ways in which it is competitive. Scourge has proven to be very competitive. Reaper has too, but the problem with Reaper is that people want a duelist and Reaper is a +1. When you play Reaper as a +1 it does very well. A lot of this has to do with people not being 100% on board with the competitive modes in this game. This game has a focus on team play so instead of everyone being built as a 1v1 killing machine some folks get built as +1s, others roamers, and others still support with the idea that if you have all of these different aspects you will have what it takes to win. A lot of folks just want to get out there and kill other players (I've seen far too many matches that were lost because everyone was dieing at mid while the other team had their roamers and +1 actually gaining points), so the fact that Necromancer isn't built around that concept makes it feel less competitive when the reality is very different. For people who are on board with how Necromancer is competitive, they tend to be happy with how things currently work and thrive as Scourge condi spam support and Reaper +1 fighters. A Scourge with proper support can do a lot of damage and go a long way to node denial. I've played lots of games where the Scourge was the biggest problem on the map. Not the top duelers, but the Scourge. I've also watched well-played Reapers tear it up in a team fight as they mow down distracted players. All of this means that competitive is relative, as it can be shown that Necromancer happens to be competitive. The problem now is whether or not you agree with how it's competitive.


Reworks are always high risk, low reward situations. Elites are the method they've opted to use to make changes along the lines of what you talk about as it allows them to preserve what people like now in addition to expanding upon core mechanics that need work or are not performing as well as they could. It also allows them to move the professions in the proper direction easily. One of the core problems that Necromancer faces is Shroud itself. However, it's a huge risk to take that away from players. The replacement mechanics would have to be above amazing to make folks who love Shroud right now happy. That's the thing about a rework, it has to be 100% above and beyond better to make people happy. Folks who are having to give up what they love now are going to have higher expectations than the folks who are not happy right now. For you guys just being competitive in the way you want to be is enough. For people who are happy the issue becomes can they play the way they were before the change? If the answer is no it then becomes, is the new way better? If that answer is no then you have converted happy customers into angry customers.


This seems simple to you because you don't enjoy the current situation. Something a lot of folks on the forums forget is that the forums give a skewed perception of things. Happy folks are less likely to engage in these types of discussions because they are happy with things. Thus they heavily skew towards unhappy folks. This creates an overestimation of the problem. My position isn't anti-rework so much as it's not making the assumption that the opinion that Necromancer needs fixing is a universal truth as opposed to just the opinion of some people. When you factor in happy people a rework is not a straightforward proposition but instead high risk and low reward.


Also, I'm pretty sure Mesmer was the only profession to be reworked. There's a very strong argument to be made that the Mesmer rework, while awesome for Mesmer players, was not a healthy move for the game. There are many folks who feel Mesmer is too strong and because of that I would wager that is the only reason the rework succeed to the extent that it has.

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a> @"Dace.8173" said:

> > @"Solori.6025" said:

> > > @"Dace.8173" said:

> > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > > I agree 100% but they have to understand a large portion of their playbase want to use their favourite class in other modes other than story mode and messing around the maps, which I agree necro is very strong at. They created pvp modes and should have especially at their level the ability to balance the class to either have defensive capabilities that counter its lack of mobility compared to other classes and or give it more mobility. Necro and thief should be the two classes that got blocks and invulnerability skills vs other classes lol. I get that the wanted necro to be slow and hard hitting monster like the classics but it has to be actually hard hitting in relation to other more mobile classes or it’s just slow. Plus doesn’t work being slow in today’s version of the game. The only reason the classic monster troupe even worked was cuz they had supernatural mobility even tho they moved slow,no one out ran Jason haha yet they left that out of the equation and necros just slow like a walking dead zombie, not so scary lol

> > >

> > > Ummmm Necromancer can do very well in PvP and WvW.

> > >

> > > > @"XECOR.2814" said:

> > > > Possible solution: Rework whole class from ground up so that lf is not affected by surroundings and balance lf gain skills to give necro tools to manage lf like other classes and remove shroud cooldown.

> > > >

> > >

> > > Sadly that is not possible. There actually are people who like Necromancer as is and it would be a bad business move on ANets part to redo a profession a portion of their players already like, more so when you consider that a complete rework doesn't mean that it would actually be better.

> > >

> > >

> > > > There is no way to fix necromancer other than complete rework but Anet has shown they are not keen on complete necromancer rework as just love their little shroud mechanic and immobile mage high hp(lul) fantasy too much. But the reality is that:

> > >

> > > This isn't really about them loving Shroud. If that were the case we wouldn't have seen Scourge. Simple truth is that they can't rework the profession due to the fact that they'll anger their customers. Sure they have angry customers now, but they also have happy ones. A rework runs a high risk of making everyone angry. High risk, low reward.

> > >

> > > >

> > > > 4) nothing is more predictable than necro, if a necro has low hp, you can be sure that he will die if you attack him. If he is in shroud, you know you have to cc and wait for shroud exit. On shroud exit you know necro wont be having any shroud things available for 10secs so its free dps time.Fighting a necro is like doing tutorials for pvp with every indicator on what to do.

> > >

> > > Holosmiths are equally predictable, more so in most cases.

> > >

> > > > Btw have you guys ever hit anyone with warhorn daze? I never seem to hit anyone.

> > >

> > > Yes, though I haven't used warhorn in a long time. That's mostly due to the build I current run focusing more on chill effects and focus is a better weapon for that.

> > >

> > >

> >

> > I disagree entirely with the anti rework viewpoint. As some professions have already seen extensive reworks to core mechanics. The point of a rework is to make the class more competitive in the direction the game is moving and sadly necro has been behind the curve since its inception, only ever breaking ahead because of complete overperformance or bugs that get quickly patched. This class probably more than any other needs to ve caught up. And needs a new team lead who actually does more than casually visits this profession.

> >

> >


> The problem with "more competitive" is that it's a relative term. There are people who are competitive with Necromancer now. As a matter of fact, the issue with Necromancer competitiveness isn't so much that it isn't competitive but that not everyone likes the ways in which it is competitive. Scourge has proven to be very competitive. Reaper has too, but the problem with Reaper is that people want a duelist and Reaper is a +1. When you play Reaper as a +1 it does very well. A lot of this has to do with people not being 100% on board with the competitive modes in this game. This game has a focus on team play so instead of everyone being built as a 1v1 killing machine some folks get built as +1s, others roamers, and others still support with the idea that if you have all of these different aspects you will have what it takes to win. A lot of folks just want to get out there and kill other players (I've seen far too many matches that were lost because everyone was dieing at mid while the other team had their roamers and +1 actually gaining points), so the fact that Necromancer isn't built around that concept makes it feel less competitive when the reality is very different. For people who are on board with how Necromancer is competitive, they tend to be happy with how things currently work and thrive as Scourge condi spam support and Reaper +1 fighters. A Scourge with proper support can do a lot of damage and go a long way to node denial. I've played lots of games where the Scourge was the biggest problem on the map. Not the top duelers, but the Scourge. I've also watched well-played Reapers tear it up in a team fight as they mow down distracted players. All of this means that competitive is relative, as it can be shown that Necromancer happens to be competitive. The problem now is whether or not you agree with how it's competitive.


> Reworks are always high risk, low reward situations. Elites are the method they've opted to use to make changes along the lines of what you talk about as it allows them to preserve what people like now in addition to expanding upon core mechanics that need work or are not performing as well as they could. It also allows them to move the professions in the proper direction easily. One of the core problems that Necromancer faces is Shroud itself. However, it's a huge risk to take that away from players. The replacement mechanics would have to be above amazing to make folks who love Shroud right now happy. That's the thing about a rework, it has to be 100% above and beyond better to make people happy. Folks who are having to give up what they love now are going to have higher expectations than the folks who are not happy right now. For you guys just being competitive in the way you want to be is enough. For people who are happy the issue becomes can they play the way they were before the change? If the answer is no it then becomes, is the new way better? If that answer is no then you have converted happy customers into angry customers.


> This seems simple to you because you don't enjoy the current situation. Something a lot of folks on the forums forget is that the forums give a skewed perception of things. Happy folks are less likely to engage in these types of discussions because they are happy with things. Thus they heavily skew towards unhappy folks. This creates an overestimation of the problem. My position isn't anti-rework so much as it's not making the assumption that the opinion that Necromancer needs fixing is a universal truth as opposed to just the opinion of some people. When you factor in happy people a rework is not a straightforward proposition but instead high risk and low reward.


> Also, I'm pretty sure Mesmer was the only profession to be reworked. There's a very strong argument to be made that the Mesmer rework, while awesome for Mesmer players, was not a healthy move for the game. There are many folks who feel Mesmer is too strong and because of that I would wager that is the only reason the rework succeed to the extent that it has.


I would argue its because they were built with too many strong tools that made mesmers too desired. Chronomancer in my opinion was too mandatory, and left little room for any other support class. I think that the game is going towards a healthier solution: Having support classes shine in places where you have condi or power situations, which adds more variety. In pvp, I think mesmers had too many tools to get away and survive, which made them too mobile. They got nerfed months ago to help fix this problem and have been taking hits.


I find that druid also was too mandatory unfortunately.


Scourge already shines, so I don't think its fair to say its not working as a spec, I mean look at the results of raidar where its taken for heals.


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> @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> im speaking of pvp,wvw etc. Pve its decent cuz well your fighting npc’s lol


not if you are playing end game content, you will be asked to leave T4 challenges/100's/nightmares, never allowed into raids unless you made the raid but then it will take longer to fill because people know necro is garbo in PVE, pretty much any endgame content is locked off from necros and you don't even feel powerful when you are roaming because of the 50 Epi nerfs and that pretty much every skill now requires boon corrupt to actually do damage but in PVE hardly if any PVE enemies have boons and even if they do they do not re-apply them to be reliable damag

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its so stupid that a class like necro is the weakest class in PVE when the game is 90% PVE, just have a harsher split between PVE necro and PVP/WVW necro and make necro powerful LIKE HOT release days, those were the golden times for necro and now after 1k nerfs necro is literally nearly unplayable in end game content which is the really only content worth doing and anything else you feel like you are hitting everything WITH A WET FEN NOODLE, when 90% of the game is PVE you got to make every class feel powerful in it no matter the balance. that is the reason I have not played GW2 for over a year I have invested to much into my necro to feel like crap when I play him and not enjoy it

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> @"Lahmia.2193" said:

> > @"DragonFury.6243" said:

> > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > im speaking of pvp,wvw etc. Pve its decent cuz well your fighting npc’s lol

> >

> > true but even in PvE you are trying to join with other player which result in this

> > ![](https://i.imgur.com/XdsQyCu.jpg "")


> 2 of the parties in that lfg also doing t4s/recs and both have a necro in. :thinking:


> I'm sorry if you been the victim of class discrimination but it seems a bit over exaggerated. Aside from before HoT, I've never had someone tell me I couldn't join a party because I was a necro.


you realize those posts with necros is probably only because the necro MADE the post, you will hardly if ever see necros in challenge motes/nightmare fractals/raids they can be OK in T4's only because of the dmg boost pots making them somewhat better and a little more on par with people not using the damage pots but hay

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> @"Axl.8924" said:

> Scourge already shines, so I don't think its fair to say its not working as a spec, I mean look at the results of raidar where its taken for heals.



Raidar's statistics need to be taken carefully. They do represent the result of a part of a part of a population. Not everybody do raids/high end fractals and not all players that do give away their builds and statistics. It's also difficult to say whether the builds which statistically see less use have accurate statistics numbers.


In this context, raidars numbers tend to be more accurate for highly sought out meta builds (druid/chrono/bannerslave) than the one in a thousand possibility that you'll encounter a group that use FB/renegade to replace the druid/chrono combo.


Raidar's numbers also don't show whether taking a specific profession make you statistically more successful in your raid than taking another.


Well, that was just to say that one need to use the "raidar banner" carefully.

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> @"Xxnecroxx.4039" said:

> > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > im speaking of pvp,wvw etc. Pve its decent cuz well your fighting npc’s lol


> not if you are playing end game content, you will be asked to leave T4 challenges/100's/nightmares, never allowed into raids unless you made the raid but then it will take longer to fill because people know necro is garbo in PVE, pretty much any endgame content is locked off from necros and you don't even feel powerful when you are roaming because of the 50 Epi nerfs and that pretty much every skill now requires boon corrupt to actually do damage but in PVE hardly if any PVE enemies have boons and even if they do they do not re-apply them to be reliable damag


I wouldn't say never. It's already been shown in previous threads that Necromancers get taken along in end game PvE content.


> @"Xxnecroxx.4039" said:

> its so stupid that a class like necro is the weakest class in PVE when the game is 90% PVE, just have a harsher split between PVE necro and PVP/WVW necro and make necro powerful LIKE HOT release days, those were the golden times for necro and now after 1k nerfs necro is literally nearly unplayable in end game content which is the really only content worth doing and anything else you feel like you are hitting everything WITH A WET FEN NOODLE, when 90% of the game is PVE you got to make every class feel powerful in it no matter the balance. that is the reason I have not played GW2 for over a year I have invested to much into my necro to feel like kitten when I play him and not enjoy it


Because skill split doesn't actually address most of the core issues. If skill split was an actual solution it would be working now. The fact that it isn't, highlights how skill splits won't net you the desired results. Also, no you do not make every class feel powerful no matter the balance. That creates more issues than it solves. At some point, player outcry over the ridiculousness created by that situation would find some folks hit with some fairly harsh nerfs.


I'd also like to see where you get that 90% of the game number from. People make claims like that and rarely back it with a credible source that indicates the number should be taken seriously.


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> @"Dace.8173" said:

> > @"Xxnecroxx.4039" said:

> > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > im speaking of pvp,wvw etc. Pve its decent cuz well your fighting npc’s lol

> >

> > not if you are playing end game content, you will be asked to leave T4 challenges/100's/nightmares, never allowed into raids unless you made the raid but then it will take longer to fill because people know necro is garbo in PVE, pretty much any endgame content is locked off from necros and you don't even feel powerful when you are roaming because of the 50 Epi nerfs and that pretty much every skill now requires boon corrupt to actually do damage but in PVE hardly if any PVE enemies have boons and even if they do they do not re-apply them to be reliable damag


> I wouldn't say never. It's already been shown in previous threads that Necromancers get taken along in end game PvE content.


> > @"Xxnecroxx.4039" said:

> > its so stupid that a class like necro is the weakest class in PVE when the game is 90% PVE, just have a harsher split between PVE necro and PVP/WVW necro and make necro powerful LIKE HOT release days, those were the golden times for necro and now after 1k nerfs necro is literally nearly unplayable in end game content which is the really only content worth doing and anything else you feel like you are hitting everything WITH A WET FEN NOODLE, when 90% of the game is PVE you got to make every class feel powerful in it no matter the balance. that is the reason I have not played GW2 for over a year I have invested to much into my necro to feel like kitten when I play him and not enjoy it


> Because skill split doesn't actually address most of the core issues. If skill split was an actual solution it would be working now. The fact that it isn't, highlights how skill splits won't net you the desired results. Also, no you do not make every class feel powerful no matter the balance. That creates more issues than it solves. At some point, player outcry over the ridiculousness created by that situation would find some folks hit with some fairly harsh nerfs.


> I'd also like to see where you get that 90% of the game number from. People make claims like that and rarely back it with a credible source that indicates the number should be taken seriously.



try joining pugs with necro most of the time you will be turned down, asked to swap, or just kicked outright, there is VERY FEW EXCEPTIONS, and skill split while it may not be the only thing needed for necro it would be very nice and help, and 90% of the game is PVE ok what 10 PVP maps, all small btw, with 4-5 WvW maps that are actually pretty decent while in PVE you got all of fractals, dungeons, 20+ maps, raids, etc, etc, etc as well as MANY MANY MANY more achievments through PVE then PVP and WvW COMBINED, when a expansion comes along whats most of it? o right PVE not PVP maps or WvW maps. and I said 90% because anyone with half a brain could easily see how much more substantial content in PVE is then there is in PvP/WvW but I guess I was wrong

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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > It should not be that way.


> Whoa, hold on ... it SHOULDN'T be what way? That really good players are successful with classes regardless of what rank unskilled PVPer's give it? Um, no. That's EXACTLY the way it should be.


Any class can be good if the player is good what’s ur point? Than why even balance anything if that was the case. Necro has same or lower damege,no real blocks or invulnerability and the least mobility in the game compared to oh I donno mesmer,nice avatar by the way lol, so just because some people can do well with necro because their really skilled at the game means it’s fine? IMHO I don’t! But I’ve been wrong many times before lol

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> @"Jeknar.6184" said:

> Just play Scourge... People always complain about necromancer, but everytime I'm in WvW or PvP there are scourges everywhere, and they are not exactly the easiest class to kill unless they are alone (but then again, necro never been a great duelist).


> In PvE tho, RIP Necro...


I get ur point for sure just don’t wanna be a aoe spam bot lol not really a playstyle I enjoy and really only way to be effective with scourge,tho I do see the appeal I’d have for others

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> @"Xxnecroxx.4039" said:

> its so stupid that a class like necro is the weakest class in PVE when the game is 90% PVE, just have a harsher split between PVE necro and PVP/WVW necro and make necro powerful LIKE HOT release days, those were the golden times for necro and now after 1k nerfs necro is literally nearly unplayable in end game content which is the really only content worth doing and anything else you feel like you are hitting everything WITH A WET FEN NOODLE, when 90% of the game is PVE you got to make every class feel powerful in it no matter the balance. that is the reason I have not played GW2 for over a year I have invested to much into my necro to feel like kitten when I play him and not enjoy it


I agree, I made this thread as a vent and a lot of great points were/have been made so far. I think it’s interesting how many players who I suspect play other professions mainly will post things to the effect that necro is fine as is etc,and will have a ranger,mesmer or guard avatar

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> @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > @"Jeknar.6184" said:

> > Just play Scourge... People always complain about necromancer, but everytime I'm in WvW or PvP there are scourges everywhere, and they are not exactly the easiest class to kill unless they are alone (but then again, necro never been a great duelist).

> >

> > In PvE tho, RIP Necro...


> I get ur point for sure just don’t wanna be a aoe spam bot lol not really a playstyle I enjoy and really only way to be effective with scourge,tho I do see the appeal I’d have for others


It may sound a bit blunt but, have you considerated then that maybe necro isn't the profession for you? Ever since launch, necromancer been about AoE spamming (Core Wells, Reaper Shouts and now Scourge Shades). They never been about single target burst other than your average Axe+Focus Spite power build.


If you really prefer somenthing more targeted you are problably better off playing other professions.

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I have and it’s ok to be blunt, I get ur point. I love the dark them,style and flavor of the skills,arenet did a great job as far as creativity and visually of the profession and that makes me want to play it and don’t get me wrong I do enjoy it and that’s why I bothered making this thread. I’m not saying necro sucks and is not worth playing it’s just frustrating to see the balance team give blocks,invulnerability,high damage and mobility out like candy and leave out classes like necro,thief and ele. Those are real advantages in a combat mmo and classes should be on a more even playing field. I kno perfect balance isn’t reachable but can be a lot closer than what it is now. I play other professions often as well I like boonbeast in wvw often and it’s fun for me in burst but it’s skills etc become boring to me very fast, not saying they are in general and I’d rather have fun than be effective. I’d be great to be both lol but my point is I have tried all classes and their elites save for holo and reaper and core interest me the most skill and visual wise compared to others, exept daredevil lol who doesn’t like martial arts staff concept? But it turned out to be a spam fest and thief shares same issues exept mobility as necro,no good sustain options and damage to compansate for how squishy it is compared to the powercreep that’s other professions have evolved into.

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