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Please fix game balance


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> @"SpellOfIniquity.1780" said:

> > @"gebrechen.5643" said:

> > > @"losingcontrol.1084" said:

> > > If you get hit by a 10k ranger auto you play with under 2k armor.

> > >

> > > What profession are you playing? Necro?

> >

> > Even with full trailblazer on a necro you can get above 8k hits from a SB (or many other classes)

> >

> >


> I'm saying this with 5 years of experience as a full zerk Ranger; You do not hit 10k Long Range Shots, or even 8k, without using a dedicated build. Meaning taking all traits/utilities/food, etc. that modify your damage. Which also means you're going to have very little defenses, if any. Stone Signet passive and a couple evades are pretty much it. It's effective at killing the unprepared but after 3 seconds of damage immunity below 50% health it's a free kill. It's true if they catch you in an open field closing the gap is easier said than done, but welcome to WvW. If you're not constantly looking behind you or if you're not willing to abuse terrain for cover you're not gonna have a good time.


> This isn't to say that I don't agree with damage being too high. I'm just trying to inject some knowledge in to this blame game because I'm tired of people citing 10k Long Range Shots like it's something you get for free just by slotting Soulbeast with a Longbow.


Nobody is doubting that you have to invest gear and traits for getting these damage numbers. But they are way too high compared to other classes and weapons. The damage of this 1500 range weapon surpases the damage of some meele weapons by a huge degree - even if these meele weapons are also specced for maximum damage. Meele weapons require much more risk and have a lower damage uptime, so the damage of those should always be higher.

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At the end of the day there are meta effects and non meta effects. These effects are meta because there are no other means of playing wvw with out them. Such as stab you can have all the stun brakes in the world but with out stab your going to have real problems playing in wvw. So more then one class needs to give it out as support.


For real balancing anet needs to add in these meta effects to all classes and make it so classes who have them have to give up something at some level for them. Just having the right "class" should not be ok for you to have an meta effect you need to build for them or at least run the elite spec that covers them.


(This needs to be on the discussion form or your not going to be as viable as the wvw it seems that only the discussion are the most active dev forms.)

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> @"RedShark.9548" said:

> > @"Brujeria.7536" said:

> > Anet please fix the balance in your game. Things like this should not be possible under ANY circumstance. Getting critical hit for 10 k damage by an 1500 range AUTOATTACK is unaccaptable. Getting hit for 6 k damage by a 1200 RANGE CROWD CONTROL ABILITY is unacceptable.

> >

> > Regardless of the gamemode. Regardless of the cirumstance. Its a ranged weapon, requiring 0 skill or coordination, simple key spaming. Damage numbers like this might be acceptable if the base healthpool is 200k.

> >

> > This is just a isolated sample of the many cases of balance that are wrong in the game. Warriors critting for 6 k damage with a gapcloser and stun skill. Warriors critting for 6 k damage with a EVADE skill. Thief having a 4 SECOND EVADE THAT DEALS DAMAGE AND HAS NO COUNTERPLAY. Thiefs hitting you for 12 k damage out of stealth, with no counterplay. Engies with a 2 second CD gapcloser that crits for 5 k damage while spilling boons. Multiple, overlapping skilleffects and skills that are so overtuned, both in damage and effect. Your philosophy always where to not add mechanics that are unfun to play against. Why do these things exist? Why do they even get buffed? Why do classes like thief and mesmer exist in its current state? Its not fun to fight against a class that can disengage at will, or vs a class that has such a high evade / damage immunity uptime with NO counterplay.

> >

> > Balance like this is a disgrace to the entire game you built, it nullifies the great quick and very fluid combat system you crafted. It ruins all the combat mechanics you created and added. The powercreep simply devalues active play, it devalues strategy, tactics and timing in exchange for powercreep.

> >

> >

> > [https://imgur.com/a/Il3COBk](https://imgur.com/a/Il3COBk "https://imgur.com/a/Il3COBk")

> >


> almost 2019 and ppl still call warrior Overpowered


> dude, if you take away bullscharge dmg and whirlwind dmg (2 VERY telegraphed skill that are easily avoided), WHAT, i ask you WHAT is supposed to be doing dmg from warrior, do you want warriors to hit you with cottonballs ?? without those 2 skills warrior wouldnt have any kill potential, they already have a hard time even getting CLOSE to be killing stuff like soulbeasts, guards and holos. Do you expect warriors to build up enough pressure on an opponent with just their burst skills ? thats just ridiculous.



Again, you can dodge every skill. I dont say that these skills are not telegraphed well enough. Doding them is easy, but these skills are CC and GAPCLOSER skills. They should NEVER DEAL THAT MUCH DAMAGE. The amount of dodges and damage mitigation is limited. You can not dodge all skills. If i decide to save my dodge for a damage skill thats my choice. If EVERY skill deals over 20% of the healthpool in damage there is no CHOICE in what to dodge. If i decide to not dodge the bulls charge because its my last dodge and i have a stunbreak ready and i need my dodge for the next eviscerate than its a decision. The decision is nullified if even the CC skill deals such huge damage.


Not just burst skills, its FINE for weapon skills to do damage that are SUPPOSED to do damage. The whirl is NOT supposed to do damage. I know Warrior GS 2 is SUPPOSED to do the damage (the skill is bad for this, no question) but this problem isnt fixed by having a shitton of damage on the other skills that are supposed to be gapclosers.


> i hate to break it to you, but warrior is one of the most balanced classes in the game right now, any more nerfs and you can kick them in the trash.

> if you asked for a rampage nerf, OK id understand that, but any of that is just whining from someone who doesnt know how to play the game.



A class with total damage immunities and crit immunities in this meta is never balanced. When a single hit can half your health and you have the ability to just negate all the damage for 4 seconds, while even being able to do everything while said skills are active is no balance by any means. Its toxic to counterplay. The higher the potential achieveable damage is, the shorther the averga fight is, the more OP this mechanic is. A warrior can be focused by 5 people and ignore it all pressing high damage, overtuned skills as he pleases. He even gets this ability for FREE via traits, with no timing involved at all.


> boonbeasts and condi mirages are the biggest offenders in the broken spectrum of the game right now.

> (oh and before mesmer mains gonna hate on me, i know they were nerfed recently, but most of the nerfs hit power mirages, not condi, so dont even bother)


Well yeah, these classes are OP for the most part. But only because they are stronger this does not mean warrior is balanced. not by any means. Warriors have some problems, They would need a third weapon slot to distribute the damage more, etc. etc. But you dont fix a class by overtuning skills that kill the aspect of choice or tactic.

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> @"Brujeria.7536" said:

> > @"RedShark.9548" said:

> > > @"Brujeria.7536" said:

> > > Anet please fix the balance in your game. Things like this should not be possible under ANY circumstance. Getting critical hit for 10 k damage by an 1500 range AUTOATTACK is unaccaptable. Getting hit for 6 k damage by a 1200 RANGE CROWD CONTROL ABILITY is unacceptable.

> > >

> > > Regardless of the gamemode. Regardless of the cirumstance. Its a ranged weapon, requiring 0 skill or coordination, simple key spaming. Damage numbers like this might be acceptable if the base healthpool is 200k.

> > >

> > > This is just a isolated sample of the many cases of balance that are wrong in the game. Warriors critting for 6 k damage with a gapcloser and stun skill. Warriors critting for 6 k damage with a EVADE skill. Thief having a 4 SECOND EVADE THAT DEALS DAMAGE AND HAS NO COUNTERPLAY. Thiefs hitting you for 12 k damage out of stealth, with no counterplay. Engies with a 2 second CD gapcloser that crits for 5 k damage while spilling boons. Multiple, overlapping skilleffects and skills that are so overtuned, both in damage and effect. Your philosophy always where to not add mechanics that are unfun to play against. Why do these things exist? Why do they even get buffed? Why do classes like thief and mesmer exist in its current state? Its not fun to fight against a class that can disengage at will, or vs a class that has such a high evade / damage immunity uptime with NO counterplay.

> > >

> > > Balance like this is a disgrace to the entire game you built, it nullifies the great quick and very fluid combat system you crafted. It ruins all the combat mechanics you created and added. The powercreep simply devalues active play, it devalues strategy, tactics and timing in exchange for powercreep.

> > >

> > >

> > > [https://imgur.com/a/Il3COBk](https://imgur.com/a/Il3COBk "https://imgur.com/a/Il3COBk")

> > >

> >

> > almost 2019 and ppl still call warrior Overpowered

> > HAHA

> > dude, if you take away bullscharge dmg and whirlwind dmg (2 VERY telegraphed skill that are easily avoided), WHAT, i ask you WHAT is supposed to be doing dmg from warrior, do you want warriors to hit you with cottonballs ?? without those 2 skills warrior wouldnt have any kill potential, they already have a hard time even getting CLOSE to be killing stuff like soulbeasts, guards and holos. Do you expect warriors to build up enough pressure on an opponent with just their burst skills ? thats just ridiculous.

> >


> Again, you can dodge every skill. I dont say that these skills are not telegraphed well enough. Doding them is easy, but these skills are CC and GAPCLOSER skills. They should NEVER DEAL THAT MUCH DAMAGE. The amount of dodges and damage mitigation is limited. You can not dodge all skills. If i decide to save my dodge for a damage skill thats my choice. If EVERY skill deals over 20% of the healthpool in damage there is no CHOICE in what to dodge. If i decide to not dodge the bulls charge because its my last dodge and i have a stunbreak ready and i need my dodge for the next eviscerate than its a decision. The decision is nullified if even the CC skill deals such huge damage.


> Not just burst skills, its FINE for weapon skills to do damage that are SUPPOSED to do damage. The whirl is NOT supposed to do damage. I know Warrior GS 2 is SUPPOSED to do the damage (the skill is bad for this, no question) but this problem isnt fixed by having a shitton of damage on the other skills that are supposed to be gapclosers.


> > i hate to break it to you, but warrior is one of the most balanced classes in the game right now, any more nerfs and you can kick them in the trash.

> > if you asked for a rampage nerf, OK id understand that, but any of that is just whining from someone who doesnt know how to play the game.

> >


> A class with total damage immunities and crit immunities in this meta is never balanced. When a single hit can half your health and you have the ability to just negate all the damage for 4 seconds, while even being able to do everything while said skills are active is no balance by any means. Its toxic to counterplay. The higher the potential achieveable damage is, the shorther the averga fight is, the more OP this mechanic is. A warrior can be focused by 5 people and ignore it all pressing high damage, overtuned skills as he pleases. He even gets this ability for FREE via traits, with no timing involved at all.


> > boonbeasts and condi mirages are the biggest offenders in the broken spectrum of the game right now.

> > (oh and before mesmer mains gonna hate on me, i know they were nerfed recently, but most of the nerfs hit power mirages, not condi, so dont even bother)


> Well yeah, these classes are OP for the most part. But only because they are stronger this does not mean warrior is balanced. not by any means. Warriors have some problems, They would need a third weapon slot to distribute the damage more, etc. etc. But you dont fix a class by overtuning skills that kill the aspect of choice or tactic.


For me gs3 is a dmg skill in the first place, the movement is just secondary. No questions asked. It has to be with movement, otherwise it would have the exact same problem as hundred blades, i dont know what exactly you want, warrior is a full melee class, they need the dmg as payoff for being melee. Do you want us to be completely useless without being able to do any harm to others? You must be joking. I'll tell you again, what other dmg sources to you see on a warrior? I beg you tell me, what other than the burst skills, gs 3 and maybe bullscharge does the warrior have as dmg skills, all with fairly long cds and FULL melee.


And your damage immunities are a fricking joke, you do realize that endure pain is only physical Dmg, can still be cced and condition applied, combining it with berserker stance you can still get hit with cc and/or ripped. Crit immunity is also only a few sad seconds. Those stances are on a HIGH cooldown and are needed to dive into an enemy zerg, wvw is supposed to be balanced for big scale fights, not smallscale skirmishes or even duells.

Again they are on big cds and most classes easily kite the warrior whike those are active, for 5 seconds, which is not very long. Just because you lose as necro against warrior in a 1v1 doesnt mean the class needs big nerfs, what the f. You seriously want to make warrior obsolete dude.

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> @"RedShark.9548" said:

> > @"Brujeria.7536" said:

> > > @"RedShark.9548" said:

> > > > @"Brujeria.7536" said:

> > > > Anet please fix the balance in your game. Things like this should not be possible under ANY circumstance. Getting critical hit for 10 k damage by an 1500 range AUTOATTACK is unaccaptable. Getting hit for 6 k damage by a 1200 RANGE CROWD CONTROL ABILITY is unacceptable.

> > > >

> > > > Regardless of the gamemode. Regardless of the cirumstance. Its a ranged weapon, requiring 0 skill or coordination, simple key spaming. Damage numbers like this might be acceptable if the base healthpool is 200k.

> > > >

> > > > This is just a isolated sample of the many cases of balance that are wrong in the game. Warriors critting for 6 k damage with a gapcloser and stun skill. Warriors critting for 6 k damage with a EVADE skill. Thief having a 4 SECOND EVADE THAT DEALS DAMAGE AND HAS NO COUNTERPLAY. Thiefs hitting you for 12 k damage out of stealth, with no counterplay. Engies with a 2 second CD gapcloser that crits for 5 k damage while spilling boons. Multiple, overlapping skilleffects and skills that are so overtuned, both in damage and effect. Your philosophy always where to not add mechanics that are unfun to play against. Why do these things exist? Why do they even get buffed? Why do classes like thief and mesmer exist in its current state? Its not fun to fight against a class that can disengage at will, or vs a class that has such a high evade / damage immunity uptime with NO counterplay.

> > > >

> > > > Balance like this is a disgrace to the entire game you built, it nullifies the great quick and very fluid combat system you crafted. It ruins all the combat mechanics you created and added. The powercreep simply devalues active play, it devalues strategy, tactics and timing in exchange for powercreep.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > [https://imgur.com/a/Il3COBk](https://imgur.com/a/Il3COBk "https://imgur.com/a/Il3COBk")

> > > >

> > >

> > > almost 2019 and ppl still call warrior Overpowered

> > > HAHA

> > > dude, if you take away bullscharge dmg and whirlwind dmg (2 VERY telegraphed skill that are easily avoided), WHAT, i ask you WHAT is supposed to be doing dmg from warrior, do you want warriors to hit you with cottonballs ?? without those 2 skills warrior wouldnt have any kill potential, they already have a hard time even getting CLOSE to be killing stuff like soulbeasts, guards and holos. Do you expect warriors to build up enough pressure on an opponent with just their burst skills ? thats just ridiculous.

> > >

> >

> > Again, you can dodge every skill. I dont say that these skills are not telegraphed well enough. Doding them is easy, but these skills are CC and GAPCLOSER skills. They should NEVER DEAL THAT MUCH DAMAGE. The amount of dodges and damage mitigation is limited. You can not dodge all skills. If i decide to save my dodge for a damage skill thats my choice. If EVERY skill deals over 20% of the healthpool in damage there is no CHOICE in what to dodge. If i decide to not dodge the bulls charge because its my last dodge and i have a stunbreak ready and i need my dodge for the next eviscerate than its a decision. The decision is nullified if even the CC skill deals such huge damage.

> >

> > Not just burst skills, its FINE for weapon skills to do damage that are SUPPOSED to do damage. The whirl is NOT supposed to do damage. I know Warrior GS 2 is SUPPOSED to do the damage (the skill is bad for this, no question) but this problem isnt fixed by having a shitton of damage on the other skills that are supposed to be gapclosers.

> >

> > > i hate to break it to you, but warrior is one of the most balanced classes in the game right now, any more nerfs and you can kick them in the trash.

> > > if you asked for a rampage nerf, OK id understand that, but any of that is just whining from someone who doesnt know how to play the game.

> > >

> >

> > A class with total damage immunities and crit immunities in this meta is never balanced. When a single hit can half your health and you have the ability to just negate all the damage for 4 seconds, while even being able to do everything while said skills are active is no balance by any means. Its toxic to counterplay. The higher the potential achieveable damage is, the shorther the averga fight is, the more OP this mechanic is. A warrior can be focused by 5 people and ignore it all pressing high damage, overtuned skills as he pleases. He even gets this ability for FREE via traits, with no timing involved at all.

> >

> > > boonbeasts and condi mirages are the biggest offenders in the broken spectrum of the game right now.

> > > (oh and before mesmer mains gonna hate on me, i know they were nerfed recently, but most of the nerfs hit power mirages, not condi, so dont even bother)

> >

> > Well yeah, these classes are OP for the most part. But only because they are stronger this does not mean warrior is balanced. not by any means. Warriors have some problems, They would need a third weapon slot to distribute the damage more, etc. etc. But you dont fix a class by overtuning skills that kill the aspect of choice or tactic.


> For me gs3 is a dmg skill in the first place, the movement is just secondary. No questions asked. It has to be with movement, otherwise it would have the exact same problem as hundred blades, i dont know what exactly you want, warrior is a full melee class, they need the dmg as payoff for being melee. Do you want us to be completely useless without being able to do any harm to others? You must be joking. I'll tell you again, what other dmg sources to you see on a warrior? I beg you tell me, what other than the burst skills, gs 3 and maybe bullscharge does the warrior have as dmg skills, all with fairly long cds and FULL melee.


Yeah, it also has free evade. I mean, lets add evade frames to Ranger maul. The evade will just be secondary. Lets add a gapcloser to another random thief skill, its just secondary. The skill touches on 3 major gameplay aspects - more then most other skills do. It is not balanced. Warrior is not a full meele class. There are no "meele" classes in Gw2. Warrior also has ranged weapons. Just because you play it like this doesnt mean its like this. Other people play Killshot. Or like to play condi with longbow.


Yes, damage can and should be a payoff for a meele skill. But not every meele skill should deal damage. As i said the damage skills on GS should be Skill 2. The burst skill. To some degree the AA. If Skill 2 does not work well enough for doing damage this needs to be adressed. Powercreeping OTHER skills instead is not the solution.


> And your damage immunities are a fricking joke, you do realize that endure pain is only physical Dmg, can still be cced and condition applied, combining it with berserker stance you can still get hit with cc and/or ripped. Crit immunity is also only a few sad seconds. Those stances are on a HIGH cooldown and are needed to dive into an enemy zerg, wvw is supposed to be balanced for big scale fights, not smallscale skirmishes or even duells.

> Again they are on big cds and most classes easily kite the warrior whike those are active, for 5 seconds, which is not very long. Just because you lose as necro against warrior in a 1v1 doesnt mean the class needs big nerfs, what the f. You seriously want to make warrior obsolete dude.


Well in a meta where every physical skill can cost you 20 - 50% health direct damage immunities ARE everything. There is just direct damage and condi damage. Direct damage is much more lethal. Condi damage can be "removed" after its been applied. Condi damage can be nullified by resistance. a 4 second complete protection against the deadliest damage type is not balanced. It does not cost anything. it has no drawbacks. Its instant. There is no preparation time.


The solution is not to hold on overpowered skills like bulls charge. The solution is to spread the effects across the weapon sets and buff / rework the skills where needed. If warrior lacks damage its not fixed by adding damage to a CC. You need to buff the skills that are supposed to deal the damage.


This is not only for the warrior. I dont want to nerf class X. I want to distribute the damage in amanner where it makes sense. More classes have very clustered skills, these should also be nerfed and distributed accordingly.. Mirage instant dodge during bursts, eliminating counterplay. Pistolwhip. Rev sword 3. OR skills that are simply too powerfull. Like Ranger Longbow damage. ITs for example a disgrace that range weapon deals more damage in such a easy way compared to lets say GS 3. This however, doenst justifiy that the damage is distributed weird within the greatsword weapon. Also, the Longbow ranger knockback needs to be nerfed as well. Like bulls charge it also is a CC skill that deals absurd amount of damage. It does not have the evade attached, but its still too much.


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10k auto from soulbeast is weaksauce, you can get it to 19k



Add in 15k Coalescence of Ruin-my-day on anything light armoured.


Also LOL at 12k backstab, again weaksauce you can get hit for 17-21k on malicious backstab from someone camping stealth around a corner. No counterplay, no way to know they're there just bam dead.

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It never ceases to amaze how people just throw mechanics/traits, classes and overall balance into the mix and just churn, while churning out these kinds of threads. There are plenty of good arguments to be made but there are hardly any here :/ .


Overall damage balance is a good argument to make. Adressing odd abilities like Sic 'Em is also a good argument.


Going "something hit me too hard" or "nerf Rangers' auto attacks" is not a good argument.


Importantly, If you make a fair and well-adressed argument you may even get the people who play whatever you discuss on your side.


While, sure, what is being said here isn't being listened to, at the same if there wasn't so much incoherent noise and our take on it was voiced in a more coherent manner it would be easier to listen to should someone ever do it B) .

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> @"Brujeria.7536" said:

> > @"RedShark.9548" said:

> > > @"Brujeria.7536" said:

> > > > @"RedShark.9548" said:

> > > > > @"Brujeria.7536" said:

> > > > > Anet please fix the balance in your game. Things like this should not be possible under ANY circumstance. Getting critical hit for 10 k damage by an 1500 range AUTOATTACK is unaccaptable. Getting hit for 6 k damage by a 1200 RANGE CROWD CONTROL ABILITY is unacceptable.

> > > > >

> > > > > Regardless of the gamemode. Regardless of the cirumstance. Its a ranged weapon, requiring 0 skill or coordination, simple key spaming. Damage numbers like this might be acceptable if the base healthpool is 200k.

> > > > >

> > > > > This is just a isolated sample of the many cases of balance that are wrong in the game. Warriors critting for 6 k damage with a gapcloser and stun skill. Warriors critting for 6 k damage with a EVADE skill. Thief having a 4 SECOND EVADE THAT DEALS DAMAGE AND HAS NO COUNTERPLAY. Thiefs hitting you for 12 k damage out of stealth, with no counterplay. Engies with a 2 second CD gapcloser that crits for 5 k damage while spilling boons. Multiple, overlapping skilleffects and skills that are so overtuned, both in damage and effect. Your philosophy always where to not add mechanics that are unfun to play against. Why do these things exist? Why do they even get buffed? Why do classes like thief and mesmer exist in its current state? Its not fun to fight against a class that can disengage at will, or vs a class that has such a high evade / damage immunity uptime with NO counterplay.

> > > > >

> > > > > Balance like this is a disgrace to the entire game you built, it nullifies the great quick and very fluid combat system you crafted. It ruins all the combat mechanics you created and added. The powercreep simply devalues active play, it devalues strategy, tactics and timing in exchange for powercreep.

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > [https://imgur.com/a/Il3COBk](https://imgur.com/a/Il3COBk "https://imgur.com/a/Il3COBk")

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > > almost 2019 and ppl still call warrior Overpowered

> > > > HAHA

> > > > dude, if you take away bullscharge dmg and whirlwind dmg (2 VERY telegraphed skill that are easily avoided), WHAT, i ask you WHAT is supposed to be doing dmg from warrior, do you want warriors to hit you with cottonballs ?? without those 2 skills warrior wouldnt have any kill potential, they already have a hard time even getting CLOSE to be killing stuff like soulbeasts, guards and holos. Do you expect warriors to build up enough pressure on an opponent with just their burst skills ? thats just ridiculous.

> > > >

> > >

> > > Again, you can dodge every skill. I dont say that these skills are not telegraphed well enough. Doding them is easy, but these skills are CC and GAPCLOSER skills. They should NEVER DEAL THAT MUCH DAMAGE. The amount of dodges and damage mitigation is limited. You can not dodge all skills. If i decide to save my dodge for a damage skill thats my choice. If EVERY skill deals over 20% of the healthpool in damage there is no CHOICE in what to dodge. If i decide to not dodge the bulls charge because its my last dodge and i have a stunbreak ready and i need my dodge for the next eviscerate than its a decision. The decision is nullified if even the CC skill deals such huge damage.

> > >

> > > Not just burst skills, its FINE for weapon skills to do damage that are SUPPOSED to do damage. The whirl is NOT supposed to do damage. I know Warrior GS 2 is SUPPOSED to do the damage (the skill is bad for this, no question) but this problem isnt fixed by having a shitton of damage on the other skills that are supposed to be gapclosers.

> > >

> > > > i hate to break it to you, but warrior is one of the most balanced classes in the game right now, any more nerfs and you can kick them in the trash.

> > > > if you asked for a rampage nerf, OK id understand that, but any of that is just whining from someone who doesnt know how to play the game.

> > > >

> > >

> > > A class with total damage immunities and crit immunities in this meta is never balanced. When a single hit can half your health and you have the ability to just negate all the damage for 4 seconds, while even being able to do everything while said skills are active is no balance by any means. Its toxic to counterplay. The higher the potential achieveable damage is, the shorther the averga fight is, the more OP this mechanic is. A warrior can be focused by 5 people and ignore it all pressing high damage, overtuned skills as he pleases. He even gets this ability for FREE via traits, with no timing involved at all.

> > >

> > > > boonbeasts and condi mirages are the biggest offenders in the broken spectrum of the game right now.

> > > > (oh and before mesmer mains gonna hate on me, i know they were nerfed recently, but most of the nerfs hit power mirages, not condi, so dont even bother)

> > >

> > > Well yeah, these classes are OP for the most part. But only because they are stronger this does not mean warrior is balanced. not by any means. Warriors have some problems, They would need a third weapon slot to distribute the damage more, etc. etc. But you dont fix a class by overtuning skills that kill the aspect of choice or tactic.

> >

> > For me gs3 is a dmg skill in the first place, the movement is just secondary. No questions asked. It has to be with movement, otherwise it would have the exact same problem as hundred blades, i dont know what exactly you want, warrior is a full melee class, they need the dmg as payoff for being melee. Do you want us to be completely useless without being able to do any harm to others? You must be joking. I'll tell you again, what other dmg sources to you see on a warrior? I beg you tell me, what other than the burst skills, gs 3 and maybe bullscharge does the warrior have as dmg skills, all with fairly long cds and FULL melee.

> >

> Yeah, it also has free evade. I mean, lets add evade frames to Ranger maul. The evade will just be secondary. Lets add a gapcloser to another random thief skill, its just secondary. The skill touches on 3 major gameplay aspects - more then most other skills do. It is not balanced. Warrior is not a full meele class. There are no "meele" classes in Gw2. Warrior also has ranged weapons. Just because you play it like this doesnt mean its like this. Other people play Killshot. Or like to play condi with longbow.


> Yes, damage can and should be a payoff for a meele skill. But not every meele skill should deal damage. As i said the damage skills on GS should be Skill 2. The burst skill. To some degree the AA. If Skill 2 does not work well enough for doing damage this needs to be adressed. Powercreeping OTHER skills instead is not the solution.


> > And your damage immunities are a fricking joke, you do realize that endure pain is only physical Dmg, can still be cced and condition applied, combining it with berserker stance you can still get hit with cc and/or ripped. Crit immunity is also only a few sad seconds. Those stances are on a HIGH cooldown and are needed to dive into an enemy zerg, wvw is supposed to be balanced for big scale fights, not smallscale skirmishes or even duells.

> > Again they are on big cds and most classes easily kite the warrior whike those are active, for 5 seconds, which is not very long. Just because you lose as necro against warrior in a 1v1 doesnt mean the class needs big nerfs, what the f. You seriously want to make warrior obsolete dude.


> Well in a meta where every physical skill can cost you 20 - 50% health direct damage immunities ARE everything. There is just direct damage and condi damage. Direct damage is much more lethal. Condi damage can be "removed" after its been applied. Condi damage can be nullified by resistance. a 4 second complete protection against the deadliest damage type is not balanced. It does not cost anything. it has no drawbacks. Its instant. There is no preparation time.


> The solution is not to hold on overpowered skills like bulls charge. The solution is to spread the effects across the weapon sets and buff / rework the skills where needed. If warrior lacks damage its not fixed by adding damage to a CC. You need to buff the skills that are supposed to deal the damage.


> This is not only for the warrior. I dont want to nerf class X. I want to distribute the damage in amanner where it makes sense. More classes have very clustered skills, these should also be nerfed and distributed accordingly.. Mirage instant dodge during bursts, eliminating counterplay. Pistolwhip. Rev sword 3. OR skills that are simply too powerfull. Like Ranger Longbow damage. ITs for example a disgrace that range weapon deals more damage in such a easy way compared to lets say GS 3. This however, doenst justifiy that the damage is distributed weird within the greatsword weapon. Also, the Longbow ranger knockback needs to be nerfed as well. Like bulls charge it also is a CC skill that deals absurd amount of damage. It does not have the evade attached, but its still too much.



This whole post made me cringe i have no words, just no, please leave the forum and play the classes you want to be nerfed in higer rating then silver, then come back and complain. It hurts just reading the nonsense you are spewing all around ugh


If you think that ranged warrior rly is a viable option than you clearly have NEVER played the class for a reasonable amount of time and i cant take you serious. You have no idea what the class struggles with and what is good or bad. Just no, get some experience and then come back, this seriously triggers me.

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Rather than put the blame on soulbeasts, I guess the most culpable factor is the necro's lack of mobility, not just to run, but to catch opponents.


The most obvious opponent that exploits a necro's lack of mobility is a Soulbeast.

I've met soulbeasts who longbows you from far with knockback and rapid fire. Then when it doesnt kill you, they **turn around and run away from you** until their longbow cooldown is ready again then they turn back and try to knockback and rapid fire you again. Rinse and repeat until you die because even if you try to run in the opposite direction yourself, you can't outrun a soulbeast. Your only hope is LOS in the area that you can use, which isn't always available in WvW.


The sad thing is, this sort of skill-less gameplay employed by soulbeasts works on a necro and only a necro because there is almost nothing we can do to close the gap apart from some situational jukes which I will not post here because I still use them to kill less experienced soulbeasts who employ the above cheap tactics, and is the perfect example of the terrible lack of mobility on a necromancer.

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> @"EremiteAngel.9765" said:

> Rather than put the blame on soulbeasts, I guess the most culpable factor is the necro's lack of mobility, not just to run, but to catch opponents.


> The most obvious opponent that exploits a necro's lack of mobility is a Soulbeast.

> I've met soulbeasts who longbows you from far with knockback and rapid fire. Then when it doesnt kill you, they **turn around and run away from you** until their longbow cooldown is ready again then they turn back and try to knockback and rapid fire you again. Rinse and repeat until you die because even if you try to run in the opposite direction yourself, you can't outrun a soulbeast. Your only hope is LOS in the area that you can use, which isn't always available in WvW.


> The sad thing is, this sort of skill-less gameplay employed by soulbeasts works on a necro and only a necro because there is almost nothing we can do to close the gap apart from some situational jukes which I will not post here because I still use them to kill less experienced soulbeasts who employ the above cheap tactics, and is the perfect example of the terrible lack of mobility on a necromancer.


Yes it is especially severe against necros, i give you that. But even against classes like thief the damage is too high. Thief can easily close the gap, or stealth, but the damage is still as hefty against a thief as it is against a necro. The mitigation and prevention is different, and ironicly the thief damage is also powercreeped but this really isn't the solution. We are talking about an AA that surpases all ranges in the game beside DE with Rifle. Doing such damage is all fine and okay, but not on AAs and skills that CC.

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> @"RedShark.9548" said:

> > @"Brujeria.7536" said:

> > > @"RedShark.9548" said:

> > > > @"Brujeria.7536" said:

> > > > > @"RedShark.9548" said:

> > > > > > @"Brujeria.7536" said:

> > > > > > Anet please fix the balance in your game. Things like this should not be possible under ANY circumstance. Getting critical hit for 10 k damage by an 1500 range AUTOATTACK is unaccaptable. Getting hit for 6 k damage by a 1200 RANGE CROWD CONTROL ABILITY is unacceptable.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Regardless of the gamemode. Regardless of the cirumstance. Its a ranged weapon, requiring 0 skill or coordination, simple key spaming. Damage numbers like this might be acceptable if the base healthpool is 200k.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > This is just a isolated sample of the many cases of balance that are wrong in the game. Warriors critting for 6 k damage with a gapcloser and stun skill. Warriors critting for 6 k damage with a EVADE skill. Thief having a 4 SECOND EVADE THAT DEALS DAMAGE AND HAS NO COUNTERPLAY. Thiefs hitting you for 12 k damage out of stealth, with no counterplay. Engies with a 2 second CD gapcloser that crits for 5 k damage while spilling boons. Multiple, overlapping skilleffects and skills that are so overtuned, both in damage and effect. Your philosophy always where to not add mechanics that are unfun to play against. Why do these things exist? Why do they even get buffed? Why do classes like thief and mesmer exist in its current state? Its not fun to fight against a class that can disengage at will, or vs a class that has such a high evade / damage immunity uptime with NO counterplay.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Balance like this is a disgrace to the entire game you built, it nullifies the great quick and very fluid combat system you crafted. It ruins all the combat mechanics you created and added. The powercreep simply devalues active play, it devalues strategy, tactics and timing in exchange for powercreep.

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > > [https://imgur.com/a/Il3COBk](https://imgur.com/a/Il3COBk "https://imgur.com/a/Il3COBk")

> > > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > almost 2019 and ppl still call warrior Overpowered

> > > > > HAHA

> > > > > dude, if you take away bullscharge dmg and whirlwind dmg (2 VERY telegraphed skill that are easily avoided), WHAT, i ask you WHAT is supposed to be doing dmg from warrior, do you want warriors to hit you with cottonballs ?? without those 2 skills warrior wouldnt have any kill potential, they already have a hard time even getting CLOSE to be killing stuff like soulbeasts, guards and holos. Do you expect warriors to build up enough pressure on an opponent with just their burst skills ? thats just ridiculous.

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > > Again, you can dodge every skill. I dont say that these skills are not telegraphed well enough. Doding them is easy, but these skills are CC and GAPCLOSER skills. They should NEVER DEAL THAT MUCH DAMAGE. The amount of dodges and damage mitigation is limited. You can not dodge all skills. If i decide to save my dodge for a damage skill thats my choice. If EVERY skill deals over 20% of the healthpool in damage there is no CHOICE in what to dodge. If i decide to not dodge the bulls charge because its my last dodge and i have a stunbreak ready and i need my dodge for the next eviscerate than its a decision. The decision is nullified if even the CC skill deals such huge damage.

> > > >

> > > > Not just burst skills, its FINE for weapon skills to do damage that are SUPPOSED to do damage. The whirl is NOT supposed to do damage. I know Warrior GS 2 is SUPPOSED to do the damage (the skill is bad for this, no question) but this problem isnt fixed by having a shitton of damage on the other skills that are supposed to be gapclosers.

> > > >

> > > > > i hate to break it to you, but warrior is one of the most balanced classes in the game right now, any more nerfs and you can kick them in the trash.

> > > > > if you asked for a rampage nerf, OK id understand that, but any of that is just whining from someone who doesnt know how to play the game.

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > > A class with total damage immunities and crit immunities in this meta is never balanced. When a single hit can half your health and you have the ability to just negate all the damage for 4 seconds, while even being able to do everything while said skills are active is no balance by any means. Its toxic to counterplay. The higher the potential achieveable damage is, the shorther the averga fight is, the more OP this mechanic is. A warrior can be focused by 5 people and ignore it all pressing high damage, overtuned skills as he pleases. He even gets this ability for FREE via traits, with no timing involved at all.

> > > >

> > > > > boonbeasts and condi mirages are the biggest offenders in the broken spectrum of the game right now.

> > > > > (oh and before mesmer mains gonna hate on me, i know they were nerfed recently, but most of the nerfs hit power mirages, not condi, so dont even bother)

> > > >

> > > > Well yeah, these classes are OP for the most part. But only because they are stronger this does not mean warrior is balanced. not by any means. Warriors have some problems, They would need a third weapon slot to distribute the damage more, etc. etc. But you dont fix a class by overtuning skills that kill the aspect of choice or tactic.

> > >

> > > For me gs3 is a dmg skill in the first place, the movement is just secondary. No questions asked. It has to be with movement, otherwise it would have the exact same problem as hundred blades, i dont know what exactly you want, warrior is a full melee class, they need the dmg as payoff for being melee. Do you want us to be completely useless without being able to do any harm to others? You must be joking. I'll tell you again, what other dmg sources to you see on a warrior? I beg you tell me, what other than the burst skills, gs 3 and maybe bullscharge does the warrior have as dmg skills, all with fairly long cds and FULL melee.

> > >

> > Yeah, it also has free evade. I mean, lets add evade frames to Ranger maul. The evade will just be secondary. Lets add a gapcloser to another random thief skill, its just secondary. The skill touches on 3 major gameplay aspects - more then most other skills do. It is not balanced. Warrior is not a full meele class. There are no "meele" classes in Gw2. Warrior also has ranged weapons. Just because you play it like this doesnt mean its like this. Other people play Killshot. Or like to play condi with longbow.

> >

> > Yes, damage can and should be a payoff for a meele skill. But not every meele skill should deal damage. As i said the damage skills on GS should be Skill 2. The burst skill. To some degree the AA. If Skill 2 does not work well enough for doing damage this needs to be adressed. Powercreeping OTHER skills instead is not the solution.

> >

> > > And your damage immunities are a fricking joke, you do realize that endure pain is only physical Dmg, can still be cced and condition applied, combining it with berserker stance you can still get hit with cc and/or ripped. Crit immunity is also only a few sad seconds. Those stances are on a HIGH cooldown and are needed to dive into an enemy zerg, wvw is supposed to be balanced for big scale fights, not smallscale skirmishes or even duells.

> > > Again they are on big cds and most classes easily kite the warrior whike those are active, for 5 seconds, which is not very long. Just because you lose as necro against warrior in a 1v1 doesnt mean the class needs big nerfs, what the f. You seriously want to make warrior obsolete dude.

> >

> > Well in a meta where every physical skill can cost you 20 - 50% health direct damage immunities ARE everything. There is just direct damage and condi damage. Direct damage is much more lethal. Condi damage can be "removed" after its been applied. Condi damage can be nullified by resistance. a 4 second complete protection against the deadliest damage type is not balanced. It does not cost anything. it has no drawbacks. Its instant. There is no preparation time.

> >

> > The solution is not to hold on overpowered skills like bulls charge. The solution is to spread the effects across the weapon sets and buff / rework the skills where needed. If warrior lacks damage its not fixed by adding damage to a CC. You need to buff the skills that are supposed to deal the damage.

> >

> > This is not only for the warrior. I dont want to nerf class X. I want to distribute the damage in amanner where it makes sense. More classes have very clustered skills, these should also be nerfed and distributed accordingly.. Mirage instant dodge during bursts, eliminating counterplay. Pistolwhip. Rev sword 3. OR skills that are simply too powerfull. Like Ranger Longbow damage. ITs for example a disgrace that range weapon deals more damage in such a easy way compared to lets say GS 3. This however, doenst justifiy that the damage is distributed weird within the greatsword weapon. Also, the Longbow ranger knockback needs to be nerfed as well. Like bulls charge it also is a CC skill that deals absurd amount of damage. It does not have the evade attached, but its still too much.

> >


> This whole post made me cringe i have no words, just no, please leave the forum and play the classes you want to be nerfed in higer rating then silver, then come back and complain. It hurts just reading the nonsense you are spewing all around ugh


> If you think that ranged warrior rly is a viable option than you clearly have NEVER played the class for a reasonable amount of time and i cant take you serious. You have no idea what the class struggles with and what is good or bad. Just no, get some experience and then come back, this seriously triggers me.


Well there are very good warriors out there that play a combo of GS / Rifle and it works just fine.


There is no rating in WvW either, the range of stats is different than it is in PvP, as well as the gameplan. Warrior in PvP is not the same as Warrior in WvW.

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> @"EremiteAngel.9765" said:

> Rather than put the blame on soulbeasts, I guess the most culpable factor is the necro's lack of mobility, not just to run, but to catch opponents.


> The most obvious opponent that exploits a necro's lack of mobility is a Soulbeast.

> I've met soulbeasts who longbows you from far with knockback and rapid fire. Then when it doesnt kill you, they **turn around and run away from you** until their longbow cooldown is ready again then they turn back and try to knockback and rapid fire you again. Rinse and repeat until you die because even if you try to run in the opposite direction yourself, you can't outrun a soulbeast. Your only hope is LOS in the area that you can use, which isn't always available in WvW.


> The sad thing is, this sort of skill-less gameplay employed by soulbeasts works on a necro and only a necro because there is almost nothing we can do to close the gap apart from some situational jukes which I will not post here because I still use them to kill less experienced soulbeasts who employ the above cheap tactics, and is the perfect example of the terrible lack of mobility on a necromancer.


This is all well and good except when a soulbeast can pop up on the edge of render distance, the team colour hasn't been shown because ANet still haven't fixed culling so as you go to select them as target they've hit you with a 10k auto for half your health. Meanwhile you're targeting that angry looking moa because targeting is just as bad as the culling. Regardless of class you can't keep up with a soulbeast or druid that's running except maybe thief and sword mirage.


It's not just soulbeast though. Get a dead eye, sit in stealth by a bridge where people won't see your little red black powder circle and proceed to hit assassin's signet, then infiltrator's signet while precasting malicious backstab. 21k dead opponent. Engaging game play this is not. You can even drop assassin's signet and get an easy 17k backstab on people while taking more on the move stealth so you can follow 2 guys and be the annoying BS class everyone hates.


BUT WAIT! What's that coming over the hill? Is it a monster? No it's a rev +1 with coalescence of ruin-my-day for 15k+, phase smash for 10k and auto attacks of 4.5k. This is anywhere from all to 1/3 of most classes base health pool in 1 attack.


Also mnay ranger/soulbeast/druid nerfs from PvP were never carried over to WvW so they're probably one of the best classes to roam on if you put the effort into playing it well instead of being a bearbow like 90% of rangers. Problem is now with soulbeast and sick em even the bearbows are hitting for bonkers damage while keyboard turning with 3 other friends you have to deal with.

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> @"apharma.3741" said:

> It's not just soulbeast though. Get a dead eye, sit in stealth by a bridge where people won't see your little red black powder circle and proceed to hit assassin's signet, then infiltrator's signet while precasting malicious backstab. 21k dead opponent. Engaging game play this is not. You can even drop assassin's signet and get an easy 17k backstab on people while taking more on the move stealth so you can follow 2 guys and be the annoying BS class everyone hates.


When roleplaying as the troll under the bridge is viable topkek. Too bad about sentries and marked debuff though they're around too many bridges.



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> @"EremiteAngel.9765" said:

> Rather than put the blame on soulbeasts, I guess the most culpable factor is the necro's lack of mobility, not just to run, but to catch opponents.


> The most obvious opponent that exploits a necro's lack of mobility is a Soulbeast.

> I've met soulbeasts who longbows you from far with knockback and rapid fire. Then when it doesnt kill you, they **turn around and run away from you** until their longbow cooldown is ready again then they turn back and try to knockback and rapid fire you again. Rinse and repeat until you die because even if you try to run in the opposite direction yourself, you can't outrun a soulbeast. Your only hope is LOS in the area that you can use, which isn't always available in WvW.


> The sad thing is, this sort of skill-less gameplay employed by soulbeasts works on a necro and only a necro because there is almost nothing we can do to close the gap apart from some situational jukes which I will not post here because I still use them to kill less experienced soulbeasts who employ the above cheap tactics, and is the perfect example of the terrible lack of mobility on a necromancer.


No, sorry. I will blame the soulbeasts' overpowered damage modifiers that enable it to do unblockable 4k/hit on rapid fire or 10k hits on autoattacks from 1200 range. This isnt just against necro, we all know necro as a roamer is trash solo. The powercreep of soulbeast in wvw against roamers with its huge burst capabilities, great escape options, Boonspamming protection plus whatever boon there is, makes that class - in ROAMING- one of the best, if not the best, options today.

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I've been hit for 4k+ long range shots while playing with full cleric's herald. Auto attacks should never hit someone that hard, regardless of their toughness and armor. But then again, longbow projectiles should be able to be strafed so you can avoid them without using endurance. It was like this at launch GW2 and it was a good thing.

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> @"getalifeturd.8139" said:

> > @"apharma.3741" said:

> > It's not just soulbeast though. Get a dead eye, sit in stealth by a bridge where people won't see your little red black powder circle and proceed to hit assassin's signet, then infiltrator's signet while precasting malicious backstab. 21k dead opponent. Engaging game play this is not. You can even drop assassin's signet and get an easy 17k backstab on people while taking more on the move stealth so you can follow 2 guys and be the annoying BS class everyone hates.


> When roleplaying as the troll under the bridge is viable topkek. Too bad about sentries and marked debuff though they're around too many bridges.




Actually very few sentries are stationed on bridges, also you can flip the sentry and keep it as yours so you aren't marked when lurking fyi.

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> @"coro.3176" said:

> > @"Israel.7056" said:

> > I dunno I think the damage is fine kill or be killed.


> Can I have 1800 range on my pistol then, please?


Core Engi might not have great range but Holo may as well hit everything in a 10 mile radius with half of it's attacks. Refusing to use what you have access to, which is known to be superior, is your fault, not that of those who are taking advantage of your _dis_ advantage.


Glass longbow memebeast is easy, low skill high reward, but it's also clearly visible when it attacks you unlike Deadeye or Mirage and when glass, also has substantially less defense excluding it's ranged advantage. It's braindead easy and it's damage potential is stupid, yes, but because it only effects solo players, it's not an issue. Shadow Arts Deadeye was the exception in this case because ANet realized the counterplay was so heavily lacking that it was becoming an issue even on a larger scale (in the sense that it was causing problems when perma-stealthing inside keeps).

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> @"EremiteAngel.9765" said:

> Rather than put the blame on soulbeasts, I guess the most culpable factor is the necro's lack of mobility, not just to run, but to catch opponents.


> The most obvious opponent that exploits a necro's lack of mobility is a Soulbeast.

> I've met soulbeasts who longbows you from far with knockback and rapid fire. Then when it doesnt kill you, they **turn around and run away from you** until their longbow cooldown is ready again then they turn back and try to knockback and rapid fire you again. Rinse and repeat until you die because even if you try to run in the opposite direction yourself, you can't outrun a soulbeast. Your only hope is LOS in the area that you can use, which isn't always available in WvW.


> The sad thing is, this sort of skill-less gameplay employed by soulbeasts works on a necro and only a necro because there is almost nothing we can do to close the gap apart from some situational jukes which I will not post here because I still use them to kill less experienced soulbeasts who employ the above cheap tactics, and is the perfect example of the terrible lack of mobility on a necromancer.


Completely agree!


I add a personal opinion, OP is when a class can kill you with a single shot and have utility that allows it to survive if it fails its combination and try again, it is not the case of rangers that to get such high numbers must invest everything in that single attack and they will die if it fails.

Having ranged builds with high damage that reward placement and not melee, I think it's more than normal in a game.

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> @"EremiteAngel.9765" said:

> Rather than put the blame on soulbeasts, I guess the most culpable factor is the necro's lack of mobility, not just to run, but to catch opponents.


> The most obvious opponent that exploits a necro's lack of mobility is a Soulbeast.

> I've met soulbeasts who longbows you from far with knockback and rapid fire. Then when it doesnt kill you, they **turn around and run away from you** until their longbow cooldown is ready again then they turn back and try to knockback and rapid fire you again. Rinse and repeat until you die because even if you try to run in the opposite direction yourself, you can't outrun a soulbeast. Your only hope is LOS in the area that you can use, which isn't always available in WvW.


> The sad thing is, this sort of skill-less gameplay employed by soulbeasts works on a necro and only a necro because there is almost nothing we can do to close the gap apart from some situational jukes which I will not post here because I still use them to kill less experienced soulbeasts who employ the above cheap tactics, and is the perfect example of the terrible lack of mobility on a necromancer.


In my view one of the goals of players should always be to try to remove the effects of skill as much as possible on any given outcome through the use of tactically exploiting weakness. So it's like this no matter the matchup your enemy is going to try to hit you where they think you're weakest regardless of class. You just happen to play necro so you get outranged but on rev it's people trying to overwhelm with condi or low CD ccs. It's not a design flaw to give classes exploitable weaknesses in fact I would argue that it's a mark of good game design when there are clear exploitable weaknesses that cannot easily be outskilled.

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> @"EremiteAngel.9765" said:

> Rather than put the blame on soulbeasts, I guess the most culpable factor is the necro's lack of mobility, not just to run, but to catch opponents.


> The most obvious opponent that exploits a necro's lack of mobility is a Soulbeast.

> I've met soulbeasts who longbows you from far with knockback and rapid fire. Then when it doesnt kill you, they **turn around and run away from you** until their longbow cooldown is ready again then they turn back and try to knockback and rapid fire you again. Rinse and repeat until you die because even if you try to run in the opposite direction yourself, you can't outrun a soulbeast. Your only hope is LOS in the area that you can use, which isn't always available in WvW.


> The sad thing is, this sort of skill-less gameplay employed by soulbeasts works on a necro and only a necro because there is almost nothing we can do to close the gap apart from some situational jukes which I will not post here because I still use them to kill less experienced soulbeasts who employ the above cheap tactics, and is the perfect example of the terrible lack of mobility on a necromancer.


This,so much this!^

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