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Thank you for killing off both elite specializations for warrior.


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I think it's kinda rad they did this, clearly they were thinking of all the f2p players out there who wanted to play the most effective, well balanced nice spec warrior has had in years without having to buy any expansions.


Seriously though, these changes feel poorly thought through. Spellbreaker damage cannot be intended to be THIS low (seriously if you ever consider nerfing something 75% you need to STOP and check yourself), 1k hits on our absolute CORE CLASS DEFINING skill is ridiculous. Pretending an extra 1 sec of daze matters when the whole point is the interrupt NOT the daze is hilarious. Acting like Magebane tether was a big enough issue to reduce it by 75% as well is just silly.


I dunno, trying to find humor in this but at the end of the day, I wish they would for the love of god stop fixing things that are not broken.


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> @"Atticus.7194" said:

> I think it's kinda rad they did this, clearly they were thinking of all the f2p players out there who wanted to play the most effective, well balanced nice spec warrior has had in years without having to buy any expansions.


> Seriously though, these changes feel poorly thought through. Spellbreaker damage cannot be intended to be THIS low (seriously if you ever consider nerfing something 75% you need to STOP and check yourself), 1k hits on our absolute CORE CLASS DEFINING skill is ridiculous. Pretending an extra 1 sec of daze matters when the whole point is the interrupt NOT the daze is hilarious. Acting like Magebane tether was a big enough issue to reduce it by 75% as well is just silly.


> I dunno, trying to find humor in this but at the end of the day, I wish they would for the love of god stop fixing things that are not broken.



They'll just nerf it into obscurity like Berserker and refuse to even acknowledge their mistakes. But hey NEW GEM STORE ITEMS!



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doesn't make any difference, looks like the balance team get led by their noses on reddit.

If SB's were 75% op, pre nerf everyone would be playing them......

and I would kill everything I met

and I would be called santa , and my elves would clean between my toes with their little tongues.

salty goodness.

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And we need to be more vocal we're one of the least vocal classes in the game, just look at the forums and it's easy to see. But yes nerfing a class defining skill like FC into the ground is a horrible idea. So much so that I've done as several others have done and gone back to core warrior for my competitive modes and been allot more successful.

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It seems they force spellbreaker to be the high sustain class with low burst...

Even in PvE, the burst is relatively weak compared to other specs.

Their silence is even more sad. How wonderful it would be, if they just said that they are aware of power berserker being weak, dps spellbreaker in pve being limited and reasoning behind pvp spellbreaker nerfs.

Also, I don't understand why they didn't continue with signet buffs/changes, because it is strange that e.g. signet of fury's buff is a bit too short (when we include the skill's aftercast) and at some point, you get both passive and active bonuses at the same time (for fraction of second, during the aftercast though so it isn't practically usable). That is pretty much unfinished/not polished design...


The last balance patch (which took them 3 months btw) was pretty weak for warrior. Nothing has been solved at all, just small buff to core axe/axe warrior and probably condi warrior. I would expect such changes monthly, not per 3 months...

I don't want to be ungrateful, I am glad that warrior got weapon trait changes, but overal it is just too slow, it takes too long for such relatively small changes. :(


I really want warrior meta to shift finally, in the right direction. Because right now, all those changes are just small tweaks (except FC nerf) with 3 month gaps...


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> @"cryorion.9532" said:

> It seems they force spellbreaker to be the high sustain class with low burst...

> Even in PvE, the burst is relatively weak compared to other specs.

> Their silence is even more sad. How wonderful it would be, if they just said that they are aware of power berserker being weak, dps spellbreaker in pve being limited and reasoning behind pvp spellbreaker nerfs.

> Also, I don't understand why they didn't continue with signet buffs/changes, because it is strange that e.g. signet of fury's buff is a bit too short (when we include the skill's aftercast) and at some point, you get both passive and active bonuses at the same time (for fraction of second, during the aftercast though so it isn't practically usable). That is pretty much unfinished/not polished design...


> The last balance patch (which took them 3 months btw) was pretty weak for warrior. Nothing has been solved at all, just small buff to core axe/axe warrior and probably condi warrior. I would expect such changes monthly, not per 3 months...

> I don't want to be ungrateful, I am glad that warrior got weapon trait changes, but overal it is just too slow, it takes too long for such relatively small changes. :(


> I really want warrior meta to shift finally, in the right direction. Because right now, all those changes are just small tweaks (except FC nerf) with 3 month gaps...



What seems especially unusual is that the balance team takes this long to make a change and the change they do decide to make is hamfisted and way too broad a stroke. Seen more than a few more subtle ways to scale down and direct FC's damage without making it an absolute joke (not hyperbole anymore, it actually is).


Let's be honest if your solution is to reduce something by 75% that no one is really complaining about then there is a problem, clearly you're operating under a flawed assumption or your solution is wrong. They needed to either scale down the power gradually and up the utility, or if they just didn't want FC to have any damage on it at all (which seems the case since it effectively has no damage coefficient on it anymore) redesign the whole utility from the ground up. They cannot, or well should not simply hack a skill off at the knees and call it fixed. "But that's not what they did, they increased the daze!" Anytime I hear someone say that they know nothing about spellbreakers or a competitive mode at all, the extra 1 sec daze is of ZERO importance, they could remove it right now and I could not possibly care less, all that matters is the interrupt. The fact that the development team thought this was acceptable compensation shows how little they understand the nature of the spec.


Honestly though, they should stop and take a look at themselves and realize that they've designed and built two pretty cool specs for warrior and have subsequently broken both to the extent that they're either barely played in competitive modes.

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> @"Hitman.5829" said:

> The nerf was not 75%.

> It was 75% and then increase cooldown from 8 sec to 12 sec which is in itlsef a neft in damage of 33%.

> The total nerf damage is 83% WAKE UP!


Why u even care , no one even hit you when u have it anymore. They should add text for new players when war pull fc that say dont hit now wait , now it........

Ill change to scrapper, dmg is same but at least u can heal others :).

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i endured nerfing berserker to the ground,i endured 50% nerf to EP,BERS STANCE,BALANCE STANCE,MMR,FC,BREAK ENCHANTMENTS.

after all these nerfs,warrior was still so op,that it requires more nerfs? sorry, i cant endure anymore,warrior was 6/10 in pvp until patch,now its 4/10.

bb war in pvp and gl to anybody who still belive,that this was last warrior nerf.

i hope you gona endure.

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> @"Miko.4158" said:

> doesn't make any difference, looks like the balance team get led by their noses on reddit.

> If SB's were 75% op, pre nerf everyone would be playing them......

> and I would kill everything I met

> and I would be called santa , and my elves would clean between my toes with their little tongues.

> salty goodness.


I love that everyone there seems to be extra anti FC too. Anything posted about the topic is downvoted to hell and back.

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Players: ANET you nerfed berserker into being useless. Now you're doing the same to Spellbreaker. Why you do this?


ANET: "insert mumbled excuse about balance etc". "but hey we have a new Expac in the works and the new Warrior Elite gonna be awesome" wink.


Will be seeing the same posts in all class subforums over the next 6 months i guess.

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> @"Spartacus.3192" said:

> Players: ANET you nerfed berserker into being useless. Now you're doing the same to Spellbreaker. Why you do this?


> ANET: "insert mumbled excuse about balance etc". "but hey we have a new Expac in the works and the new Warrior Elite gonna be awesome" wink.


> Will be seeing the same posts in all class subforums over the next 6 months i guess.


You may be onto something , boonshare went to hell , classes got nerfed , expec inc ?

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Balance patch that basically destroyed power berserker was in May 2017, 4 months before PoF expansion. I am not sure when exactly was Berserk mode nerfed by lvl 1 instead 3 adrenaline change.

We are still missing 1-2 episodes and another whole Living World Season... that will take at least one year at best.

So if they started nerfing spellbreaker for sake of new elite spec, it was "a bit" too soon...

Worst thing is, that we are now stuck for another 3 months, getting no fixes, nothing that would matter that much except spellbreaker's damage being nerfed significantly in PvP/WvW...

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> @"Red Haired Savage.5430" said:

> And we need to be more vocal we're one of the least vocal classes in the game, just look at the forums and it's easy to see. But yes nerfing a class defining skill like FC into the ground is a horrible idea. So much so that I've done as several others have done and gone back to core warrior for my competitive modes and been allot more successful.


Shhhhh dont tell them, they will "fix" core too if they hear about it.

But since they seem to not look at warrior forum anyway i can tell you that i swapped back to core quite a while ago.


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> @"RedShark.9548" said:

> > @"Red Haired Savage.5430" said:

> > And we need to be more vocal we're one of the least vocal classes in the game, just look at the forums and it's easy to see. But yes nerfing a class defining skill like FC into the ground is a horrible idea. So much so that I've done as several others have done and gone back to core warrior for my competitive modes and been allot more successful.


> Shhhhh dont tell them, they will "fix" core too if they hear about it.

> But since they seem to not look at warrior forum anyway i can tell you that i swapped back to core quite a while ago.



yup I don't even publish or talk about my build , lest it get nerfed to hell and back (more).

I could point out that this makes the balance team anti the community spirit and ethos of gw2 across the board-

as I'm hamstrung in helping people.

Add this to the level of professionalism required to nerf something by 75% without consulting the community or listening to the offical forums and calling it 'balance', I could also point out this isn't the first massive 'balance' to this class alone in what 6 weeks.

To do so would be to suggest completely cretinous incompetence of an order not usually seen in the 'world of work'......

I'd love this sort of freedom with my balance sheet.

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> @"Miko.4158" said:

> > @"RedShark.9548" said:

> > > @"Red Haired Savage.5430" said:

> > > And we need to be more vocal we're one of the least vocal classes in the game, just look at the forums and it's easy to see. But yes nerfing a class defining skill like FC into the ground is a horrible idea. So much so that I've done as several others have done and gone back to core warrior for my competitive modes and been allot more successful.

> >

> > Shhhhh dont tell them, they will "fix" core too if they hear about it.

> > But since they seem to not look at warrior forum anyway i can tell you that i swapped back to core quite a while ago.

> >


> yup I don't even publish or talk about my build , lest it get nerfed to hell and back (more).

> I could point out that this makes the balance team anti the community spirit and ethos of gw2 across the board-

> as I'm hamstrung in helping people.

> Add this to the level of professionalism required to nerf something by 75% without consulting the community or listening to the offical forums and calling it 'balance', I could also point out this isn't the first massive 'balance' to this class alone in what 6 weeks.

> To do so would be to suggest completely cretinous incompetence of an order not usually seen in the 'world of work'......

> I'd love this sort of freedom with my balance sheet.


It's a reason I don't share my build either. And their "reasoning that Full Counter has functionally different uses in competitive game modes when compared to PvE" doesn't make sense. It's a burst skill... Burst skills ARE SUPPOSED TO HIT HARD.

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I can sorta agree with a damage nerf since i did think counter could proc too much,but this is a straight up overkill.They should have atleast give some damage back on dag burst or dag aa for that matters,we already lack a serious spike where gs /burst/whirl is one of the most notorious ones.

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