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spellbrakers damage.


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Warrior is low risk, high reward - I agree. But everything has been powercreeped so everything needs nerfed. Immunity to crits with balanced stance needs to be nerfed, instant cast elementalists bursts need to be nerfed, shake it off needs to be nerfed, condition aplication needs to be nerfed, engi condition builds do not need to be buffed because everything else needs to be nerfed, 20% dmg modifier on physical skills should be 10% only, etc. etc.




Yes well my solution to that 'problem" (I put problem in bunny quotes because pve players whining isn't actually a problem when anything works in pve) is just decrease pve mob health. Everything is fixed.


If the game was balanced around PvP only, PvE would be just fine. Skill splits are not necessary if the game was balanced around PvP and WvW. Why is permanent alacrity and quickness even a thing? lol. Why not just revert everything at this point and put quickness back to what is was - a 100% speed increase. And make it a rare boon again. And let players stomp with it.


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> @"Eddbopkins.2630" said:

> i would love to see a shave in damage in all there skills from f1 abilities to there utilities.

> why should a gap closer, a knockdown and an leap combo finisher do 6k in damage? dont you think this is alittle to much?

> https://drive.google.com/open?id=1qSpWBnp3JOLrx6ISx9aY4oyUVPxID_RL


No....considering 6k is close to the damage holo leap gets on a shorter CD

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Fighting a GS spellbreaker feels like a time bomb where the onus is on them to screw up. If they somehow miss their GS3, bull-charge into GS 2 (which just ate your 2 dodges) it is only a matter of time until they get that F1 abilities and chunk you for all of your life's worth, and you know the next GS3 is coming soon, and pray their elite transformation is down from killing someone before you or else you will eat it, even if just a bunker.

I wouldn't call them OP since in teamfights they tend to "struggle", but I do think they could use some evening out of damage, less bursty chunks and more consistent over time hits, like faster autoattacks that do less overall damage to what it does currently.

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> @"Eddbopkins.2630" said:

> i would love to see a shave in damage in all there skills from f1 abilities to there utilities.

> why should a gap closer, a knockdown and an leap combo finisher do 6k in damage? dont you think this is alittle to much?

> https://drive.google.com/open?id=1qSpWBnp3JOLrx6ISx9aY4oyUVPxID_RL


Why a 1800(1500) ranged skill is able to do up to 30k is the real question.


But yeah it's warrior the problem, let's remove the damage and daze from FC already.

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TBH full counter should have a 3s "cast time" and totally absorb all incoming damage and then unleash all total damage absorbed (like defiant stance works) all at once totally annihilating everyone for 50k+ damage. Should also remove all stability stacks and get a 30% dmg modifier per unique attack dealing damage to you. Also target cap of 10(15?). I would like that. Should skip downed state too and also inflict 900 ranged launch if downstate is skipped so their bodies just rag doll all over the place. And have the rag doll bodies inflict 300 range knockback 5 target AOE cap like wild blow does.

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> @"Solori.6025" said:

> > @"Eddbopkins.2630" said:

> > i would love to see a shave in damage in all there skills from f1 abilities to there utilities.

> > why should a gap closer, a knockdown and an leap combo finisher do 6k in damage? dont you think this is alittle to much?

> > https://drive.google.com/open?id=1qSpWBnp3JOLrx6ISx9aY4oyUVPxID_RL


> No....considering 6k is close to the damage holo leap gets on a shorter CD


ye if u roll full zerk holo with traitlines that are useless in current meta u can do that.. (noone does that)

the dmg crits for me on holo 2 is 3k at the highest ..

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do you expect it to just tickle you when warrior is on 25 might with stacked attacker insight and peak performance buff? nerf already irrelevant spec so it can be useless as berserker and then we reroll to core again oh wait you actually want to nerf core mechanics ill just reroll class then lulz

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> @"toxic.3648" said:

> > @"Solori.6025" said:

> > > @"Eddbopkins.2630" said:

> > > i would love to see a shave in damage in all there skills from f1 abilities to there utilities.

> > > why should a gap closer, a knockdown and an leap combo finisher do 6k in damage? dont you think this is alittle to much?

> > > https://drive.google.com/open?id=1qSpWBnp3JOLrx6ISx9aY4oyUVPxID_RL

> >

> > No....considering 6k is close to the damage holo leap gets on a shorter CD


> ye if u roll full zerk holo with traitlines that are useless in current meta u can do that.. (noone does that)

> the dmg crits for me on holo 2 is 3k at the highest ..


Pretty sure that's exactly what them spell breaker builds are, full zerker with no defence line. It's all Yolo dmg. Meanwhile I can hit a holo who is afk for 7 seconds or so and he has 18 might stacks because of passive HGH.

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stupid post, you playing fresh air ele, all your burst is at range. Moreover, you are not supposed to be an 1v1 class, and the whether nerf the war further should not depend on the photo, which is not general at all.


Again, this post suggest how low people can get when posting on PvP forums.



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> @"DanAlcedo.3281" said:


> Anet: Nerfs Spellbreaker. Full Counter does no dmg anymore.


> Anet: kitten?


Why should a class be able to both be tanky and do high amounts of damage? Either give up your tankiness or else understand that your damage will have to be nerfed,

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> @"ybintell.1984" said:

> > @"DanAlcedo.3281" said:


> > Anet: Nerfs Spellbreaker. Full Counter does no dmg anymore.


> > Anet: kitten?


> Why should a class be able to both be tanky and do high amounts of damage? Either give up your tankiness or else understand that your damage will have to be nerfed,


Completely agree with you

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> @"StabbersTheThird.6053" said:

> Nerf Spellbreakers, but ignore:


> Boonbeast

> One shot Beast

> Core Guardian

> Weaver

> Any Mesmer or more specifically Mirage build which has tons of safeties


> Rock, Paper, Scissors. I murder spellbeast with my one shot Reaper build.


What exactly is broken about weavers????

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> @"ybintell.1984" said:

> > @"DanAlcedo.3281" said:


> > Anet: Nerfs Spellbreaker. Full Counter does no dmg anymore.


> > Anet: kitten?


> Why should a class be able to both be tanky and do high amounts of damage? Either give up your tankiness or else understand that your damage will have to be nerfed,


You might not know that there are two variants, one is with the strength and sword (the trama build) and the other is normal dagger /shield. Dagger shield is tanker, but has less dmg. And the strength build, its not even a bunker mate. So, your comment is retarded mate.

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> @"ybintell.1984" said:

> > @"DanAlcedo.3281" said:


> > Anet: Nerfs Spellbreaker. Full Counter does no dmg anymore.


> > Anet: kitten?


> Why should a class be able to both be tanky and do high amounts of damage? Either give up your tankiness or else understand that your damage will have to be nerfed,


Why should a glass cannon not get hit hard by highly telegraphed attacks, especially when the attacking class need to run strengh.

Which means the warrior has to drop defense or discipline.



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> @"Eddbopkins.2630" said:

> i would love to see a shave in damage in all there skills from f1 abilities to there utilities.

> why should a gap closer, a knockdown and an leap combo finisher do 6k in damage? dont you think this is alittle to much?

> https://drive.google.com/open?id=1qSpWBnp3JOLrx6ISx9aY4oyUVPxID_RL



You speak the truth; I stand by you. Spellbreaker damage is too much, it is toxic and it need Anet urgent attention.

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> @"DanAlcedo.3281" said:

> > @"ybintell.1984" said:

> > > @"DanAlcedo.3281" said:


> > > Anet: Nerfs Spellbreaker. Full Counter does no dmg anymore.


> > > Anet: kitten?

> >

> > Why should a class be able to both be tanky and do high amounts of damage? Either give up your tankiness or else understand that your damage will have to be nerfed,


> Why should a glass cannon not get hit hard by highly telegraphed attacks, especially when the attacking class need to run strengh.

> Which means the warrior has to drop defense or discipline.




That's the thing: I play weaver, and there is no meta Weaver build that is glass cannon. Yet spellbreaker Warriors regularly damage me SEVERELY beyond my healing capacity, and they run at me with 25 stacks of might right off the bat after entering combat. Given that weaver is a standard bunker benchmark, there can be no justification for this.

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> @"Eddbopkins.2630" said:

> i would love to see a shave in damage in all there skills from f1 abilities to there utilities.

> why should a gap closer, a knockdown and an leap combo finisher do 6k in damage? dont you think this is alittle to much?

> https://drive.google.com/open?id=1qSpWBnp3JOLrx6ISx9aY4oyUVPxID_RL


Hahaha,After counter nerf IT CONTINUES !

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