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camping what should be done


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hello everyone i know you will think im going to say some crazzy thing but open you mind and let me give you some insight. i have been playing games for years and almost any mmo has some one or group that wants to camp a spot or area. now one game that was one of the first games to be a mmorpg laboled anyone camping as a greafer/cheater. and now in modern day if you camp you just want the ones you camp to shut up but with this you willing to make the game worse then it is for everyone. i can see if you take a camp or keep and you stay thare for like 5 min its not camping its defending if its constint fighting. but if you stay in that area for over 20 min yes you are camping. some action is needed to stop camping in this game. i know you all will think i am crazzy but if you think about it some actions are worse then other like if you go and kill the same person over and over agen yes that can be called camping is greefing a player and can be called harasing without any verbal contact. i have experanced a lot of camping in games and yes from time to time i have camped in games more so in fps games becouse i like sniping. if any of you think camping is not a issue il say this if you go to a wvw map and lets say team red is on camp delta and you see if anyone is thare and you get killed you like cool some one is here but he kills you. you go back to the main wp and run back in like 2 min this guy is still thare he kills you 5 more times. now this guy is camping becosue he is only killing you and not leaving the area. if your a new player and this happens to you will you want to stay in that game mode at all? i have also had it were team green will sit outside of our spawn area and just kill everyone that trys to get out that area this too is camping and needs fixed. i want you all to think hard on this one if you have any of this happen to is this fare game play at all in not leting anyone chalange them/you? this need to be looked into as a real issue and take actions as needed to fix this pleas. i hope this opens your eyes a bit more on what some peps are experanceing and why its flat out not fun for some pep or even new players.

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You do know you don't have to keep going to the same spot right? You can try to go to a different camp to capture. And no, that is not camping. That is defending your territory to keep it under control for longer than 5 minutes so you can get dollyaks to take supplies to your towers or keep so they can upgrade to tier 3 as fast as possible, otherwise it will literally take hours upon hours to do so.



Camping would be having a group of 5 thieves or so sitting right outside your WP area waiting for you to leave the protection of the spawn point and then killing you over and over again preventing you from doing anything at all. THAT is camping.

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Call it out in map chat. Pretty much guaranteed a few server allies will come run them down. If you have to, make a small party and run them down every time they are spotted on the map. Some might tell you they find it fulfilling to be chased 1vX but trust me, when it happens and then they die and then you siege them or dance on them, they are going to teardrop and turn into salt mines. That is where you want them to be emotionally, on the verge of ragequitting.

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ya still not helping to mutch with camping becosue like i have state camping is a form of greefing and is almost as bad as as verbal herasment witch can happen in pvp and wvw. so yes this is a problume that needs some punishmint. i would like the punishment equal to that of herasment becosue that is what they are doing. i have seen were camping in some games is sooo bad that a player will kill you then sit on your body so you cant get it and some devs will say so what but this is greefing and is not good behavor for any game.

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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> Is... is this a complaint that the enemy keeps killing you when you try to take their camps?


Well, if they are doing what a few of the servers ive come across recently i could understand(5-10 people *per* camp.), but still its part of the game mode.


> @"Belishine.7493" said:

> ya still not helping to mutch with camping becosue like i have state camping is a form of greefing and is almost as bad as as verbal herasment witch can happen in pvp and wvw. so yes this is a problume that needs some punishmint. i would like the punishment equal to that of herasment becosue that is what they are doing. i have seen were camping in some games is sooo bad that a player will kill you then sit on your body so you cant get it and some devs will say so what but this is greefing and is not good behavor for any game.


Camping is not a form of griefing, part of the goal of the game mode is to defend objectives. If players keep coming to the objective you are at, why would you leave?


Im not sure what the point of the third sentence was as there is no body to go reclaim.

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No, it isn't necessarily griefing. It could also be defending, you know. There are guild missions that require your guild to claim and hold a camp until it upgrades to at least tier one or higher. In that case it's someone playing the game as designed and they're probably not going to be thrilled your trying to just flip it from under them for the sake of a daily. They'll fight you for it and will probably keep fighting you til the conditions of the mission are met.


I'm not saying griefing doesn't happen but pay attention to the tags over their heads sometimes. If there's two or more that are the same it could be a guild just trying to get something done for a WvW-centric mission to help upgrade their guild house.


ON top of that - If you've ever done a world boss such as Teq, or Jormag, or the worms etc. or even just stepped into WvW and benefited from a heroes banner someone put down near the entrance of Garrison or Citadel Waypoint... Well, those things don't grow on trees. Banners have to be earned and paid for through the missions system.

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> @"Iozeph.5617" said:

> No, it isn't necessarily griefing. It could also be defending, you know. There are guild missions that require your guild to claim and hold a camp until it upgrades to at least tier one or higher. In that case it's someone playing the game as designed and they're probably not going to be thrilled your trying to just flip it from under them for the sake of a daily. They'll fight you for it and will probably keep fighting you til the conditions of the mission are met.


> I'm not saying griefing doesn't happen but pay attention to the tags over their heads sometimes. If there's two or more that are the same it could be a guild just trying to get something done for a WvW-centric mission to help upgrade their guild house.


> ON top of that - If you've ever done a world boss such as Teq, or Jormag, or the worms etc. or even just stepped into WvW and benefited from a heroes banner someone put down near the entrance of Garrison or Citadel Waypoint... Well, those things don't grow on trees. Banners have to be earned and paid for through the missions system.


Pretty much this.


Our friends get together and try to get several guild missions done at the same time and it can take a while especially when it is a claim and hold or keeping a camp so you can escort dolyaks to get a tower upgraded to finish a mission. Once our missions are done we move on to other things for the evening. It can be very challenging to get them done especially when the match up that week is lopsided. Many guilds that are leveling up need these missions as it the only way to get Guild Favor to keep upgrading. Also people use guild commendations to put out those nice banquets and banners everyone uses.


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I think there will always be 'supply campers' who will sit on it with siege golems and defenders.

Keep in mind that these usually happen after prime NA hours when the traffic is low.

When traffic is low, there isn't much other action or things to do so...


Mostly done because:


1) They are using the camp to upgrade their structures

2) It is just WvW players setting their own goals/objectives to make the game more fulfilling

3) They will find more fights defending a camp than roaming because 'camp flippers for pips' are more common than roamers.


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> @"LetoII.3782" said:

> > @"oOStaticOo.9467" said:

> > > @"LetoII.3782" said:

> > > > @"Israel.7056" said:

> > > > What the kitten is camp delta?

> > >

> > > It's between gamma and epsilon duh

> >

> > I thought it was between Charlie and Echo. O.o


> Greek came before nato

> If this were Call of Tyria you'd be correct


unleash the [Commandos! ](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Commando "Commandos! ")

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> @"Belishine.7493" said:

> ya still not helping to mutch with camping becosue like i have state camping is a form of greefing and is almost as bad as as verbal herasment witch can happen in pvp and wvw. so yes this is a problume that needs some punishmint. i would like the punishment equal to that of herasment becosue that is what they are doing. i have seen were camping in some games is sooo bad that a player will kill you then sit on your body so you cant get it and some devs will say so what but this is greefing and is not good behavor for any game.


I understand the frustration, but "camping" in this game is not "harassing" or "griefing". When you zone in, or die and respawn, you are put into a safe location. You are also given a total of 3 exits from each spawn point, and have multiple maps to play on if you want to avoid an enemy group near your spawn point.


Again, I know it can be frustrating, but this "camping" stuff is not against the game rules for this game. My suggestion to handling being outnumbered would be to play on another map or take a break and come back later.


Good luck!





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Boi, first of all try to make some senctences, it looks like one big wall of text.

Usually people doesn't care about killing an invader, scout, soldier or w/e rank you are below bronze. They just stand around a structure (camp/tower/keep) and defend it by killing invanders, you are the one who acted stupid, you knew that you have no chances vs him and yet you kept coming (I think few threads below theres a thread that mentions this problem, lol).

To be "camped" because of who you are you needed to do sth to annoy enemy server, but i bet your mechanical skills are not good enough to achieve that level of "international-friendship".

Just go somewhere else, this guy had full right to stand where he stood, or even better, instead of being another q_q pve-lad start doing some pvps, learn things and then try dealing with enemies in 1v1s.

Looks like some people discovered a new game-mode in GW2, lmao.

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> @"Belishine.7493" said:

> some action is needed to stop camping in this game.

Then you would have to remove the initial problem, which is imo „sniping“ structures and dolyaks. Camping often is a counter to sniping, and sometimes the only way to reliably get some fights.


Sitting in a keep is called „scouting“, to prevent the keep being sniped. If ppl sit in a camp or guard a dolyak, its called (preemtive) „defending“, to keep roamers from sniping that camp or dolyak. If some ppl are sitting in an enemy spawn camp, that has no tactical value, its also called (offensive) „defending“, to hinder enemies pooring themselves all over the map, unspotted, and snipe stuff. If 20+ ppl sit in a keep, its usually called „defending“, because a 50+ blob is „camping“ at their doorstep. Not sure, why you call the defenders „campers“? If some ppl are sitting in the blood lust ruins, its called „looking for fights“, because they didn't manage to find some open-field fights in this sniper-meta ;)


Usually, there are lots of options to work around those „campers“.


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