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Solo roaming, some help needed


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So im quite "old" player from wvw perspective . I have over 6k hours on my war and (mostly in wvw/pvp). I have over 1k hours on rest of the classes/elites as well so i played just around any class/elite.

What i mostly do in wvw is looking for 1vX fights or 1v1 with more skilled players, while avoiding new/low rank ppl (i see no fun or point in killing new players who just try to get into this game mode).

Anyway, i said war is my "main" but last few months , when i go wvw with it i really dont have fun at all. Im mostly on spb. Here we come to major issue i have, 1vx fights. So, there is 2 type of fights i find : new players, or average semi bad one who dont know how spb works, and generally kill them self. While its good i win those fights even in 1vx , just knowing they have no clue what they do makes it feel its not win, or even fair fight. I do think Anet balance team have no clue how to deal with war, in any game mode but its just opinion and im not here to blame them (but i had to say that :( ).

Then 2nd situation is "same" skill level player on different class. Those fights , with players who know how spb works, are terrible. Warrior in general is predictable , enemies who are skilled know that. fights with soulbest , holo, guards (core/dh) are really really bad. I would dare to say win rate would be 3/7. Eles, are kinda well mostly unbeatable due to sustain. Thieves, well, if not surprised, there is good chance to get him on mistake, else he is just resting. Then there goes mirage. Lets no forget we talk here about skilled enemy. No chance, just stand there or die or run (if u can).

So overall (vs same skill or better player):

Necro: those guys and roaming , i dunno :(, at least they have spot for blob i guess (props to sper skilled reapers for giving great fights and having balls to roam on that slow class +1 to u)

Ele , Thief, rev,: boring , pointless fights, in rev case almost sure loss ore reset

Guard, holo, soulbeast: sometimes fun but mostly insane effort and still loss

Mirage: pointless to even try

Ok, thats perspective of my beloved warrior, i feel slow , clunky, predictable and low dmg. Or just bad.

So , now i do change to a lot of other classes but cant stick to them for long. I do not wish to play mirage (pls dont hate me on this but its skilless broken class imo), but i find hard to stick to any. I love close combat power classes , atm im on core guard, but it feels like something is missing and i end up switching to other class after 30m or so. Rev i didnt play for some time but before while it was fun , its inability to deal with condi was killer for me.

So what would you guys suggest, where to look for fun ?


If you read all this thanks, and sorry for long rant/wall of text but im on brink of quiting gw2 and trying to catch last straw.

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> @"LetoII.3782" said:

> Sounds like you're bored of duelling.


> The games' more engaging with a team.


I know it is but , im not really social person (hard time to adjust to new ppl, social anxiety), and best friend i have and play mostly, is not really skilled in wvw. Also, please dont get me wrong, but its not that easy to find skilled players to team up.

As for dueling, im not only dueling, roaming is not per say dueling, and im not bored i just feel unable to compete , and i think its not coz of lack of skills but maybe preferred class choice ?

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Maybe duelling was a bad word choice, but we're talking about the same things.

I don't like to interact with strangers much myself, when I was young I was _extremely_ introverted until a coworker at the time badgered me into kareoke.. Wierd I know.. But it broke the dam in a sense. Got me out there, interacting with people.

What relevance does that have? Well, gw2 is an mmo. Multiplayer is a big part of the experience. As uncomfortable as the first steps might be, the journey is mostly down hill after the few steep steps at the beginning. You're missing out on all the additional challenge that come from the different classes interacting efficiently on warrior as it's very self reliant.

You have a friend who sucks at the game.. Maybe have him play scourge and carry him on a guard? It's one of the starring duos of PoF. Just with those 2 classes you've got the beginnings of a comp many other classes would add to.. Attracting other good players passively. You might find quickly that other players mostly left you alone because that's what you appeared to want.. But isn't really

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>! > @"kiranslee.4829" said:

>! > So im quite "old" player from wvw perspective . I have over 6k hours on my war and (mostly in wvw/pvp). I have over 1k hours on rest of the classes/elites as well so i played just around any class/elite.

>! > What i mostly do in wvw is looking for 1vX fights or 1v1 with more skilled players, while avoiding new/low rank ppl (i see no fun or point in killing new players who just try to get into this game mode).

>! > Anyway, i said war is my "main" but last few months , when i go wvw with it i really dont have fun at all. Im mostly on spb. Here we come to major issue i have, 1vx fights. So, there is 2 type of fights i find : new players, or average semi bad one who dont know how spb works, and generally kill them self. While its good i win those fights even in 1vx , just knowing they have no clue what they do makes it feel its not win, or even fair fight. I do think Anet balance team have no clue how to deal with war, in any game mode but its just opinion and im not here to blame them (but i had to say that :( ).

>! > Then 2nd situation is "same" skill level player on different class. Those fights , with players who know how spb works, are terrible. Warrior in general is predictable , enemies who are skilled know that. fights with soulbest , holo, guards (core/dh) are really really bad. I would dare to say win rate would be 3/7. Eles, are kinda well mostly unbeatable due to sustain. Thieves, well, if not surprised, there is good chance to get him on mistake, else he is just resting. Then there goes mirage. Lets no forget we talk here about skilled enemy. No chance, just stand there or die or run (if u can).

>! > So overall (vs same skill or better player):

>! > Necro: those guys and roaming , i dunno :(, at least they have spot for blob i guess (props to sper skilled reapers for giving great fights and having balls to roam on that slow class +1 to u)

>! > Ele , Thief, rev,: boring , pointless fights, in rev case almost sure loss ore reset

>! > Guard, holo, soulbeast: sometimes fun but mostly insane effort and still loss

>! > Mirage: pointless to even try

>! > Ok, thats perspective of my beloved warrior, i feel slow , clunky, predictable and low dmg. Or just bad.

>! > So , now i do change to a lot of other classes but cant stick to them for long. I do not wish to play mirage (pls dont hate me on this but its skilless broken class imo), but i find hard to stick to any. I love close combat power classes , atm im on core guard, but it feels like something is missing and i end up switching to other class after 30m or so. Rev i didnt play for some time but before while it was fun , its inability to deal with condi was killer for me.

>! > So what would you guys suggest, where to look for fun ?

>! >

>! > If you read all this thanks, and sorry for long rant/wall of text but im on brink of quiting gw2 and trying to catch last straw.


Maybe try rev again, the new superior sigil of cleansing helps with the condi cleanse problem (now clears 3 on swap rather than 1). Can have one on each weapon set if you feel like you need it.

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Just... Pick another class then. You have pretty much laid out all the pros and cons anyway. No class is perfect and CQB melee in 1vX against competent enemies generally do not work good. You know this.


Not sure what we can add. Warrior is indeed best in small groups instead of solo because its damn near impossible to focus them and if they are supported or good they are basicly immortal. Thats why all the 5ish roamer guilds run sb/fb/holo combo with some heavy AoE dps like scourge/weaver instead of things like mirages, deadeyes and soulbeasts.

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As a necro main, I feel the need to state that we are and always have been competitive in roaming/dueling one way or another.


Case in point, I fought vT's warrior agriope (spb) recently at the 46min 23sec mark on his stream and won on my necro despite me playing badly and making major mistakes.

So don't put us down on that list =p



Also I don't think warrior/spb has that many bad matchups as you're putting them.

I won't ask you to 'get good' because I believe you definitely have a strong foundation after 6k hours, but perhaps, if spb does not work out as you would like it to, try core warrior or even berserker.

I've seen core classes make a return recently like core necros, core guards, core warriors, core thieves and even core rangers.

You might just find them viable as I found out for core necro.

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> @"LetoII.3782" said:

> Maybe duelling was a bad word choice, but we're talking about the same things.

> I don't like to interact with strangers much myself, when I was young I was _extremely_ introverted until a coworker at the time badgered me into kareoke.. Wierd I know.. But it broke the dam in a sense. Got me out there, interacting with people.

> What relevance does that have? Well, gw2 is an mmo. Multiplayer is a big part of the experience. As uncomfortable as the first steps might be, the journey is mostly down hill after the few steep steps at the beginning. You're missing out on all the additional challenge that come from the different classes interacting efficiently on warrior as it's very self reliant.

> You have a friend who sucks at the game.. Maybe have him play scourge and carry him on a guard? It's one of the starring duos of PoF. Just with those 2 classes you've got the beginnings of a comp many other classes would add to.. Attracting other good players passively. You might find quickly that other players mostly left you alone because that's what you appeared to want.. But isn't really


Thanks for this. Maybe with all that wall of text i missed to say, im in way , elitist. I think of myself as good player in all game modes. Slight issue is wvw where im moving so randomly and so fast , i i generally take front role (hit first ask questions later) that leaves ppl i try to party with behind. I even did try go as main tag in wvw , but im terrible at it . I have no patience to wait squad , makes me crazy to see ppl spam 1 1 1 , and when i see huge tail behind me and slow reaction, im done :).

Still , good food for thought.

> @"EremiteAngel.9765" said:

> So don't put us down on that list =p

> Also I don't think warrior/spb has that many bad matchups as you're putting them.

> I won't ask you to 'get good' because I believe you definitely have a strong foundation after 6k hours, but perhaps, if spb does not work out as you would like it to, try core warrior or even berserker.


Forgive me if i went "necro is baaad, but in general , since i have quite some time on necro too, his mobility and ability to engage 1v1 is kinda on down side. In other words there is like , imo, less then 1% necros that can put semi decent fight and i see it as free kill when i spot one alone (its not 100% but i hope you agree necro is not really , roaming material atm sadly :(.

As you can prolly guess at least 2-3k of my play time was core war (since beta 1) , berzerker also pre PoF (RIP). Even now i have "alt" war with 1 shot rifle build that is fun but not viable.


@LaGranse.8652, Dawdler.8521

Rev is one of choices i didnt try, lately i spend most time on ele, thief and guard.


Tx to all for answers, will go trough your posts and hopefully find new ideas coz atm , well im not happy with game :(.


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On the note of being in ‘front’: That’s where as a SPB you should be and I know that’s likely why you play it


On @"LetoII.3782" point, running with a small group may be two, three, or 5. It doesn’t have to be in coms. It can just be target calling and focusing.


I play that annoying weaver build. Being a light class, most times people go for me and forget some of the other damage dealers. So, someone calls target, and we go.


I normally run solo, but there are some individuals that I work in coms with, and other times, I’ll join a party of ‘randoms’ That I have seen play complimentary styles.


Most times, those groups don’t feel the need to have everyone in coms.


It changes up the experience.


Hope you find what helps you keep enjoying the game. :smile:

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You like to point out bad players, but it sounds like you have hit a personal skill wall. your lack of playing with others is probably hurting you. Warrior is a VERY easy class to learn and play and is quite strong, but it also has a lower skill cap than others. You also tend to have to "chase" in fights, and if someone is even half way good, they will just kite out your immune, and dodge your stuns that make landing your bursts hard. Learning how to do this and setting up rotations for given classes is where friends come in. In my very small guild we all roam, and we all have one or two classes we are really good at, so we get with each other and go into the guild arena with someone who plays a class well that we are having trouble with. We have the chance to change things up to see how they effect the fight, as well as get input from the other player on "if you would have done *this* at *that* time, it would have messed me up and you would have taken the upper hand in the fight" etc etc.


Now, don't get me wrong, there are given classes/builds that are going to hard counter yours, but that's the case for most classes/builds.

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> @"kiranslee.4829" said:

> Anyway, i said war is my "main" but last few months , when i go wvw with it i really dont have fun at all. Im mostly on spb. Here we come to major issue i have, 1vx fights. So, there is 2 type of fights i find : new players, or average semi bad one who dont know how spb works, and generally kill them self. While its good i win those fights even in 1vx , just knowing they have no clue what they do makes it feel its not win, or even fair fight.

> Then 2nd situation is "same" skill level player on different class. Those fights , with players who know how spb works, are terrible. Warrior in general is predictable , enemies who are skilled know that.

> Ok, thats perspective of my beloved warrior, i feel slow , clunky, predictable and low dmg. Or just bad.

> So , now i do change to a lot of other classes but cant stick to them for long.

> So what would you guys suggest, where to look for fun ?


no matter what profession you play it will mostly be unfair fights. unfair by experience, buildchoice, envoirement or numbers. if for your fun the fights have to be fair, then you probably wont get much of it in any scale of combat in WvW.

but you can also have fun in creating unfair fights that you will win. a very basic form of this would be stacking DH traps on a sentry and waiting out of sight. or many thieves/mesmer/ranger like to poke larger groups till they split too much with builds not suited to deal with them 1 vs 1.

you could also kind of start roleplaying in WvW, trying to win the match altho you know its pointless. you will find quite many people actually doing just that. that would set you a goal and a 'competition' with your opponents for warscore, where some will call it fun knowing that they contributed significantly.

but ultimately i cannot tell you what would be fun for you, you have to figure it out for yourself. try playing the mode a little different or take a break from it to get a different perspective.



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I'm definitely not an experienced WvW roamer. I base my statements to my somewhat short experiences in GW2, and my experiences from my previous game which I played over 5 years.


> @"LetoII.3782" said:

> The games' more engaging with a team.


That is definitely true, but:


> @"kiranslee.4829" said:

> I know it is but , im not really social person (hard time to adjust to new ppl, social anxiety)


I am mainly solo roamer because then I can decide myself when I need a cup of coffee, or want to read some articles or watch some videos etc. I am that type of a player, that if I join to a team, I am fully committed to it, and if I know I can't commit fully, I won't team up. Occasionally we have some loose roaming duo/trio, where people come and go pretty randomly. Based on my former experience, this will most probably be the main way I will play WvW.


From your original post, I recognize that we most probably share lots of similarities in how we like to roam around. In my previous game, when being experienced enough, I left newcomers alone, and gave them opportunity to flee if the fight was too one-sided. Here I still have a luxury being a newcomer, so I can engage anything I see without worrying too much. I don't care much about winning or loosing, what I seek is good fights. My ultimate goal is not to be unkillable: I am fine if I can keep my death vs kill ratio somewhat balanced, e.g. trying to get one kill (or even get one downed) before dying if engaging a duo/trio.


That definitely sounds strange to many WvW players. Why not to play to win, why to have such obscure and limiting "internal fighting code"? It is because I don't feel that those kills and deaths in my regular roaming are wins and looses. I roam mainly to improve myself, get better and eventually good enough. One day I might see a reward in some tournament, and I feel that I desperately need that. That day I want to have chances to go for that.


- - -


Although we are at different levels at the moment, I share some of my experiences, in hope I get some good advices to get higher. My current problems are first the obvious lack of experience that will go away eventually, but also two other important things I try to work for: (1) chances to get enough somewhat controlled fights against players at all levels (newcomers, average players and experts), and (2) my mind set to GW2 roaming scene.


The first problem is simple. If I roam at crowded hours, I mostly meet smaller and larger groups and I am dead long before I have any chance to learn anything, and the solo roamers I meet are too experienced players who kill me before I can learn something. If I roam outside prime time, getting fights are more infrequent although those few fights serve much more to my progression.


The second problem is bit more complex. I generally tend to like more sustained fights than burst fights. In martial arts terms, I like more submission wrestling type fights where you try advance strategically by holding your position, than barehands kickboxing where you can cash out short weaknesses in your opponents defenses to smash her/him down to floor.


> @"kiranslee.4829" said:

> Ok, thats perspective of my beloved warrior, i feel slow , clunky, predictable and low dmg. Or just bad.


I used to roam mainly on my Druid, and I feel the same as you do with your Warrior :) Druid offered me most of the tools to keep the fight in my comfortable zone, to advance towards victory or loss step-by-step. But I feel that currently roaming builds are too sustained (heals, protection, condi clears) against that type of fighting, and your chances to knock one down is to make a successful burst. I feel that Druid fits to that scheme quite poorly at the moment. I still occasionally try some Druid builds, thought.


> @"kiranslee.4829" said:

> i end up switching to other class after 30m or so


Likewise :/ I have been looking for build to fit to my purposes. Soulbeast is of course obvious one to try out, but I have also cleared dust from my Warrior to try both Core and Spellbreaker. I have also thought to try out Dragonhunter (or core Guard), which I played frequently in sPvP before Scourge + FB combo came out. But I have also started to consider classes and playstyles I have not traditionally feel that comfortable. I am bit inclined to try some type of Thief builds for roaming, as well as some Mesmer builds. I am definitely not that kind of player who tries to land the initial burst and if it does not hit (hard enough), escapes for resetting the fight and comes back to try again when all cooldowns are available. But I am bit interested in certain builds on those two classes, giving wider spectrum of options for fights.


If I try to find positive side, it is that the current situation forces me to try out new things, learn out new classes and builds, and in longer run I think it will lead to better results. Of course I feel bad that I have not found a class/build that I can dedicate enough. That also slows down reaching my longer term objectives, because I have spent much less hours roaming than I used to do. I hope that this is only temporal for me, and I will find a new class which I enjoy roaming with. Hope you also find yours.

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> @"MUDse.7623" said:



> you could also kind of start roleplaying in WvW, trying to win the match altho you know its pointless.


For rolleplaying, u hit the spot , thats what i do. Hell since rollerbeatle came i spent hours running around as cock (a male bird, especially of a domestic fowl.).

As for win the match , meh , T1, PPT.



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> @"TamX.1870" said:

> The first problem is simple. If I roam at crowded hours, I mostly meet smaller and larger groups and I am dead long before I have any chance to learn anything, and the solo roamers I meet are too experienced players who kill me before I can learn something. If I roam outside prime time, getting fights are more infrequent although those few fights serve much more to my progression.


you could either try duelling spots or use a build that can pick its fights, therefor builds with lots of mobility/stealth. (stealth >> mobility for picking)

i would say a build that can pick fights is better, because you also learn to use the envoirement on various places on the map and you will develop much better awareness of your surroundings, so you learn in a much more realistic way to deal with your opponent. people just wont /bow to you before they kill you outside of duells and most likely will outnumber you. those duell spots also dont have NPCs that you can use and few options to break LoS. picking the fight you usually controll the first engage from where you can work to a successfull kill with try & error. if you do not pick the fight you might see yourself just dying to the opener of someone else without learning much how to deal with them, because given they are experienced they will know what you will try to avoid it.


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> @"MUDse.7623" said:

> you could either try duelling spots ...


Yes, I need eventually to find enough courage to go there :) In my previous game, people had all sorts of unwritten "rules" for duels (what skills, gears and such to use and what not), and they got mad if someone tried to practice actual fighting. I eventually gave up those sparring circles. I tend to make bonds to other players around slowly (and it does not speed it up that generally better players have bit rough personalities), and I would not like to piss too many people off by not knowing unwritten rules before I have had even change to get to know "usual suspects" better.


> or use a build that can pick its fights, therefor builds with lots of mobility/stealth. (stealth >> mobility for picking)


Yes. In my previous game I (accidentally) started PvP with such class. It pleased me for some time to be able to pick the fights, but I eventually found out that I don't have the right mindset for stealth type fighting, and no ambition to try to change my mindset. I shifted towards "visibles", and eventually I shifted more to knight/paladin type melee classes. I have always appreciated in-fight flexibility in my PvP side toons. I tend to like to have my own mind game inside my head to adjust and adapt to the opponent in the front of me, instead of practicing to force the opponent to play with my rules (although in the very end those are the same things).


> if you do not pick the fight you might see yourself just dying to the opener of someone else without learning much how to deal with them, because given they are experienced they will know what you will try to avoid it.


That is absolutely true. I will definitely try Thief builds here, too, but I am not sure if I meet the same things here that I met earlier. I try to try out several builds in hope that I will eventually find a build that has strengths that suite to my purposes, and its weaknesses are something I can commit effort to learn to overcome. Druid was something like that.


P.S. Thanks for the link in your signature, very good article even for not-that-seriously-for-winning kind of player I am!

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> @"kiranslee.4829" said:

> > @"LetoII.3782" said:

> > Maybe duelling was a bad word choice, but we're talking about the same things.

> > I don't like to interact with strangers much myself, when I was young I was _extremely_ introverted until a coworker at the time badgered me into kareoke.. Wierd I know.. But it broke the dam in a sense. Got me out there, interacting with people.

> > What relevance does that have? Well, gw2 is an mmo. Multiplayer is a big part of the experience. As uncomfortable as the first steps might be, the journey is mostly down hill after the few steep steps at the beginning. You're missing out on all the additional challenge that come from the different classes interacting efficiently on warrior as it's very self reliant.

> > You have a friend who sucks at the game.. Maybe have him play scourge and carry him on a guard? It's one of the starring duos of PoF. Just with those 2 classes you've got the beginnings of a comp many other classes would add to.. Attracting other good players passively. You might find quickly that other players mostly left you alone because that's what you appeared to want.. But isn't really


> Thanks for this. Maybe with all that wall of text i missed to say, im in way , elitist. I think of myself as good player in all game modes. Slight issue is wvw where im moving so randomly and so fast , i i generally take front role (hit first ask questions later) that leaves ppl i try to party with behind. I even did try go as main tag in wvw , but im terrible at it . I have no patience to wait squad , makes me crazy to see ppl spam 1 1 1 , and when i see huge tail behind me and slow reaction, im done :).

> Still , good food for thought.

> > @"EremiteAngel.9765" said:

> > So don't put us down on that list =p

> > Also I don't think warrior/spb has that many bad matchups as you're putting them.

> > I won't ask you to 'get good' because I believe you definitely have a strong foundation after 6k hours, but perhaps, if spb does not work out as you would like it to, try core warrior or even berserker.


> Forgive me if i went "necro is baaad, but in general , since i have quite some time on necro too, his mobility and ability to engage 1v1 is kinda on down side. In other words there is like , imo, less then 1% necros that can put semi decent fight and i see it as free kill when i spot one alone (its not 100% but i hope you agree necro is not really , roaming material atm sadly :(.

> As you can prolly guess at least 2-3k of my play time was core war (since beta 1) , berzerker also pre PoF (RIP). Even now i have "alt" war with 1 shot rifle build that is fun but not viable.


> @LaGranse.8652, Dawdler.8521

> Rev is one of choices i didnt try, lately i spend most time on ele, thief and guard.


> Tx to all for answers, will go trough your posts and hopefully find new ideas coz atm , well im not happy with game :(.


Haha funny I made a post recently about feeling like s free kill as a necro and u as a player talking about engaging them and feeling as if they are too. Good job in necro balance team lol. Anyway have u tried soulbeast for dueling? Their strong with good variety of skill to also contribute a little to groups u come across while roaming. I get the social anxiety and am sry u deal with that,I do to a degree and don’t ever answer join requests but I’ll follow zergs and teams to help and res when I can lol


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I have the most fun when teamed up (with compatible classes/playstyles) and trying to cap camps/towers/keeps because:

-when your build has some shortcommings those will often be covered by team mates

-dealing with downed allies/enemies is half the fun

-you have to run away alot less

-just with one buddy you have a good chance to cap anything in a reasonable amount of time (I like playing in the off hours)(using friendly zerg as diversion while you attack a different side)


On my server the server veterans who like small scale fights kinda know eachother (many are in the servers roaming guild) but another way to team up easely is to invite random loners who seem to be decent fighters.


Also dont be a toxic elitist. People will be less likely to team up with you, if winning is more important to you than being nice to your teammates.

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> @"TamX.1870" said:

> > @"MUDse.7623" said:

> > you could either try duelling spots ...


> Yes, I need eventually to find enough courage to go there :) In my previous game, people had all sorts of unwritten "rules" for duels (what skills, gears and such to use and what not), and they got mad if someone tried to practice actual fighting. and I would not like to kitten too many people off by not knowing unwritten rules before I have had even change to get to know "usual suspects" better.

there is no unwritten rule about profession, build, gear that you need to worry about. you should be able to find duels with any profession/build.

however some might refuse a duel if your obviously running a hard counter, like asking a necro to duel your ranger - there is simply little point in it unless the necro knows he is much better than you.

and then there is well builds that individuals deem as either 'OP' or 'cancerous' , they might duel you on these a few times but you wont get many rounds if you can actually play it. there is no general rule as to what build is considered as such, it mainly depends on the weaknesses one has and preferred playstyle. some dont like condi, some dont like range+kite , some dont like stealth/targetbreak, some dont like rather tanky opponents, some dont like too many evades etc. basically anything that can make your opponent lose or make them not win the fight can and will be considered as unfun by someone. but i think if you dont play condi mirage or deadeye you should be getting enough duels, many dont like the fact that you cant punish a mirage for eating a CC and condi ones dont die as fast as power/hybrid. deadeyes its mostly because either they dislike the stealth or because they know that the deadeye will only lose to his own mistakes, meaning you can play perfectly and still lose.


> @"kiranslee.4829" said:

> I literally went back to thief. Minstrel thief. Ill rp pacifist now.....

> Anyway, ye this eve i played reve, 30min . Got insulted , chased by few mirages and thief, coz why not . Got flamed by soulbeast who played codi mirage and they killed me few times. Fun. :)


nomad > minstrel. your not really spamming boons on your thief.

you will get insults on any build and will get chased unless you keep dying to your opponents. rarely people will insult you for being actually bad.

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Its funny you'd laugh at the prospect of a roaming necromancer. I actually have an easier time killing warriors on condition necromancer than I do on power ranger. But that might speak more to how well warriors can mitigate and heal power damage compared to condition damage.

As an only child I used to have pretty severe social anxiety, (my mother literally held my hand to school through half of my kindergarten year), but that never seemed to translate to online gaming. I've become a little less, uhh, "shy" over the years to the point where its more difficult to empathize, but I do still have days where I'd rather not play with other people.

Fortunately there's a solution for that I like to frequently employ. Single player games. I was chillin' with some Metroid just last night. =)


That aside, there's no in-built system for requesting duels. You're just going to have to go out there and ask, and sometimes people will prefer to roam over organized dueling. (There's more diversity to different opponents rather than fighting the same one(s) over and over again.) If duels are what you're interested in, delving into pvp _might_ be a better strategy.


~ Kovu

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I was going to write a lot but I don't really care tbh.


You should never win a 1vX against anyone you consider good. NEVER.


If you're having trouble vs power mes and ele I think you need to practise more or there might be weakness in your build because a spellbreaker should win or draw this every time unless the mes is ranging you with mantra of pain.

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If you want actual competitive encounters (or good PvP as it is otherwise known) then the truth is that you'll need to go play another game (or play PvP, even with its issues you still get better action than roaming in WvW), because competitive encounters in WvW are few and far between, grouping does not really solve that issue. Which is part of the reason most decent players have either left the game or barely play, no point in having guild raids if they are boring as hell, because you can play for 3 hours without getting a decent fight.


As far as PvP goes WvW is pretty low quality, which is fine for PvE players (which is what many WvW players really are) or for very casual players or if you have been at work all day and are simply too tired to play a proper PvP game. But otherwise if you want decent PvP then that means play something else where you are matched against players of similar skill / experience and where the game is actually balanced around that game mode.

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> @"apharma.3741" said:

> I was going to write a lot but I don't really care tbh.


> You should never win a 1vX against anyone you consider good. NEVER.


> If you're having trouble vs power mes and ele I think you need to practise more or there might be weakness in your build because a spellbreaker should win or draw this every time unless the mes is ranging you with mantra of pain.


I dont understand why u respond to topic when you are not reading what i wrote. But please, im willing to learn, ill go condi mirage and and you can go any SPB build you can imagine and teach me how pro war can beat mirage, since after spending 6k h on war i guess i need teacher.


> @"zinkz.7045" said:

> If you want actual competitive encounters (or good PvP as it is otherwise known) then the truth is that you'll need to go play another game (or play PvP, even with its issues you still get better action than roaming in WvW), because competitive encounters in WvW are few and far between, grouping does not really solve that issue. Which is part of the reason most decent players have either left the game or barely play, no point in having guild raids if they are boring as hell, because you can play for 3 hours without getting a decent fight.


> As far as PvP goes WvW is pretty low quality, which is fine for PvE players (which is what many WvW players really are) or for very casual players or if you have been at work all day and are simply too tired to play a proper PvP game. But otherwise if you want decent PvP then that means play something else where you are matched against players of similar skill / experience and where the game is actually balanced around that game mode.


You are fully right on this, i used to do pvp but , pvp feels limited , and kinda boring since roles are kinda "set".

I like everything goes that is open world pvp (kinda) in wvw , and its why is my preferred mode. Sadly as i said i feel warrior not able to compete on solo roaming level, and this killed my will to keep on , mostly :).

Btw im also quite tired after all day of work , maybe getting old ;).

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> @"kiranslee.4829" said:

> So im quite "old" player from wvw perspective . I have over 6k hours on my war and (mostly in wvw/pvp). I have over 1k hours on rest of the classes/elites as well so i played just around any class/elite.


So, if I get this right, this means you have ~14k hours of play time, i.e., more than 6h/day (this game is roughly 2300 days "old"). If that's true then I perfectly get why you feel a little _bored_. Maybe it's time for a break?


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