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Please fix game balance


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Anet please fix the balance in your game. Things like this should not be possible under ANY circumstance. Getting critical hit for 10 k damage by an 1500 range AUTOATTACK is unaccaptable. Getting hit for 6 k damage by a 1200 RANGE CROWD CONTROL ABILITY is unacceptable.


Regardless of the gamemode. Regardless of the cirumstance. Its a ranged weapon, requiring 0 skill or coordination, simple key spaming. Damage numbers like this might be acceptable if the base healthpool is 200k.


This is just a isolated sample of the many cases of balance that are wrong in the game. Warriors critting for 6 k damage with a gapcloser and stun skill. Warriors critting for 6 k damage with a EVADE skill. Thief having a 4 SECOND EVADE THAT DEALS DAMAGE AND HAS NO COUNTERPLAY. Thiefs hitting you for 12 k damage out of stealth, with no counterplay. Engies with a 2 second CD gapcloser that crits for 5 k damage while spilling boons. Multiple, overlapping skilleffects and skills that are so overtuned, both in damage and effect. Your philosophy always where to not add mechanics that are unfun to play against. Why do these things exist? Why do they even get buffed? Why do classes like thief and mesmer exist in its current state? Its not fun to fight against a class that can disengage at will, or vs a class that has such a high evade / damage immunity uptime with NO counterplay.


Balance like this is a disgrace to the entire game you built, it nullifies the great quick and very fluid combat system you crafted. It ruins all the combat mechanics you created and added. The powercreep simply devalues active play, it devalues strategy, tactics and timing in exchange for powercreep.



[https://imgur.com/a/Il3COBk](https://imgur.com/a/Il3COBk "https://imgur.com/a/Il3COBk")


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If you get hit by a 10k ranger auto you play with under 2k armor.


What profession are you playing? Necro?


All the professions you mentioned counter necro pretty easily and they are top 1vs1 duelist roamer specs, you can't play necro, which is a team fighter who needs support and expect to win against a soulbeast or thief.


But yeah getting hit by a 10k ranger auto is pretty lame, but you should defenitely use LoS and add some toughness to your build.

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> @"losingcontrol.1084" said:

> If you get hit by a 10k ranger auto you play with under 2k armor.


well i actually do, but it does not matter, if you spec for 3k armor you would get hit for around 5k and its still way too much. i do know how the game works to its fullest. but no matter how good or bad you play, or how well you know the game, these things defy logic.


> What profession are you playing? Necro?


> All the professions you mentioned counter necro pretty easily and they are top 1vs1 duelist roamer specs, you can't play necro, which is a team fighter who needs support and expect to win against a soulbeast or thief.


Thats the core of the problem, there is no such thing as a teamfighter. Take druid for example, he is also a great teamfighter, but is good at roaming as well. Same thing for ele. Of course you could go on for days about this class vs that class, this build vs that build. The defining factor if you win or loose in a 1vs1 should NEVER be the class you play. it should NEVER be only depending on the gear or build. It should be based on how you play it. This balance examples just show whats wrong, why overpowered skills and powercreep are toxic for the game.



> But yeah getting hit by a 10k ranger auto is pretty lame, but you should defenitely use LoS and add some toughness to your build.


This is not the solution, of course you can increase thougness or use LOS more. But this are just bandaid solutions, the problem is not the build, not the class you play as / against. The problem is the powercreep. If the cake is rotten you cant just put jelly beans around it and call it a day. You still cant eat and enjoy it because it still tastes disgusting.

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> @"aspirine.6852" said:

> I think scaling down the damage in WvW a bit would make for more longer lasting fights. But it would also be needed to cut back on the healing a lot.


This would help very much. But they also need to look at the skills themself. Skills like Bulls Charge are defacto overtuned. A skill that serves for 3 major game mechanics (mobility, CC, damage) should NOT exist. If they have skills like this everything becomes pointless. You dont have to make a choice: do i dodge this skill to evade the CC? Do i dodge that skill to avoid the damage? If even an AA does hit you for an absurd amount its not about skillfull play anymore, its just about the class and how OP it is, how many easy defenses they got, how many OP skills they have.


If they just tune down Damage and Heal in WvW they will make the gameplay slower, but not by any means more skillfull. The skillceailing in GW2 is already not that high due to the relativ low amount of skills and options you have enabled at once. Reducing the numbers helps to ease the symptoms, but it does not cure the problem of overloaded skills without clear identity.

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You are wrong.

If you duo roam maybe firebrand plus scourge or firebrand plua reaper, necro will shine.


If you play firebrand plus thief, that is nothing special, and thief is better at solo roaming or finish off targets.


Druid who roams is either a pretty bursty spec using bow or a bunker with staff and sword/warhorn and he definitely doesn't have the tools to burst you down and you have plenty of time to kite him and go away from the fight if you want to, same for eles, unless they play fresh air oneshot, you can kite them for days, and they won't being you down.


Powercreep is real and it is nasty to get hot by 1800 range longbow projectiles, but playing a build not designed for roaming will put you at severe disadvantage.


If you play a top roaming build it will be much easier to deal with the powercreep around.

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That's what you get for going glassy. Zerk spec's are expected to hit hard, but ironically, they don't hit hard enough. That same ranger (if you were in tanky gear), you'd probably kill in 2-3 hits, yet it'd take them a dozen to drop you. A 3K armor target critted by long range shot would be lucky to break 1200 damage, that in itself is just wrong.


If you're playing a necro, expect to get beat 99.9% of the time by a ranger running longbow, it's just the way it is. What's more unfortunate is that so many players have yet to figure out the counter to this FB/Scourge meta; literally a couple of rangers can stop zerging necros in their tracks.

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The sooner people let go of the idea that ANet has any intent on balancing WvW the easier it'll be for everyone to enjoy themselves. There are times they'll step in to put a stop to something that's overperforming but those times are often only when it effects large scale combat. And for good reason - that's what WvW is about.


Though small scale exists and used to have a greater impact, it is much less of a concern balance-wise and it has always been this way. Taking advantage of what the players have available to them is the best way to bring it to ANet's attention. If it's ignored, we can only assume they feel it's okay for the time being.


Of course it's fine to be upset and to not enjoy yourself as a result of these things but I promise everyone who feels similarly to yourself that expectation is the root cause. People expect "fair" in a game that failed at eSports and accepted that they're not a competitive game by creating things that are "cool" rather than functional. Many of those things are strong enough to make even the most average players powerful and many more of those things are completely ignored and underused for years.


ANet is always looking to satisfy the newcomers. Though many of the mechanics introduced over the years have become less and less fun to play against, they have also become much more fun to play _with._ Players not expecting a great deal of balance have an absolute blast and ANet rewards this by creating more "cool" stuff.


I'm in the same boat as many of the veterans. I stopped playing PvP a long time ago because I stopped enjoying it. I don't roam nearly as much as I used to because I get too frustrated. But I still enjoy the combat and community in GW2 because both of them are some of the best the genre has to offer. Though I do wish there were more times I felt like truly "winning" a fight rather than being buffed or carried by mechanics, I still have lots of fun because I know what GW2 is - casual.


With all that said, I'm not trying to argue the point of the OP. I'm just stating that you, and all the others who feel this way need to realize how ANet works. These threads are always the same, nothing but "git gud" and endless strings of disproving each other until the next thread appears a few days later.

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> @"DeadlySynz.3471" said:

> That's what you get for going glassy. Zerk spec's are expected to hit hard, but ironically, they don't hit hard enough. That same ranger (if you were in tanky gear), you'd probably kill in 2-3 hits, yet it'd take them a dozen to drop you. A 3K armor target critted by long range shot would be lucky to break 1200 damage, that in itself is just wrong.


> If you're playing a necro, expect to get beat 99.9% of the time by a ranger running longbow, it's just the way it is. What's more unfortunate is that so many players have yet to figure out the counter to this FB/Scourge meta; literally a couple of rangers can stop zerging necros in their tracks.



... yeah, but I spec tanky and I STILL get hit for 7.5k **autoattacks** from 1800+ range. That's super broken. Like, I have to cover 900 range before I can even hit them back with my longest ranged attack.


Tanky stats will buy you ONE extra autoattack... maybe. I'm still taking 2.5k per hit of unblockable-quickness rapid fire .. oh, plus one wolf pack plus sigil of air .. from twice my engagement distance.

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In all seriousness... yes, there has been a pretty bad powercreep. But there's also been a decent defense/heal creep. It depends on what you play. Your statement:

"The defining factor if you win or loose in a 1vs1 should NEVER be the class you play. it should NEVER be only depending on the gear or build. It should be based on how you play it"

is just categorically wrong. Each spec and class has it's benefits and where it is suited. For instance, I main a healbot scrapper. My healing in raids is, honestly, a bit stupidly OP - when coupled with the condi cleanse. However, if I get encountered by a 1v1 zerker mirage - I probably won't lose. I might not get NUKED, but my build isn't made to work well in 1v1's. It is made to work well in 20v20 or even 40v40. To claim that I should be able to win by "outplaying" and not just because they have a duelist spec is outright silly.


Yes, some skills are OP and there is a powercreep. However, looking at your damage, it looked like you got ganked by a Soulbeast (?) using the unblockable combo. However, you can always move out of range for it, etc. It is quite telegraphed. Many other high damage skills (like the Kill shot post) are highly telegraphed and avoidable.


tl;dr: Don't build for a raid comp, get stomped by a 1v1 duelist, then come to the forums crying nerfs. In the end, devs will be more likely to erroneously buff worsening any power creep.

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> @"losingcontrol.1084" said:

> You are wrong.

> If you duo roam maybe firebrand plus scourge or firebrand plua reaper, necro will shine.


Its not about teamfights or compositions here. If you fight 2vs2 the skill will still be equal powerfull. Certain synergies and team aspects may influence this, (especially projectile reflect in case of fire brand), but the overall problem stays the same.


> If you play firebrand plus thief, that is nothing special, and thief is better at solo roaming or finish off targets.


> Druid who roams is either a pretty bursty spec using bow or a bunker with staff and sword/warhorn and he definitely doesn't have the tools to burst you down and you have plenty of time to kite him and go away from the fight if you want to, same for eles, unless they play fresh air oneshot, you can kite them for days, and they won't being you down.


> Powercreep is real and it is nasty to get hot by 1800 range longbow projectiles, but playing a build not designed for roaming will put you at severe disadvantage.


> If you play a top roaming build it will be much easier to deal with the powercreep around.


Yeah exactly, the outcome is based mostly on your class and build, not how you play. If there is no viable choice to play different affected by your skill then there is no choice at all. No choice = no counterplay. No possible counterplay = no balance.

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> @"DeadlySynz.3471" said:

> That's what you get for going glassy. Zerk spec's are expected to hit hard, but ironically, they don't hit hard enough. That same ranger (if you were in tanky gear), you'd probably kill in 2-3 hits, yet it'd take them a dozen to drop you. A 3K armor target critted by long range shot would be lucky to break 1200 damage, that in itself is just wrong.


Well of course, if you play zerk vs. zerk the fights will be over quick. But the outcome is not tied to the player, only to the class and build. Also meanwhile the ranger could ALSO gear tanky. The main problem here is: tankyness increases by stats for all classes in the same way. But the weapon itself, the damage values, that are calculated individually on each weapon, are too high. This + the dependance on damage immunities creates inbalance.


> If you're playing a necro, expect to get beat 99.9% of the time by a ranger running longbow, it's just the way it is. What's more unfortunate is that so many players have yet to figure out the counter to this FB/Scourge meta; literally a couple of rangers can stop zerging necros in their tracks.


Yeah, it is the way it is. But this doenst mean that this way is the correct one in my eyes. The things get different the more players you clump together, at some point the "easiest to play" builds and comp will outvalue the strategy and skill. Eventually the main "feats" you need to win overlap, like healing, damage, cc, corrupts, etc. and then you pick the easiest choice. But ultimately you dont have to in zergs.



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> @"coro.3176" said:

> > @"DeadlySynz.3471" said:

> > That's what you get for going glassy. Zerk spec's are expected to hit hard, but ironically, they don't hit hard enough. That same ranger (if you were in tanky gear), you'd probably kill in 2-3 hits, yet it'd take them a dozen to drop you. A 3K armor target critted by long range shot would be lucky to break 1200 damage, that in itself is just wrong.

> >

> > If you're playing a necro, expect to get beat 99.9% of the time by a ranger running longbow, it's just the way it is. What's more unfortunate is that so many players have yet to figure out the counter to this FB/Scourge meta; literally a couple of rangers can stop zerging necros in their tracks.



> ... yeah, but I spec tanky and I STILL get hit for 7.5k **autoattacks** from 1800+ range. That's super broken. Like, I have to cover 900 range before I can even hit them back with my longest ranged attack.


> Tanky stats will buy you ONE extra autoattack... maybe. I'm still taking 2.5k per hit of unblockable-quickness rapid fire .. oh, plus one wolf pack plus sigil of air .. from twice my engagement distance.


Yes this is it. You can run with a thougness mainstat set and still get critted for 20% - 40 % of your health by certain classes. And these classes do not care about the damage you deal because they have damage immunities or chain CC, or instant-dodges during their bursts, etc.

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> @"SpellOfIniquity.1780" said:


> ANet is always looking to satisfy the newcomers. Though many of the mechanics introduced over the years have become less and less fun to play against, they have also become much more fun to play _with._ Players not expecting a great deal of balance have an absolute blast and ANet rewards this by creating more "cool" stuff.


Which is the ironic part here: nothing is more vital to the game growth than good balance is. If the balance is good, if skill matters and the gameplay gets really competitive it will bring in way more newcomers than a few "cool" skills.


If you look at every successfull competitive game out there the reason is because its not about build, or class. Its how you play. Every person able to hold a mouse can copy a build / playstyle from a good person, its the execution that makes the difference. If players wanna play a game its because they wanna progress - either on a cosmetic / prestige level or on a personal level. This is not the case in GW2, its about class and build only, your skill matters very little most of the time when facing equal oponents.

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> @"Brujeria.7536" said:

> If you look at every successfull competitive game out there the reason is because its not about build, or class. Its how you play. Every person able to hold a mouse can copy a build / playstyle from a good person, its the execution that makes the difference. If players wanna play a game its because they wanna progress - either on a cosmetic / prestige level or on a personal level. This is not the case in GW2, its about class and build only, your skill matters very little most of the time when facing equal oponents.


Again - wat? Yes, Some successful games are like that. And many are not. Tbh, it feels like you got outplayed in a duel, and immediately came to the forums to claim how it was ALL about the builds because you're just SO skilled that you couldn't have possibly been outplayed and thus you felt like you should have won.

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> @"Handin.4032" said:

> Wat?


> In all seriousness... yes, there has been a pretty bad powercreep. But there's also been a decent defense/heal creep. It depends on what you play. Your statement:

> "The defining factor if you win or loose in a 1vs1 should NEVER be the class you play. it should NEVER be only depending on the gear or build. It should be based on how you play it"

> is just categorically wrong. Each spec and class has it's benefits and where it is suited. For instance, I main a healbot scrapper. My healing in raids is, honestly, a bit stupidly OP - when coupled with the condi cleanse. However, if I get encountered by a 1v1 zerker mirage - I probably won't lose. I might not get NUKED, but my build isn't made to work well in 1v1's. It is made to work well in 20v20 or even 40v40. To claim that I should be able to win by "outplaying" and not just because they have a duelist spec is outright silly.


Well you are comparing apples with peaches here. If your build is based on healing this is what you wanna achieve. You measure this against oponents that also follow the same goals. Im not comparing heal vs damage on a build basis. I am comparing damage vs damage in a 1vs1 situation. If both builds are intended for the same goal (in this case killing things) the outcome should not be defined on one class having a 1500 range damage weapon that does too much damage. But on the skill of the two people fighting.



> Yes, some skills are OP and there is a powercreep. However, looking at your damage, it looked like you got ganked by a Soulbeast (?) using the unblockable combo. However, you can always move out of range for it, etc. It is quite telegraphed. Many other high damage skills (like the Kill shot post) are highly telegraphed and avoidable.


Well of course you CAN dodge and avoid damage. But not all of it. If a mere AA hits for 10 k damage you have to dodge even that or you die in a few seconds. There is no choice in what to dodge, this is the definition of pwoercreep


> tl;dr: Don't build for a raid comp, get stomped by a 1v1 duelist, then come to the forums crying nerfs. In the end, devs will be more likely to erroneously buff worsening any power creep.


A zerk Ranger is also a "raid comp build" Stacking damage and thats it. If any class does the same, the outcome of the fight should be based on skill. Not on the class or the rudimentary build thats support this goal. . A zerker ele should be on equal footing to a zerker thief. A zerker engie should be on equal footing vs a zerker guard. Ranger LB being OP ist just an isolated sample to showcase whats wrong and why its wrong.


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> @"Handin.4032" said:

> > @"Brujeria.7536" said:

> > If you look at every successfull competitive game out there the reason is because its not about build, or class. Its how you play. Every person able to hold a mouse can copy a build / playstyle from a good person, its the execution that makes the difference. If players wanna play a game its because they wanna progress - either on a cosmetic / prestige level or on a personal level. This is not the case in GW2, its about class and build only, your skill matters very little most of the time when facing equal oponents.


> Again - wat? Yes, Some successful games are like that. And many are not. Tbh, it feels like you got outplayed in a duel, and immediately came to the forums to claim how it was ALL about the builds because you're just SO skilled that you couldn't have possibly been outplayed and thus you felt like you should have won.


Well ofc it is. You dont get outplayed in GW2, you get out"classed" and out"powercreeped". If you cant even get close to an opponent because of the powercreep of AAs taking 50% of your health the outcome IS only based on the class.

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Get out of here with your Ranger LB too OP. That's crap. With all the Reflects, Evades, Dodges, Invulns, and Obstructed by terrain there is in WvW Ranger LB is NOT OP. You are playing a class that is unluckily enough for you to have limited mobility and none of the above mentioned tactics on top of your glassy armor. Rangers are the second least wanted class in WvW, they need all the help they can get to be viable in WvW. 1v1, most people will win against Ranger. You have a group 5v1 a Ranger and that Ranger is toast in less than a second, whereas I have seen other classes take on a group of 5 and either come out on top or make it a draw and are able to run away. You are just upset that you got taken out by a Ranger no doubt, because honestly Rangers look for Necros to pick off as it's about the only class they can successfully do that to.

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> @"gebrechen.5643" said:

> > @"losingcontrol.1084" said:

> > If you get hit by a 10k ranger auto you play with under 2k armor.

> >

> > What profession are you playing? Necro?


> Even with full trailblazer on a necro you can get above 8k hits from a SB (or many other classes)




I'm saying this with 5 years of experience as a full zerk Ranger; You do not hit 10k Long Range Shots, or even 8k, without using a dedicated build. Meaning taking all traits/utilities/food, etc. that modify your damage. Which also means you're going to have very little defenses, if any. Stone Signet passive and a couple evades are pretty much it. It's effective at killing the unprepared but after 3 seconds of damage immunity below 50% health it's a free kill. It's true if they catch you in an open field closing the gap is easier said than done, but welcome to WvW. If you're not constantly looking behind you or if you're not willing to abuse terrain for cover you're not gonna have a good time.


This isn't to say that I don't agree with damage being too high. I'm just trying to inject some knowledge in to this blame game because I'm tired of people citing 10k Long Range Shots like it's something you get for free just by slotting Soulbeast with a Longbow.

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> @"oOStaticOo.9467" said:

> Get out of here with your Ranger LB too OP. That's kitten. With all the Reflects, Evades, Dodges, Invulns, and Obstructed by terrain there is in WvW Ranger LB is NOT OP. You are playing a class that is unluckily enough for you to have limited mobility and none of the above mentioned tactics on top of your glassy armor. Rangers are the second least wanted class in WvW, they need all the help they can get to be viable in WvW. 1v1, most people will win against Ranger. You have a group 5v1 a Ranger and that Ranger is toast in less than a second, whereas I have seen other classes take on a group of 5 and either come out on top or make it a draw and are able to run away. You are just upset that you got taken out by a Ranger no doubt, because honestly Rangers look for Necros to pick off as it's about the only class they can successfully do that to.



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> @"Brujeria.7536" said:

> Anet please fix the balance in your game. Things like this should not be possible under ANY circumstance. Getting critical hit for 10 k damage by an 1500 range AUTOATTACK is unaccaptable. Getting hit for 6 k damage by a 1200 RANGE CROWD CONTROL ABILITY is unacceptable.


> Regardless of the gamemode. Regardless of the cirumstance. Its a ranged weapon, requiring 0 skill or coordination, simple key spaming. Damage numbers like this might be acceptable if the base healthpool is 200k.


> This is just a isolated sample of the many cases of balance that are wrong in the game. Warriors critting for 6 k damage with a gapcloser and stun skill. Warriors critting for 6 k damage with a EVADE skill. Thief having a 4 SECOND EVADE THAT DEALS DAMAGE AND HAS NO COUNTERPLAY. Thiefs hitting you for 12 k damage out of stealth, with no counterplay. Engies with a 2 second CD gapcloser that crits for 5 k damage while spilling boons. Multiple, overlapping skilleffects and skills that are so overtuned, both in damage and effect. Your philosophy always where to not add mechanics that are unfun to play against. Why do these things exist? Why do they even get buffed? Why do classes like thief and mesmer exist in its current state? Its not fun to fight against a class that can disengage at will, or vs a class that has such a high evade / damage immunity uptime with NO counterplay.


> Balance like this is a disgrace to the entire game you built, it nullifies the great quick and very fluid combat system you crafted. It ruins all the combat mechanics you created and added. The powercreep simply devalues active play, it devalues strategy, tactics and timing in exchange for powercreep.



> [https://imgur.com/a/Il3COBk](https://imgur.com/a/Il3COBk "https://imgur.com/a/Il3COBk")



almost 2019 and ppl still call warrior Overpowered


dude, if you take away bullscharge dmg and whirlwind dmg (2 VERY telegraphed skill that are easily avoided), WHAT, i ask you WHAT is supposed to be doing dmg from warrior, do you want warriors to hit you with cottonballs ?? without those 2 skills warrior wouldnt have any kill potential, they already have a hard time even getting CLOSE to be killing stuff like soulbeasts, guards and holos. Do you expect warriors to build up enough pressure on an opponent with just their burst skills ? thats just ridiculous.


i hate to break it to you, but warrior is one of the most balanced classes in the game right now, any more nerfs and you can kick them in the trash.

if you asked for a rampage nerf, OK id understand that, but any of that is just whining from someone who doesnt know how to play the game.


boonbeasts and condi mirages are the biggest offenders in the broken spectrum of the game right now.

(oh and before mesmer mains gonna hate on me, i know they were nerfed recently, but most of the nerfs hit power mirages, not condi, so dont even bother)

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